Also move post_emerge and chk_updated_cfg_files to separate files.
import portage
+ 'portage.debug',
+ '_emerge.chk_updated_cfg_files:chk_updated_cfg_files',
+ '',
+ '_emerge.post_emerge:display_news_notification,post_emerge',
+ '_emerge.stdout_spinner:stdout_spinner',
from portage.localization import _
from portage import os
from portage import shutil
-from portage import eapi_is_supported, _unicode_decode
+from portage import eapi_is_supported, _encodings, _unicode_decode
from portage.cache.cache_errors import CacheError
from portage.const import GLOBAL_CONFIG_PATH
from portage.const import _DEPCLEAN_LIB_CHECK_DEFAULT
from portage.eclass_cache import hashed_path
from portage.exception import InvalidAtom, InvalidData
from portage.output import blue, bold, colorize, create_color_func, darkgreen, \
- red, yellow
+ red, xtermTitle, xtermTitleReset, yellow
good = create_color_func("GOOD")
bad = create_color_func("BAD")
warn = create_color_func("WARN")
from portage.package.ebuild.doebuild import _check_temp_dir
from portage._sets import load_default_config, SETPREFIX
from portage._sets.base import InternalPackageSet
-from portage.util import cmp_sort_key, writemsg, \
+from portage.util import cmp_sort_key, writemsg, varexpand, \
writemsg_level, writemsg_stdout
from portage.util.digraph import digraph
from portage.util._async.SchedulerInterface import SchedulerInterface
_unicode = unicode
+ Larry loves Gentoo (%s)
+ _______________________
+< Have you mooed today? >
+ -----------------------
+ \ ^__^
+ \ (oo)\_______
+ (__)\ )\/\
+ ||----w |
+ || ||
def action_build(settings, trees, mtimedb,
myopts, myaction, myfiles, spinner):
QueryCommand._db = trees
return settings, trees, mtimedb
-def chk_updated_cfg_files(eroot, config_protect):
- target_root = eroot
- result = list(
- portage.util.find_updated_config_files(target_root, config_protect))
- for x in result:
- writemsg_level("\n %s " % (colorize("WARN", "* " + _("IMPORTANT:"))),
- level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1)
- if not x[1]: # it's a protected file
- writemsg_level( _("config file '%s' needs updating.\n") % x[0],
- level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1)
- else: # it's a protected dir
- if len(x[1]) == 1:
- head, tail = os.path.split(x[1][0])
- tail = tail[len("._cfg0000_"):]
- fpath = os.path.join(head, tail)
- writemsg_level(_("config file '%s' needs updating.\n") % fpath,
- level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1)
- else:
- writemsg_level( _("%d config files in '%s' need updating.\n") % \
- (len(x[1]), x[0]), level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1)
- if result:
- print(" "+yellow("*")+ " See the "+colorize("INFORM", _("CONFIGURATION FILES"))\
- + " " + _("section of the") + " " + bold("emerge"))
- print(" "+yellow("*")+ " " + _("man page to learn how to update config files."))
-def display_news_notification(root_config, myopts):
- if "news" not in root_config.settings.features:
- return
- portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi
- vardb = root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi
- news_counts = count_unread_news(portdb, vardb)
- display_news_notifications(news_counts)
def getgccversion(chost):
rtype: C{str}
portage.writemsg(gcc_not_found_error, noiselevel=-1)
return "[unavailable]"
+# Warn about features that may confuse users and
+# lead them to report invalid bugs.
+_emerge_features_warn = frozenset(['keeptemp', 'keepwork'])
+def validate_ebuild_environment(trees):
+ features_warn = set()
+ for myroot in trees:
+ settings = trees[myroot]["vartree"].settings
+ settings.validate()
+ features_warn.update(
+ _emerge_features_warn.intersection(settings.features))
+ if features_warn:
+ msg = "WARNING: The FEATURES variable contains one " + \
+ "or more values that should be disabled under " + \
+ "normal circumstances: %s" % " ".join(features_warn)
+ out = portage.output.EOutput()
+ for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 65):
+ out.ewarn(line)
+def check_procfs():
+ procfs_path = '/proc'
+ if platform.system() not in ("Linux",) or \
+ os.path.ismount(procfs_path):
+ return os.EX_OK
+ msg = "It seems that %s is not mounted. You have been warned." % procfs_path
+ writemsg_level("".join("!!! %s\n" % l for l in textwrap.wrap(msg, 70)),
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+def config_protect_check(trees):
+ for root, root_trees in trees.items():
+ settings = root_trees["root_config"].settings
+ if not settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT"):
+ msg = "!!! CONFIG_PROTECT is empty"
+ if settings["ROOT"] != "/":
+ msg += " for '%s'" % root
+ msg += "\n"
+ writemsg_level(msg, level=logging.WARN, noiselevel=-1)
+def apply_priorities(settings):
+ ionice(settings)
+ nice(settings)
+def nice(settings):
+ try:
+ os.nice(int(settings.get("PORTAGE_NICENESS", "0")))
+ except (OSError, ValueError) as e:
+ out = portage.output.EOutput()
+ out.eerror("Failed to change nice value to '%s'" % \
+ settings["PORTAGE_NICENESS"])
+ out.eerror("%s\n" % str(e))
+def ionice(settings):
+ ionice_cmd = settings.get("PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND")
+ if ionice_cmd:
+ ionice_cmd = portage.util.shlex_split(ionice_cmd)
+ if not ionice_cmd:
+ return
+ variables = {"PID" : str(os.getpid())}
+ cmd = [varexpand(x, mydict=variables) for x in ionice_cmd]
+ try:
+ rval = portage.process.spawn(cmd, env=os.environ)
+ except portage.exception.CommandNotFound:
+ # The OS kernel probably doesn't support ionice,
+ # so return silently.
+ return
+ if rval != os.EX_OK:
+ out = portage.output.EOutput()
+ out.eerror("PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND returned %d" % (rval,))
+ out.eerror("See the make.conf(5) man page for PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND usage instructions.")
+def setconfig_fallback(root_config):
+ setconfig = root_config.setconfig
+ setconfig._create_default_config()
+ setconfig._parse(update=True)
+ root_config.sets = setconfig.getSets()
+def get_missing_sets(root_config):
+ # emerge requires existence of "world", "selected", and "system"
+ missing_sets = []
+ for s in ("selected", "system", "world",):
+ if s not in root_config.sets:
+ missing_sets.append(s)
+ return missing_sets
+def missing_sets_warning(root_config, missing_sets):
+ if len(missing_sets) > 2:
+ missing_sets_str = ", ".join('"%s"' % s for s in missing_sets[:-1])
+ missing_sets_str += ', and "%s"' % missing_sets[-1]
+ elif len(missing_sets) == 2:
+ missing_sets_str = '"%s" and "%s"' % tuple(missing_sets)
+ else:
+ missing_sets_str = '"%s"' % missing_sets[-1]
+ msg = ["emerge: incomplete set configuration, " + \
+ "missing set(s): %s" % missing_sets_str]
+ if root_config.sets:
+ msg.append(" sets defined: %s" % ", ".join(root_config.sets))
+ global_config_path = portage.const.GLOBAL_CONFIG_PATH
+ if root_config.settings['EPREFIX']:
+ global_config_path = os.path.join(root_config.settings['EPREFIX'],
+ portage.const.GLOBAL_CONFIG_PATH.lstrip(os.sep))
+ msg.append(" This usually means that '%s'" % \
+ (os.path.join(global_config_path, "sets/portage.conf"),))
+ msg.append(" is missing or corrupt.")
+ msg.append(" Falling back to default world and system set configuration!!!")
+ for line in msg:
+ writemsg_level(line + "\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+def ensure_required_sets(trees):
+ warning_shown = False
+ for root_trees in trees.values():
+ missing_sets = get_missing_sets(root_trees["root_config"])
+ if missing_sets and not warning_shown:
+ warning_shown = True
+ missing_sets_warning(root_trees["root_config"], missing_sets)
+ if missing_sets:
+ setconfig_fallback(root_trees["root_config"])
+def expand_set_arguments(myfiles, myaction, root_config):
+ retval = os.EX_OK
+ setconfig = root_config.setconfig
+ sets = setconfig.getSets()
+ # In order to know exactly which atoms/sets should be added to the
+ # world file, the depgraph performs set expansion later. It will get
+ # confused about where the atoms came from if it's not allowed to
+ # expand them itself.
