- #----------
- def find_contact_point(self,plot=False):
- '''
- Finds the contact point on the curve.
- The current algorithm (thanks to Francesco Musiani, and Massimo Sandal) is:
- - take care of the PicoForce trigger bug - exclude retraction portions with too high standard deviation
- - fit the second half of the retraction curve to a line
- - if the fit is not almost horizontal, take a smaller chunk and repeat
- - otherwise, we have something horizontal
- - so take the average of horizontal points and use it as a baseline
- Then, start from the rise of the retraction curve and look at the first point below the
- baseline.
- FIXME: should be moved, probably to
- '''
- if not plot:
- plot=self.plots[0]
- outplot=self.subtract_curves(1)
- xret=outplot.vectors[1][0]
- ydiff=outplot.vectors[1][1]
- xext=plot.vectors[0][0]
- yext=plot.vectors[0][1]
- xret2=plot.vectors[1][0]
- yret=plot.vectors[1][1]
- #taking care of the picoforce trigger bug: we exclude portions of the curve that have too much
- #standard deviation. yes, a lot of magic is here.
- monster=True
- monlength=len(xret)-int(len(xret)/20)
- finalength=len(xret)
- while monster:
- monchunk=scipy.array(ydiff[monlength:finalength])
- if abs(np.std(monchunk)) < 2e-10:
- monster=False
- else: #move away from the monster
- monlength-=int(len(xret)/50)
- finalength-=int(len(xret)/50)
- #take half of the thing
- endlength=int(len(xret)/2)
- ok=False
- while not ok:
- xchunk=yext[endlength:monlength]
- ychunk=yext[endlength:monlength]
- regr=scipy.stats.linregress(xchunk,ychunk)[0:2]
- #we stop if we found an almost-horizontal fit or if we're going too short...
- #FIXME: 0.1 and 6 here are "magic numbers" (although reasonable)
- if (abs(regr[1]) > 0.1) and ( endlength < len(xret)-int(len(xret)/6) ) :
- endlength+=10
- else:
- ok=True
- ymean=np.mean(ychunk) #baseline
- index=0
- point = ymean+1
- #find the first point below the calculated baseline
- while point > ymean:
- try:
- point=yret[index]
- index+=1
- except IndexError:
- #The algorithm didn't find anything below the baseline! It should NEVER happen
- index=0
- return index
- return index
- def find_contact_point2(self, debug=False):
- '''
- Finds the contact point on the curve.
- FIXME: should be moved, probably to
- '''
- #raw_plot=self.current.curve.default_plots()[0]
- raw_plot=self.plots[0]
- '''xext=self.plots[0].vectors[0][0]
- yext=self.plots[0].vectors[0][1]
- xret2=self.plots[0].vectors[1][0]
- yret=self.plots[0].vectors[1][1]
- '''
- xext=raw_plot.vectors[0][0]
- yext=raw_plot.vectors[0][1]
- xret2=raw_plot.vectors[1][0]
- yret=raw_plot.vectors[1][1]
- first_point=[xext[0], yext[0]]
- last_point=[xext[-1], yext[-1]]
- #regr=scipy.polyfit(first_point, last_point,1)[0:2]
- diffx=abs(first_point[0]-last_point[0])
- diffy=abs(first_point[1]-last_point[1])
- #using polyfit results in numerical errors. good old algebra.
- a=diffy/diffx
- b=first_point[1]-(a*first_point[0])
- baseline=scipy.polyval((a,b), xext)
- ysub=[item-basitem for item,basitem in zip(yext,baseline)]
- contact=ysub.index(min(ysub))
- return xext,ysub,contact
- #now, exploit a ClickedPoint instance to calculate index...
