import platform
import glob
-from portage.output import bold, red, blue, yellow, green, nocolor
+from portage.output import bold, blue, yellow, green
from .stuff import scan
-from .collect import prepare_search_dirs, parse_revdep_config, collect_libraries_from_dir, collect_binaries_from_dir
+from .collect import (prepare_search_dirs, parse_revdep_config,
+ collect_libraries_from_dir, collect_binaries_from_dir)
from .assign import assign_packages
from .cache import save_cache
def prepare_checks(files_to_check, libraries, bits, cmd_max_args):
- ''' Calls scanelf for all files_to_check, then returns found libraries and dependencies
+ ''' Calls scanelf for all files_to_check,
+ then returns found libraries and dependencies
- libs = [] # libs found by scanelf
- dependencies = [] # list of lists of files (from file_to_check) that uses
- # library (for dependencies[id] and libs[id] => id==id)
+ # libs found by scanelf
+ libs = []
+ # list of lists of files (from file_to_check) that uses
+ # library (for dependencies[id] and libs[id] => id==id)
+ dependencies = []
+ for line in scan(
+ ['-M', str(bits), '-nBF', '%F %n'],
+ files_to_check, cmd_max_args
+ ):
- for line in scan(['-M', str(bits), '-nBF', '%F %n'], files_to_check, cmd_max_args):
- #call_program(['scanelf', '-M', str(bits), '-nBF', '%F %n',]+files_to_check).strip().split('\n'):
- r = line.strip().split(' ')
- if len(r) < 2: # no dependencies?
+ parts = line.strip().split(' ')
+ if len(parts) < 2: # no dependencies?
- deps = r[1].split(',')
- for d in deps:
- if d in libs:
- i = libs.index(d)
- dependencies[i].append(r[0])
+ deps = parts[1].split(',')
+ for dep in deps:
+ if dep in libs:
+ index = libs.index(dep)
+ dependencies[index].append(parts[0])
- libs.append(d)
- dependencies.append([r[0],])
+ libs.append(dep)
+ dependencies.append([parts[0],])
return (libs, dependencies)
broken = []
libnames = []
- for l in libraries:
- m = re.match('.+\/(.+)\.(so|la|a)(\..+)?', l)
- if m is not None:
- ln =
- if ln not in libnames:
- libnames += [ln, ]
- for f in la:
- if not os.path.exists(f):
+ for lib in libraries:
+ match = re.match('.+\/(.+)\.(so|la|a)(\..+)?', lib)
+ if match is not None:
+ libname =
+ if libname not in libnames:
+ libnames += [libname, ]
+ for _file in la:
+ if not os.path.exists(_file):
- for line in open(f, 'r').readlines():
+ for line in open(_file, 'r').readlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('dependency_libs='):
- m = re.match("dependency_libs='([^']+)'", line)
- if m is not None:
- for el in' '):
+ match = re.match("dependency_libs='([^']+)'", line)
+ if match is not None:
+ for el in' '):
el = el.strip()
- if len(el) < 1 or el.startswith('-L') or el.startswith('-R'):
+ if (len(el) < 1 or el.startswith('-L')
+ or el.startswith('-R')
+ ):
if el.startswith('-l') and 'lib'+el[2:] in libnames:
if not _break:
-' * ') + f + ' is broken (requires: ' + bold(el)+')')
- broken.append(f)
+' * ') + _file +
+ ' is broken (requires: ' + bold(el)+')')
+ broken.append(_file)
return broken
is list of library names.
- # join libraries and looking at it as string is way too faster than for-jumping
+ # join libraries and looking at it as string
+ # is way faster than for-jumping
broken = []
- sl = '|'.join(system_libraries)
+ syslibs = '|'.join(system_libraries)
if not to_check:
- for f in found_libs:
- if f+'|' not in sl:
- broken.append(found_libs.index(f))
+ for found in found_libs:
+ if found + '|' not in syslibs:
+ broken.append(found_libs.index(found))
for tc in to_check:
- for f in found_libs:
- if tc in f:# and f+'|' not in sl:
- broken.append(found_libs.index(f))
+ for found in found_libs:
+ if tc in found:# and found+'|' not in syslibs:
+ broken.append(found_libs.index(found))
return broken
-def main_checks(found_libs, broken, dependencies, logger):
+def main_checks(found_libs, broken_list, dependencies, logger):
''' Checks for broken dependencies.
