--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Process Apache (or similarly formated) log files using ``apachelog``.
+Use the options to build a parser and list of processors. Each file
+listed on the command line will be parsed by this parser and processed
+by each processor. After processing is complete, interesting
+information from each processor will be printed to stdout.
+import socket as _socket
+from apachelog import __version__
+from apachelog.file import open as _open
+from apachelog.parser import FORMATS as _FORMATS
+from apachelog.parser import Parser as _Parser
+from apachelog.processor import process as _process
+from apachelog.processor.bandwidth import (
+ BandwidthProcessor as _BandwidthProcessor)
+from apachelog.processor.bandwidth import (
+ IPBandwidthProcessor as _IPBandwidthProcessor)
+from apachelog.processor.set import SetProcessor as _SetProcessor
+from apachelog.processor.status import StatusProcessor as _StatusProcessor
+from apachelog.resolve import Resolver as _Resolver
+ 'bandwidth': _BandwidthProcessor,
+ 'ip-bandwidth': _IPBandwidthProcessor,
+ 'set': _SetProcessor,
+ 'status': _StatusProcessor,
+ }
+def display_processor(processor, **kwargs):
+ for name,type_ in PROCESSORS.items():
+ if type(processor) == type_:
+ pname = name.replace('-', '_')
+ display = globals()['display_{}'.format(pname)]
+ return display(processor=processor, **kwargs)
+def display_bandwidth(stream, processor, args, **kwargs):
+ scale = args.scale
+ stream.write('# IP bandwidth ({})\n'.format(scale))
+ stream.write('{}\n'.format(processor.bandwidth(scale=scale)))
+def display_ip_bandwidth(stream, processor, resolver, args):
+ scale = args.scale
+ top = args.top
+ stream.write('# IP bandwidth ({})\n'.format(scale))
+ if resolver is not None:
+ processor.resolve(resolver=resolver, top=top)
+ remaining = processor.bandwidth(scale=scale)
+ for ip,bw in processor.ip_bandwidth(
+ scale=scale, sort_by_bandwidth=True)[-1:-top:-1]:
+ remaining -= bw
+ stream.write('\t'.join([str(bw), ip]))
+ if resolver is not None: # also print the raw IPs
+ ips = resolver.ips(ip)
+ try:
+ ips.remove(ip)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ stream.write('\t{}'.format(' '.join(sorted(ips))))
+ stream.write('\n')
+ stream.write('\t'.join([str(remaining), 'REMAINING']))
+ stream.write('\n')
+def display_set(stream, processor, **kwargs):
+ stream.write('# Value sets\n')
+ for key,values in sorted(processor.values.items()):
+ stream.write('{}\n'.format(key))
+ for value in sorted(values):
+ stream.write('\t{}\n'.format(value))
+def display_status(stream, processor, **kwargs):
+ stream.write('# Status\n')
+ for request,status in sorted(processor.request.items()):
+ stream.write('\t'.join([request, ', '.join(sorted(status))]))
+ stream.write('\n')
+ for status,request in sorted(processor.status.items()):
+ stream.write('{}\n'.format(status))
+ for r in sorted(request):
+ stream.write('\t{}\n'.format(r))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse
+ import sys
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, version=__version__)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-f', '--format', default='common',
+ help='Log format string, or one of the predefined formats: {}'.format(
+ ', '.join(sorted(_FORMATS.keys()))))
+ for processor in sorted(PROCESSORS.keys()):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--{}'.format(processor), default=False, action='store_const',
+ const=True,
+ help='Use the {} processor'.format(processor))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-r', '--resolve', default=False, action='store_const', const=True,
+ help='Resolve IP addresses for bandwidth measurements')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-t', '--top', default=10, type=int,
+ help='Number of IPs to print for ip-bandwidth measurements')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-s', '--scale', default='MB/month',
+ choices=sorted(_BandwidthProcessor._scales.keys()),
+ help='Scale for the bandwidth processors')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-k', '--key', action='append', help='Add a key to the set processor')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'file', nargs='+', help='Path to log file')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if hasattr(_socket, 'setdefaulttimeout'):
+ _socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) # set 5 second timeout
+ fmt = _FORMATS.get(args.format, args.format)
+ parser = _Parser(fmt)
+ if args.resolve:
+ resolver = _Resolver(smart=True)
+ else:
+ resolver = None
+ processors = []
+ for processor in sorted(PROCESSORS.keys()):
+ pattr = processor.replace('-', '_')
+ if not getattr(args, pattr):
+ continue
+ kwargs = {}
+ if pattr == 'set':
+ kwargs['keys'] = args.key
+ p = PROCESSORS[processor](**kwargs)
+ processors.append(p)
+ for filename in args.file:
+ with _open(filename) as f:
+ _process(stream=f, parser=parser, processors=processors)
+ for processor in processors:
+ display_processor(
+ stream=sys.stdout, processor=processor, resolver=resolver,
+ args=args)
+ if processor != processors[-1]:
+ print '' # blank line between output blocks