--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit flag-o-matic eutils
+DESCRIPTION="rxvt compatible terminal emulator with transparency support"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~sparc-solaris"
+IUSE="background cjk xgetdefault"
+ virtual/jpeg:0
+ media-libs/libpng:0=
+ background? ( x11-wm/afterstep )
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ x11-base/xorg-proto
+ x11-libs/libXt
+src_prepare() {
+ # Security bug #219746
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}/${P}-display-security-issue.patch"
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-deadkeys.patch
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}/${P}-dpy.patch"
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}/${P}-remove-streams.patch"
+ #fix pre-stripped files
+ sed -i -e "/INSTALL_PROGRAM/ s:-s::" autoconf/Make.common.in || die "sed Makefile failed"
+ default
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf
+ use cjk && myconf="$myconf
+ --enable-kanji
+ --enable-thai
+ --enable-big5"
+ case "${CHOST}" in
+ *-darwin*) myconf="${myconf} --enable-wtmp" ;;
+ *-interix*) ;;
+ *) myconf="${myconf} --enable-utmp --enable-wtmp"
+ esac
+ econf \
+ $(use_enable xgetdefault) \
+ $(use_enable background background-image) \
+ --with-terminfo="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/terminfo \
+ --enable-transparency \
+ --enable-fading \
+ --enable-background-image \
+ --enable-menubar \
+ --enable-graphics \
+ --with-x \
+ ${myconf}
+src_install() {
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
+ fowners root:utmp /usr/bin/aterm
+ fperms g+s /usr/bin/aterm
+ doman doc/aterm.1
+ dodoc ChangeLog doc/FAQ doc/README.*
+ docinto menu
+ dodoc doc/menu/*
+ dohtml -r .
+pkg_postinst() {
+ echo
+ elog "The transparent background will only work if you have the 'real'"
+ elog "root wallpaper set. Some tools that might help include: Esetroot"
+ elog "(x11-terms/eterm), wmsetbg (x11-wm/windowmaker), and/or"
+ elog "media-gfx/feh."
+ echo
--- /dev/null
+diff -ur aterm-1.0.1-orig/src/command.c aterm-1.0.1/src/command.c
+--- aterm-1.0.1-orig/src/command.c 2020-04-01 12:50:59.222929696 -0400
++++ aterm-1.0.1/src/command.c 2020-04-01 12:49:47.319579199 -0400
+@@ -91,10 +91,13 @@
+ #if defined (__svr4__) || defined (__lnx21__)
+ # include <sys/resource.h> /* for struct rlimit */
+-# include <sys/stropts.h> /* for I_PUSH */
+ # define _NEW_TTY_CTRL /* to get proper defines in <termios.h> */
+ #endif
++#if defined (__svr4__)
++# include <sys/stropts.h> /* for I_PUSH */
+ /*}}} */
+ static unsigned int ModMetaMask, ModNumLockMask;
+@@ -672,7 +675,7 @@
+ print_error("can't open slave tty %s", ttydev);
+ }
+-#if defined (__svr4__) || defined (__lnx21__)
++#if defined (__svr4__)
+ /*
+ * Push STREAMS modules:
+ * ptem: pseudo-terminal hardware emulation module.
+@@ -682,6 +685,8 @@
+ ioctl(fd, I_PUSH, "ptem");
+ ioctl(fd, I_PUSH, "ldterm");
+ ioctl(fd, I_PUSH, "ttcompat");
++#elif defined (__lnx21__)
++ /* do nothing */
+ #else /* __svr4__ */
+ {
+ /* change ownership of tty to real uid and real group */