found_libs have to be the same as returned by prepare_checks
- broken is list of libraries found by scanelf
+ broken_list is list of libraries found by scanelf
dependencies is the value returned by prepare_checks
broken_pathes = []
- for b in broken:
- f = found_libs[b]
-'Broken files that requires: ' + bold(f))
- for d in dependencies[b]:
-' * ') + d)
- broken_pathes.append(d)
+ for broken in broken_list:
+ found = found_libs[broken]
+'Broken files that requires: ' + bold(found))
+ for dep_path in dependencies[broken]:
+' * ') + dep_path)
+ broken_pathes.append(dep_path)
return broken_pathes
if libraries and la_libraries and libraries_links and binaries:
-' * ') + bold('Found a valid cache, skipping collecting phase'))
+' * ') +
+ bold('Found a valid cache, skipping collecting phase'))
- #TODO: add partial cache (for ex. only libraries) when found for some reason
+ #TODO: add partial cache (for ex. only libraries)
+ # when found for some reason
- logger.warn(green(' * ') + bold('Collecting system binaries and libraries'))
+ logger.warn(green(' * ') +
+ bold('Collecting system binaries and libraries'))
bin_dirs, lib_dirs = prepare_search_dirs(logger, settings)
- masked_dirs, masked_files, ld = parse_revdep_config(settings['REVDEP_CONFDIR'])
+ masked_dirs, masked_files, ld = \
+ parse_revdep_config(settings['REVDEP_CONFDIR'])
- masked_dirs = masked_dirs.union(set(['/lib/modules', '/lib32/modules', '/lib64/modules',]))
+ masked_dirs.update([
+ '/lib/modules',
+ '/lib32/modules',
+ '/lib64/modules'
+ ]
+ )
-' * ') + bold('Collecting dynamic linking informations'))
- libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, symlink_pairs = collect_libraries_from_dir(lib_dirs, masked_dirs, logger)
+' * ') +
+ bold('Collecting dynamic linking informations'))
+ libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, symlink_pairs = \
+ collect_libraries_from_dir(lib_dirs, masked_dirs, logger)
binaries = collect_binaries_from_dir(bin_dirs, masked_dirs, logger)
if settings['USE_TMP_FILES']:
- logger.debug('Found '+ str(len(libraries)) + ' libraries (+' + str(len(libraries_links)) + ' symlinks) and ' + str(len(binaries)) + ' binaries')
+ logger.debug('Found '+ str(len(libraries)) +
+ ' libraries (+' + str(len(libraries_links)) +
+ ' symlinks) and ' + str(len(binaries)) +
+ ' binaries')
logger.warn(green(' * ') + bold('Checking dynamic linking consistency'))
- logger.debug('Search for ' + str(len(binaries)+len(libraries)) + ' within ' + str(len(libraries)+len(libraries_links)))
+ logger.debug('Search for ' + str(len(binaries)+len(libraries)) +
+ ' within ' + str(len(libraries)+len(libraries_links)))
libs_and_bins = libraries+binaries
- #l = []
- #for line in call_program(['scanelf', '-M', '64', '-BF', '%F',] + libraries).strip().split('\n'):
- #l.append(line)
- #libraries = l
found_libs = []
dependencies = []
elif _bits.startswith('64'):
bits = 64
- import time
broken = []
for av_bits in glob.glob('/lib[0-9]*') or ('/lib32',):
bits = int(av_bits[4:])
- #_libraries = scan(['-M', str(bits), '-BF', '%F'], libraries+libraries_links, settings['CMD_MAX_ARGS'])
_libraries = libraries+libraries_links
- found_libs, dependencies = prepare_checks(libs_and_bins, _libraries, bits, settings['CMD_MAX_ARGS'])
+ found_libs, dependencies = prepare_checks(libs_and_bins,
+ _libraries, bits, settings['CMD_MAX_ARGS'])
broken = find_broken(found_libs, _libraries, _libs_to_check)
bits /= 2
bits = int(bits)
- broken_la = extract_dependencies_from_la(la_libraries, libraries+libraries_links, _libs_to_check, logger)
+ broken_la = extract_dependencies_from_la(la_libraries,
+ libraries+libraries_links, _libs_to_check, logger)
broken_pathes = main_checks(found_libs, broken, dependencies, logger)
import re