+ do_not_expand = (None, )
+ newargs = []
+ for a in myfiles:
+ if a in ("system", "world"):
+ newargs.append(SETPREFIX+a)
+ else:
+ newargs.append(a)
+ myfiles = newargs
+ del newargs
+ newargs = []
+ # separators for set arguments
+ ARG_START = "{"
+ ARG_END = "}"
+ for i in range(0, len(myfiles)):
+ if myfiles[i].startswith(SETPREFIX):
+ start = 0
+ end = 0
+ x = myfiles[i][len(SETPREFIX):]
+ newset = ""
+ while x:
+ start = x.find(ARG_START)
+ end = x.find(ARG_END)
+ if start > 0 and start < end:
+ namepart = x[:start]
+ argpart = x[start+1:end]
+ # TODO: implement proper quoting
+ args = argpart.split(",")
+ options = {}
+ for a in args:
+ if "=" in a:
+ k, v = a.split("=", 1)
+ options[k] = v
+ else:
+ options[a] = "True"
+ setconfig.update(namepart, options)
+ newset += (x[:start-len(namepart)]+namepart)
+ x = x[end+len(ARG_END):]
+ else:
+ newset += x
+ x = ""
+ myfiles[i] = SETPREFIX+newset
+ sets = setconfig.getSets()
+ # display errors that occurred while loading the SetConfig instance
+ for e in setconfig.errors:
+ print(colorize("BAD", "Error during set creation: %s" % e))
+ unmerge_actions = ("unmerge", "prune", "clean", "depclean")
+ for a in myfiles:
+ if a.startswith(SETPREFIX):
+ s = a[len(SETPREFIX):]
+ if s not in sets:
+ display_missing_pkg_set(root_config, s)
+ return (None, 1)
+ if s == "installed":
+ msg = ("The @installed set is deprecated and will soon be "
+ "removed. Please refer to bug #387059 for details.")
+ out = portage.output.EOutput()
+ for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 50):
+ out.ewarn(line)
+ try:
+ set_atoms = setconfig.getSetAtoms(s)
+ except portage.exception.PackageSetNotFound as e:
+ writemsg_level(("emerge: the given set '%s' " + \
+ "contains a non-existent set named '%s'.\n") % \
+ (s, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ if s in ('world', 'selected') and \
+ SETPREFIX + e.value in sets['selected']:
+ writemsg_level(("Use `emerge --deselect %s%s` to "
+ "remove this set from world_sets.\n") %
+ (SETPREFIX, e,), level=logging.ERROR,
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return (None, 1)
+ if myaction in unmerge_actions and \
+ not sets[s].supportsOperation("unmerge"):
+ sys.stderr.write("emerge: the given set '%s' does " % s + \
+ "not support unmerge operations\n")
+ retval = 1
+ elif not set_atoms:
+ print("emerge: '%s' is an empty set" % s)
+ elif myaction not in do_not_expand:
+ newargs.extend(set_atoms)
+ else:
+ newargs.append(SETPREFIX+s)
+ for e in sets[s].errors:
+ print(e)
+ else:
+ newargs.append(a)
+ return (newargs, retval)
+def repo_name_check(trees):
+ missing_repo_names = set()
+ for root_trees in trees.values():
+ porttree = root_trees.get("porttree")
+ if porttree:
+ portdb = porttree.dbapi
+ missing_repo_names.update(portdb.getMissingRepoNames())
+ if portdb.porttree_root in missing_repo_names and \
+ not os.path.exists(os.path.join(
+ portdb.porttree_root, "profiles")):
+ # This is normal if $PORTDIR happens to be empty,
+ # so don't warn about it.
+ missing_repo_names.remove(portdb.porttree_root)
+ if missing_repo_names:
+ msg = []
+ msg.append("WARNING: One or more repositories " + \
+ "have missing repo_name entries:")
+ msg.append("")
+ for p in missing_repo_names:
+ msg.append("\t%s/profiles/repo_name" % (p,))
+ msg.append("")
+ msg.extend(textwrap.wrap("NOTE: Each repo_name entry " + \
+ "should be a plain text file containing a unique " + \
+ "name for the repository on the first line.", 70))
+ msg.append("\n")
+ writemsg_level("".join("%s\n" % l for l in msg),
+ level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1)
+ return bool(missing_repo_names)
+def repo_name_duplicate_check(trees):
+ ignored_repos = {}
+ for root, root_trees in trees.items():
+ if 'porttree' in root_trees:
+ portdb = root_trees['porttree'].dbapi
+ if portdb.settings.get('PORTAGE_REPO_DUPLICATE_WARN') != '0':
+ for repo_name, paths in portdb.getIgnoredRepos():
+ k = (root, repo_name, portdb.getRepositoryPath(repo_name))
+ ignored_repos.setdefault(k, []).extend(paths)
+ if ignored_repos:
+ msg = []
+ msg.append('WARNING: One or more repositories ' + \
+ 'have been ignored due to duplicate')
+ msg.append(' profiles/repo_name entries:')
+ msg.append('')
+ for k in sorted(ignored_repos):
+ msg.append(' %s overrides' % ", ".join(k))
+ for path in ignored_repos[k]:
+ msg.append(' %s' % (path,))
+ msg.append('')
+ msg.extend(' ' + x for x in textwrap.wrap(
+ "All profiles/repo_name entries must be unique in order " + \
+ "to avoid having duplicates ignored. " + \
+ "/etc/make.conf if you would like to disable this warning."))
+ msg.append("\n")
+ writemsg_level(''.join('%s\n' % l for l in msg),
+ level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1)
+ return bool(ignored_repos)
+def run_action(settings, trees, mtimedb, myaction, myopts, myfiles):
+ # skip global updates prior to sync, since it's called after sync
+ if myaction not in ('help', 'info', 'sync', 'version') and \
+ myopts.get('--package-moves') != 'n' and \
+ _global_updates(trees, mtimedb["updates"], quiet=("--quiet" in myopts)):
+ mtimedb.commit()
+ # Reload the whole config from scratch.
+ settings, trees, mtimedb = load_emerge_config(trees=trees)
+ xterm_titles = "notitles" not in settings.features
+ if xterm_titles:
+ xtermTitle("emerge")
+ if "--digest" in myopts:
+ os.environ["FEATURES"] = os.environ.get("FEATURES","") + " digest"
+ # Reload the whole config from scratch so that the portdbapi internal
+ # config is updated with new FEATURES.
+ settings, trees, mtimedb = load_emerge_config(trees=trees)
+ # NOTE: adjust_configs() can map options to FEATURES, so any relevant
+ # options adjustments should be made prior to calling adjust_configs().
+ if "--buildpkgonly" in myopts:
+ myopts["--buildpkg"] = True
+ if "getbinpkg" in settings.features:
+ myopts["--getbinpkg"] = True
+ if "--getbinpkgonly" in myopts:
+ myopts["--getbinpkg"] = True
+ if "--getbinpkgonly" in myopts:
+ myopts["--usepkgonly"] = True
+ if "--getbinpkg" in myopts:
+ myopts["--usepkg"] = True
+ if "--usepkgonly" in myopts:
+ myopts["--usepkg"] = True
+ if "--buildpkgonly" in myopts:
+ # --buildpkgonly will not merge anything, so
+ # it cancels all binary package options.
+ for opt in ("--getbinpkg", "--getbinpkgonly",
+ "--usepkg", "--usepkgonly"):
+ myopts.pop(opt, None)
+ adjust_configs(myopts, trees)
+ apply_priorities(settings)
+ if myaction == 'version':
+ writemsg_stdout(getportageversion(
+ settings["PORTDIR"], None,
+ settings.profile_path, settings["CHOST"],
+ trees[settings['EROOT']]['vartree'].dbapi) + '\n', noiselevel=-1)
+ return 0
+ elif myaction == 'help':
+ emerge_help()
+ return 0
+ spinner = stdout_spinner()
+ if "candy" in settings.features:
+ spinner.update = spinner.update_scroll
+ if "--quiet" not in myopts:
+ portage.deprecated_profile_check(settings=settings)
+ if portage.const._ENABLE_REPO_NAME_WARN:
+ # Bug #248603 - Disable warnings about missing
+ # repo_name entries for stable branch.
+ repo_name_check(trees)
+ repo_name_duplicate_check(trees)
+ config_protect_check(trees)
+ check_procfs()
+ for mytrees in trees.values():
+ mydb = mytrees["porttree"].dbapi
+ # Freeze the portdbapi for performance (memoize all xmatch results).