- dummy=ClickedPoint()
- dummy.absolute_coords=(x_intercept,y_intercept)
- dummy.find_graph_coords(xret2,yret)
- if debug:
- return dummy.index, regr, regr_contact
- else:
- return dummy.index
- def x_do_contact(self,args):
- '''
- DEBUG COMMAND to be activated in the future
- '''
- xext,ysub,contact=self.find_contact_point2(debug=True)
- contact_plot=self.plots[0]
- contact_plot.add_set(xext,ysub)
- contact_plot.add_set([xext[contact]],[self.plots[0].vectors[0][1][contact]])
- #contact_plot.add_set([first_point[0]],[first_point[1]])
- #contact_plot.add_set([last_point[0]],[last_point[1]])
- contact_plot.styles=[None,None,None,'scatter']
- self._send_plot([contact_plot])
- return
- index,regr,regr_contact=self.find_contact_point2(debug=True)
- print regr
- print regr_contact
- raw_plot=self.current.curve.default_plots()[0]
- xret=raw_plot.vectors[0][0]
- #nc_line=[(item*regr[0])+regr[1] for item in x_nc]
- nc_line=scipy.polyval(regr,xret)
- c_line=scipy.polyval(regr_contact,xret)
- contact_plot=self.current.curve.default_plots()[0]
- contact_plot.add_set(xret, nc_line)
- contact_plot.add_set(xret, c_line)
- contact_plot.styles=[None,None,None,None]
- #contact_plot.styles.append(None)
- contact_plot.destination=1
- self._send_plot([contact_plot])
import copy
-from ..command import Command, Argument, Failure
+import numpy
+from ..command import Command, Argument, Failure, NullQueue
+from ..config import Setting
from ..curve import Data
from ..plugin import Builtin
+from import PoorFit, ModelFitter
+from .curve import CurveArgument
-# Utility functions
-def scale(curve):
+def scale(hooke, curve):
+ commands = hooke.commands
+ contact = [c for c in hooke.commands
+ if == 'zero block surface contact point'][0]
+ force = [c for c in hooke.commands if == 'add block force array'][0]
+ inqueue = None
+ outqueue = NullQueue()
for i,block in enumerate(
- data = Data((block.shape[0], block.shape[1]+2), dtype=block.dtype)
- = copy.deepcopy(
- data[:,:-2] = block
-['columns'].extend(['surface z piezo (m)', 'deflection (N)'])
- z_data = data[:,['columns'].index('z piezo (m)')]
- d_data = data[:,['columns'].index('deflection (m)')]
- surface_offset = min(z_data) # TODO
-['surface offset (m)'] = surface_offset
- data[:,-2] = z_data - surface_offset
- data[:,-1] = d_data *['spring constant (N/m)']
-[i] = data
+ params = {'curve':curve, 'block':i}
+ contact._run(hooke, inqueue, outqueue, params)
+ force._run(hooke, inqueue, outqueue, params)
return curve
+class SurfacePositionModel (ModelFitter):
+ """
+ The bilinear model is symmetric, but the parameter guessing and
+ sanity checks assume the contact region occurs for lower indicies
+ ("left of") the non-contact region. We also assume that
+ tip-surface attractions produce positive deflections.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Algorithm borrowed from WTK's `piezo package`_, specifically
+ from :func:`piezo.z_piezo_utils.analyzeSurfPosData`.
+ .. _piezo package:
+ Fits the data to the bilinear :method:`model`.
+ In order for this model to produce a satisfactory fit, there
+ should be enough data in the off-surface region that interactions
+ due to proteins, etc. will not seriously skew the fit in the
+ off-surface region.
+ We guess
+ """
+ def model(self, params):
+ """A continuous, bilinear model.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ .. math::
+ y = \begin{cases}
+ p_0 + p_1 x & \text{if $x <= p_2$}, \\
+ p_0 + p_1 p_2 + p_3 (x-p_2) & \text{if $x >= p_2$}.
+ \end{cases}
+ Where :math:`p_0` is a vertical offset, :math:`p_1` is the slope
+ of the first region, :math:`p_2` is the transition location, and
+ :math:`p_3` is the slope of the second region.
+ """
+ p = params # convenient alias
+ if'force zero non-contact slope', None) == True:
+ p = list(p)
+ p.append(0.) # restore the non-contact slope parameter
+ r2 = numpy.round(p[2])
+ if r2 >= 1:
+ self._model_data[:r2] = p[0] + p[1] * numpy.arange(r2)
+ if r2 < len(self._data)-1:
+ self._model_data[r2:] = p[0] + p[1]*p[2] + p[3] * numpy.arange(len(self._data)-r2)
+ return self._model_data
+ def set_data(self, data, info=None):
+ super(SurfacePositionModel, self).set_data(data, info)
+ if info == None:
+ info = {}
+ = info
+['min position'] = 0
+['max position'] = len(data)
+['max deflection'] = data.max()
+['min deflection'] = data.min()
+['position range'] =['max position'] -['min position']
+['deflection range'] =['max deflection'] -['min deflection']
+ def guess_initial_params(self, outqueue=None):
+ """Guess the initial parameters.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ We guess initial parameters such that the offset (:math:`p_1`)
+ matches the minimum deflection, the kink (:math:`p_2`) occurs in
+ the middle of the data, the initial (contact) slope (:math:`p_0`)
+ produces the maximum deflection at the left-most point, and the
+ final (non-contact) slope (:math:`p_3`) is zero.
