>>> But if a plugin adds its own match function, it has
>>> to explicitly call that code to support named pagespecs.
+>>>> Yes, and it can do that in just three lines of code. But if we automatically check for named pagespecs all the time we
+>>>> potentially break any matching function that doesn't accept pages, or wants to use multiple arguments.
> * I need to check if your trick to avoid infinite recursion
> works if there are two named specs that recursively
> call one-another. I suspect it does, but will test this
- \w+\([^\)]*\) # command(params)
+ define\(\s*~\w+\s*,((\([^()]*\)) | ([^()]+))+\) # define(~specName, spec) - spec can contain parens 1 deep
+ |
- + \w+\([^())]*\) # command(params) - params cannot contain parens
+ + \w+\([^()]*\) # command(params) - params cannot contain parens
[^\s()]+ # any other text