+ mydb.freeze()
+ if myaction in ('search', None) and \
+ "--usepkg" in myopts:
+ # Populate the bintree with current --getbinpkg setting.
+ # This needs to happen before expand_set_arguments(), in case
+ # any sets use the bintree.
+ mytrees["bintree"].populate(
+ getbinpkgs="--getbinpkg" in myopts)
+ del mytrees, mydb
+ if "moo" in myfiles:
+ print(COWSAY_MOO % platform.system())
+ msg = ("The above `emerge moo` display is deprecated. "
+ "Please use `emerge --moo` instead.")
+ for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 50):
+ print(" %s %s" % (colorize("WARN", "*"), line))
+ for x in myfiles:
+ ext = os.path.splitext(x)[1]
+ if (ext == ".ebuild" or ext == ".tbz2") and \
+ os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(x)):
+ print(colorize("BAD", "\n*** emerging by path is broken "
+ "and may not always work!!!\n"))
+ break
+ root_config = trees[settings['EROOT']]['root_config']
+ if myaction == "moo":
+ print(COWSAY_MOO % platform.system())
+ return os.EX_OK
+ elif myaction == "list-sets":
+ writemsg_stdout("".join("%s\n" % s for s in sorted(root_config.sets)))
+ return os.EX_OK
+ elif myaction == "check-news":
+ news_counts = count_unread_news(
+ root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi,
+ root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi)
+ if any(news_counts.values()):
+ display_news_notifications(news_counts)
+ elif "--quiet" not in myopts:
+ print("", colorize("GOOD", "*"), "No news items were found.")
+ return os.EX_OK
+ ensure_required_sets(trees)
+ # only expand sets for actions taking package arguments
+ oldargs = myfiles[:]
+ if myaction in ("clean", "config", "depclean",
+ "info", "prune", "unmerge", None):
+ myfiles, retval = expand_set_arguments(myfiles, myaction, root_config)
+ if retval != os.EX_OK:
+ return retval
+ # Need to handle empty sets specially, otherwise emerge will react
+ # with the help message for empty argument lists
+ if oldargs and not myfiles:
+ print("emerge: no targets left after set expansion")
+ return 0
+ if ("--tree" in myopts) and ("--columns" in myopts):
+ print("emerge: can't specify both of \"--tree\" and \"--columns\".")
+ return 1
+ if '--emptytree' in myopts and '--noreplace' in myopts:
+ writemsg_level("emerge: can't specify both of " + \
+ "\"--emptytree\" and \"--noreplace\".\n",
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ if ("--quiet" in myopts):
+ spinner.update = spinner.update_quiet
+ portage.util.noiselimit = -1
+ if "--fetch-all-uri" in myopts:
+ myopts["--fetchonly"] = True
+ if "--skipfirst" in myopts and "--resume" not in myopts:
+ myopts["--resume"] = True
+ # Allow -p to remove --ask
+ if "--pretend" in myopts:
+ myopts.pop("--ask", None)
+ # forbid --ask when not in a terminal
+ # note: this breaks `emerge --ask | tee logfile`, but that doesn't work anyway.
+ if ("--ask" in myopts) and (not sys.stdin.isatty()):
+ portage.writemsg("!!! \"--ask\" should only be used in a terminal. Exiting.\n",
+ noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ if settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG", "") == "1":
+ spinner.update = spinner.update_quiet
+ portage.util.noiselimit = 0
+ if "python-trace" in settings.features:
+ portage.debug.set_trace(True)
+ if not ("--quiet" in myopts):
+ if '--nospinner' in myopts or \
+ settings.get('TERM') == 'dumb' or \
+ not sys.stdout.isatty():
+ spinner.update = spinner.update_basic
+ if "--debug" in myopts:
+ print("myaction", myaction)
+ print("myopts", myopts)
+ if not myaction and not myfiles and "--resume" not in myopts:
+ emerge_help()
+ return 1
+ pretend = "--pretend" in myopts
+ fetchonly = "--fetchonly" in myopts or "--fetch-all-uri" in myopts
+ buildpkgonly = "--buildpkgonly" in myopts
+ # check if root user is the current user for the actions where emerge needs this
+ if < 2:
+ # We've already allowed "--version" and "--help" above.
+ if "--pretend" not in myopts and myaction not in ("search","info"):
+ need_superuser = myaction in ('clean', 'depclean', 'deselect',
+ 'prune', 'unmerge') or not \
+ (fetchonly or \
+ (buildpkgonly and >= 1) or \
+ myaction in ("metadata", "regen", "sync"))
+ if < 1 or \
+ need_superuser:
+ if need_superuser:
+ access_desc = "superuser"
+ else:
+ access_desc = "portage group"
+ # Always show portage_group_warning() when only portage group
+ # access is required but the user is not in the portage group.
+ if "--ask" in myopts:
+ writemsg_stdout("This action requires %s access...\n" % \
+ (access_desc,), noiselevel=-1)
+ if < 1 and not need_superuser:
+ if userquery("Would you like to add --pretend to options?",
+ "--ask-enter-invalid" in myopts) == "No":
+ return 128 + signal.SIGINT
+ myopts["--pretend"] = True
+ myopts.pop("--ask")
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(("emerge: %s access is required\n") \
+ % access_desc)
+ if < 1 and not need_superuser:
+ return 1
+ # Disable emergelog for everything except build or unmerge operations.
+ # This helps minimize parallel emerge.log entries that can confuse log
+ # parsers like genlop.
+ disable_emergelog = False
+ for x in ("--pretend", "--fetchonly", "--fetch-all-uri"):
+ if x in myopts:
+ disable_emergelog = True
+ break
+ if disable_emergelog:
+ pass
+ elif myaction in ("search", "info"):
+ disable_emergelog = True
+ elif < 1:
+ disable_emergelog = True
+ import _emerge.emergelog
+ _emerge.emergelog._disable = disable_emergelog
+ if not disable_emergelog:
+ if 'EMERGE_LOG_DIR' in settings:
+ try:
+ # At least the parent needs to exist for the lock file.
+ portage.util.ensure_dirs(settings['EMERGE_LOG_DIR'])
+ except portage.exception.PortageException as e:
+ writemsg_level("!!! Error creating directory for " + \
+ "EMERGE_LOG_DIR='%s':\n!!! %s\n" % \
+ (settings['EMERGE_LOG_DIR'], e),
+ noiselevel=-1, level=logging.ERROR)
+ portage.util.ensure_dirs(_emerge.emergelog._emerge_log_dir)
+ else:
+ _emerge.emergelog._emerge_log_dir = settings["EMERGE_LOG_DIR"]
+ else:
+ _emerge.emergelog._emerge_log_dir = os.path.join(os.sep,
+ settings["EPREFIX"].lstrip(os.sep), "var", "log")
+ portage.util.ensure_dirs(_emerge.emergelog._emerge_log_dir)
+ if not "--pretend" in myopts:
+ emergelog(xterm_titles, "Started emerge on: "+\
+ _unicode_decode(
+ time.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()),
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace'))
+ myelogstr=""
+ if myopts:
+ opt_list = []
+ for opt, arg in myopts.items():
+ if arg is True:
+ opt_list.append(opt)
+ elif isinstance(arg, list):
+ # arguments like --exclude that use 'append' action
+ for x in arg:
+ opt_list.append("%s=%s" % (opt, x))
+ else:
+ opt_list.append("%s=%s" % (opt, arg))
+ myelogstr=" ".join(opt_list)
+ if myaction:
+ myelogstr += " --" + myaction
+ if myfiles:
+ myelogstr += " " + " ".join(oldargs)
+ emergelog(xterm_titles, " *** emerge " + myelogstr)
+ oldargs = None
+ def emergeexitsig(signum, frame):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ portage.util.writemsg(
+ "\n\nExiting on signal %(signal)s\n" % {"signal":signum})
+ sys.exit(128 + signum)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, emergeexitsig)
+ def emergeexit():
+ """This gets out final log message in before we quit."""
+ if "--pretend" not in myopts:
+ emergelog(xterm_titles, " *** terminating.")