+ """
+ left_offset =['max deflection']
+ left_slope = 2*(['deflection range']
+ /['position range'])
+ kink_position = (['max position']
+['min position'])/2.0
+ right_slope = 0
+['guessed contact slope'] = left_slope
+ params = [left_offset, left_slope, kink_position, right_slope]
+ if'force zero non-contact slope', None) == True:
+ params = params[:-1]
+ return params
+ def guess_scale(self, params, outqueue=None):
+ """Guess the parameter scales.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ We guess offset scale (:math:`p_0`) as one tenth of the total
+ deflection range, the kink scale (:math:`p_2`) as one tenth of
+ the total index range, the initial (contact) slope scale
+ (:math:`p_1`) as one tenth of the contact slope estimation,
+ and the final (non-contact) slope scale (:math:`p_3`) is as
+ one tenth of the initial slope scale.
+ """
+ offset_scale =['deflection range']/10.
+ left_slope_scale = abs(params[1])/10.
+ kink_scale =['position range']/10.
+ right_slope_scale = left_slope_scale/10.
+ scale = [offset_scale, left_slope_scale, kink_scale, right_slope_scale]
+ if'force zero non-contact slope', None) == True:
+ scale = scale[:-1]
+ return scale
+ def fit(self, *args, **kwargs):
+['guessed contact slope'] = None
+ params = super(SurfacePositionModel, self).fit(*args, **kwargs)
+ if'force zero non-contact slope', None) == True:
+ params = list(params)
+ params.append(0.) # restore the non-contact slope parameter
+ # check that the fit is reasonable, see the :meth:`model` docstring
+ # for parameter descriptions.
+ if abs(params[3]*10) > abs(params[1]) :
+ raise PoorFit('Slope in non-contact region, or no slope in contact')
+ if params[2] <['min position']+0.02*['position range']:
+ raise poorFit(
+ 'No kink (kink %g less than %g, need more space to left)'
+ % (params[2],
+['min position']+0.02*['position range']))
+ if params[2] >['max position']-0.02*['position range']:
+ raise poorFit(
+ 'No kink (kink %g more than %g, need more space to right)'
+ % (params[2],
+['max position']-0.02*['position range']))
+ if (['guessed contact slope'] != None
+ and params[3] < 0.5 *['guessed contact slope']):
+ raise PoorFit('Too far')
+ return params
class VelocityClampPlugin (Builtin):
def __init__(self):
super(VelocityClampPlugin, self).__init__(name='vclamp')
- self._commands = []
-# NextCommand(self), PreviousCommand(self), JumpCommand(self),
-# ]
+ self._commands = [
+ SurfaceContactCommand(self), ForceCommand(self),
+ ]
+ def default_settings(self):
+ return [
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section, help=self.__doc__),
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section,
+ option='surface contact point algorithm',
+ value='wtk',
+ help='Select the surface contact point algorithm. See the documentation for descriptions of available algorithms.')
+ ]
+class SurfaceContactCommand (Command):
+ """Automatically determine a block's surface contact point.
+ Uses the block's `z piezo (m)` and `deflection (m)` arrays.
+ Stores the contact parameters in ``'s `surface distance
+ offset (m)` and `surface deflection offset (m)`. Model-specific
+ fitting information is stored in `surface detection parameters`.
+ The adjusted data columns `surface distance (m)` and `surface
+ adjusted deflection (m)` are also added to the block.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, plugin):
+ super(SurfaceContactCommand, self).__init__(
+ name='zero block surface contact point',
+ arguments=[
+ CurveArgument,
+ Argument(name='block', aliases=['set'], type='int', default=0,
+ help="""
+Data block for which the force should be calculated. For an
+approach/retract force curve, `0` selects the approaching curve and `1`
+selects the retracting curve.
