+++ /dev/null
-/* Metropolis_CS.c */
-/* Demonstration of integration by random numbers */
-/* Client-Server */
-/* */
-/* Metropolis Algorithm */
-/* Gaussian Random Numbers distribution */
-/* */
-/* Syntax: */
-/* mpiexec -np 5 ./Metropolis_CS -p > data_file */
- /* Michel Vallieres */
-#include <mpi.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#define NMAX 1000 /* trial size of randomarrays x & y */
-/* function to integrate */
-double func( double x, double y )
- return M_PI * ( x*x + y*y );
-/* probability profile of the random numbers */
-double weight( double x, double y )
- return exp( - ( x*x + y*y ) );
-/* Metropolis algorithm to generate Random */
-/* Points in the plane with probability profile */
-/* weight(x,y) */
-void Metropolis ( double x[], double y[], double (*weight)(double,double),
- double delta, int N, int *accepted_count )
- double xt, yt, xx, yy, eta, ratio;
- int local_count, count;
- count = 0; /* accepted count */
- for( local_count=0 ; local_count < N-1 ; local_count++ )
- {
- xx = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; /* random # in 0,1 */
- yy = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
- xt = x[local_count] + delta * ( 2*xx - 1.0 ); /* in range -1 to 1 */
- yt = y[local_count] + delta * ( 2*yy - 1.0 ); /* trial step */
- /* probability ratio */
- x[local_count+1] = x[local_count]; /* new step = old step */
- y[local_count+1] = y[local_count];
- ratio = weight( xt, yt ) / weight( x[local_count] , y[local_count] );
- eta = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; /* random # in 0-1 */
- if ( ratio > eta ) /* Metropolis selection */
- {
- count++;
- x[local_count+1] = xt; /* selected step */
- y[local_count+1] = yt;
- }
- }
- *accepted_count = *accepted_count + count;
-/* code executed by node 0 */
-/* control of calculation & final Monte Carlo sums */
-void node_zero_code( int numprocs )
- double f, sumf, sumf2, integral, sigma, store[2];
- int N_average, N_input, leftover, N_node, N_total, count, first;
- int node, kill;
- double x0, y0;
- MPI_Status recv_status;
- x0 = 0.5; /* initial position in plane*/
- y0 = 0.6;
- /* transmit to server node */
- MPI_Ssend( &x0, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, numprocs-1, 2123, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- MPI_Ssend( &y0, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, numprocs-1, 3123, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- f = func( x0, y0 ); /* Monte-Carlo sums */
- sumf = f;
- sumf2 = f*f;
- N_total = 1; /* Monte-Carlo counters */
- first = 1;
- /* accuracy improvement */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Enter # of random numbers to use ( 0 to quit ): " );
- while ( scanf( "%d", &N_input ) != EOF && N_input > 0 )
- {
- /* adjust N_input to # nodes */
- N_average = N_input/(numprocs-2);
- leftover = N_input % (numprocs-2);
- /* add to total */
- N_total = N_total + N_input - first;
- /* send to slave nodes */
- for ( node=1 ; node<numprocs-1 ; node++ )
- {
- N_node = N_average;
- if ( node <= leftover )
- N_node++;
- if ( first == 0 ) N_node++; /* adjust count on MC steps */
- first = 0; /* on subsequent calls */
- /* send # to slave nodes */
- MPI_Ssend( &N_node, 1, MPI_INT, node, 51, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- }
- /* receive partial sums */
- for ( node=1 ; node<numprocs-1 ; node++ )
- {
- MPI_Recv( store, 2, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 423,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- sumf = sumf + store[0];
- sumf2 = sumf2 + store[1];
- }
- /* final Monte Carlo integral */
- /* x0 & y0 */
- integral = sumf/(double)N_total;
- sigma = sqrt( ( sumf2/(double)N_total - integral*integral ) /
- (double)N_total );
- fprintf( stderr, " Integral = %f +/- sigma = %f \n", integral, sigma );
- /* more trials? */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Enter # of random number to use ( 0 to quit ): " );
- }
- /* kill slave nodes & server */
- kill = -1;
- for ( node=1 ; node<numprocs-1 ; node++ )
- MPI_Ssend( &kill, 1, MPI_INT, node, 51, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- MPI_Ssend( &kill, 1, MPI_INT, numprocs-1, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- /* receive count (sent before suicide)*/