+ if xterm_titles:
+ xtermTitleReset()
+ portage.atexit_register(emergeexit)
+ if myaction in ("config", "metadata", "regen", "sync"):
+ if "--pretend" in myopts:
+ sys.stderr.write(("emerge: The '%s' action does " + \
+ "not support '--pretend'.\n") % myaction)
+ return 1
+ if "sync" == myaction:
+ return action_sync(settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, myaction)
+ elif "metadata" == myaction:
+ action_metadata(settings,
+ trees[settings['EROOT']]['porttree'].dbapi, myopts)
+ elif myaction=="regen":
+ validate_ebuild_environment(trees)
+ return action_regen(settings,
+ trees[settings['EROOT']]['porttree'].dbapi, myopts.get("--jobs"),
+ myopts.get("--load-average"))
+ # HELP action
+ elif "config"==myaction:
+ validate_ebuild_environment(trees)
+ action_config(settings, trees, myopts, myfiles)
+ # SEARCH action
+ elif "search"==myaction:
+ validate_ebuild_environment(trees)
+ action_search(trees[settings['EROOT']]['root_config'],
+ myopts, myfiles, spinner)
+ elif myaction in ('clean', 'depclean', 'deselect', 'prune', 'unmerge'):
+ validate_ebuild_environment(trees)
+ rval = action_uninstall(settings, trees, mtimedb["ldpath"],
+ myopts, myaction, myfiles, spinner)
+ if not (myaction == 'deselect' or
+ buildpkgonly or fetchonly or pretend):
+ post_emerge(myaction, myopts, myfiles, settings['EROOT'],
+ trees, mtimedb, rval)
+ return rval
+ elif myaction == 'info':
+ # Ensure atoms are valid before calling unmerge().
+ vardb = trees[settings['EROOT']]['vartree'].dbapi
+ portdb = trees[settings['EROOT']]['porttree'].dbapi
+ bindb = trees[settings['EROOT']]["bintree"].dbapi
+ valid_atoms = []
+ for x in myfiles:
+ if is_valid_package_atom(x, allow_repo=True):
+ try:
+ #look at the installed files first, if there is no match
+ #look at the ebuilds, since EAPI 4 allows running pkg_info
+ #on non-installed packages
+ valid_atom = dep_expand(x, mydb=vardb, settings=settings)
+ if valid_atom.cp.split("/")[0] == "null":
+ valid_atom = dep_expand(x,
+ mydb=portdb, settings=settings)
+ if valid_atom.cp.split("/")[0] == "null" and \
+ "--usepkg" in myopts:
+ valid_atom = dep_expand(x,
+ mydb=bindb, settings=settings)
+ valid_atoms.append(valid_atom)
+ except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName as e:
+ msg = "The short ebuild name \"" + x + \
+ "\" is ambiguous. Please specify " + \
+ "one of the following " + \
+ "fully-qualified ebuild names instead:"
+ for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 70):
+ writemsg_level("!!! %s\n" % (line,),
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ for i in e.args[0]:
+ writemsg_level(" %s\n" % colorize("INFORM", i),
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ writemsg_level("\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ continue
+ msg = []
+ msg.append("'%s' is not a valid package atom." % (x,))
+ msg.append("Please check ebuild(5) for full details.")
+ writemsg_level("".join("!!! %s\n" % line for line in msg),
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ return action_info(settings, trees, myopts, valid_atoms)
+ # "update", "system", or just process files:
+ else:
+ validate_ebuild_environment(trees)
+ for x in myfiles:
+ if x.startswith(SETPREFIX) or \
+ is_valid_package_atom(x, allow_repo=True):
+ continue
+ if x[:1] == os.sep:
+ continue
+ try:
+ os.lstat(x)
+ continue
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ msg = []
+ msg.append("'%s' is not a valid package atom." % (x,))
+ msg.append("Please check ebuild(5) for full details.")
+ writemsg_level("".join("!!! %s\n" % line for line in msg),
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ return 1
+ # GLEP 42 says to display news *after* an emerge --pretend
+ if "--pretend" not in myopts:
+ display_news_notification(root_config, myopts)
+ retval = action_build(settings, trees, mtimedb,
+ myopts, myaction, myfiles, spinner)
+ post_emerge(myaction, myopts, myfiles, settings['EROOT'],
+ trees, mtimedb, retval)
+ return retval
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+from __future__ import print_function
+import logging
+import portage
+from portage import os
+from portage.localization import _
+from portage.output import bold, colorize, yellow
+from portage.util import writemsg_level
+def chk_updated_cfg_files(eroot, config_protect):
+ target_root = eroot
+ result = list(
+ portage.util.find_updated_config_files(target_root, config_protect))
+ for x in result:
+ writemsg_level("\n %s " % (colorize("WARN", "* " + _("IMPORTANT:"))),
+ level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1)
+ if not x[1]: # it's a protected file
+ writemsg_level( _("config file '%s' needs updating.\n") % x[0],
+ level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1)
+ else: # it's a protected dir
+ if len(x[1]) == 1:
+ head, tail = os.path.split(x[1][0])
+ tail = tail[len("._cfg0000_"):]
+ fpath = os.path.join(head, tail)
+ writemsg_level(_("config file '%s' needs updating.\n") % fpath,
+ level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1)
+ else:
+ writemsg_level(
+ _("%d config files in '%s' need updating.\n") % \
+ (len(x[1]), x[0]), level=logging.INFO, noiselevel=-1)
+ if result:
+ print(" " + yellow("*") + " See the " +
+ colorize("INFORM", _("CONFIGURATION FILES")) +
+ " " + _("section of the") + " " + bold("emerge"))
+ print(" " + yellow("*") + " " +
+ _("man page to learn how to update config files."))
from __future__ import print_function
-import platform
-import signal
import sys
import portage
- 'portage.debug',
- 'portage.dbapi.dep_expand:dep_expand',
- ',display_news_notifications',
- 'portage.emaint.modules.logs.logs:CleanLogs',
- 'portage.output:colorize,xtermTitle,xtermTitleReset',
- 'portage._global_updates:_global_updates',
- 'portage._sets:SETPREFIX',
- 'portage.util:shlex_split,varexpand,writemsg_level,writemsg_stdout',
- 'portage.util._dyn_libs.display_preserved_libs:display_preserved_libs',
- 'portage.util._info_files:chk_updated_info_files',
+ 'portage.util:writemsg_level',
- 'time',
- '_emerge.actions:action_build,action_config,action_info,' + \
- 'action_metadata,action_regen,action_search,action_sync,' + \
- 'action_uninstall,adjust_configs,chk_updated_cfg_files,'+ \
- 'display_missing_pkg_set,display_news_notification,' + \
- 'getportageversion,load_emerge_config',
- '_emerge.emergelog:emergelog',
+ '_emerge.actions:load_emerge_config,run_action,' + \
+ 'validate_ebuild_environment',
- '_emerge.is_valid_package_atom:is_valid_package_atom',
- '_emerge.stdout_spinner:stdout_spinner',
- '_emerge.userquery:userquery',
- '_emerge._flush_elog_mod_echo:_flush_elog_mod_echo',
from portage import os
-from portage import _encodings
-from portage import _unicode_decode
if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
long = int
"v":"--verbose", "V":"--version"
- Larry loves Gentoo (%s)
- _______________________
-< Have you mooed today? >
- -----------------------
- \ ^__^
- \ (oo)\_______
- (__)\ )\/\
- ||----w |
- || ||
-def post_emerge(myaction, myopts, myfiles,
- target_root, trees, mtimedb, retval):
- """
- Misc. things to run at the end of a merge session.
- Update Info Files
- Update Config Files
- Update News Items
- Commit mtimeDB
- Display preserved libs warnings
- @param myaction: The action returned from parse_opts()
- @type myaction: String
- @param myopts: emerge options
- @type myopts: dict
- @param myfiles: emerge arguments
- @type myfiles: list
- @param target_root: The target EROOT for myaction
- @type target_root: String
- @param trees: A dictionary mapping each ROOT to it's package databases
- @type trees: dict
- @param mtimedb: The mtimeDB to store data needed across merge invocations
- @type mtimedb: MtimeDB class instance
- @param retval: Emerge's return value
- @type retval: Int
- """
- root_config = trees[target_root]["root_config"]
- vardbapi = trees[target_root]['vartree'].dbapi
- settings = vardbapi.settings
- info_mtimes = mtimedb["info"]
- # Load the most current variables from ${ROOT}/etc/profile.env
- settings.unlock()
- settings.reload()
- settings.regenerate()
- settings.lock()
- config_protect = shlex_split(settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT", ""))
- infodirs = settings.get("INFOPATH","").split(":") + \
- settings.get("INFODIR","").split(":")
- os.chdir("/")
- if retval == os.EX_OK:
- exit_msg = " *** exiting successfully."