import portage
+from portage.versions import catpkgsplit
from portage import portdb
-from portage.output import bold, red, blue, yellow, green, nocolor
+from portage.output import bold, red, yellow
def assign_packages(broken, logger, settings):
assigned = set()
for group in os.listdir(settings['PKG_DIR']):
for pkg in os.listdir(settings['PKG_DIR'] + group):
- f = settings['PKG_DIR'] + group + '/' + pkg + '/CONTENTS'
- if os.path.exists(f):
+ _file = settings['PKG_DIR'] + group + '/' + pkg + '/CONTENTS'
+ if os.path.exists(_file):
- with open(f, 'r') as cnt:
+ with open(_file, 'r') as cnt:
for line in cnt:
- m = re.match('^obj (/[^ ]+)', line)
- if m is not None:
- m =
- if m in broken:
+ matches = re.match('^obj (/[^ ]+)', line)
+ if matches is not None:
+ match =
+ if match in broken:
found = group+'/'+pkg
if found not in assigned:
-'\t' + m + ' -> ' + bold(found))
- except Exception as e:
- logger.warn(red(' !! Failed to read ' + f))
+'\t' + match + ' -> '
+ + bold(found))
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logger.warn(red(' !! Failed to read ' + _file) +
+ " Original exception was:\n" + str(ex))
return assigned
logger.warn(yellow('Warning: ebuild "' + cpv + '" not found.'))'Looking for %s:%s' %(cp, slot))
- m = portdb.match('%s:%s' %(cp, slot))
+ match = portdb.match('%s:%s' %(cp, slot))
except portage.exception.InvalidAtom:
- m = None
+ match = None
- if not m:
- logger.warn(red('!!') + ' ' + yellow('Could not find ebuild for %s:%s' %(cp, slot)))
+ if not match:
+ logger.warn(red('!!') + ' ' + yellow(
+ 'Could not find ebuild for %s:%s' %(cp, slot)))
slot = ['']
- m = portdb.match(cp)
- if not m:
- logger.warn(red('!!') + ' ' + yellow('Could not find ebuild for ' + cp))
- return m, slot
+ match = portdb.match(cp)
+ if not match:
+ logger.warn(red('!!') + ' ' +
+ yellow('Could not find ebuild for ' + cp))
+ return match, slot
def get_slotted_cps(cpvs, logger):
"""Uses portage to reduce the cpv list into a cp:slot list and returns it
- from portage.versions import catpkgsplit
- from portage import portdb
cps = []
for cpv in cpvs:
slot = portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])
except KeyError:
- m, slot = get_best_match(cpv, cp, logger)
- if not m:
- logger.warn(red("Installed package: %s is no longer available" %cp))
+ match, slot = get_best_match(cpv, cp, logger)
+ if not match:
+ logger.warn(red("Installed package: "
+ "%s is no longer available" %cp))
if slot[0]:
This function does not checks if files exists nor timestamps,
check_temp_files should be called first
@param temp_path: directory where all temp files should reside
- @return tuple with values of: libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, symlink_pairs, binaries
+ @return tuple with values of:
+ libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, symlink_pairs, binaries
- ret = {'libraries':[], 'la_libraries':[], 'libraries_links':[], 'binaries':[]}
+ ret = {
+ 'libraries':[],
+ 'la_libraries':[],
+ 'libraries_links':[],
+ 'binaries':[]
+ }
- for key,val in list(ret.items()):
- f = open(os.path.join(temp_path, key))
- for line in f.readlines():
+ for key, val in list(ret.items()):
+ _file = open(os.path.join(temp_path, key))
+ for line in _file .readlines():
- f.close()
+ _file .close()
except EnvironmentError:
- return (ret['libraries'], ret['la_libraries'], ret['libraries_links'], ret['binaries'])
+ return (ret['libraries'], ret['la_libraries'],
+ ret['libraries_links'], ret['binaries'])
-def save_cache(logger, to_save={}, temp_path=DEFAULTS['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR']):
+def save_cache(logger, to_save=None, temp_path=DEFAULTS['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR']):
''' Tries to store caching information.