+ ],
+ help=self.__doc__, plugin=plugin)
+ def _run(self, hooke, inqueue, outqueue, params):
+ data = params['curve'].data[int(params['block'])] # HACK, int() should be handled by ui
+ # HACK? rely on params['curve'] being bound to the local hooke
+ # playlist (i.e. not a copy, as you would get by passing a
+ # curve through the queue). Ugh. Stupid queues. As an
+ # alternative, we could pass lookup information through the
+ # queue...
+ new = Data((data.shape[0], data.shape[1]+2), dtype=data.dtype)
+ = copy.deepcopy(
+ new[:,:-2] = data
+ ['surface distance (m)', 'surface adjusted deflection (m)'])
+ z_data = data[:,['columns'].index('z piezo (m)')]
+ d_data = data[:,['columns'].index('deflection (m)')]
+ i,deflection_offset,ps = self._find_contact_point(
+ z_data, d_data, outqueue)
+ surface_offset = z_data[i]
+['surface distance offset (m)'] = surface_offset
+['surface deflection offset (m)'] = deflection_offset
+['surface detection parameters'] = ps
+ new[:,-2] = z_data - surface_offset
+ new[:,-1] = d_data - deflection_offset
+ data = params['curve'].data[int(params['block'])] # HACK, int() should be handled by ui
+ params['curve'].data[int(params['block'])] = new # HACK, int() should be handled by ui
+ def _find_contact_point(self, z_data, d_data, outqueue=None):
+ fn = getattr(self, '_find_contact_point_%s'
+ % self.plugin.config['surface contact point algorithm'])
+ return fn(z_data, d_data, outqueue)
+ def _find_contact_point_fmms(self, z_data, d_data, outqueue=None):
+ """Algorithm by Francesco Musiani and Massimo Sandal.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Algorithm:
+ * take care of the PicoForce trigger bug - exclude retraction portions with too high standard deviation
+ * fit the second half of the retraction curve to a line
+ * if the fit is not almost horizontal, take a smaller chunk and repeat
+ * otherwise, we have something horizontal
+ * so take the average of horizontal points and use it as a baseline
+ Then, start from the rise of the retraction curve and look at
+ the first point below the baseline.
+ """
+ if not plot:
+ plot=self.plots[0]
+ outplot=self.subtract_curves(1)
+ xret=outplot.vectors[1][0]
+ ydiff=outplot.vectors[1][1]
+ xext=plot.vectors[0][0]
+ yext=plot.vectors[0][1]
+ xret2=plot.vectors[1][0]
+ yret=plot.vectors[1][1]
+ #taking care of the picoforce trigger bug: we exclude portions of the curve that have too much
+ #standard deviation. yes, a lot of magic is here.
+ monster=True
+ monlength=len(xret)-int(len(xret)/20)
+ finalength=len(xret)
+ while monster:
+ monchunk=scipy.array(ydiff[monlength:finalength])
+ if abs(np.std(monchunk)) < 2e-10:
+ monster=False
+ else: #move away from the monster
+ monlength-=int(len(xret)/50)
+ finalength-=int(len(xret)/50)
+ #take half of the thing
+ endlength=int(len(xret)/2)
+ ok=False
+ while not ok:
+ xchunk=yext[endlength:monlength]
+ ychunk=yext[endlength:monlength]
+ regr=scipy.stats.linregress(xchunk,ychunk)[0:2]
+ #we stop if we found an almost-horizontal fit or if we're going too short...
+ #FIXME: 0.1 and 6 here are "magic numbers" (although reasonable)
+ if (abs(regr[1]) > 0.1) and ( endlength < len(xret)-int(len(xret)/6) ) :
+ endlength+=10
+ else:
+ ok=True
+ ymean=np.mean(ychunk) #baseline
+ index=0
+ point = ymean+1
+ #find the first point below the calculated baseline
+ while point > ymean:
+ try:
+ point=yret[index]
+ index+=1
+ except IndexError:
+ #The algorithm didn't find anything below the baseline! It should NEVER happen
+ index=0
+ return index
+ return index
+ def _find_contact_point_ms(self, z_data, d_data, outqueue=None):
+ """Algorithm by Massimo Sandal.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ WTK: At least the commits are by Massimo, and I see no notes
+ attributing the algorithm to anyone else.
