return [file tail $n]
+proc gitworktree {} {
+ variable _gitworktree
+ if {[info exists _gitworktree]} {
+ return $_gitworktree
+ }
+ # v1.7.0 introduced --show-toplevel to return the canonical work-tree
+ if {[catch {set _gitworktree [exec git rev-parse --show-toplevel]}]} {
+ # try to set work tree from environment, core.worktree or use
+ # cdup to obtain a relative path to the top of the worktree. If
+ # run from the top, the ./ prefix ensures normalize expands pwd.
+ if {[catch { set _gitworktree $env(GIT_WORK_TREE) }]} {
+ catch {set _gitworktree [exec git config --get core.worktree]}
+ if {$_gitworktree eq ""} {
+ set _gitworktree [file normalize ./[exec git rev-parse --show-cdup]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $_gitworktree
# A simple scheduler for compute-intensive stuff.
# The aim is to make sure that event handlers for GUI actions can
# run at least every 50-100 ms. Unfortunately fileevent handlers are
+# If the filename (name) is under any of the passed filter paths
+# then return true to include the file in the listing.
proc path_filter {filter name} {
+ set worktree [gitworktree]
foreach p $filter {
- set l [string length $p]
- if {[string index $p end] eq "/"} {
- if {[string compare -length $l $p $name] == 0} {
- return 1
- }
- } else {
- if {[string compare -length $l $p $name] == 0 &&
- ([string length $name] == $l ||
- [string index $name $l] eq "/")} {
- return 1
- }
+ set fq_p [file normalize $p]
+ set fq_n [file normalize [file join $worktree $name]]
+ if {[string match [file normalize $fq_p]* $fq_n]} {
+ return 1
return 0