DIST dovecot-1.0.beta8.tar.gz 1392106 RMD160 101a7011467691ba5f4a6f48e21d6d1dc5626c16 SHA1 fedd38c29a2bc396df386636ed5d8b65ecab0ff6 SHA256 b43bb6ea5426b0d78ae260b53be035d1b5371b76a342870b2d56a6aba1ad82d2
DIST dovecot-1.0.rc1.tar.gz 1254731 RMD160 fa761a2b24ede31b383b505ed36fc202810191cd SHA1 4b56d2205cd8b7229e368c736c993ebc1f59fe5e SHA256 b3fdcbf6093e3672bd3f78fa360569b527926274f9c9d5de83eccbe10660d072
DIST dovecot-1.0.rc10.tar.gz 1452437 RMD160 1dddb6b620ac373703af845e59ed069919c37377 SHA1 3c10464b0a5d3b285a9528c11e4057b0afa11cb0 SHA256 300fd089bb7643986511b723951461b34fc12b48736d26b796a1013db89e5779
+DIST dovecot-1.0.rc11.tar.gz 1457850 RMD160 08d469378639998d587e04b700c3a7398718b053 SHA1 b300b5f2d4a4b31e1a579fe616278a7ab28e7b61 SHA256 baa663c0dfaf8f5beef75ddf63d16ae4724cc290ecf78ca7536d49d6a4150255
DIST dovecot-1.0.rc2.tar.gz 1257435 RMD160 cbb1919f30ccc82033ddda5a9a4b2e9695f78eb9 SHA1 548d691166c71533cce05f72204d5f728941bab6 SHA256 594b38c099a4576e22d8a33673fd1461332c09a1e2c715792f6c2ff656b1bf6e
DIST dovecot-1.0.rc5.tar.gz 1260398 RMD160 2a89dc534fc46fa7f70e14848cafed04cdbc32e2 SHA1 f96698aba80f3f05daaf7a09880fd4e6266e61b3 SHA256 4ceffc02eb8661ce8175a046cbcf0bc699fcae9b6964cbaaeea00a0bd02ee2b2
DIST dovecot-1.0.rc6.tar.gz 1268328 RMD160 ddf49eece71d8766f994058ead1bed8410a9ee51 SHA1 4d6c524dd52b54dc25d3114bee7fb0ae1120b994 SHA256 9b61a55c36975aa587ad96082e5fcf1458d6f0999455c126b3c523845b608401
MD5 8162b04cdeed2f5c172ff04b427190cc dovecot-1.0_rc10.ebuild 5309
RMD160 5170be8907d2458844a0d40e86b83ee8f00adfb3 dovecot-1.0_rc10.ebuild 5309
SHA256 7a61d1734279c14f65cee33db8cf4bb3fb54c5080450197eeee80c7d4d112b85 dovecot-1.0_rc10.ebuild 5309
+EBUILD dovecot-1.0_rc11.ebuild 5321 RMD160 35c2e6f7565c83f95efe3884aa1cdf548cb0e390 SHA1 23da45d73990afa9f8d316495660d58832fe21bb SHA256 074ee0bf93c75a91e1ab56be4845b81f9192ca56db7364b1bb6012355611141c
+MD5 aaaca48b47e40be027afb7545cea8c65 dovecot-1.0_rc11.ebuild 5321
+RMD160 35c2e6f7565c83f95efe3884aa1cdf548cb0e390 dovecot-1.0_rc11.ebuild 5321
+SHA256 074ee0bf93c75a91e1ab56be4845b81f9192ca56db7364b1bb6012355611141c dovecot-1.0_rc11.ebuild 5321
EBUILD dovecot-1.0_rc2.ebuild 4837 RMD160 047d2df3da88d9d0e7c7fd0d8cbf52bf487c831d SHA1 e6011d5592e4ea06c856d2375ab645db8359bc94 SHA256 0af4cc65241e41ca26bda2407a4dba2ab02b7cf17b954d80bc5f6637e504dd9b
MD5 7f9ef3ca05705bded925708890df45dd dovecot-1.0_rc2.ebuild 4837
RMD160 047d2df3da88d9d0e7c7fd0d8cbf52bf487c831d dovecot-1.0_rc2.ebuild 4837
MD5 1e30d2485e6dc7e643926aaff55295e9 dovecot-1.0_rc9.ebuild 5308
RMD160 cd3c846c2d4847d0edb0563495ad36034e2fc799 dovecot-1.0_rc9.ebuild 5308
SHA256 66d0149ae9527c2f0a357a74b5c92d912595d45a55ebe82365db0654a783d767 dovecot-1.0_rc9.ebuild 5308
-MISC ChangeLog 12040 RMD160 986e5fdc891bc7c9236af7b852dad1c9a0be5e05 SHA1 7bc3aaadd5de2b91a1fc17f3e5396bd99965ff03 SHA256 3fd08ffa9ef0d97fcbd6158cf0020fce7b9a22a9c14c8c92b9df1f58a52f7f3c
-MD5 93b538c670c4d1d303fe1904176c7afb ChangeLog 12040
-RMD160 986e5fdc891bc7c9236af7b852dad1c9a0be5e05 ChangeLog 12040
-SHA256 3fd08ffa9ef0d97fcbd6158cf0020fce7b9a22a9c14c8c92b9df1f58a52f7f3c ChangeLog 12040
+MISC ChangeLog 12192 RMD160 842d52c78b4280e91095c840b6b69d66c51b44b5 SHA1 59d89ccf2c59f31ddc553968297b99eb78676f3d SHA256 e09270f55c61224c1fab52fec17386346db54adf8615b14f986190321cff92e5
