+# $Id$
This list is split into two alphabetical lists. The first is a listing of the
authors of the original Gentoo package. The copyrights for all of those code
contributions belong to the Gentoo Foundation. The second list is the authors
# ChangeLog for catalyst
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; 2008-2009 Various authors (see AUTHORS)
# Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Id$
+ 02 Sep 2009; Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@wolf31o2.org> AUTHORS,
+ +.gitattributes, README, TODO:
+ Adding .gitattributes and adding an Id variable to AUTHORS, ChangeLog,
23 Aug 2009; Andrew Gaffney <agaffney@gentoo.org>
+# $Id$
This file is a rough list of changes that need to be made to catalyst. If you
have questions about any of these items, or wish to help with development, send
them to the gentoo-catalyst@lists.gentoo.org mailing list. Bug reports should