- MPI_Recv( &count, 1, MPI_INT, numprocs-1, 301, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- /* Acceptance ratio - should be > ~0.5 */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Acceptance ratio: %d %d %f\n\n",
- N_total, count, (double)count/(double)N_total );
- /* end all */
- MPI_Finalize();
- exit(0);
-/* worker code: requests & receives random numbers and */
-/* calculates MC partial sums */
-void worker_nodes_code( int numprocs )
- static double *x, *y; /* static: permanent storage */
- static int current_x_y_size;
- double f, sumf, sumf2, store[2];
- int N, ir;
- MPI_Status recv_status;
- /* current size of x & y */
- /* arrays - reserve memory */
- current_x_y_size = NMAX;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- /* wait for # of MC steps */
- N = 1;
- while ( N > 0 )
- {
- /* receive N from node 0 */
- MPI_Recv( &N, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 51, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- /* suicide point */
- if ( N < 0 )
- {
- MPI_Finalize();
- exit(0);
- }
- /* request MC steps */
- MPI_Ssend( &N, 1, MPI_INT, numprocs-1, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- /* space for x & y arrays */
- if ( N > current_x_y_size ||
- current_x_y_size == 0 ) /* enough ? */
- { /* reserve more */
- free ( x );
- free ( y );
- current_x_y_size = N + 100;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- }
- /* receive random #s */
- MPI_Recv( x, N, MPI_DOUBLE, numprocs-1, 201,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- MPI_Recv( y, N, MPI_DOUBLE, numprocs-1, 202,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- /* Monte-Carlo integral */
- sumf = 0.0;
- sumf2 = 0.0;
- for ( ir=1 ; ir<N ; ir++ )
- {
- f = func( x[ir], y[ir] );
- sumf = sumf + f;
- sumf2 = sumf2 + f*f;
- }
- store[0] = sumf;
- store[1] = sumf2;
- MPI_Ssend( store, 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 423, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- }
-/* server code: answers to requests for Random Numbers */
-void server_code( int plot_control )
- double delta;
- int N, ir;
- static int accepted_count;
- static int current_x_y_size;
- static double *x, *y;
- int to;
- MPI_Status recv_status;
- double x00, y00; /* carry over & initial */
- /* x, y position */
- /* accepted trial steps count */
- accepted_count = 1;
- /* initial position in plane*/
- MPI_Recv( &x00, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 2123, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- MPI_Recv( &y00, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 3123, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- /* current size of x & y */
- /* arrays - reserve memory */
- current_x_y_size = NMAX;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- delta = 0.2; /* Metropolis delta - */
- /* size of jump */
- N = 1;
- while ( N > 0 ) /* loop over requests */
- /* from nodes */
- {
- /* receive request */
- MPI_Recv( &N, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 123,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- /* in case of early suicide */
- if ( N <= 0 ) break;
- /* space for x & y arrays */
- if ( N > current_x_y_size ||
- current_x_y_size == 0 ) /* enough ? */
- { /* reserve more */
- free ( x );
- free ( y );
- current_x_y_size = N + 100;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- }
- /* Metropolis Algorithm */
- x[0] = x00;
- y[0] = y00;
- Metropolis ( x, y, weight, delta, N , &accepted_count );
- /* plot info */
- if ( plot_control == 1 )
- for ( ir=1 ; ir<N ; ir++ )
- printf( " %f %f %f\n", x[ir], y[ir], func( x[ir], y[ir] ) );
- x00 = x[N-1];
- y00 = y[N-1];
- /* origin of request */
- to = recv_status.MPI_SOURCE;
- /* send random numbers */
- MPI_Ssend( x, N, MPI_DOUBLE, to, 201, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- MPI_Ssend( y, N, MPI_DOUBLE, to, 202, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- }
- /* suicide signal ( N<0 ) */
- /* has been received */
- /* send count */
- MPI_Ssend( &accepted_count, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 301, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- /* suicide */
- MPI_Finalize();
- exit(0);