+MD5 060ef121f21f652d46cac22a32ba2c66 ChangeLog 12192
+RMD160 842d52c78b4280e91095c840b6b69d66c51b44b5 ChangeLog 12192
+SHA256 e09270f55c61224c1fab52fec17386346db54adf8615b14f986190321cff92e5 ChangeLog 12192
MISC metadata.xml 252 RMD160 97c0c41abc4b61586ab48653ced79067cb964aa6 SHA1 57de811cfb02936b35c4bef2108018e6b2697a99 SHA256 419ffa57f459d89a62dd42ee4bb01934f03e6913b470323f5b2b8a7c89e2dc66
MD5 b6ff89c08602229bdd234da83a89df77 metadata.xml 252
RMD160 97c0c41abc4b61586ab48653ced79067cb964aa6 metadata.xml 252
MD5 3fe4c77ab01c537e8082ac32ec66da3f files/digest-dovecot-1.0_rc10 253
RMD160 501c94e9b7feaf8dbcab9c47dc341e03372ab127 files/digest-dovecot-1.0_rc10 253
SHA256 c959e6f00666e2feab4eae8f3c210f7719d95d89108b27c5645d7cd5fa23318c files/digest-dovecot-1.0_rc10 253
+MD5 8826aa65ab74be4a7172e3eefb4f8a93 files/digest-dovecot-1.0_rc11 253
+RMD160 e8fd440266cea45ed45fd73c8b37b10a5169b27d files/digest-dovecot-1.0_rc11 253
+SHA256 0e696a7a9b86d241c1ca56f9d62dce95f6e884e740fdda76736c0b293ee99fa3 files/digest-dovecot-1.0_rc11 253
MD5 1b420253aeeb0c66a66d0130c3f79ff6 files/digest-dovecot-1.0_rc2 250
RMD160 ce2efdc2589df26a1b42476b493a30a3c75553e7 files/digest-dovecot-1.0_rc2 250
SHA256 9cb8858afcad7af0cf0a43c96d00c153e7e49dbe84f59634b637eb74dec5199f files/digest-dovecot-1.0_rc2 250
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/dovecot/dovecot-1.0_rc11.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/11/04 23:36:01 uberlord Exp $
+inherit autotools eutils
+DESCRIPTION="An IMAP and POP3 server written with security primarily in mind"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="debug doc ipv6 kerberos ldap mbox mysql pop3d pam postgres ssl vpopmail"
+# Developer documentation, controlled by the doc USE flag
+DEVDOCS="auth-protocol index multiaccess securecoding"
+ kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
+ ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
+ pam? ( virtual/pam )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql )
+ mysql? ( dev-db/mysql )
+ vpopmail? ( net-mail/vpopmail )"
+ >=net-mail/mailbase-0.00-r8"
+pkg_setup() {
+ # Add user and group for login process (same as for fedora/redhat)
+ enewgroup dovecot 97
+ enewuser dovecot 97 -1 /dev/null dovecot
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf="--sysconfdir=/etc/dovecot --with-ioloop=best --with-poll=best"
+ use ssl && myconf="${myconf} --with-ssl=openssl" \
+ || myconf="${myconf} --without-ssl"
+ econf --localstatedir=/var \
+ $(use_enable debug) \
+ $(use_enable ipv6) \
+ $(use_with kerberos gssapi) \
+ $(use_with ldap) \
+ $(use_with mysql) \
+ $(use_with pam) \
+ $(use_with pop3d) \
+ $(use_with postgres pgsql) \
+ $(use_with vpopmail) \
+ ${myconf} || die "configure failed"
+ emake || die "make failed"
+src_install () {
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/dovecot.init dovecot
+ # Documentation
+ rm -rf "${D}"/usr/share/doc/dovecot
+ dodoc AUTHORS NEWS README TODO dovecot-example.conf
+ if use doc ; then
+ dodoc doc/*.txt
+ else
+ local x= n=
+ for x in doc/*.txt ; do
+ n=$(basename "${x}" .txt)
+ [[ " ${DEVDOCS} " != *" ${n} "* ]] && dodoc "${x}"
+ done
+ fi
+ # Create the dovecot.conf file from the dovecot-example.conf file that
+ # the dovecot folks nicely left for us....
