"variable.invalidchar":"A variable contains an invalid character that is not part of the ASCII character set",
"variable.readonly":"Assigning a readonly variable",
"LIVEVCS.stable":"This ebuild is a live checkout from a VCS but has stable keywords.",
+ "LIVEVCS.unmasked":"This ebuild is a live checkout from a VCS but has keywords and is not masked in the global package.mask.",
"IUSE.invalid":"This ebuild has a variable in IUSE that is not in the use.desc or use.local.desc file",
"IUSE.undefined":"This ebuild does not define IUSE (style guideline says to define IUSE even when empty)",
"LICENSE.invalid":"This ebuild is listing a license that doesnt exist in portages license/ dir.",
non_ascii_re = re.compile(r'[^\x00-\x7f]')
kwlist = set()
liclist = set()
uselist = set()
+global_pmasklines = []
for path in portdb.porttrees:
if x:
uselist.add(use_prefix + x[0])
+ global_pmasklines.append(portage.util.grabfile_package(
+ os.path.join(path, 'profiles', 'package.mask'), recursive=1))
desc_path = os.path.join(path, 'profiles', 'profiles.desc')
desc_file = codecs.open(_unicode_encode(desc_path,
repoman_settings['PORTAGE_ARCHLIST'] = ' '.join(sorted(kwlist))
+global_pmasklines = portage.util.stack_lists(global_pmasklines, incremental=1)
+global_pmaskdict = {}
+for x in global_pmasklines:
+ global_pmaskdict.setdefault(portage.dep_getkey(x), []).append(x)
+del global_pmasklines
+def has_global_mask(pkg):
+ mask_atoms = global_pmaskdict.get(pkg.cp)
+ if mask_atoms:
+ pkg_list = [pkg]
+ for x in mask_atoms:
+ if portage.dep.match_from_list(x, pkg_list):
+ return x
+ return None
# Ensure that profile sub_path attributes are unique. Process in reverse order
# so that profiles with duplicate sub_path from overlays will override
# profiles with the same sub_path from parent repos.
del bad_stable_keywords
+ if keywords and not has_global_mask(pkg):
+ stats["LIVEVCS.unmasked"] += 1
+ fails["LIVEVCS.unmasked"].append(relative_path)
if options.ignore_arches:
arches = [[repoman_settings["ARCH"], repoman_settings["ARCH"],
.B LIVEVCS.stable
Ebuild is a live ebuild (cvs, git, darcs, svn, etc) checkout with stable keywords.
+.B LIVEVCS.unmasked
+Ebuild is a live ebuild (cvs, git, darcs, svn, etc) checkout but has keywords
+and is not masked in the global package.mask.
User-visible ebuilds with bad PDEPEND settings (matched against *visible* ebuilds)