return hashfunc_map.keys()
def verify_all(filename, mydict, calc_prelink=0, strict=0):
+ """
+ Verify all checksums against a file.
+ @param filename: File to run the checksums against
+ @type filename: String
+ @param calc_prelink: Whether or not to reverse prelink before running the checksum
+ @type calc_prelink: Integer
+ @param strict: Enable/Disable strict checking (which stops exactly at a checksum failure and throws an exception)
+ @type strict: Integer
+ @rtype: Tuple
+ @return: Result of the checks and possible message:
+ 1) If size fails, False, and a tuple containing a message, the given size, and the actual size
+ 2) If there is an os error, False, and a tuple containing the system error followed by 2 nulls
+ 3) If a checksum fails, False and a tuple containing a message, the given hash, and the actual hash
+ 4) If all checks succeed, return True and a fake reason
+ """
# Dict relates to single file only.
# returns: (passed,reason)
file_is_ok = True
return file_is_ok,reason
def pyhash(filename, hashobject):
+ """
+ Run a checksum against a file.
+ @param filename: File to run the checksum against
+ @type filename: String
+ @param hashname: The hash object that will execute the checksum on the file
+ @type hashname: Object
+ @return: The hash and size of the data
+ """
f = open(filename, 'rb')
data =
return (sum.hexdigest(), size)
def perform_checksum(filename, hashname="MD5", calc_prelink=0):
+ """
+ Run a specific checksum against a file.
+ @param filename: File to run the checksum against
+ @type filename: String
+ @param hashname: The type of hash function to run
+ @type hashname: String
+ @param calc_prelink: Whether or not to reverse prelink before running the checksum
+ @type calc_prelink: Integer
+ @rtype: Tuple
+ @return: The hash and size of the data
+ """
myfilename = filename[:]
prelink_tmpfile = os.path.join("/", PRIVATE_PATH, "prelink-checksum.tmp." + str(os.getpid()))
mylock = None
return (myhash,mysize)
def perform_multiple_checksums(filename, hashes=["MD5"], calc_prelink=0):
+ """
+ Run a group of checksums against a file.
+ @param filename: File to run the checksums against
+ @type filename: String
+ @param hashes: A list of checksum functions to run against the file
+ @type hashname: List
+ @param calc_prelink: Whether or not to reverse prelink before running the checksum
+ @type calc_prelink: Integer
+ @rtype: Tuple
+ @return: A dictionary in the form:
+ return_value[hash_name] = (hash_result,size)
+ for each given checksum
+ """
rVal = {}
for x in hashes:
if x not in hashfunc_map: