+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-if [[ ${PV} = *9999* ]]; then
- EGIT_BRANCH="v241-stable"
- EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/elogind/elogind.git"
- inherit git-r3
- SRC_URI="https://github.com/${PN}/${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
- KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86"
-inherit linux-info meson pam udev xdg-utils
-DESCRIPTION="The systemd project's logind, extracted to a standalone package"
-LICENSE="CC0-1.0 LGPL-2.1+ public-domain"
-IUSE="+acl debug doc +pam +policykit selinux"
- app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.2
- app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.5
- app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
- dev-util/gperf
- dev-util/intltool
- virtual/pkgconfig
- sys-apps/util-linux
- sys-libs/libcap
- virtual/libudev:=
- acl? ( sys-apps/acl )
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
- !sys-apps/systemd
- sys-apps/dbus
- policykit? ( sys-auth/polkit )
-DOCS=( README.md src/libelogind/sd-bus/GVARIANT-SERIALIZATION )
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-nodocs.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-241.4-broken-test.patch" # bug 699116
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-selinux-missing-headers.patch" # bug 711432
-pkg_setup() {
- use kernel_linux && linux-info_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- default
- xdg_environment_reset
-src_configure() {
- local rccgroupmode="$(grep rc_cgroup_mode ${EPREFIX}/etc/rc.conf | cut -d '"' -f 2)"
- local cgroupmode="legacy"
- if [[ "xhybrid" = "x${rccgroupmode}" ]] ; then
- cgroupmode="hybrid"
- elif [[ "xunified" = "x${rccgroupmode}" ]] ; then
- cgroupmode="unified"
- fi
- local emesonargs=(
- -Ddocdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- -Dhtmldir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
- -Dpamlibdir=$(getpam_mod_dir)
- -Dudevrulesdir="${EPREFIX}$(get_udevdir)"/rules.d
- --libdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)
- -Drootlibdir="${EPREFIX}"/$(get_libdir)
- -Drootlibexecdir="${EPREFIX}"/$(get_libdir)/elogind
- -Drootprefix="${EPREFIX}/"
- -Dbashcompletiondir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/bash-completion/completions"
- -Dman=auto
- -Dsmack=true
- -Dcgroup-controller=openrc
- -Ddefault-hierarchy=${cgroupmode}
- -Ddefault-kill-user-processes=false
- -Dacl=$(usex acl true false)
- --buildtype $(usex debug debug release)
- -Dhtml=$(usex doc auto false)
- -Dpam=$(usex pam true false)
- -Dselinux=$(usex selinux true false)
- -Dutmp=$(usex elibc_musl false true)
- )
- meson_src_configure
-src_install() {
- DOCS+=( src/libelogind/sd-bus/GVARIANT-SERIALIZATION )
- meson_src_install
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.init ${PN}
- sed -e "s/@libdir@/$(get_libdir)/" "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.conf.in > ${PN}.conf || die
- newconfd ${PN}.conf ${PN}
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ "$(rc-config list boot | grep elogind)" != "" ]]; then
- elog "elogind is currently started from boot runlevel."
- elif [[ "$(rc-config list default | grep elogind)" != "" ]]; then
- ewarn "elogind is currently started from default runlevel."
- ewarn "Please remove elogind from the default runlevel and"
- ewarn "add it to the boot runlevel by:"
- ewarn "# rc-update del elogind default"
- ewarn "# rc-update add elogind boot"
- else
- elog "elogind is currently not started from any runlevel."
- elog "You may add it to the boot runlevel by:"
- elog "# rc-update add elogind boot"
- elog
- elog "Alternatively, you can leave elogind out of any"
- elog "runlevel. It will then be started automatically"
- if use pam; then
- elog "when the first service calls it via dbus, or"
- elog "the first user logs into the system."
- else
- elog "when the first service calls it via dbus."
- fi
- fi
+++ /dev/null
-We don't want the build system to install to docdir for us.
---- a/meson.build 2020-01-20 08:22:09.000000000 +0100
-+++ b/meson.build 2020-02-02 16:16:00.074882830 +0100
-@@ -3342,15 +3342,11 @@
- # install_data('modprobe.d/systemd.conf',
- # install_dir : modprobedir)
- #endif // 0
- #if 0 /// elogind has upgraded to markdown, and the NEWS file is useless
- # 'NEWS',
- # 'README',
- #else
-- 'README.md',
- #endif // 0
-- 'docs/CODING_STYLE.md',
- #if 0 /// irrelevant for elogind
- # 'docs/DISTRO_PORTING.md',
- # 'docs/ENVIRONMENT.md',
-@@ -3359,8 +3355,6 @@
- # 'docs/TRANSLATORS.md',
- # 'docs/UIDS-GIDS.md',
- #endif // 0
-- 'src/libelogind/sd-bus/GVARIANT-SERIALIZATION',
-- install_dir : docdir)
- #if 0 /// UNNEEDED by elogind
- # meson.add_install_script('sh', '-c', mkdir_p.format(systemdstatedir))
+++ /dev/null
-From 1cd3fe4083eb8784fa2a125e4af0edb80e6928b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Sven Eden <sven.eden@prydeworx.com>
-Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 20:31:00 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] basic/selinux-util.c : Uncomment missing includes (#157)
-Compiling on Debian unstable failed using gcc 9.2.1 and libc6 2.29.
-Uncommenting the two commented includes in basic/selinux-util.c
-fixes the compilation issues.
-Bug: #157
-Closes: #157
-Signed-off-by: Sven Eden <sven.eden@prydeworx.com>
- src/basic/selinux-util.c | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/basic/selinux-util.c b/src/basic/selinux-util.c
-index 40a85feec..3be9f2c0d 100644
---- a/src/basic/selinux-util.c
-+++ b/src/basic/selinux-util.c
-@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- /* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */
- #include <errno.h>
--//#include <fcntl.h>
-+#include <fcntl.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
--//#include <sys/types.h>
-+#include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/un.h>
- #include <syslog.h>