if cpv_list:
+ atom_set = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(atom,),
+ allow_repo=True, allow_wildcard=True)
if atom.repo is None and hasattr(db, "getRepositories"):
repo_list = db.getRepositories()
# Make sure that cpv from the current repo satisfies the atom.
# This might not be the case if there are several repos with
# the same cpv, but different metadata keys, like SLOT.
- if not InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(atom,), allow_repo=True,
- ).findAtomForPackage(pkg, modified_use=self._pkg_use_enabled(pkg)):
+ if not atom_set.findAtomForPackage(pkg,
+ modified_use=self._pkg_use_enabled(pkg)):
yield pkg