-/* demo program to illustrate Monte-Carlo integration using */
-/* Gaussian random numbers in the plane */
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- int ir, N, N_total, N_input, N_node, N_average, leftover;
- int plot_control, count;
- int myid, numprocs;
- /* join the MPI virtual machine */
- MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
- MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
- MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
- /**** MASTER NODE ****/
- /* node zero code */
- /* overall organization of code */
- if ( myid == 0 )
- node_zero_code( numprocs );
- /**** SLAVE NODES ****/
- else if ( myid > 0 && myid < numprocs-1 )
- worker_nodes_code( numprocs );
- /***** SERVER ****/
- else
- {
- /* plot control */
- plot_control = 0; /* only server needs it */
- if ( argc == 2 )
- if ( strcmp( argv[1], "-p") == 0 )
- plot_control = 1;
- /* call the server code */
- server_code( plot_control );
- }
+++ /dev/null
-/* Metropolis_Gaussian_Client_Server.c */
-/* Demonstration of integration by random numbers */
-/* Metropolis Algorithm */
-/* Gaussian Random Numbers distribution */
-/* */
-/* Syntax: */
-/* Metropolis_Gaussian_Client_Server -p > data_file */
-/* */
- /* Michel Vallieres */
-#include <mpi.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#define NMAX 1000
-/* function to integrate */
-double func( double x, double y )
- return M_PI * ( x*x + y*y );
-/* probability profile of the random numbers */
-double weight( double x, double y )
- return exp( - ( x*x + y*y ) );
-/* Metropolis algorithm to generate Random */
-/* Points in the plane with probability profile */
-/* weight(x,y) */
-void Metropolis ( double x[], double y[], double (*weight)(double,double),
- double delta, int N, int *accepted_count )
- double xt, yt, xx, yy, eta, ratio;
- int local_count, count;
- count = 0; /* accepted count */
- for( local_count=0 ; local_count < N-1 ; local_count++ )
- {
- xx = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; /* random # 0,1 */
- yy = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
- xt = x[local_count] + delta * ( 2*xx - 1.0 ); /* in range -1 to 1 */
- yt = y[local_count] + delta * ( 2*yy - 1.0 ); /* trial step */
- /* probability ratio */
- x[local_count+1] = x[local_count]; /* new step = old step */
- y[local_count+1] = y[local_count];
- ratio = weight( xt, yt ) / weight( x[local_count] , y[local_count] );
- eta = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; /* random # in 0-1 */
- if ( ratio > eta ) /* Metropolis selection */
- {
- count++;
- x[local_count+1] = xt; /* selected step */
- y[local_count+1] = yt;
- }
- // fprintf(stderr,"%d %f %f %f %f %d\n", local_count,xt,yt,ratio,eta,count);
- }
- *accepted_count = *accepted_count + count;
-/* demo program to illustrate Monte-Carlo integration using */
-/* Gaussian random numbers in the plane */
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- int ir, accepted_count, N, N_total, N_input,
- N_node, N_average, leftover, first;
- int current_x_y_size;
- double *x, *y, delta, x0, y0;
- int plot_control;
- double f, sumf, sumf2, integral, sigma, store[2];
- MPI_Status recv_status;
- int myid, numprocs, node, to;
- /* join the MPI virtual machine */
- MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
- MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
- MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
- if ( myid != 0 )
- {
- /* current size of x & y */
- /* arrays - reserve memory */
- current_x_y_size = NMAX;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- }
- x0 = 0.5; /* initial plane position */
- y0 = 0.6;
- accepted_count = 1; /* counter - selected numbers */
- /**** MASTER NODE ****/
- if ( myid == 0 )
- {
- f = func( x0, y0 ); /* Monte-Carlo sums */
- sumf = f;
- sumf2 = f*f;
- first = 1;
- N_total = 1;
- /* accuracy improvement */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Enter # of random numbers to use ( 0 to quit ): " );
- while ( scanf( "%d", &N_input ) != EOF && N_input > 0 )
- {
- /* adjust N_input to # nodes */
- N_average = N_input/(numprocs-2);
- leftover = N_input % (numprocs-2);
- /* add to total */
- N_total = N_total + N_input - first;
- /* send to slave nodes */
- for ( node=1 ; node<numprocs-1 ; node++ )