@param logger
- @param to_save have to be dict with keys: libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links and binaries
+ @param to_save have to be dict with keys:
+ libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links and binaries
+ if to_save is None:
+ to_save = {}
if not os.path.exists(temp_path):
- f = open(os.path.join(temp_path, 'timestamp'), 'w')
- f.write(str(int(time.time())))
- f.close()
+ _file = open(os.path.join(temp_path, 'timestamp'), 'w')
+ _file.write(str(int(time.time())))
+ _file.close()
- for key,val in list(to_save.items()):
- f = open(os.path.join(temp_path, key), 'w')
+ for key, val in list(to_save.items()):
+ _file = open(os.path.join(temp_path, key), 'w')
for line in val:
- f.write(line + '\n')
- f.close()
+ _file.write(line + '\n')
+ _file.close()
except Exception as ex:
logger.warn(red('Could not save cache: %s' %str(ex)))
-def check_temp_files(temp_path=DEFAULTS['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR'], max_delay=3600):
+def check_temp_files(temp_path=DEFAULTS['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR'], max_delay=3600,
+ logger=None):
''' Checks if temporary files from previous run are still available
and if they aren't too old
@param temp_path is directory, where temporary files should be found
- @param max_delay is maximum time difference (in seconds) when those files
- are still considered fresh and useful
+ @param max_delay is maximum time difference (in seconds)
+ when those files are still considered fresh and useful
returns True, when files can be used, or False, when they don't
exists or they are too old
return False
- f = open(timestamp_path)
- timestamp = int(f.readline())
- f.close()
- except:
+ _file = open(timestamp_path)
+ timestamp = int(_file.readline())
+ _file .close()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ if logger:
+ logger.debug("check_temp_files(); error retrieving"
+ " timestamp_path:\n" + str(ex))
timestamp = 0
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Preparing cache ... ')
- from .collect import *
+ from .collect import (prepare_search_dirs, parse_revdep_config,
+ collect_libraries_from_dir, collect_binaries_from_dir)
import logging
- bin_dirs, lib_dirs = prepare_search_dirs()
+ bin_dirs, lib_dirs = prepare_search_dirs(logging, DEFAULTS)
- masked_dirs, masked_files, ld = parse_revdep_config()
+ masked_dirs, masked_files, ld = parse_revdep_config("/etc/revdep-rebuild/")
- masked_dirs = masked_dirs.update(['/lib/modules', '/lib32/modules', '/lib64/modules',])
+ masked_dirs = masked_dirs.update([
+ '/lib/modules',
+ '/lib32/modules',
+ '/lib64/modules'
+ ]
+ )
- libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, symlink_pairs = collect_libraries_from_dir(lib_dirs, masked_dirs, logging)
+ libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, symlink_pairs = \
+ collect_libraries_from_dir(lib_dirs, masked_dirs, logging)
binaries = collect_binaries_from_dir(bin_dirs, masked_dirs, logging)
import stat
import portage
-from portage.output import bold, red, blue, yellow, green, nocolor
+from portage.output import blue, yellow
def parse_conf(conf_file, visited=None, logger=None):
lib_dirs = set(['/lib', '/usr/lib', ])
- with open(os.path.join(portage.root, settings['DEFAULT_ENV_FILE']), 'r') as _file:
+ with open(os.path.join(
+ portage.root, settings['DEFAULT_ENV_FILE']), 'r') as _file:
for line in _file:
line = line.strip()
- m = re.match("^export (ROOT)?PATH='([^']+)'", line)
- if m is not None:
- bin_dirs.update(set(':')))
+ match = re.match("^export (ROOT)?PATH='([^']+)'", line)
+ if match is not None:
+ bin_dirs.update(set(':')))
#except EnvironmentError:
#logger.debug(yellow('Could not open file %s' % f))
def parse_revdep_config(revdep_confdir):
- ''' Parses all files under /etc/revdep-rebuild/ and returns
+ ''' Parses all files under and returns
tuple of: (masked_dirs, masked_files, search_dirs)'''
search_dirs = set()
masked_dirs = set()
masked_files = set()
- #TODO: remove hard-coded path
