sc_push_caldac( saved_cal, setup->caldacs[ caldac ] );
+void generic_peg( calibration_setup_t *setup,
+ comedi_calibration_setting_t *saved_cal, int observable, int caldac, int maximize )
+ if( caldac < 0 || observable < 0 ) return;
+ peg_binary( setup, observable, caldac, maximize );
void generic_prep_adc_caldacs( calibration_setup_t *setup,
const generic_layout_t *layout, unsigned int channel, unsigned int range )
lowgain = get_unipolar_lowgain( setup->dev, setup->ad_subdev );
highgain = get_unipolar_highgain( setup->dev, setup->ad_subdev );
+ reset_caldac( setup, layout->adc_postgain_offset( channel ) );
+ /* need to make sure we aren't stuck on zero for unipolar,
+ * by setting pregain offset to maximum */
+ generic_peg( setup, current_cal, layout->adc_ground_observable( setup, channel, lowgain ),
+ layout->adc_offset( channel ), 1 );
+ generic_peg( setup, current_cal, layout->adc_ground_observable( setup, channel, lowgain ),
+ layout->adc_offset_fine( channel ), 1 );
lowgain = get_bipolar_lowgain( setup->dev, setup->ad_subdev );
void cal_postgain_binary( calibration_setup_t *setup, int obs1, int obs2, int dac);
void cal_relative_binary( calibration_setup_t *setup, int obs1, int obs2, int dac);
void cal_linearity_binary( calibration_setup_t *setup, int obs1, int obs2, int obs3, int dac);
+void peg_binary( calibration_setup_t *setup, int obs, int dac, int maximize );
/* misc and temp */
+void peg_binary( calibration_setup_t *setup, int obs, int dac, int maximize )
+ int x0, x1, x;
+ double y0, y1;
+ new_sv_t sv;
+ unsigned int chanspec = setup->observables[obs].observe_insn.chanspec;
+ int polarity;
+ DPRINT(0,"binary peg: %s\n", setup->observables[obs].name);
+ preobserve( setup, obs);
+ comedi_set_global_oor_behavior( COMEDI_OOR_NUMBER );
+ my_sv_init(&sv, setup, setup->ad_subdev, chanspec);
+ x0 = setup->caldacs[dac].maxdata;
+ update_caldac( setup, dac, x0 );
+ usleep(caldac_settle_usec);
+ new_sv_measure( setup->dev, &sv);
+ y0 = sv.average;
+ x1 = 0;
+ update_caldac( setup, dac, x1 );
+ usleep(caldac_settle_usec);
+ new_sv_measure( setup->dev, &sv);
+ y1 = sv.average;
+ if( (y0 - y1) > 0.0 ) polarity = 1;
+ else polarity = -1;
+ if( maximize )
+ {
+ if( polarity > 0 ) x = x0;
+ else x = x1;
+ }else
+ {
+ if( polarity > 0 ) x = x1;
+ else x = x0;
+ }
+ update_caldac( setup, dac, x );
+ DPRINT(0,"caldac[%d] set to %d\n",dac,x);
+ if(verbose>=3){
+ measure_observable( setup, obs);
+ }
void cal_binary( calibration_setup_t *setup, int obs, int dac)
int x0, x1, x2, x;