+++ /dev/null
-Index: shutter-0.90/bin/shutter
---- shutter-0.90.orig/bin/shutter
-+++ shutter-0.90/bin/shutter
-@@ -9396,11 +9396,7 @@ else {
- die "ERROR: imagemagick is missing --> aborting!\n\n";
- }
-- #gnome-web-photo
-- unless ( File::Which::which('gnome-web-photo') ) {
-- warn "WARNING: gnome-web-photo is missing --> screenshots of websites will be disabled!\n\n";
-- $gnome_web_photo = FALSE;
-- }
-+ $gnome_web_photo = FALSE;
- #nautilus-sendto
- unless ( File::Which::which('nautilus-sendto') ) {
+++ /dev/null
-Description: Fix insecure use of system()
-Author: Luke Faraone <lfaraone@debian.org>
-Bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/shutter/+bug/1495163
-Debian-Bug: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=798862
-Index: shutter/share/shutter/resources/modules/Shutter/App/HelperFunctions.pm
---- shutter.orig/share/shutter/resources/modules/Shutter/App/HelperFunctions.pm 2015-11-05 21:34:34.222313258 -0500
-+++ shutter/share/shutter/resources/modules/Shutter/App/HelperFunctions.pm 2015-11-05 21:35:37.299461116 -0500
-@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
- sub xdg_open {
- my ( $self, $dialog, $link, $user_data ) = @_;
-- system("xdg-open $link");
-+ my @args = ("xdg-open", $link);
-+ system(@args);
- if($?){
- my $response = $self->{_dialogs}->dlg_error_message(
- sprintf( $self->{_d}->get("Error while executing %s."), "'xdg-open'"),
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Feature-rich screenshot program"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
- drawing? ( dev-perl/Goo-Canvas )
- dev-perl/libxml-perl
- dev-perl/gnome2-canvas
- dev-perl/gnome2-perl
- dev-perl/gnome2-wnck
- dev-perl/Gtk2-Unique
- dev-perl/Gtk2-ImageView
- dev-perl/File-DesktopEntry
- dev-perl/File-HomeDir
- dev-perl/File-Which
- dev-perl/JSON
- dev-perl/File-Copy-Recursive
- dev-perl/File-MimeInfo
- dev-perl/Locale-gettext
- dev-perl/Net-DBus
- dev-perl/Proc-Simple
- dev-perl/Proc-ProcessTable
- dev-perl/Sort-Naturally
- dev-perl/WWW-Mechanize
- dev-perl/X11-Protocol
- dev-perl/XML-Simple
- dev-perl/libwww-perl
- virtual/imagemagick-tools[perl]"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.90-webphoto.patch
- use drawing || eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.90-goocanvas.patch
- # 560426
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-insecure_use_of_system.patch
- #Fix tray icon because it doesn't pick the right icon using various themes
- sed -i -e "/\$tray->set_from_icon_name/s:set_from_icon_name:set_from_file:" \
- -e "s:shutter-panel:/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/&.svg:" \
- bin/shutter || die "failed to fix trayicon"
-src_install() {
- dobin bin/${PN}
- insinto /usr/share/${PN}
- doins -r share/${PN}/*
- dodoc README
- domenu share/applications/${PN}.desktop
- # Man page is broken. Reconstruct it.
- gunzip share/man/man1/${PN}.1.gz || die "gunzip failed"
- doman share/man/man1/${PN}.1
- doicon share/pixmaps/${PN}.png
- doins -r share/locale
- insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor
- doins -r share/icons/hicolor/*
- find "${D}"/usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/ -type f ! -name '*.*' -exec chmod 755 {} \; \
- || die "failed to make plugins executables"
- find "${D}"/usr/share/shutter/resources/system/upload_plugins/upload -type f \
- -name "*.pm" -exec chmod 755 {} \; || die "failed to make upload plugins executables"
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog ""
- elog "The following optional dependencies can be used to provide"
- elog "additional functionality:"
- elog ""
- elog "- media-libs/exiftool : Writing Exif information"
- elog "- dev-libs/libappindicator : Status icon support for Unity"
- elog "- dev-perl/{Net-OAuth,Path-Class}: Dropbox support"
- elog "- dev-perl/JSON-XS : vgy.me image hosting support"
- elog""