for _file in os.listdir(revdep_confdir):
- for line in open(os.path.join('/etc/revdep-rebuild', _file)):
+ for line in open(os.path.join(revdep_confdir, _file)):
line = line.strip()
#first check for comment, we do not want to regex all lines
if not line.startswith('#'):
- m = re.match('LD_LIBRARY_MASK=\\"([^"]+)\\"', line)
- if m is not None:
- s =' ')
- masked_files = masked_files.union(s)
+ match = re.match('LD_LIBRARY_MASK=\\"([^"]+)\\"', line)
+ if match is not None:
+ masks =' ')
+ masked_files = masked_files.union(masks)
- m = re.match('SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=\\"([^"]+)\\"', line)
- if m is not None:
- s =' ')
- for ss in s:
- masked_dirs = masked_dirs.union(glob.glob(ss))
+ match = re.match('SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=\\"([^"]+)\\"', line)
+ if match is not None:
+ searches =' ')
+ for search in searches:
+ masked_dirs = masked_dirs.union(glob.glob(search))
- m = re.match('SEARCH_DIRS=\\"([^"]+)\\"', line)
- if m is not None:
- s =
- for ss in s:
- search_dirs = search_dirs.union(glob.glob(ss))
+ match = re.match('SEARCH_DIRS=\\"([^"]+)\\"', line)
+ if match is not None:
+ searches =
+ for search in searches:
+ search_dirs = search_dirs.union(glob.glob(search))
return (masked_dirs, masked_files, search_dirs)
found_la_files = [] # la libraries
symlink_pairs = [] # list of pairs symlink_id->library_id
- for d in dirs:
- if d in mask:
+ for _dir in dirs:
+ if _dir in mask:
- for l in os.listdir(d):
- l = os.path.join(d, l)
- if l in mask:
+ for listing in os.listdir(_dir):
+ listing = os.path.join(_dir, listing)
+ if listing in mask:
- if os.path.isdir(l):
- if os.path.islink(l):
+ if os.path.isdir(listing):
+ if os.path.islink(listing):
#we do not want scan symlink-directories
- found_directories.append(l)
- elif os.path.isfile(l):
- if l.endswith('.so') or l.endswith('.a') or '.so.' in l:
- if l in found_files or l in found_symlinks:
+ found_directories.append(listing)
+ elif os.path.isfile(listing):
+ if (listing.endswith('.so') or
+ listing.endswith('.a') or
+ '.so.' in listing
+ ):
+ if listing in found_files or listing in found_symlinks:
- if os.path.islink(l):
- found_symlinks.append(l)
- abs_path = os.path.realpath(l)
+ if os.path.islink(listing):
+ found_symlinks.append(listing)
+ abs_path = os.path.realpath(listing)
if abs_path in found_files:
- i = found_files.index(abs_path)
+ index = found_files.index(abs_path)
- i = len(found_files)-1
- symlink_pairs.append((len(found_symlinks)-1, i,))
+ index = len(found_files)-1
+ symlink_pairs.append((len(found_symlinks)-1, index,))
- found_files.append(l)
+ found_files.append(listing)
- elif l.endswith('.la'):
- if l in found_la_files:
+ elif listing.endswith('.la'):
+ if listing in found_la_files:
- found_la_files.append(l)
+ found_la_files.append(listing)
- # sometimes there are binaries in libs' subdir, for example in nagios
- if not os.path.islink(l):
- if l in found_files or l in found_symlinks:
+ # sometimes there are binaries in libs' subdir,
+ # for example in nagios
+ if not os.path.islink(listing):
+ if listing in found_files or listing in found_symlinks:
- prv = os.stat(l)[stat.ST_MODE]
+ prv = os.stat(listing)[stat.ST_MODE]
if prv & stat.S_IXUSR == stat.S_IXUSR or \
prv & stat.S_IXGRP == stat.S_IXGRP or \
prv & stat.S_IXOTH == stat.S_IXOTH:
- found_files.append(l)
+ found_files.append(listing)
except Exception as ex:
yellow('Exception during collecting libraries: ' +
if found_directories:
- f, a, l, p = collect_libraries_from_dir(found_directories, mask, logger)
- found_files += f
- found_la_files += a
- found_symlinks += l
- symlink_pairs += p
+ _file, la_file, link, pair = \
+ collect_libraries_from_dir(found_directories, mask, logger)
+ found_files += _file
+ found_la_files += la_file
+ found_symlinks += link
+ symlink_pairs += pair
return (found_files, found_la_files, found_symlinks, symlink_pairs)
def collect_binaries_from_dir(dirs, mask, logger):
''' Collects all binaries from specified list of directories.