- {
- N_node = N_average;
- if ( node <= leftover )
- N_node++;
- if ( first == 0 ) N_node++; /* adjust count on MC steps */
- first = 0; /* on subsequent calls */
- /* take into account index 0 */
- MPI_Ssend( &N_node, 1, MPI_INT, node, 51, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- }
- /* receive partial sums */
- for ( node=1 ; node<numprocs-1 ; node++ )
- {
- MPI_Recv( store, 2, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 423,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- sumf = sumf + store[0];
- sumf2 = sumf2 + store[1];
- }
- /* final Monte Carlo integral */
- integral = sumf/(double)N_total;
- sigma = sqrt( ( sumf2/(double)N_total - integral*integral ) / (double)N_total );
- fprintf( stderr, " Integral = %f +/- sigma = %f \n", integral, sigma );
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Enter # of random number to use ( 0 to quit ): " );
- }
- /* kill slave nodes & server */
- N_node = -1;
- for ( node=1 ; node<numprocs-1 ; node++ )
- MPI_Ssend( &N_node, 1, MPI_INT, node, 51, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- MPI_Ssend( &N_node, 1, MPI_INT, node, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- /* receive count */
- MPI_Recv( &accepted_count, 1, MPI_INT, numprocs-1, 301,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- /* Acceptance ratio - should be > ~0.5 */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Acceptance ratio: %d %d %f\n\n",
- N_total, accepted_count, (double)accepted_count/(double)N_total );
- /* end all */
- MPI_Finalize();
- exit(0);
- }
- /**** SLAVE NODES ****/
- else if ( myid > 0 && myid < numprocs-1 )
- {
- /* wait for # of random numbers */
- N = 1;
- while ( N > 0 )
- {
- /* receive N from node 0 */
- MPI_Recv( &N, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 51, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- /* suicide point */
- if ( N < 0 )
- {
- MPI_Finalize();
- exit(0);
- }
- /* request random # from server */
- MPI_Ssend( &N, 1, MPI_INT, numprocs-1, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- /* space for x & y arrays */
- if ( N > current_x_y_size ||
- current_x_y_size == 0 ) /* enough ? */
- { /* reserve more */
- free ( x );
- free ( y );
- current_x_y_size = N + 100;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- }
- /* receive random #s */
- MPI_Recv( x, N, MPI_DOUBLE, numprocs-1, 201, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- MPI_Recv( y, N, MPI_DOUBLE, numprocs-1, 202, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- /* Monte-Carlo integral */
- sumf = 0.0;
- sumf2 = 0.0;
- for ( ir=1 ; ir<N ; ir++ )
- {
- f = func( x[ir], y[ir] );
- sumf = sumf + f;
- sumf2 = sumf2 + f*f;
- }
- store[0] = sumf;
- store[1] = sumf2;
- MPI_Ssend( store, 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 423, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- }
- }
- /***** SERVER ****/
- else
- {
- /* plot control */
- plot_control = 0; /* only server needs it */
- if ( argc == 2 )
- if ( strcmp( argv[1], "-p") == 0 )
- plot_control = 1;
- delta = 0.2; /* Metropolis delta - */
- /* size of jump */
- N = 1;
- while ( N > 0 ) /* loop over requests from nodes */
- {
- /* receive request */
- MPI_Recv( &N, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 123,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status );
- /* in case of early suicide */
- if ( N <= 0 ) break;
- /* space for x & y arrays */
- if ( N > current_x_y_size ||
- current_x_y_size == 0 ) /* enough ? */
- { /* reserve more */
- free ( x );
- free ( y );
- current_x_y_size = N + 100;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- }
- /* Metropolis Algorithm */
- x[0] = x0;
- y[0] = y0;
- Metropolis ( x, y, weight, delta, N , &accepted_count );
- /* plot info */
- if ( plot_control == 1 )
- for ( ir=1 ; ir<N ; ir++ )
- printf( " %f %f %f\n", x[ir], y[ir], func(x[ir],y[ir]) );
- x0 = x[N-1];
- y0 = y[N-1];
- /* origin of request */
- to = recv_status.MPI_SOURCE;
- /* send random numbers */
- MPI_Ssend( x, N, MPI_DOUBLE, to, 201, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- MPI_Ssend( y, N, MPI_DOUBLE, to, 202, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- }
- /* send count */
