# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; 2008-2009 Various authors (see AUTHORS)
# Distributed under the GPL v2
+ 28 Jun 2009; Andrew Gaffney <agaffney@gentoo.org> livecd/files/README.txt,
+ livecd/files/x86-F6.msg:
+ Apply patch to document espeakup support for gentoo bug #267708
27 May 2009; Andrew Gaffney <agaffney@gentoo.org>
import catalyst_support for gentoo bug #271368
Volume Management System. This is not safe to use with lvm2.
dolvm This enables support for Linux's Logical Volume Management.
This is not safe to use with evms2.
+Screen reader access:
+speakup.synth=synth starts speakup using a given synthesizer.
+ supported synths are acntpc, acntsa, apollo, audptr, bns,
+ decext, dectlk, dtlk, keypc, ltlk, spkout and txprt.
+ Also, soft is supported for software speech and dummy is
+ supported for testing.
+speakup.quiet=1 sets the synthesizer not to speak until a key is pressed.
+speakup_SYNTH.port=n sets the port for internal synthesizers.
+speakup_SYNTH.ser=n sets the serial port for external synthesizers.
Other options:
debug Enables debugging code. This might get messy, as it displays
a lot of data to the screen.
Volume Management System. This is not safe to use with lvm2.
dolvm This enables support for Linux's Logical Volume Management.
This is not safe to use with evms2.
+Screen reader access:
+speakup.synth=synth starts speakup using a given synthesizer.
+ supported synths are acntpc, acntsa, apollo, audptr, bns,
+ decext, dectlk, dtlk, keypc, ltlk, spkout and txprt.
+ Also, soft is supported for software speech and dummy is
+ supported for testing.
+speakup.quiet=1 sets the synthesizer not to speak until a key is pressed.
+speakup_SYNTH.port=n sets the port for internal synthesizers.
+speakup_SYNTH.ser=n sets the serial port for external synthesizers.