- new [youremail] (create new feedfile)
- email [yournewemail] (update default email)
+ new [emailaddress] (create new feedfile)
+ email newemailaddress (update default email)
run [--no-send] [num]
- add feedurl [youremail]
+ add feedurl [emailaddress]
delete n
__author__ = "Aaron Swartz ("
__copyright__ = "(C) 2004 Aaron Swartz. GNU GPL 2."
___contributors__ = ["Dean Jackson", "Brian Lalor", "Joey Hess",
- "Matej Cepl", "Martin 'Joey' Schulze", "Marcel Ackermann (", "Lindsey Smith (" ]
+ "Matej Cepl", "Martin 'Joey' Schulze",
+ "Marcel Ackermann (",
+ "Lindsey Smith (" ]
### Vaguely Customizable Options ###
# 1: Use SMTP_SERVER to send mail.
-# 0: Call /usr/bin/sendmail to send mail.
+# 0: Call /usr/sbin/sendmail to send mail.
AUTHREQUIRED = 0 # if you need to use SMTP AUTH set to 1
-SMTP_USER = ' username' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP username here
+SMTP_USER = 'username' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP username here
SMTP_PASS = 'password' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP password here
# Set this to add a bonus header to all emails (start with '\n').
# Note: You can also override the send function.
-def send(fr, to, message):
+def send(fr, to, message, smtpserver=None):
- import smtplib
- session = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER)
- session.login(SMTP_USER, SMTP_PASS)
- session.sendmail(fr, [to], message)
+ if not smtpserver:
+ import smtplib;
+ try:
+ smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ print >>warn, ""
+ print >>warn, ('Fatal error: could not connect to mail server "%s"' % SMTP_SERVER)
+ if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
+ print >>warn, "Reason:", e.reason
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ smtpserver.login(SMTP_USER, SMTP_PASS)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ print >>warn, ""
+ print >>warn, ('Fatal error: could not authenticate with mail server "%s" as user "%s"' % (SMTP_SERVER, SMTP_USER))
+ if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
+ print >>warn, "Reason:", e.reason
+ sys.exit(1)
+ smtpserver.sendmail(fr, [to], message)
+ return smtpserver
i, o = os.popen2(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", to])
i.close(); o.close()
del i, o
+ return None
## html2text options ##
for e in ['error', 'gaierror']:
if hasattr(socket, e): socket_errors.append(getattr(socket, e))
import mimify; from StringIO import StringIO as SIO; mimify.CHARSET = 'utf-8'
-if SMTP_SEND: import smtplib; smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_SERVER)
-else: smtpserver = None
import feedparser
feedparser.USER_AGENT = "rss2email/"+__version__+ " +"
def header7bit(s):
"""QP_CORRUPT headers."""
- return mimify.mime_encode_header(s + ' ')[:-1]
+ #return mimify.mime_encode_header(s + ' ')[:-1]
+ # XXX due to mime_encode_header bug
+ import re
+ p = re.compile('=\n([^ \t])');
+ return p.sub(r'\1', mimify.mime_encode_header(s + ' ')[:-1])
### Parsing Utilities ### = to
def load(lock=1):
- feedfileObject = open(feedfile, 'r')
+ if not os.path.exists(feedfile):
+ print 'Feedfile "%s" does not exist. If you\'re using r2e for the first time, you' % feedfile
+ print "have to run 'r2e new' first."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ feedfileObject = open(feedfile, 'r')
+ except IOError, e:
+ print "Feedfile could not be opened: %s" % e
+ sys.exit(1)
feeds = pickle.load(feedfileObject)
if lock:
if unix: fcntl.flock(feedfileObject.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
urls, to = args, None
feeds, feedfileObject = load()
- if feeds and not isstr(feeds[0]) and to is None:
- raise 'NoEmail', "Run `email newaddr` or `add url addr`."
+ if (feeds and not isstr(feeds[0]) and to is None) or (not len(feeds) and to is None):
+ print "No email address has been defined. Please run 'r2e email emailaddress' or"
+ print "'r2e add url emailaddress'."