- else:
- exit_msg = " *** exiting unsuccessfully with status '%s'." % retval
- emergelog("notitles" not in settings.features, exit_msg)
- _flush_elog_mod_echo()
- if not vardbapi._pkgs_changed:
- # GLEP 42 says to display news *after* an emerge --pretend
- if "--pretend" in myopts:
- display_news_notification(root_config, myopts)
- # If vdb state has not changed then there's nothing else to do.
- return
- vdb_path = os.path.join(root_config.settings['EROOT'], portage.VDB_PATH)
- portage.util.ensure_dirs(vdb_path)
- vdb_lock = None
- if os.access(vdb_path, os.W_OK) and not "--pretend" in myopts:
- vardbapi.lock()
- vdb_lock = True
- if vdb_lock:
- try:
- if "noinfo" not in settings.features:
- chk_updated_info_files(target_root,
- infodirs, info_mtimes)
- mtimedb.commit()
- finally:
- if vdb_lock:
- vardbapi.unlock()
- # Explicitly load and prune the PreservedLibsRegistry in order
- # to ensure that we do not display stale data.
- vardbapi._plib_registry.load()
- if vardbapi._plib_registry.hasEntries():
- if "--quiet" in myopts:
- print()
- print(colorize("WARN", "!!!") + " existing preserved libs found")
- else:
- print()
- print(colorize("WARN", "!!!") + " existing preserved libs:")
- display_preserved_libs(vardbapi)
- print("Use " + colorize("GOOD", "emerge @preserved-rebuild") +
- " to rebuild packages using these libraries")
- chk_updated_cfg_files(settings['EROOT'], config_protect)
- display_news_notification(root_config, myopts)
- postemerge = os.path.join(settings["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"],
- portage.USER_CONFIG_PATH, "bin", "post_emerge")
- if os.access(postemerge, os.X_OK):
- hook_retval = portage.process.spawn(
- [postemerge], env=settings.environ())
- if hook_retval != os.EX_OK:
- writemsg_level(
- " %s spawn failed of %s\n" %
- (colorize("BAD", "*"), postemerge,),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- clean_logs(settings)
- if "--quiet" not in myopts and \
- myaction is None and "@world" in myfiles:
- show_depclean_suggestion()
-def show_depclean_suggestion():
- out = portage.output.EOutput()
- msg = "After world updates, it is important to remove " + \
- "obsolete packages with emerge --depclean. Refer " + \
- "to `man emerge` for more information."
- for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 72):
- out.ewarn(line)
def multiple_actions(action1, action2):
sys.stderr.write("\n!!! Multiple actions requested... Please choose one only.\n")
sys.stderr.write("!!! '%s' or '%s'\n\n" % (action1, action2))
return myaction, myopts, myfiles
-# Warn about features that may confuse users and
-# lead them to report invalid bugs.
-_emerge_features_warn = frozenset(['keeptemp', 'keepwork'])
-def validate_ebuild_environment(trees):
- features_warn = set()
- for myroot in trees:
- settings = trees[myroot]["vartree"].settings
- settings.validate()
- features_warn.update(
- _emerge_features_warn.intersection(settings.features))
- if features_warn:
- msg = "WARNING: The FEATURES variable contains one " + \
- "or more values that should be disabled under " + \
- "normal circumstances: %s" % " ".join(features_warn)
- out = portage.output.EOutput()
- for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 65):
- out.ewarn(line)
-def apply_priorities(settings):
- ionice(settings)
- nice(settings)
-def nice(settings):
- try:
- os.nice(int(settings.get("PORTAGE_NICENESS", "0")))
- except (OSError, ValueError) as e:
- out = portage.output.EOutput()
- out.eerror("Failed to change nice value to '%s'" % \
- settings["PORTAGE_NICENESS"])
- out.eerror("%s\n" % str(e))
-def ionice(settings):
- ionice_cmd = settings.get("PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND")
- if ionice_cmd:
- ionice_cmd = portage.util.shlex_split(ionice_cmd)
- if not ionice_cmd:
- return
- variables = {"PID" : str(os.getpid())}
- cmd = [varexpand(x, mydict=variables) for x in ionice_cmd]
- try:
- rval = portage.process.spawn(cmd, env=os.environ)
- except portage.exception.CommandNotFound:
- # The OS kernel probably doesn't support ionice,
- # so return silently.
- return
- if rval != os.EX_OK:
- out = portage.output.EOutput()
- out.eerror("PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND returned %d" % (rval,))
- out.eerror("See the make.conf(5) man page for PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND usage instructions.")
-def clean_logs(settings):
- if "clean-logs" not in settings.features:
- return
- logdir = settings.get("PORT_LOGDIR")
- if logdir is None or not os.path.isdir(logdir):
- return
- cleanlogs = CleanLogs()
- errors = cleanlogs.clean(settings=settings)
- if errors:
- out = portage.output.EOutput()
- for msg in errors:
- out.eerror(msg)
-def setconfig_fallback(root_config):
- setconfig = root_config.setconfig
- setconfig._create_default_config()
- setconfig._parse(update=True)
- root_config.sets = setconfig.getSets()
-def get_missing_sets(root_config):
- # emerge requires existence of "world", "selected", and "system"
- missing_sets = []
- for s in ("selected", "system", "world",):
- if s not in root_config.sets:
- missing_sets.append(s)
- return missing_sets
-def missing_sets_warning(root_config, missing_sets):
- if len(missing_sets) > 2:
- missing_sets_str = ", ".join('"%s"' % s for s in missing_sets[:-1])
- missing_sets_str += ', and "%s"' % missing_sets[-1]
- elif len(missing_sets) == 2:
- missing_sets_str = '"%s" and "%s"' % tuple(missing_sets)
- else:
- missing_sets_str = '"%s"' % missing_sets[-1]
- msg = ["emerge: incomplete set configuration, " + \
- "missing set(s): %s" % missing_sets_str]
- if root_config.sets:
- msg.append(" sets defined: %s" % ", ".join(root_config.sets))
- global_config_path = portage.const.GLOBAL_CONFIG_PATH
- if root_config.settings['EPREFIX']:
- global_config_path = os.path.join(root_config.settings['EPREFIX'],
- portage.const.GLOBAL_CONFIG_PATH.lstrip(os.sep))
- msg.append(" This usually means that '%s'" % \
- (os.path.join(global_config_path, "sets/portage.conf"),))
- msg.append(" is missing or corrupt.")
- msg.append(" Falling back to default world and system set configuration!!!")
- for line in msg:
- writemsg_level(line + "\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
-def ensure_required_sets(trees):
- warning_shown = False
- for root_trees in trees.values():
- missing_sets = get_missing_sets(root_trees["root_config"])
- if missing_sets and not warning_shown:
- warning_shown = True
- missing_sets_warning(root_trees["root_config"], missing_sets)
- if missing_sets:
- setconfig_fallback(root_trees["root_config"])
-def expand_set_arguments(myfiles, myaction, root_config):
- retval = os.EX_OK
- setconfig = root_config.setconfig
- sets = setconfig.getSets()
- # In order to know exactly which atoms/sets should be added to the
- # world file, the depgraph performs set expansion later. It will get
- # confused about where the atoms came from if it's not allowed to
- # expand them itself.
- do_not_expand = (None, )
- newargs = []
- for a in myfiles:
- if a in ("system", "world"):
- newargs.append(SETPREFIX+a)
- else:
- newargs.append(a)
- myfiles = newargs
- del newargs
- newargs = []
- # separators for set arguments
- ARG_START = "{"
- ARG_END = "}"
- for i in range(0, len(myfiles)):
- if myfiles[i].startswith(SETPREFIX):
- start = 0
- end = 0
- x = myfiles[i][len(SETPREFIX):]
- newset = ""
- while x:
- start = x.find(ARG_START)
- end = x.find(ARG_END)
- if start > 0 and start < end:
- namepart = x[:start]
- argpart = x[start+1:end]
- # TODO: implement proper quoting
- args = argpart.split(",")
- options = {}
- for a in args:
- if "=" in a:
- k, v = a.split("=", 1)
- options[k] = v
- else:
- options[a] = "True"
- setconfig.update(namepart, options)
- newset += (x[:start-len(namepart)]+namepart)
- x = x[end+len(ARG_END):]
- else:
- newset += x
- x = ""
- myfiles[i] = SETPREFIX+newset
- sets = setconfig.getSets()
- # display errors that occurred while loading the SetConfig instance
- for e in setconfig.errors:
- print(colorize("BAD", "Error during set creation: %s" % e))
- unmerge_actions = ("unmerge", "prune", "clean", "depclean")
- for a in myfiles:
- if a.startswith(SETPREFIX):
- s = a[len(SETPREFIX):]
- if s not in sets:
- display_missing_pkg_set(root_config, s)
- return (None, 1)
- if s == "installed":
- msg = ("The @installed set is deprecated and will soon be "
- "removed. Please refer to bug #387059 for details.")
