command_args = args[2:]
command_args = []
+ stdin = None
if command in ["new", "comment"]:
body,mime_type = get_body_type(msg)
if command == "new":
command_args = ["--content-type", mime_type] + command_args
if "--alt-id" not in args:
command_args = ["--alt-id", msg["message-id"]] + command_args
- command_args.append(body)
+ command_args.append("-")
+ stdin = body
info["command-args"] = command_args
- # catch stdout and stderr
+ # set stdin and catch stdout and stderr
+ new_stdin = StringIO.StringIO(stdin)
new_stdout = codecs.getwriter(ENCODING)(StringIO.StringIO())
new_stderr = codecs.getwriter(ENCODING)(StringIO.StringIO())
+ orig_stdin = sys.stdin
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
orig_stderr = sys.stderr
+ sys.stdin = new_stdin
sys.stdout = new_stdout
sys.stderr = new_stderr
# run the command
err = InvalidCommand(msg, info, e)
except libbe.cmdutil.UserError, e:
err = InvalidCommand(msg, info, e)
- # restore stdout and stderr
+ # restore stdin, stdout, and stderr
+ sys.stdin = orig_stdin
sys.stdout = orig_stdout
sys.stderr = orig_stderr
out_text = codecs.decode(new_stdout.getvalue(), ENCODING)