sys.path = ["/usr/lib/portage/pym"]+sys.path
import portage, dispatch_conf
-import portage_exec
-# `readlink -f` is not supported on all systems, so it's necessary to test for
-# the alternative "realpath" program.
-FIND_EXTANT_CONFIGS = "find -L %s/ -iname '._cfg????_*' -exec realpath '{}' ';' | uniq | sed -e 's://:/:g'"
-realpath_binary = portage_exec.find_binary("realpath")
-if realpath_binary is None:
- FIND_EXTANT_CONFIGS = FIND_EXTANT_CONFIGS.replace("realpath", "readlink -q -f")
-del realpath_binary
+FIND_EXTANT_CONFIGS = "find %s/ -iname '._cfg????_*' | sed -e 's://:/:g'"
DIFF_CONTENTS = 'diff -Nu %s %s'
DIFF_CVS_INTERP = 'diff -Nu %s %s | grep "^[+-][^+-]" | grep -v "# .Header:.*"'
DIFF_WSCOMMENTS = 'diff -Nu %s %s | grep "^[+-][^+-]" | grep -v "^[-+]#" | grep -v "^[-+][:space:]*$"'
exit 1
- # `readlink -f` is not supported on all systems, so it's necessary to test
- # for the alternative "realpath" program.
- local realpath_cmd="$(type -p "realpath")"
- [ -z "${realpath_cmd}" ] && realpath_cmd="readlink -q -f"
for path in ${CONFIG_PROTECT} ; do
[ ! -d ${path} ] && continue
- for file in `find -L ${path}/ -iname "._cfg????_*" -exec ${realpath_cmd} '{}' ';' | uniq |
+ for file in `find ${path}/ -iname "._cfg????_*" |
sed -e "s:\(^.*/\)\(\._cfg[0-9]*_\)\(.*$\):\1\2\3\%\2\%\3:" |
sort -t'%' -k3 -k2 | LANG=POSIX LC_ALL=POSIX cut -f1 -d'%'`; do
rpath=`echo "${file/\/\///}" | sed -e "s:/[^/]*$::"`