// Delays updates to the URL due to a Chrome thumbnailer bug
writeURLTimeout = 0,
- // A delay used to ativate the overview mode
+ // A delay used to activate the overview mode
activateOverviewTimeout = 0,
- // A delay used to deativate the overview mode
+ // A delay used to deactivate the overview mode
deactivateOverviewTimeout = 0,
// Holds information about the currently ongoing touch input
dom.wrapper.classList.add( 'overview' );
dom.wrapper.classList.remove( 'exit-overview' );
clearTimeout( activateOverviewTimeout );
clearTimeout( deactivateOverviewTimeout );
clearTimeout( deactivateOverviewTimeout );
dom.wrapper.classList.remove( 'overview' );
// Temporarily add a class so that transitions can do different things
// depending on whether they are exiting/entering overview, or just
// moving from slide to slide
dom.wrapper.classList.add( 'exit-overview' );
deactivateOverviewTimeout = setTimeout( function () {
dom.wrapper.classList.remove( 'exit-overview' );
}, 10);