- # dumps perms to stdout. if error, no perms dumped.
- function stat_perms() {
- local f
- # only define do_stat if it hasn't been already
- if ! type -p do_stat &> /dev/null; then
- if ! type -p stat &>/dev/null; then
- do_stat() {
- # Generic version -- Octal result
- python -c "import os,stat; print '%o' % os.stat('$1')[stat.ST_MODE]"
- }
- else
- if [ "${USERLAND}" == "BSD" ] || [ "${USERLAND}" == "Darwin" ]; then
- do_stat() {
- # BSD version -- Octal result
- $(type -p stat) -f '%p' "$1"
- }
- else
- do_stat() {
- # Linux version -- Hex result converted to Octal
- f=$($(type -p stat) -c '%f' "$1") || return $?
- printf '%o' "0x$f"
- }
- fi
- fi
- fi
- f=$(do_stat "$@") || return
- f="${f:2:4}"
- echo $f
- }
- local file s
- local count=0
- find "${D}/" -user portage | while read file; do
- count=$(( $count + 1 ))
- if [ -L "${file}" ]; then
- lchown ${PORTAGE_INST_UID:-0} "${file}"
- else
- s=$(stat_perms "$file")
- if [ -z "${s}" ]; then
- ewarn "failed stat_perm'ing $file. User intervention during install isn't wise..."
- continue
- fi
- chown ${PORTAGE_INST_UID:-0} "$file"
- chmod "$s" "$file"
- fi
- done
- if (( $count > 0 )); then
- ewarn "$count files were installed with user portage!"
+ local file="${T}/find-portage-log"
+ local count=$(find "${D}"/ -user portage | wc -l)
+ if [[ ${count} -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ ewarn "${count} files were installed with user portage!"
+ find "${D}"/ -xtype l -user portage -print0 > "${file}"
+ [[ -s ${file} ]] && cat "${file}" | xargs -0 chown -h ${PORTAGE_INST_UID:-0}
+ find "${D}"/ -user portage -print0 > "${file}"
+ [[ -s ${file} ]] && cat "${file}" | xargs -0 chown ${PORTAGE_INST_UID:-0}
+ rm -f "${file}"
- count=0
- find "${D}/" -group portage | while read file; do
- count=$(( $count + 1 ))
- if [ -L "${file}" ]; then
- lchgrp ${PORTAGE_INST_GID:-0} "${file}"
- else
- s=$(stat_perms "$file")
- if [ -z "${s}" ]; then
- echo "failed stat_perm'ing '$file' . User intervention during install isn't wise..."
- continue
- fi
- chgrp ${PORTAGE_INST_GID:-0} "$file"
- chmod "$s" "$file"
- fi
- done
- if (( $count > 0 )); then
- ewarn "$count files were installed with group portage!"
- fi
+ count=$(find "${D}"/ -group portage | wc -l)
+ if [[ ${count} -gt 0 ]] ; then
+ ewarn "${count} files were installed with group portage!"
- unset -f stat_perms
+ find "${D}"/ -xtype l -group portage -print0 > "${file}"
+ [[ -s ${file} ]] && cat "${file}" | xargs -0 chgrp -h ${PORTAGE_INST_GID:-0}
+ find "${D}"/ -group portage -print0 > "${file}"
+ [[ -s ${file} ]] && cat "${file}" | xargs -0 chgrp ${PORTAGE_INST_GID:-0}
+ rm -f "${file}"
+ fi
# Portage regenerates this on the installed system.
if [ -f "${D}/usr/share/info/dir.gz" ]; then