# Format copied and pasted from Apache conf - use raw string + single quotes
format = r'%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"'
p = apachelog.parser(format)
for line in open('/var/apache/access.log'):
"Peter Hickman <peterhi@ntlworld.com>",
"Loic Dachary <loic@dachary.org>"
import re
class ApacheLogParserError(Exception):
class parser:
def __init__(self, format):
Takes the log format from an Apache configuration file.
Best just copy and paste directly from the .conf file
and pass using a Python raw string e.g.
format = r'%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"'
p = apachelog.parser(format)
self._regex = None
self._pattern = ''
def _parse_format(self, format):
Converts the input format to a regular
format = format.strip()
format = re.sub('[ \t]+',' ',format)
subpatterns = []
findquotes = re.compile(r'^\\"')
lstripquotes = re.compile(r'^\\"')
rstripquotes = re.compile(r'\\"$')
self._names = []
for element in format.split(' '):
hasquotes = 0
if hasquotes:
element = lstripquotes.sub('', element)
element = rstripquotes.sub('', element)
subpattern = '(\S*)'
if hasquotes:
if element == '%r' or findreferreragent.search(element):
subpattern = r'\"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)\"'
subpattern = r'\"([^\"]*)\"'
elif findpercent.search(element):
subpattern = r'(\[[^\]]+\])'
elif element == '%U':
subpattern = '(.+?)'
self._pattern = '^' + ' '.join(subpatterns) + '$'
self._regex = re.compile(self._pattern)
except Exception, e:
raise ApacheLogParserError(e)
def parse(self, line):
Parses a single line from the log file and returns
line = line.strip()
match = self._regex.match(line)
if match:
data = {}
for k, v in zip(self._names, match.groups()):
data[k] = v
return data
raise ApacheLogParserError("Unable to parse: %s with the %s regular expression" % ( line, self._pattern ) )
def alias(self, name):
field names to something else. This method is called
when the parser is constructed, not when actually parsing
a log file
Takes and returns a string fieldname
return name
YYYYMMDDHH24IISS e.g. 20061205105144 and second the
timezone offset as is e.g.;
- parse_date('[05/Dec/2006:10:51:44 +0000]')
+ parse_date('[05/Dec/2006:10:51:44 +0000]')
>> ('20061205105144', '+0000')
It does not attempt to adjust the timestamp according
msg = 'Line 1 %{User-Agent}i'
def testline2(self):
data = self.p.parse(self.line2)
self.assertEqual(data['%h'], '', msg = 'Line 2 %h')