sleep 1
- # Save NEEDED information
- scanelf -qyRF '%p %n' "${D}" | sed -e 's:^:/:' > "${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}"/build-info/NEEDED
+ # Save NEEDED information after removing self-contained providers
+ scanelf -qyRF '%p:%r %n' "${D}" | sed -e 's:^:/:' | { while read l; do
+ obj=${l%%:*}
+ rpath=${l##*:}; rpath=${rpath%% *}
+ needed=${l##* }
+ if [ -z "${rpath}" -o -n "${rpath//*ORIGIN*}" ]; then
+ # object doesn't contain $ORIGIN in its runpath attribute
+ echo "${obj} ${needed}" >> "${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}"/build-info/NEEDED
+ else
+ dir=$(dirname ${obj})
+ # replace $ORIGIN with the dirname of the current object for the lookup
+ opath=$(echo :${rpath}: | sed -e "s#.*:\(.*\)\$ORIGIN\(.*\):.*#\1${dir}\2#")
+ sneeded=$(echo ${needed} | tr , ' ')
+ rneeded=""
+ for lib in ${sneeded}; do
+ [ -e "${D}/${dir}/${lib}" ] || rneeded="${rneeded},${lib}"
+ done
+ rneeded=${rneeded:1}
+ [ -n "${rneeded}" ] && echo "${obj} ${rneeded}" >> "${PORTAGE_BUILDDIR}"/build-info/NEEDED
+ fi
+ done }
if [[ ${insecure_rpath} -eq 1 ]] ; then
die "Aborting due to serious QA concerns with RUNPATH/RPATH"