- mask is list of pathes, that are ommited in scanning, can be eighter single file or entire directory
+ mask is list of pathes, that are ommited in scanning,
+ can be eighter single file or entire directory
Returns list of binaries
found_directories = []
found_files = []
- for d in dirs:
- if d in mask:
+ for _dir in dirs:
+ if _dir in mask:
- for l in os.listdir(d):
- l = os.path.join(d, l)
- if d in mask:
+ for listing in os.listdir(_dir):
+ listing = os.path.join(_dir, listing)
+ if listing in mask:
- if os.path.isdir(l):
- if os.path.islink(l):
+ if os.path.isdir(listing):
+ if os.path.islink(listing):
#we do not want scan symlink-directories
- found_directories.append(l)
- elif os.path.isfile(l):
+ found_directories.append(listing)
+ elif os.path.isfile(listing):
# we're looking for binaries
# and with binaries we do not need links
# thus we can optimize a bit
- if not os.path.islink(l):
- prv = os.stat(l)[stat.ST_MODE]
+ if not os.path.islink(listing):
+ prv = os.stat(listing)[stat.ST_MODE]
if prv & stat.S_IXUSR == stat.S_IXUSR or \
prv & stat.S_IXGRP == stat.S_IXGRP or \
prv & stat.S_IXOTH == stat.S_IXOTH:
- found_files.append(l)
- except Exception as e:
+ found_files.append(listing)
+ except Exception as ex:
yellow('Exception during binaries collecting: '+
- blue('%s') %str(e)))
+ blue('%s') %str(ex)))
if found_directories:
found_files += collect_binaries_from_dir(found_directories, mask, logger)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import logging
- mbin_dirs, mlib_dirs = prepare_search_dirs(logging)
+ from .settings import DEFAULTS
+ mbin_dirs, mlib_dirs = prepare_search_dirs(logging, DEFAULTS)
- mmasked_dirs, mmasked_files, mld = parse_revdep_config()
+ mmasked_dirs, mmasked_files, mld = parse_revdep_config("/etc/revdep-rebuild/")
mmasked_dirs.update(['/lib/modules', '/lib32/modules', '/lib64/modules'])
- libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, msymlink_pairs = collect_libraries_from_dir(
- mlib_dirs, mmasked_dirs, logging)
+ libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, msymlink_pairs = \
+ collect_libraries_from_dir(mlib_dirs, mmasked_dirs, logging)
binaries = collect_binaries_from_dir(mbin_dirs, mmasked_dirs, logging)
from __future__ import print_function
-import subprocess
import os
import sys
import getopt
from portage.output import bold, red, blue, yellow, green, nocolor
from .analyse import analyse
-from .stuff import exithandler, get_masking_status
+from .stuff import get_masking_status
from .cache import check_temp_files, read_cache
from .assign import get_slotted_cps
from .settings import DEFAULTS
'installed as'))
if settings['USE_TMP_FILES'] \
- and check_temp_files(settings['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR']):
+ and check_temp_files(settings['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR'], logger=logger):
libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, binaries = read_cache(
assigned = analyse(
# util. functions
def call_program(args):
- ''' Calls program with specified parameters and returns stdout as a str object '''
+ ''' Calls program with specified parameters
+ and returns the stdout as a str object.
+ @param, args: arument list to pass to subprocess
+ @return str
+ '''
subp = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \
stdout, stderr = subp.communicate()
def scan(params, files, max_args):
''' Calls scanelf with given params and files to scan.
- @param params is list of parameters that should be passed into scanelf app.
+ @param params is list of parameters that should
+ be passed into scanelf app.
@param files list of files to scan.
@param max_args number of files to process at once
@param stri: string
@return boolean or list menber that matches stri.endswith(member)
- for l in lst:
- if stri.endswith(l):
- return l
+ for item in lst:
+ if stri.endswith(item):
+ return item
return False