- out = portage.output.EOutput()
- for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 50):
- out.ewarn(line)
- try:
- set_atoms = setconfig.getSetAtoms(s)
- except portage.exception.PackageSetNotFound as e:
- writemsg_level(("emerge: the given set '%s' " + \
- "contains a non-existent set named '%s'.\n") % \
- (s, e), level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- if s in ('world', 'selected') and \
- SETPREFIX + e.value in sets['selected']:
- writemsg_level(("Use `emerge --deselect %s%s` to "
- "remove this set from world_sets.\n") %
- (SETPREFIX, e,), level=logging.ERROR,
- noiselevel=-1)
- return (None, 1)
- if myaction in unmerge_actions and \
- not sets[s].supportsOperation("unmerge"):
- sys.stderr.write("emerge: the given set '%s' does " % s + \
- "not support unmerge operations\n")
- retval = 1
- elif not set_atoms:
- print("emerge: '%s' is an empty set" % s)
- elif myaction not in do_not_expand:
- newargs.extend(set_atoms)
- else:
- newargs.append(SETPREFIX+s)
- for e in sets[s].errors:
- print(e)
- else:
- newargs.append(a)
- return (newargs, retval)
-def repo_name_check(trees):
- missing_repo_names = set()
- for root_trees in trees.values():
- porttree = root_trees.get("porttree")
- if porttree:
- portdb = porttree.dbapi
- missing_repo_names.update(portdb.getMissingRepoNames())
- if portdb.porttree_root in missing_repo_names and \
- not os.path.exists(os.path.join(
- portdb.porttree_root, "profiles")):
- # This is normal if $PORTDIR happens to be empty,
- # so don't warn about it.
- missing_repo_names.remove(portdb.porttree_root)
- if missing_repo_names:
- msg = []
- msg.append("WARNING: One or more repositories " + \
- "have missing repo_name entries:")
- msg.append("")
- for p in missing_repo_names:
- msg.append("\t%s/profiles/repo_name" % (p,))
- msg.append("")
- msg.extend(textwrap.wrap("NOTE: Each repo_name entry " + \
- "should be a plain text file containing a unique " + \
- "name for the repository on the first line.", 70))
- msg.append("\n")
- writemsg_level("".join("%s\n" % l for l in msg),
- level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1)
- return bool(missing_repo_names)
-def repo_name_duplicate_check(trees):
- ignored_repos = {}
- for root, root_trees in trees.items():
- if 'porttree' in root_trees:
- portdb = root_trees['porttree'].dbapi
- if portdb.settings.get('PORTAGE_REPO_DUPLICATE_WARN') != '0':
- for repo_name, paths in portdb.getIgnoredRepos():
- k = (root, repo_name, portdb.getRepositoryPath(repo_name))
- ignored_repos.setdefault(k, []).extend(paths)
- if ignored_repos:
- msg = []
- msg.append('WARNING: One or more repositories ' + \
- 'have been ignored due to duplicate')
- msg.append(' profiles/repo_name entries:')
- msg.append('')
- for k in sorted(ignored_repos):
- msg.append(' %s overrides' % ", ".join(k))
- for path in ignored_repos[k]:
- msg.append(' %s' % (path,))
- msg.append('')
- msg.extend(' ' + x for x in textwrap.wrap(
- "All profiles/repo_name entries must be unique in order " + \
- "to avoid having duplicates ignored. " + \
- "/etc/make.conf if you would like to disable this warning."))
- msg.append("\n")
- writemsg_level(''.join('%s\n' % l for l in msg),
- level=logging.WARNING, noiselevel=-1)
- return bool(ignored_repos)
-def config_protect_check(trees):
- for root, root_trees in trees.items():
- settings = root_trees["root_config"].settings
- if not settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT"):
- msg = "!!! CONFIG_PROTECT is empty"
- if settings["ROOT"] != "/":
- msg += " for '%s'" % root
- msg += "\n"
- writemsg_level(msg, level=logging.WARN, noiselevel=-1)
def profile_check(trees, myaction):
if myaction in ("help", "info", "search", "sync", "version"):
return os.EX_OK
return 1
return os.EX_OK
-def check_procfs():
- procfs_path = '/proc'
- if platform.system() not in ("Linux",) or \
- os.path.ismount(procfs_path):
- return os.EX_OK
- msg = "It seems that %s is not mounted. You have been warned." % procfs_path
- writemsg_level("".join("!!! %s\n" % l for l in textwrap.wrap(msg, 70)),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- return 1
def emerge_main(args=None):
@param args: command arguments (default: sys.argv[1:])
if myaction == "sync":
portage._sync_disabled_warnings = True
settings, trees, mtimedb = load_emerge_config()
- portdb = trees[settings['EROOT']]['porttree'].dbapi
rval = profile_check(trees, myaction)
if rval != os.EX_OK:
return rval
myaction, myopts, myfiles = parse_opts(tmpcmdline)
- # skip global updates prior to sync, since it's called after sync
- if myaction not in ('help', 'info', 'sync', 'version') and \
- myopts.get('--package-moves') != 'n' and \
- _global_updates(trees, mtimedb["updates"], quiet=("--quiet" in myopts)):
- mtimedb.commit()
- # Reload the whole config from scratch.
- settings, trees, mtimedb = load_emerge_config(trees=trees)
- portdb = trees[settings['EROOT']]['porttree'].dbapi
- xterm_titles = "notitles" not in settings.features
- if xterm_titles:
- xtermTitle("emerge")
- if "--digest" in myopts:
- os.environ["FEATURES"] = os.environ.get("FEATURES","") + " digest"
- # Reload the whole config from scratch so that the portdbapi internal
- # config is updated with new FEATURES.
- settings, trees, mtimedb = load_emerge_config(trees=trees)
- portdb = trees[settings['EROOT']]['porttree'].dbapi
- # NOTE: adjust_configs() can map options to FEATURES, so any relevant
- # options adjustments should be made prior to calling adjust_configs().
- if "--buildpkgonly" in myopts:
- myopts["--buildpkg"] = True
- adjust_configs(myopts, trees)
- apply_priorities(settings)
- if myaction == 'version':
- writemsg_stdout(getportageversion(
- settings["PORTDIR"], None,
- settings.profile_path, settings["CHOST"],
- trees[settings['EROOT']]['vartree'].dbapi) + '\n', noiselevel=-1)
- return 0
- elif myaction == 'help':
- emerge_help()
- return 0
- spinner = stdout_spinner()
- if "candy" in settings.features:
- spinner.update = spinner.update_scroll
- if "--quiet" not in myopts:
- portage.deprecated_profile_check(settings=settings)
- if portage.const._ENABLE_REPO_NAME_WARN:
- # Bug #248603 - Disable warnings about missing
- # repo_name entries for stable branch.
- repo_name_check(trees)
- repo_name_duplicate_check(trees)
- config_protect_check(trees)
- check_procfs()
- if "getbinpkg" in settings.features:
- myopts["--getbinpkg"] = True
- if "--getbinpkgonly" in myopts:
- myopts["--getbinpkg"] = True
- if "--getbinpkgonly" in myopts:
- myopts["--usepkgonly"] = True
- if "--getbinpkg" in myopts:
- myopts["--usepkg"] = True
- if "--usepkgonly" in myopts:
- myopts["--usepkg"] = True
- if "--buildpkgonly" in myopts:
- # --buildpkgonly will not merge anything, so
- # it cancels all binary package options.
- for opt in ("--getbinpkg", "--getbinpkgonly",
- "--usepkg", "--usepkgonly"):
- myopts.pop(opt, None)
- for mytrees in trees.values():
- mydb = mytrees["porttree"].dbapi
- # Freeze the portdbapi for performance (memoize all xmatch results).
- mydb.freeze()
- if myaction in ('search', None) and \
- "--usepkg" in myopts:
- # Populate the bintree with current --getbinpkg setting.
- # This needs to happen before expand_set_arguments(), in case
- # any sets use the bintree.
