-[[!template id=gitrepo repo=intro-physics]]
+[[!template id=gitrepo repo=course]]
Over a few years as a TA for assorted introductory physics classes,
I've assembled a nice website framework with lots of problems using my
[[LaTeX]] [[problempack]] package, along with some handy `Makefiles`,
a bit of [[php]], and [[SSI]].
-The result is the `intro-physics` package, which should make it very
-easy to whip up a course website, homeworks, etc. for an introductory
-mechanics or E&M class (321 problems implemented as of October 2010).
+The result is the `course` package, which should make it very easy to
+whip up a course website, homeworks, etc. for an introductory
+mechanics or E&M class (431 problems implemented as of June 2012).
With a bit of work to write up problems, the framework could easily be
extended to other subjects.
Note that because this framework assumes the HTML content will be
relatively static, it may not be appropriate for courses with large
amounts of textbook-style content, which will undergo more frequent
-revision. It mayq also be excessive for courses that need less
+revision. It may also be excessive for courses that need less
compiled content. For an example of another framework, see my
-[[branch|Parallel Computing]] of [Prof. Vallières'][MV] [Parallel
+[[branch|Parallel_computing]] of [Prof. Vallières'][MV] [Parallel
Computing][phys405] website.
-[MV]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/directory/faculty/homepage/?lname=Valli%C3%A8res&fname=Michel
+[MV]: http://drexel.edu/physics/contact/facultyDirectory/Vallieres%20Michel/
[phys405]: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~valliere/PHYS405/
[[!tag tags/code]]