+++ /dev/null
-# HG changeset patch
-# User Nilton Volpato <nilton@google.com>
-# Date 1348267873 10800
-# Fri Sep 21 19:51:13 2012 -0300
-# Node ID 3c94a3a1ebe1325c7c605cc8f11126dcc632b04d
-# Parent 83ece680e4fe06aa704de4c3a967355db21046d4
-Remove format as a slot attribute, as that is not compatible with python 3.3
-diff --git a/progressbar/widgets.py b/progressbar/widgets.py
---- a/progressbar/widgets.py
-+++ b/progressbar/widgets.py
-@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@
- class Timer(Widget):
- """Widget which displays the elapsed seconds."""
-- __slots__ = ('format',)
-+ __slots__ = ('format_string',)
- def __init__(self, format='Elapsed Time: %s'):
-- self.format = format
-+ self.format_string = format
- @staticmethod
- def format_time(seconds):
-@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
- def update(self, pbar):
- """Updates the widget to show the elapsed time."""
-- return self.format % self.format_time(pbar.seconds_elapsed)
-+ return self.format_string % self.format_time(pbar.seconds_elapsed)
- class ETA(Timer):
-@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@
- class FileTransferSpeed(Widget):
- """Widget for showing the transfer speed (useful for file transfers)."""
-- format = '%6.2f %s%s/s'
-- prefixes = ' kMGTPEZY'
-- __slots__ = ('unit', 'format')
-+ FORMAT = '%6.2f %s%s/s'
-+ __slots__ = ('unit',)
- def __init__(self, unit='B'):
- self.unit = unit
-@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
- power = int(math.log(speed, 1000))
- scaled = speed / 1000.**power
-- return self.format % (scaled, self.prefixes[power], self.unit)
-+ return self.FORMAT % (scaled, self.PREFIXES[power], self.unit)
- class AnimatedMarker(Widget):
-@@ -168,13 +168,13 @@
- class Counter(Widget):
- """Displays the current count."""
-- __slots__ = ('format',)
-+ __slots__ = ('format_string',)
- def __init__(self, format='%d'):
-- self.format = format
-+ self.format_string = format
- def update(self, pbar):
-- return self.format % pbar.currval
-+ return self.format_string % pbar.currval
- class Percentage(Widget):
-@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@
- 'value': ('currval', None)
- }
-- __slots__ = ('format',)
-+ __slots__ = ('format_string',)
- def __init__(self, format):
-- self.format = format
-+ self.format_string = format
- def update(self, pbar):
- context = {}
-@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
- context[name] = transform(value)
- except: pass
-- return self.format % context
-+ return self.format_string % context
- class SimpleProgress(Widget):