- mytrees["bintree"].populate(
- getbinpkgs="--getbinpkg" in myopts)
- del mytrees, mydb
- if "moo" in myfiles:
- print(COWSAY_MOO % platform.system())
- msg = ("The above `emerge moo` display is deprecated. "
- "Please use `emerge --moo` instead.")
- for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 50):
- print(" %s %s" % (colorize("WARN", "*"), line))
- for x in myfiles:
- ext = os.path.splitext(x)[1]
- if (ext == ".ebuild" or ext == ".tbz2") and os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(x)):
- print(colorize("BAD", "\n*** emerging by path is broken and may not always work!!!\n"))
- break
- root_config = trees[settings['EROOT']]['root_config']
- if myaction == "moo":
- print(COWSAY_MOO % platform.system())
- return os.EX_OK
- elif myaction == "list-sets":
- writemsg_stdout("".join("%s\n" % s for s in sorted(root_config.sets)))
- return os.EX_OK
- elif myaction == "check-news":
- news_counts = count_unread_news(
- root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi,
- root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi)
- if any(news_counts.values()):
- display_news_notifications(news_counts)
- elif "--quiet" not in myopts:
- print("", colorize("GOOD", "*"), "No news items were found.")
- return os.EX_OK
- ensure_required_sets(trees)
- # only expand sets for actions taking package arguments
- oldargs = myfiles[:]
- if myaction in ("clean", "config", "depclean", "info", "prune", "unmerge", None):
- myfiles, retval = expand_set_arguments(myfiles, myaction, root_config)
- if retval != os.EX_OK:
- return retval
- # Need to handle empty sets specially, otherwise emerge will react
- # with the help message for empty argument lists
- if oldargs and not myfiles:
- print("emerge: no targets left after set expansion")
- return 0
- if ("--tree" in myopts) and ("--columns" in myopts):
- print("emerge: can't specify both of \"--tree\" and \"--columns\".")
- return 1
- if '--emptytree' in myopts and '--noreplace' in myopts:
- writemsg_level("emerge: can't specify both of " + \
- "\"--emptytree\" and \"--noreplace\".\n",
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- return 1
- if ("--quiet" in myopts):
- spinner.update = spinner.update_quiet
- portage.util.noiselimit = -1
- if "--fetch-all-uri" in myopts:
- myopts["--fetchonly"] = True
- if "--skipfirst" in myopts and "--resume" not in myopts:
- myopts["--resume"] = True
- # Allow -p to remove --ask
- if "--pretend" in myopts:
- myopts.pop("--ask", None)
- # forbid --ask when not in a terminal
- # note: this breaks `emerge --ask | tee logfile`, but that doesn't work anyway.
- if ("--ask" in myopts) and (not sys.stdin.isatty()):
- portage.writemsg("!!! \"--ask\" should only be used in a terminal. Exiting.\n",
- noiselevel=-1)
- return 1
- if settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG", "") == "1":
- spinner.update = spinner.update_quiet
- portage.util.noiselimit = 0
- if "python-trace" in settings.features:
- portage.debug.set_trace(True)
- if not ("--quiet" in myopts):
- if '--nospinner' in myopts or \
- settings.get('TERM') == 'dumb' or \
- not sys.stdout.isatty():
- spinner.update = spinner.update_basic
- if "--debug" in myopts:
- print("myaction", myaction)
- print("myopts", myopts)
- if not myaction and not myfiles and "--resume" not in myopts:
- emerge_help()
- return 1
- pretend = "--pretend" in myopts
- fetchonly = "--fetchonly" in myopts or "--fetch-all-uri" in myopts
- buildpkgonly = "--buildpkgonly" in myopts
- # check if root user is the current user for the actions where emerge needs this
- if portage.secpass < 2:
- # We've already allowed "--version" and "--help" above.
- if "--pretend" not in myopts and myaction not in ("search","info"):
- need_superuser = myaction in ('clean', 'depclean', 'deselect',
- 'prune', 'unmerge') or not \
- (fetchonly or \
- (buildpkgonly and >= 1) or \
- myaction in ("metadata", "regen", "sync"))
- if portage.secpass < 1 or \
- need_superuser:
- if need_superuser:
- access_desc = "superuser"
- else:
- access_desc = "portage group"
- # Always show portage_group_warning() when only portage group
- # access is required but the user is not in the portage group.
- if "--ask" in myopts:
- writemsg_stdout("This action requires %s access...\n" % \
- (access_desc,), noiselevel=-1)
- if portage.secpass < 1 and not need_superuser:
- if userquery("Would you like to add --pretend to options?",
- "--ask-enter-invalid" in myopts) == "No":
- return 128 + signal.SIGINT
- myopts["--pretend"] = True
- del myopts["--ask"]
- else:
- sys.stderr.write(("emerge: %s access is required\n") \
- % access_desc)
- if portage.secpass < 1 and not need_superuser:
- return 1
- # Disable emergelog for everything except build or unmerge operations.
- # This helps minimize parallel emerge.log entries that can confuse log
- # parsers like genlop.
- disable_emergelog = False
- for x in ("--pretend", "--fetchonly", "--fetch-all-uri"):
- if x in myopts:
- disable_emergelog = True
- break
- if disable_emergelog:
- pass
- elif myaction in ("search", "info"):
- disable_emergelog = True
- elif < 1:
- disable_emergelog = True
- import _emerge.emergelog
- _emerge.emergelog._disable = disable_emergelog
- if not disable_emergelog:
- if 'EMERGE_LOG_DIR' in settings:
- try:
- # At least the parent needs to exist for the lock file.
- portage.util.ensure_dirs(settings['EMERGE_LOG_DIR'])
- except portage.exception.PortageException as e:
- writemsg_level("!!! Error creating directory for " + \
- "EMERGE_LOG_DIR='%s':\n!!! %s\n" % \
- (settings['EMERGE_LOG_DIR'], e),
- noiselevel=-1, level=logging.ERROR)
- portage.util.ensure_dirs(_emerge.emergelog._emerge_log_dir)
- else:
- _emerge.emergelog._emerge_log_dir = settings["EMERGE_LOG_DIR"]
- else:
- _emerge.emergelog._emerge_log_dir = os.path.join(os.sep,
- settings["EPREFIX"].lstrip(os.sep), "var", "log")
- portage.util.ensure_dirs(_emerge.emergelog._emerge_log_dir)
- if not "--pretend" in myopts:
- emergelog(xterm_titles, "Started emerge on: "+\
- _unicode_decode(
- time.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()),
- encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace'))
- myelogstr=""
- if myopts:
- opt_list = []
- for opt, arg in myopts.items():
- if arg is True:
- opt_list.append(opt)
- elif isinstance(arg, list):
- # arguments like --exclude that use 'append' action
- for x in arg:
- opt_list.append("%s=%s" % (opt, x))
- else:
- opt_list.append("%s=%s" % (opt, arg))
- myelogstr=" ".join(opt_list)
- if myaction:
- myelogstr += " --" + myaction
- if myfiles:
- myelogstr += " " + " ".join(oldargs)
- emergelog(xterm_titles, " *** emerge " + myelogstr)
- del oldargs
- def emergeexitsig(signum, frame):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
- portage.util.writemsg("\n\nExiting on signal %(signal)s\n" % {"signal":signum})
- sys.exit(128 + signum)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, emergeexitsig)
- def emergeexit():
- """This gets out final log message in before we quit."""
- if "--pretend" not in myopts:
- emergelog(xterm_titles, " *** terminating.")
- if xterm_titles:
- xtermTitleReset()
- portage.atexit_register(emergeexit)
- if myaction in ("config", "metadata", "regen", "sync"):
- if "--pretend" in myopts:
- sys.stderr.write(("emerge: The '%s' action does " + \
- "not support '--pretend'.\n") % myaction)
- return 1
- if "sync" == myaction:
- return action_sync(settings, trees, mtimedb, myopts, myaction)
- elif "metadata" == myaction:
- action_metadata(settings, portdb, myopts)
- elif myaction=="regen":
- validate_ebuild_environment(trees)
- return action_regen(settings, portdb, myopts.get("--jobs"),
- myopts.get("--load-average"))
- # HELP action
- elif "config"==myaction:
- validate_ebuild_environment(trees)
- action_config(settings, trees, myopts, myfiles)
- # SEARCH action
- elif "search"==myaction:
- validate_ebuild_environment(trees)
- action_search(trees[settings['EROOT']]['root_config'],
- myopts, myfiles, spinner)
- elif myaction in ('clean', 'depclean', 'deselect', 'prune', 'unmerge'):
- validate_ebuild_environment(trees)
- rval = action_uninstall(settings, trees, mtimedb["ldpath"],
- myopts, myaction, myfiles, spinner)
- if not (myaction == 'deselect' or buildpkgonly or fetchonly or pretend):
- post_emerge(myaction, myopts, myfiles, settings['EROOT'],
- trees, mtimedb, rval)
- return rval
- elif myaction == 'info':
- # Ensure atoms are valid before calling unmerge().