- MPI_Ssend( &accepted_count, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 301, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- /* suicide */
- MPI_Finalize();
- exit(0);
- }
+++ /dev/null
-/* Metropolis_Gaussian_Integral.c */
-/* Demonstration of intergration by random numbers */
-/* Metropolis Algorithm */
-/* Gaussian Random Numbers distribution */
-/* */
-/* Syntax: */
-/* Metropolis_Gaussian_Integral -p > data_file */
- /* Michel Vallieres */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#define NMAX 1000
-/* function to integrate */
-double func( double x, double y )
- return M_PI * ( x*x + y*y );
-/* probability profile of the random numbers */
-double weight( double x, double y )
- return exp( - ( x*x + y*y ) );
-/* Metropolis algorithm to generate Random */
-/* Points in the plane with probability profile */
-/* weight(x,y) */
-void Metropolis ( double x[], double y[], double (*weight)(double,double),
- double delta, int N, int *accepted_count )
- double xt, yt, xx, yy, eta, ratio;
- int local_count, count;
- count = 0; /* accepted count */
- for( local_count=0 ; local_count < N-1 ; local_count++ )
- {
- xx = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; /* random # in 0,1 */
- yy = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
- xt = x[local_count] + delta * ( 2*xx - 1.0 ); /* in range -1 to 1 */
- yt = y[local_count] + delta * ( 2*yy - 1.0 ); /* trial step */
- /* probability ratio */
- x[local_count+1] = x[local_count]; /* new step = old step */
- y[local_count+1] = y[local_count];
- ratio = weight( xt, yt ) / weight( x[local_count] , y[local_count] );
- eta = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; /* random # in 0-1 */
- if ( ratio > eta ) /* Metropolis selection */
- {
- count++;
- x[local_count+1] = xt; /* selected step */
- y[local_count+1] = yt;
- }
- // fprintf(stderr,"<-> %d %f %f %f %f %d\n", local_count,xt,yt,ratio,eta,count);
- }
- *accepted_count = *accepted_count + count;
-/* demo program to illustrate Monte-Carlo integration using */
-/* Gaussian random numbers in the plane */
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- int ir, accepted_count, N_total, N_input, first;
- double delta, x00, y00;
- int plot_control, current_x_y_size;
- double f, sumf, sumf2, integral, sigma;
- double *x, *y;
- /* plot control */
- plot_control = 0;
- if ( argc == 2 )
- if ( strcmp( argv[1], "-p") == 0 )
- plot_control = 1;
- delta = 0.2; /* Metropolis delta (size of jump) */
- N_total = 1; /* total # of random numbers */
- accepted_count = 1; /* accepted steps counter */
- first = 1; /* first bunch of MC steps */
- /* space for the MC steps */
- current_x_y_size = NMAX + 100;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- x00 = 0.5; /* initial position in plane */
- y00 = 0.6;
- f = func( x00, y00 ); /* Monte-Carlo sums */
- sumf = f;
- sumf2 = f*f;
- /* accuracy improvement */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Enter # of random number to use ( 0 to quit ): " );
- while ( scanf( "%d", &N_input ) != EOF && N_input > 0 )
- {
- N_total = N_total + N_input - first; /* add to total */
- if ( first == 0 ) N_input++; /* adjust count on MC steps */
- first = 0; /* on subsequent calls */
- if ( N_input > current_x_y_size ) /* enough space? */
- { /* if not -- reserve more */
- free ( x );
- free ( y );
- current_x_y_size = N_input + 100;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- }
- x[0] = x00; /* initial step */
- y[0] = y00;
- /* Metropolis Algorithm */
- Metropolis ( x, y, weight, delta, N_input, &accepted_count );
- /* plot info */
- if ( plot_control == 1 )
- for ( ir=0 ; ir<N_input ; ir++ )
- printf( " %f %f %f\n", x[ir], y[ir], func( x[ir], y[ir] ) );
- /* Monte-Carlo sums */
- for ( ir=1 ; ir<N_input ; ir++ )
- {
- f = func( x[ir], y[ir] );
- sumf = sumf + f;
- sumf2 = sumf2 + f*f;
- }
- /* start new bunch of MC steps */
- x00 = x[N_input-1];
- y00 = y[N_input-1];
- /* Monte-Carlo integrals */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Sumf - Sumf2 = %f %f \n", sumf, sumf2 );
- integral = sumf/(double)N_total;
- sigma = sqrt((sumf2/(double)N_total - integral*integral)/(double)N_total);
- fprintf( stderr, " Integral = %f +/- sigma = %f \n", integral, sigma );