+ local conf="${D}/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf"
+ mv "${D}"/etc/dovecot/dovecot-example.conf "${D}"/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
+ fperms 0600 /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
+ # .maildir is the Gentoo default, but we need to support mbox to
+ local mail_location="maildir:~/.maildir"
+ if use mbox ; then
+ mail_loctation="mbox:/var/spool/mail/%u:INDEX=/var/dovecot/%u"
+ keepdir /var/dovecot
+ sed -i -e 's|#mail_extra_groups =|mail_extra_groups = mail|' "${conf}"
+ fi
+ sed -i -e \
+ "s|#mail_location =|mail_location = ${mail_location}|" "${conf}" || die
+ # We're using pam files (imap and pop3) provided by mailbase
+ if use pam ; then
+ sed -i -e '/passdb pam/, /^[ \t]*}/ s|#args = dovecot|args = "\*"|' \
+ "${conf}" || die
+ fi
+ # Listen on ipv6 and ipv4
+ if use ipv6 ; then
+ sed -i -e 's/^#listen = \*/listen = \[::\]/g' "${conf}" || die
+ fi
+ # Install SQL configuration
+ if use mysql || use postgres ; then
+ cp doc/dovecot-sql.conf "${D}"/etc/dovecot
+ fperms 600 /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
+ sed -i -e '/db sql/,/args/ s|=|= /etc/dovecot-sql.conf|' "${conf}"
+ dodoc doc/dovecot-sql.conf
+ fi
+ # Install LDAP configuration
+ if use ldap ; then
+ cp doc/dovecot-ldap.conf "${D}"/etc/dovecot
+ fperms 600 /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf
+ sed -i -e '/db ldap/,/args/ s|=|= /etc/dovecot-ldap.conf|' "${conf}"
+ dodoc doc/dovecot-ldap.conf
+ fi
+ # Create SSL certificates
+ if use ssl ; then
+ dodir /etc/ssl/certs
+ dodir /etc/ssl/private
+ # Let's not make a new certificate if we already have one
+ if ! [[ -e /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem && \
+ -e /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem ]]; then
+ einfo "Generating X.509 certificate for SSL"
+ pushd doc >/dev/null && \
+ SSLDIR="${D}"/etc/ssl sh mkcert.sh && \
+ popd >/dev/null
+ fi
+ dodoc doc/*.cnf doc/mkcert.sh
+ fi
+ dodir /var/run/dovecot
+ fowners root:0 /var/run/dovecot
+ fperms 0700 /var/run/dovecot
+ keepdir /var/run/dovecot/login
+ fowners root:dovecot /var/run/dovecot/login
+ fperms 0750 /var/run/dovecot/login
+get_config_var() {
+ sed -n 's/^[[:space:]]\?base_dir[[:space:]]*="*\([^#"]\+\)"*/\1/p' \
+ /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo "The dovecot configuration has vastly changed since 0.99."
+ einfo "You are encouraged to start afresh with a new configuration file."
+ einfo "see http://wiki.dovecot.org/ for configuration examples."
+ if [[ -e ${ROOT}etc/dovecot.conf ]] ; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "dovecot configuration is now in ${ROOT}etc/dovecot"
+ fi
+ local base_dir="$(get_config_var base_dir)"
+ base_dir="${basedir:-/var/run/dovecot}"
+ if use ssl \
+ && [[ ! -e "${ROOT}/${base_dir}/login/ssl-parameters.dat" ]] ; then
+ einfo
+ einfo "Dovecot requires DH SSL Parameters if you use SSL connections"
+ einfo "These take some time to make, and dovecot will create them before"
+ einfo "it allows any SSL connections."
+ einfo "You can create them now before starting dovecot like so"
+ einfo " emerge --config =${PF}"
+ fi
+pkg_config() {
+ local base_dir="$(get_config_var base_dir)"
+ base_dir="${base_dir:-/var/run/dovecot}"
+ einfo "Regenerating SSL parameters. This will take some time."
+ /usr/libexec/dovecot/ssl-build-param "${base_dir}/login/ssl-parameters.dat"