-% \def\fileversion{0.2}
+% \def\fileversion{0.3}
% \def\filedate{2010/01/09}
% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright (C) 2010 W. Trevor King, Daniel J. Cross, T. Tsankov, and
% \changes{0.1}{2006/01/18}{Rewrite by Daniel J.~Cross}
% \changes{0.2}{2010/01/09}{W.~Trevor King transitioned from thesis.cls
% to drexel-thesis.dtx and did a good deal of reorganizing.}
+% \changes{0.2}{2010/01/09}{W.~Trevor King merged drexelthesis.cls
+% developed in the Comp.~Sci.~Department by Jeff Abrahamson,
+% Evan Sultanik, C.Y.~Ip, Christopher S.~Dahn, Christopher D.~Cera,
+% Mitchell Peabody, David T.~McWherter, and Vincent A.~Cicirello.
+% Based on the University of Toronto Thesis LaTeX2e Class.}
% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
% \newcommand{\pkg}[1]{\textsf{#1}}
% \begin{tabular}{r p{0.8\textwidth}}
% |twoside| & Save space. \\
% |draftspace| & Save space. \\
-% |dottedtoc| & Might as well be consistent with |final|.
+% |dottedtoc| & Might as well be consistent with |final|. \\
+% |draftwatermark| & It's good to have a timestamp. \\
+% |annotate| & For human-accessible, consistent referencing.
% \end{tabular}
% \DescribeOption{finalspace}
% of the types. For example, |boldtoc| is equivalent to
% |boldchapter,boldpart|.
+% \DescribeOption{draftwatermark}
+% |draftwatermark| adds ``DRAFT \meta{date}'' watermarks to each page.
+% A useful way to remember that the version you're looking at is not final.
+% Also helps reviewers tell you what version they're correcting.
+% \DescribeOption{annotate}
+% |annotate| include various notes that should not be seen by a
+% general audience. A boxed note is placed on the cover page
+% identifying the copy as annotated.
% \subsubsection{Interesting \cls{book} options}
% \DescribeOption{oneside}
% \end{example}
% \begin{command}
+% `\cs{makecopyright}'
+% `\cs{makecopyrightCC}'
+% \end{command}
+% \DescribeMacro{\makecopyright}
+% Write the copyright page (Manual 3.2 p9).
+% Use |\makecopyright| to reserve all rights or |\makecopyrightCC| for
+% a Creative Commons copyright.
+% \begin{command}
% `\cs{tableofcontents}'
% \end{command}
% \DescribeMacro{\tableofcontents}
% to a |\tocdepth| of at least 2.
% \begin{command}
+% `\cs{listoftables}'
+% \end{command}
+% \DescribeMacro{\listoftables}
+% Write the List of Tables page (Manual 3.7 p10).
+% Skip if you have no tables in your thesis.
+% \begin{command}
+% `\cs{listoffigures}'
+% \end{command}
+% \DescribeMacro{\listoffigures}
+% Write the List of Figures page (Manual 3.7 p10).
+% Skip if you have no figures in your thesis.
+% \begin{command}
% `\cs{blanklines}\marg{num}'
% \end{command}
% \DescribeMacro{\blanklines}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\makecopyright}
+% \begin{macro}{\m@kecopyright}
% Automate the creation of the copyright page.
% From Manual 3.2 p9, ``Copyright Page''.
% \begin{itemize}
% \item This page is neither counted nor numbered.
% \end{itemize}
% \begin{macrocode}
\ifpdf \pdfbookmark[0]{Copyright Page}{copyright} \fi
- \copyright \def@year\\
- \@author. All Rights Reserved.
+ \copyright~Copyright \def@year\\
+ \@author. #1
+ \vfil\null
% \end{macrocode}
% |\thispagestyle{empty}| turns off page numbering for the current
% page. See
% \href{http://www.personal.ceu.hu/tex/pagestyl.htm#pgstyle}{here}.
% \begin{macrocode}
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\makecopyright}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \m@kecopyright{All Rights Reserved.}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\makecopyrightCC}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begin{quote}
+ This work is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons
+ Attribution-ShareAlike license. The license is available at
+ \url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/}.
+ \end{quote}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Adding TOC entries and blank pages}
-% Override \cls{book}'s |\listoffigures|, selecting the false branch
+% Override \cls{book}'s |\listoftables|, selecting the false branch
% of the |\if@twocolumn| conditionals, adding a line to the table of
% contents, and clearing the page.
+% From the Manual 3.6 p10
+% \begin{quote}
+% The heading |List of Tables| must appear at the top of the first
+% page.
+% The heading must be bold, centered, and without punctuation.
+% List table captions exactly as they appear above the tables in
+% the text.
+% Single space each entry, but double-space between entries.
+% Separate table captions from page numbers with right-justified
+% tabs and dot leaders.
+% Do not use periods to separate captions and page numbers.
+% These pages are counted and numbered in lowercase Roman numerals.
+% \end{quote}
% \begin{macrocode}
-%the figure list command
- \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listfigurename}
- \chapter*{\listfigurename}%
- \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\listfigurename}%
- {\MakeUppercase\listfigurename}%
- \@starttoc{lof}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listtablename}
+ \chapter*{\listtablename}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\listtablename}%
+ {\MakeUppercase\listtablename}%
+ \@starttoc{lot}%
% \end{macrocode}
-% Override \cls{book}'s |\listoftables|, selecting the false branch
+% Override \cls{book}'s |\listoffigures|, selecting the false branch
% of the |\if@twocolumn| conditionals, adding a line to the table of
% contents, and clearing the page.
+% From the Manual 3.7 p10
+% \begin{quote}
+% The heading |List of Figures| must appear at the top of the first
+% page.
+% The heading must be bold, centered, and without punctuation.
+% List figure captions exactly as they appear below the figures in
+% the text.
+% Single space each entry, but double-space between entries.
+% Separate figure captions from page numbers with right-justified
+% tabs and dot leaders.
+% Do not use periods to separate captions and page numbers.
+% These pages are counted and numbered in lowercase Roman numerals.
+% \end{quote}
% \begin{macrocode}
- \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listtablename}
- \chapter*{\listtablename}%
- \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\listtablename}%
- {\MakeUppercase\listtablename}%
- \@starttoc{lot}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listfigurename}
+ \chapter*{\listfigurename}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\listfigurename}%
+ {\MakeUppercase\listfigurename}%
+ \@starttoc{lof}%
% \end{macrocode}