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Enter # of random number to use ( 0 to quit ): " );
- }
- /* Acceptance ratio */
- /* should be > ~0.5 */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Acceptance ratio: %d %d %f\n\n",
- N_total, accepted_count, (double)accepted_count/(double)N_total );
+++ /dev/null
-/* Metropolis_Gaussian_Parallel.c */
-/* Demonstration of integration by random numbers */
-/* Metropolis Algorithm */
-/* Gaussian Random Numbers distribution */
-/* Parallel version */
-/* */
-/* Syntax: */
-/* mpiexec -np N Metropolis_Gaussian_Parallel -p > data_file */
- /* Michel Vallieres */
-#include <mpi.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#define NMAX 1000 /* initial array dimensions */
- /* will be modified if need be */
-double x00, y00; /* initial position of random walk */
-/* function to integrate */
-double func( double x, double y )
- return M_PI * ( x*x + y*y );
-/* probability profile of the random numbers */
-double weight( double x, double y )
- return exp( - ( x*x + y*y ) );
-/* Metropolis algorithm to generate Random */
-/* Points in the plane with probability profile */
-/* weight(x,y) */
-void Metropolis ( double x[], double y[], double (*weight)(double,double),
- double delta, int N, int *accepted_count )
- double xt, yt, xx, yy, eta, ratio;
- int local_count, count;
- count = 0; /* accepted count */
- for( local_count=0 ; local_count < N-1 ; local_count++ )
- {
- xx = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; /* random # in 0,1 */
- yy = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
- xt = x[local_count] + delta * ( 2*xx - 1.0 ); /* in range -1 to 1 */
- yt = y[local_count] + delta * ( 2*yy - 1.0 ); /* trial step */
- /* probability ratio */
- x[local_count+1] = x[local_count]; /* new step = old step */
- y[local_count+1] = y[local_count];
- ratio = weight( xt, yt ) / weight( x[local_count] , y[local_count] );
- eta = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; /* random # in 0-1 */
- if ( ratio > eta ) /* Metropolis selection */
- {
- count++;
- x[local_count+1] = xt; /* selected step */
- y[local_count+1] = yt;
- }
- // fprintf(stderr,"%d %f %f %f %f %d %d\n",
- // local_count,xt,yt,ratio,eta,N,count);
- }
- *accepted_count = *accepted_count + count;
-/* demo program to illustrate Monte-Carlo integration using */
-/* Gaussian random numbers in the plane */
-/* Parallel version */
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- int round, ir, ir_min, accepted_count, N, N_total, N_input;
- int plot_control, first, ir_first;
- double *x, *y, *x_local, *y_local;
- double delta;
- double f, sumf, sumf2, local_sumf, local_sumf2,
- total_sumf, total_sumf2, integral, sigma;
- int node, myid, numprocs;
- int current_x_y_size, N_average, leftover, number, nmax;
- MPI_Status recv_status;
- /* join the MPI virtual machine */
- MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
- MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myid);
- MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
- /* adjust NMAX for # nodes */
- nmax = NMAX - ( NMAX % ( numprocs-1) );
- /* current size of x & y */
- /* arrays - reserve memory */
- current_x_y_size = nmax;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- x_local = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y_local = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- x00 = 0.5; /* initial position in plane */
- y00 = 0.6;
- if ( myid == 0 )
- {
- /* plot control */
- plot_control = 0;
- if ( argc == 2 )
- if ( strcmp( argv[1], "-p") == 0 )
- plot_control = 1;
- delta = 0.2; /* Metropolis delta - size of jump */
- N_total = 1; /* total # of random numbers */
- accepted_count = 1; /* counter for selected numbers */
- first = 1;
- f = func(x00,y00); /* Monte-Carlo sums */
- sumf = f;
- sumf2 = f*f ;
- /* accuracy improvement */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Enter # of random number to use ( 0 to quit ): " );
- while ( scanf( "%d", &N_input ) != EOF && N_input > 0 )
- {
- /* find # per processor */
- N_average = N_input / ( numprocs -1 );
- leftover = N_input % ( numprocs -1 );
- /* add to total */
- N_total = N_total + N_input - first;
- /* generate & send random */
- /* numbers to each node */