- vardb = trees[settings['EROOT']]['vartree'].dbapi
- portdb = trees[settings['EROOT']]['porttree'].dbapi
- bindb = trees[settings['EROOT']]["bintree"].dbapi
- valid_atoms = []
- for x in myfiles:
- if is_valid_package_atom(x, allow_repo=True):
- try:
- #look at the installed files first, if there is no match
- #look at the ebuilds, since EAPI 4 allows running pkg_info
- #on non-installed packages
- valid_atom = dep_expand(x, mydb=vardb, settings=settings)
- if valid_atom.cp.split("/")[0] == "null":
- valid_atom = dep_expand(x, mydb=portdb, settings=settings)
- if valid_atom.cp.split("/")[0] == "null" and "--usepkg" in myopts:
- valid_atom = dep_expand(x, mydb=bindb, settings=settings)
- valid_atoms.append(valid_atom)
- except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName as e:
- msg = "The short ebuild name \"" + x + \
- "\" is ambiguous. Please specify " + \
- "one of the following " + \
- "fully-qualified ebuild names instead:"
- for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 70):
- writemsg_level("!!! %s\n" % (line,),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- for i in e.args[0]:
- writemsg_level(" %s\n" % colorize("INFORM", i),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- writemsg_level("\n", level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- return 1
- continue
- msg = []
- msg.append("'%s' is not a valid package atom." % (x,))
- msg.append("Please check ebuild(5) for full details.")
- writemsg_level("".join("!!! %s\n" % line for line in msg),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- return 1
- return action_info(settings, trees, myopts, valid_atoms)
- # "update", "system", or just process files:
- else:
- validate_ebuild_environment(trees)
- for x in myfiles:
- if x.startswith(SETPREFIX) or \
- is_valid_package_atom(x, allow_repo=True):
- continue
- if x[:1] == os.sep:
- continue
- try:
- os.lstat(x)
- continue
- except OSError:
- pass
- msg = []
- msg.append("'%s' is not a valid package atom." % (x,))
- msg.append("Please check ebuild(5) for full details.")
- writemsg_level("".join("!!! %s\n" % line for line in msg),
- level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
- return 1
- # GLEP 42 says to display news *after* an emerge --pretend
- if "--pretend" not in myopts:
- display_news_notification(root_config, myopts)
- retval = action_build(settings, trees, mtimedb,
- myopts, myaction, myfiles, spinner)
- post_emerge(myaction, myopts, myfiles, settings['EROOT'],
- trees, mtimedb, retval)
- return retval
+ return run_action(settings, trees, mtimedb, myaction, myopts, myfiles)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+from __future__ import print_function
+import logging
+import textwrap
+import portage
+from portage import os
+from portage.emaint.modules.logs.logs import CleanLogs
+from import count_unread_news, display_news_notifications
+from portage.output import colorize
+from portage.util._dyn_libs.display_preserved_libs import \
+ display_preserved_libs
+from portage.util._info_files import chk_updated_info_files
+from .chk_updated_cfg_files import chk_updated_cfg_files
+from .emergelog import emergelog
+from ._flush_elog_mod_echo import _flush_elog_mod_echo
+def clean_logs(settings):
+ if "clean-logs" not in settings.features:
+ return
+ logdir = settings.get("PORT_LOGDIR")
+ if logdir is None or not os.path.isdir(logdir):
+ return
+ cleanlogs = CleanLogs()
+ errors = cleanlogs.clean(settings=settings)
+ if errors:
+ out = portage.output.EOutput()
+ for msg in errors:
+ out.eerror(msg)
+def display_news_notification(root_config, myopts):
+ if "news" not in root_config.settings.features:
+ return
+ portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi
+ vardb = root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi
+ news_counts = count_unread_news(portdb, vardb)
+ display_news_notifications(news_counts)
+def show_depclean_suggestion():
+ out = portage.output.EOutput()
+ msg = "After world updates, it is important to remove " + \
+ "obsolete packages with emerge --depclean. Refer " + \
+ "to `man emerge` for more information."
+ for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 72):
+ out.ewarn(line)
+def post_emerge(myaction, myopts, myfiles,
+ target_root, trees, mtimedb, retval):
+ """
+ Misc. things to run at the end of a merge session.
+ Update Info Files
+ Update Config Files
+ Update News Items
+ Commit mtimeDB
+ Display preserved libs warnings
+ @param myaction: The action returned from parse_opts()
+ @type myaction: String
+ @param myopts: emerge options
+ @type myopts: dict
+ @param myfiles: emerge arguments
+ @type myfiles: list
+ @param target_root: The target EROOT for myaction
+ @type target_root: String
+ @param trees: A dictionary mapping each ROOT to it's package databases
+ @type trees: dict
+ @param mtimedb: The mtimeDB to store data needed across merge invocations
+ @type mtimedb: MtimeDB class instance
+ @param retval: Emerge's return value
+ @type retval: Int
+ """
+ root_config = trees[target_root]["root_config"]
+ vardbapi = trees[target_root]['vartree'].dbapi
+ settings = vardbapi.settings
+ info_mtimes = mtimedb["info"]
+ # Load the most current variables from ${ROOT}/etc/profile.env
+ settings.unlock()
+ settings.reload()
+ settings.regenerate()
+ settings.lock()
+ config_protect = portage.util.shlex_split(
+ settings.get("CONFIG_PROTECT", ""))
+ infodirs = settings.get("INFOPATH","").split(":") + \
+ settings.get("INFODIR","").split(":")
+ os.chdir("/")
+ if retval == os.EX_OK:
+ exit_msg = " *** exiting successfully."
+ else:
+ exit_msg = " *** exiting unsuccessfully with status '%s'." % retval
+ emergelog("notitles" not in settings.features, exit_msg)
+ _flush_elog_mod_echo()
+ if not vardbapi._pkgs_changed:
+ # GLEP 42 says to display news *after* an emerge --pretend
+ if "--pretend" in myopts:
+ display_news_notification(root_config, myopts)
+ # If vdb state has not changed then there's nothing else to do.
+ return
+ vdb_path = os.path.join(root_config.settings['EROOT'], portage.VDB_PATH)
+ portage.util.ensure_dirs(vdb_path)
+ vdb_lock = None
+ if os.access(vdb_path, os.W_OK) and not "--pretend" in myopts:
+ vardbapi.lock()
+ vdb_lock = True
+ if vdb_lock:
+ try:
+ if "noinfo" not in settings.features:
+ chk_updated_info_files(target_root,
+ infodirs, info_mtimes)
+ mtimedb.commit()
+ finally:
+ if vdb_lock:
+ vardbapi.unlock()
+ # Explicitly load and prune the PreservedLibsRegistry in order
+ # to ensure that we do not display stale data.
+ vardbapi._plib_registry.load()
+ if vardbapi._plib_registry.hasEntries():
+ if "--quiet" in myopts:
+ print()
+ print(colorize("WARN", "!!!") + " existing preserved libs found")
+ else:
+ print()
+ print(colorize("WARN", "!!!") + " existing preserved libs:")
+ display_preserved_libs(vardbapi)
+ print("Use " + colorize("GOOD", "emerge @preserved-rebuild") +
+ " to rebuild packages using these libraries")
+ chk_updated_cfg_files(settings['EROOT'], config_protect)
+ display_news_notification(root_config, myopts)
+ postemerge = os.path.join(settings["PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT"],
+ portage.USER_CONFIG_PATH, "bin", "post_emerge")
+ if os.access(postemerge, os.X_OK):
+ hook_retval = portage.process.spawn(
+ [postemerge], env=settings.environ())
+ if hook_retval != os.EX_OK:
+ portage.util.writemsg_level(
+ " %s spawn failed of %s\n" %
+ (colorize("BAD", "*"), postemerge,),
+ level=logging.ERROR, noiselevel=-1)
+ clean_logs(settings)
+ if "--quiet" not in myopts and \
+ myaction is None and "@world" in myfiles:
+ show_depclean_suggestion()