+++ /dev/null
-# Blue Oak Model License
-Version 1.0.0
-## Purpose
-This license gives everyone as much permission to work with
-this software as possible, while protecting contributors
-from liability.
-## Acceptance
-In order to receive this license, you must agree to its
-rules. The rules of this license are both obligations
-under that agreement and conditions to your license.
-You must not do anything with this software that triggers
-a rule that you cannot or will not follow.
-## Copyright
-Each contributor licenses you to do everything with this
-software that would otherwise infringe that contributor's
-copyright in it.
-## Notices
-You must ensure that everyone who gets a copy of
-any part of this software from you, with or without
-changes, also gets the text of this license or a link to
-## Excuse
-If anyone notifies you in writing that you have not
-complied with [Notices](#notices), you can keep your
-license by taking all practical steps to comply within 30
-days after the notice. If you do not do so, your license
-ends immediately.
-## Patent
-Each contributor licenses you to do everything with this
-software that would otherwise infringe any patent claims
-they can license or become able to license.
-## Reliability
-No contributor can revoke this license.
-## No Liability
-***As far as the law allows, this software comes as is,
-without any warranty or condition, and no contributor
-will be liable to anyone for any damages related to this
-software or this license, under any kind of legal claim.***
+++ /dev/null
-Copyright 1992-94, 1997 John Bovey, University of Kent at Canterbury.
-Redistribution and use in source code and/or executable forms, with
-or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
-condition is met:
-Any redistribution must retain the above copyright notice, this
-condition and the following disclaimer, either as part of the
-program source code included in the redistribution or in human-
-readable materials provided with the redistribution.
-THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". Any express or implied
-warranties concerning this software are disclaimed by the copyright
-holder to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. In no
-event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any damages of any
-kind, however caused and on any theory of liability, arising in any
-way out of the use of, or inability to use, this software.
-In other words, do not misrepresent my work as your own work, and
-do not sue me if it causes problems. Feel free to do anything else
-you wish with it.