- for ( node=1 ; node<numprocs ; node++ )
- {
- /* number for each slave */
- number = N_average;
- if ( node <= leftover )
- number++;
- if ( first == 0 ) number++; /* adjust count on MC steps */
- first=0; /* on subsequent calls */
- MPI_Ssend(&number, 1, MPI_INT, node, 121, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
- /* more space if needed */
- if ( number > current_x_y_size )
- {
- free( x );
- free( y );
- current_x_y_size = number;
- x = (double *)malloc( (current_x_y_size+100) * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( (current_x_y_size+100) * sizeof(double) );
- }
- /* Metropolis Algorithm */
- x[0] = x00;
- y[0] = y00;
- Metropolis ( x, y, weight, delta, number , &accepted_count );
- /* send x & y to nodes */
- /* send x & y to nodes */
- MPI_Ssend( x, number, MPI_DOUBLE, node, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- MPI_Ssend( y, number, MPI_DOUBLE, node, 124, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- /* plot info */
- if ( plot_control == 1 )
- {
- ir_first = 0;
- if ( first == 0 ) ir_first = 1;
- for ( ir=ir_first ; ir<number ; ir++ )
- printf( " %f %f %f\n", x[ir], y[ir], func(x[ir], y[ir]) );
- }
- /* ready for next bunch of */
- /* random numbers */
- x00 = x[number-1];
- y00 = y[number-1];
- } /* for */
- /* get sums from nodes */
- local_sumf = 0.0;
- MPI_Reduce ( &local_sumf, &total_sumf, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,
- local_sumf2 = 0.0;
- MPI_Reduce ( &local_sumf2, &total_sumf2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,
- /* add to global totals */
- /* add to global totals */
- sumf = sumf + total_sumf;
- sumf2 = sumf2 + total_sumf2;
- /* finalize Monte-Carlo calc */
- fprintf( stderr, " Sumf - Sumf2 = %f %f\n", sumf, sumf2 );
- integral = sumf/(double)N_total;
- sigma = sqrt(( sumf2/(double)N_total - integral*integral )/(double)N_total );
- fprintf( stderr, " Integral = %f +/- sigma = %f \n", integral, sigma );
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Enter # of random number to use ( 0 to quit ): " );
- } /* while scanf */
- /* siganl -> nodes to suicide */
- number = -1;
- for ( node=1 ; node<numprocs ; node++ )
- MPI_Ssend(&number, 1, MPI_INT, node, 121, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
- /* Acceptance ratio - should be > ~0.5 */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Acceptance ratio: %d %d %f\n\n",
- N_total, accepted_count, (double)accepted_count/(double)N_total );
- /* end main code */
- free( x );
- free( y );
- MPI_Finalize();
- exit(0);
- } /* if my_node */
- else
- {
- /* loop over all bunches of */
- /* random numbers */
- for ( ; ; )
- {
- /* receive signal or # of numbers */
- MPI_Recv( &number, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 121,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status);
- /* end code - suicide */
- if ( number <0 )
- {
- free( x_local );
- free( y_local );
- MPI_Finalize();
- exit(0);
- }
- else if ( number > 0 ) /* perform MC integral */
- {
- /* more space if needed */
- if ( number > current_x_y_size )
- {
- free( x_local );
- free( y_local );
- current_x_y_size = number;
- x_local = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y_local = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- }
- MPI_Recv( x_local, number, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 123,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status);
- MPI_Recv( y_local, number, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 124,
- MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status);
- /* Monte-Carlo integral */
- local_sumf = 0.0;
- local_sumf2 = 0.0;
- for ( ir=1 ; ir<number ; ir++ )
- {
- f = func( x_local[ir], y_local[ir] );
- local_sumf = local_sumf + f;
- local_sumf2 = local_sumf2 + f*f;
- }
- /* send partial sums to node 0 */
- MPI_Reduce ( &local_sumf, &total_sumf, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,
- MPI_Reduce ( &local_sumf2, &total_sumf2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,
- }
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-/* Metropolis_Gaussian_Integral.c */
-/* Demonstration of intergration by random numbers */
-/* Metropolis Algorithm */
-/* Gaussian Random Numbers distribution */
-/* */
-/* Syntax: */
-/* Metropolis_Gaussian_Integral -p > data_file */
- /* Michel Vallieres */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#define NMAX 1000
-/* function to integrate */
-double func( double x, double y )
- return M_PI * ( x*x + y*y );
-/* probability profile of the random numbers */
-double weight( double x, double y )
- return exp( - ( x*x + y*y ) );
-/* Metropolis algorithm to generate Random */
-/* Points in the plane with probability profile */
-/* weight(x,y) */
-void Metropolis ( double x[], double y[], double (*weight)(double,double),
- double delta, int N, int *accepted_count )
- double xt, yt, xx, yy, eta, ratio;
- int local_count, count;
- count = 0; /* accepted count */
- for( local_count=0 ; local_count < N-1 ; local_count++ )
- {
- xx = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; /* random # in 0,1 */
- yy = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
- xt = x[local_count] + delta * ( 2*xx - 1.0 ); /* in range -1 to 1 */
- yt = y[local_count] + delta * ( 2*yy - 1.0 ); /* trial step */
- /* probability ratio */
- x[local_count+1] = x[local_count]; /* new step = old step */
- y[local_count+1] = y[local_count];
- ratio = weight( xt, yt ) / weight( x[local_count] , y[local_count] );
- eta = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; /* random # in 0-1 */
- if ( ratio > eta ) /* Metropolis selection */
- {
- count++;
- x[local_count+1] = xt; /* selected step */
- y[local_count+1] = yt;
- }
- // fprintf(stderr,"<-> %d %f %f %f %f %d\n", local_count,xt,yt,ratio,eta,count);
- }
- *accepted_count = *accepted_count + count;
-/* demo program to illustrate Monte-Carlo integration using */
-/* Gaussian random numbers in the plane */
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- int ir, accepted_count, N_total, N_input, first;
- double delta, x00, y00;
- int plot_control, current_x_y_size;
- double f, sumf, sumf2, integral, sigma;
- double *x, *y;
- /* plot control */
- plot_control = 0;
- if ( argc == 2 )
- if ( strcmp( argv[1], "-p") == 0 )
- plot_control = 1;
- delta = 0.2; /* Metropolis delta (size of jump) */
- N_total = 1; /* total # of random numbers */
- accepted_count = 1; /* accepted steps counter */
- first = 1; /* first bunch of MC steps */
- /* space for the MC steps */
- current_x_y_size = NMAX + 100;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- x00 = 0.5; /* initial position in plane */
- y00 = 0.6;
- f = func( x00, y00 ); /* Monte-Carlo sums */
- sumf = f;
- sumf2 = f*f;
- /* accuracy improvement */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Enter # of random number to use ( 0 to quit ): " );
- while ( scanf( "%d", &N_input ) != EOF && N_input > 0 )
- {
- N_total = N_total + N_input - first; /* add to total */
- if ( first == 0 ) N_input++; /* adjust count on MC steps */
- first = 0; /* on subsequent calls */
- if ( N_input > current_x_y_size ) /* enough space? */
- { /* if not -- reserve more */
- free ( x );
- free ( y );
- current_x_y_size = N_input + 100;
- x = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- y = (double *)malloc( current_x_y_size * sizeof(double) );
- }
- x[0] = x00; /* initial step */
- y[0] = y00;
- /* Metropolis Algorithm */
- Metropolis ( x, y, weight, delta, N_input, &accepted_count );
- /* plot info */
- if ( plot_control == 1 )
- for ( ir=0 ; ir<N_input ; ir++ )
- printf( " %f %f %f\n", x[ir], y[ir], func( x[ir], y[ir] ) );
- /* Monte-Carlo sums */
- for ( ir=1 ; ir<N_input ; ir++ )
- {
- f = func( x[ir], y[ir] );
- sumf = sumf + f;
- sumf2 = sumf2 + f*f;
- }
- /* start new bunch of MC steps */
- x00 = x[N_input-1];
- y00 = y[N_input-1];
- /* Monte-Carlo integrals */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Sumf - Sumf2 = %f %f \n", sumf, sumf2 );
- integral = sumf/(double)N_total;
- sigma = sqrt((sumf2/(double)N_total - integral*integral)/(double)N_total);
- fprintf( stderr, " Integral = %f +/- sigma = %f \n", integral, sigma );
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Enter # of random number to use ( 0 to quit ): " );
- }
- /* Acceptance ratio */
- /* should be > ~0.5 */
- fprintf( stderr, "\n Acceptance ratio: %d %d %f\n\n",
- N_total, accepted_count, (double)accepted_count/(double)N_total );