+ sys.exit(1)
for url in urls: feeds.append(Feed(url, to))
unlock(feeds, feedfileObject)
# We store the default to address as the first item in the feeds list.
# Here we take it out and save it for later.
+ default_to = ""
if feeds and isstr(feeds[0]): default_to = feeds[0]; ifeeds = feeds[1:]
else: ifeeds = feeds
if num: ifeeds = [feeds[num]]
+ smtpserver = None
for f in ifeeds:
if VERBOSE: print >>warn, "I: Processing", f.url
exc_reason = r.bozo_exception.reason
print >>warn, "W:", exc_reason, f.url
+ elif exc_type == AttributeError:
+ print >>warn, "W:", r.bozo_exception, f.url
elif exc_type == KeyboardInterrupt:
raise r.bozo_exception
# and we don't need to do anything more.
if f.seen.has_key(frameid) and f.seen[frameid] == id: continue
+ if not ( or default_to):
+ print "No default email address defined. Please run 'r2e email emailaddress'"
+ print "Ignoring feed %s" % f.url
+ break
if 'title_detail' in entry and entry.title_detail:
title = entry.title_detail.value
if contains(entry.title_detail.type, 'html'):
ins, outs = SIO(message), SIO()
mimify.mimify(ins, outs)
message = outs.getvalue()
- send(from_addr, ( or default_to), message)
+ smtpserver = send(from_addr, ( or default_to), message, smtpserver)
f.seen[frameid] = id
f.etag, f.modified = r.get('etag', None), r.get('modified', None)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
print >>warn, "=== SEND THE FOLLOWING TO ==="
print >>warn, "E: could not parse", f.url
- #if title: print >>warn, "Entry entitled: ", title
print >>warn, "rss2email", __version__
print >>warn, "feedparser", feedparser.__version__
unlock(feeds, feedfileObject)
+ if smtpserver:
+ smtpserver.quit()
def list():
feeds, feedfileObject = load(lock=0)
+ default_to = ""
if feeds and isstr(feeds[0]):
default_to = feeds[0]; ifeeds = feeds[1:]; i=1
else: ifeeds = feeds; i = 0
for f in ifeeds:
print `i`+':', f.url, '('+( or ('default: '+default_to))+')'
+ if not ( or default_to):
+ print " W: Please define a default address with 'r2e email emailaddress'"
i+= 1
def delete(n):
feeds, feedfileObject = load()
- feeds = feeds[:n] + feeds[n+1:]
- print >>warn, "W: feed IDs may have changed, list before deleting again"
+ if n == 0:
+ print >>warn, "W: ID has to be equal to or higher than 1"
+ elif n >= len(feeds):
+ print >>warn, "W: no such feed"
+ else:
+ feeds = feeds[:n] + feeds[n+1:]
+ if n != len(feeds):
+ print >>warn, "W: feed IDs have changed, list before deleting again"
unlock(feeds, feedfileObject)
def email(addr):
if __name__ == '__main__':
ie, args = "InputError", sys.argv
- if VERBOSE: print 'args == %s' % args
if len(args) < 3: raise ie, "insufficient args"
feedfile, action, args = args[1], args[2], args[3:]
if action == "run":
if args and args[0] == "--no-send":
- def send(x,y,z):
- if VERBOSE: print 'Not sending', (
- [x for x in z.splitlines() if x.startswith("Subject:")][0])
+ def send(x,y,z,w=None):
+ if VERBOSE: print 'Not sending', ([x for x in z.splitlines() if x.startswith("Subject:")][0])
if args and args[-1].isdigit(): run(int(args[-1]))
else: run()
elif action == "email":
- email(args[0])
+ if not args:
+ raise ie, "Action '%s' requires an argument" % action
+ else:
+ email(args[0])
elif action == "add": add(*args)
elif action == "list": list()
- elif action == "delete": delete(int(args[0]))
+ elif action in ("help", "--help", "-h"): print __doc__
+ elif action == "delete":
+ if not args:
+ raise ie, "Action '%s' requires an argument" % action
+ elif args[0].isdigit():
+ delete(int(args[0]))
+ else:
+ raise ie, "Action '%s' requires a number as its argument" % action
raise ie, "invalid action"
- if smtpserver:
- smtpserver.quit()
except ie, e:
print "E:", e
print __doc__