+ Algorithm:
+ * ?
+ """
+ #raw_plot=self.current.curve.default_plots()[0]
+ raw_plot=self.plots[0]
+ '''xext=self.plots[0].vectors[0][0]
+ yext=self.plots[0].vectors[0][1]
+ xret2=self.plots[0].vectors[1][0]
+ yret=self.plots[0].vectors[1][1]
+ '''
+ xext=raw_plot.vectors[0][0]
+ yext=raw_plot.vectors[0][1]
+ xret2=raw_plot.vectors[1][0]
+ yret=raw_plot.vectors[1][1]
+ first_point=[xext[0], yext[0]]
+ last_point=[xext[-1], yext[-1]]
+ #regr=scipy.polyfit(first_point, last_point,1)[0:2]
+ diffx=abs(first_point[0]-last_point[0])
+ diffy=abs(first_point[1]-last_point[1])
+ #using polyfit results in numerical errors. good old algebra.
+ a=diffy/diffx
+ b=first_point[1]-(a*first_point[0])
+ baseline=scipy.polyval((a,b), xext)
+ ysub=[item-basitem for item,basitem in zip(yext,baseline)]
+ contact=ysub.index(min(ysub))
+ return xext,ysub,contact
+ #now, exploit a ClickedPoint instance to calculate index...
+ dummy=ClickedPoint()
+ dummy.absolute_coords=(x_intercept,y_intercept)
+ dummy.find_graph_coords(xret2,yret)
+ if debug:
+ return dummy.index, regr, regr_contact
+ else:
+ return dummy.index
+ def _find_contact_point_wtk(self, z_data, d_data, outqueue=None):
+ """Algorithm by W. Trevor King.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Uses :func:`analyze_surf_pos_data_wtk` internally.
+ """
+ reverse = z_data[0] > z_data[-1]
+ if reverse == True: # approaching, contact region on the right
+ d_data = d_data[::-1]
+ s = SurfacePositionModel(d_data)
+['force zero non-contact slope'] = True
+ offset,contact_slope,surface_index,non_contact_slope =
+ outqueue=outqueue)
+ info = {
+ 'offset': offset,
+ 'contact slope': contact_slope,
+ 'surface index': surface_index,
+ 'non-contact slope': non_contact_slope,
+ 'reversed': reverse,
+ }
+ deflection_offset = offset + contact_slope*surface_index,
+ if reverse == True:
+ surface_index = len(d_data)-1-surface_index
+ return (numpy.round(surface_index), deflection_offset, info)
+class ForceCommand (Command):
+ """Calculate a block's `deflection (N)` array.
+ Uses the block's `deflection (m)` array and `spring constant
+ (N/m)`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, plugin):
+ super(ForceCommand, self).__init__(
+ name='add block force array',
+ arguments=[
+ CurveArgument,
+ Argument(name='block', aliases=['set'], type='int', default=0,
+ help="""
+Data block for which the force should be calculated. For an
+approach/retract force curve, `0` selects the approaching curve and `1`
+selects the retracting curve.
+ ],
+ help=self.__doc__, plugin=plugin)
+ def _run(self, hooke, inqueue, outqueue, params):
+ data = params['curve'].data[int(params['block'])] # HACK, int() should be handled by ui
+ # HACK? rely on params['curve'] being bound to the local hooke
+ # playlist (i.e. not a copy, as you would get by passing a
+ # curve through the queue). Ugh. Stupid queues. As an
+ # alternative, we could pass lookup information through the
+ # queue.
+ new = Data((data.shape[0], data.shape[1]+1), dtype=data.dtype)
+ = copy.deepcopy(
+ new[:,:-1] = data
+['columns'].append('deflection (N)')
+ d_data = data[:,['columns'].index('surface adjusted deflection (m)')]
+ new[:,-1] = d_data *['spring constant (N/m)']
+ params['curve'].data[int(params['block'])] = new # HACK, int() should be handled by ui
class generalvclampCommands(object):
return contact_point, contact_point_index
def baseline_points(self,peak_location, displayed_plot):
if clicks==0: