temp = realloc( file_contents->settings,
( file_contents->num_settings + 1 ) * sizeof( comedi_calibration_setting_t ) );
- if( temp == NULL ) return -1;
+ if( temp == NULL )
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: realloc failed to allocate memory.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ return -1;
+ }
file_contents->settings = temp;
memset( &file_contents->settings[ file_contents->num_settings ],
0, sizeof( comedi_calibration_setting_t ) );
if( setting == NULL ) return -1;
temp = realloc( setting->channels, ( setting->num_channels + 1 ) * sizeof( int ) );
- if( temp == NULL ) return -1;
+ if( temp == NULL )
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: realloc failed to allocate memory.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ return -1;
+ }
setting->channels = temp;
setting->channels[ setting->num_channels++ ] = channel;
return 0;
if( setting == NULL ) return -1;
temp = realloc( setting->ranges, ( setting->num_ranges + 1 ) * sizeof( int ) );
- if( temp == NULL ) return -1;
+ if( temp == NULL )
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: realloc failed to allocate memory.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ return -1;
+ }
setting->ranges = temp;
setting->ranges[ setting->num_ranges++ ] = range;
return 0;
temp = realloc( setting->caldacs, ( setting->num_caldacs + 1 ) *
sizeof( comedi_caldac_t ) );
- if( temp == NULL ) return -1;
+ if( temp == NULL )
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: realloc failed to allocate memory.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ return -1;
+ }
setting->caldacs = temp;
setting->caldacs[ setting->num_caldacs++ ] = caldac;
return 0;
comedi_calibration_setting_t *setting;
setting = current_setting( priv );
- if( setting == NULL ) return -1;
- if(priv->num_coefficients < 1) return -1;
+ if( setting == NULL )
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: current_setting returned NULL\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(priv->num_coefficients < 1)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: polynomial has no coefficients.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ return -1;
+ }
if(priv->polynomial_direction == POLYNOMIAL_TO_PHYS)
if(setting->soft_calibration.to_phys) return -1;
return 0;
+static int add_polynomial_coefficient(calib_yyparse_private_t *priv, double coefficient)
+ if(priv->num_coefficients >= COMEDI_MAX_NUM_POLYNOMIAL_COEFFICIENTS)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "too many coefficients for polynomial,\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "num_coefficients=%i, max is %i .\n", priv->num_coefficients, COMEDI_MAX_NUM_POLYNOMIAL_COEFFICIENTS);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ priv->polynomial.order = priv->num_coefficients;
+ priv->polynomial.coefficients[priv->num_coefficients++] = coefficient;
+ return 0;
static comedi_calibration_t* alloc_calib_parse( void )
comedi_calibration_t *file_contents;
FILE *file;
if( cal_file_path == NULL ) return NULL;
+ memset(&priv, 0, sizeof(calib_yyparse_private_t));
priv.parsed_file = alloc_calib_parse();
if( priv.parsed_file == NULL ) return NULL;
- priv.cal_index = 0;
file = fopen( cal_file_path, "r" );
if( file == NULL )
input: '{' hash '}'
| error
- fprintf(stderr, "input error on line %i\n", @1.first_line );
+ fprintf(stderr, "input error on line %i\n", calib_yyget_lineno(priv(parse_arg)->yyscanner));
+// fprintf(stderr, "input error on line %i\n", @1.first_line );
| channel ',' channels_array
- channel: T_NUMBER { add_channel( parse_arg, $1 ); }
+ channel: T_NUMBER { if(add_channel( parse_arg, $1 ) < 0) YYERROR; }
ranges_array: /* empty */
| range ',' ranges_array
- range: T_NUMBER { add_range( parse_arg, $1 ); }
+ range: T_NUMBER { if(add_range( parse_arg, $1 ) < 0) YYERROR; }
arefs_array: /* empty */
| aref ',' arefs_array
- aref: T_NUMBER { add_aref( parse_arg, $1 ); }
+ aref: T_NUMBER { if(add_aref( parse_arg, $1 ) < 0) YYERROR; }
caldacs_array: /* empty */
| '{' caldac '}' ',' caldacs_array
- caldac: /* empty */ { add_caldac( parse_arg, priv(parse_arg)->caldac ); }
- | caldac_element { add_caldac( parse_arg, priv(parse_arg)->caldac ); }
+ caldac: /* empty */ { if(add_caldac( parse_arg, priv(parse_arg)->caldac ) < 0) YYERROR; }
+ | caldac_element { if(add_caldac( parse_arg, priv(parse_arg)->caldac ) < 0) YYERROR; }
| caldac_element ',' caldac
| T_VALUE T_ASSIGN T_NUMBER { priv(parse_arg)->caldac.value = $3; }
- polynomial: /* empty */ { add_polynomial(parse_arg);}
- | polynomial_element { add_polynomial(parse_arg);}
+ polynomial: /* empty */
+ {
+ if(add_polynomial(parse_arg) < 0) YYERROR;
+ priv(parse_arg)->num_coefficients = 0;
+ }
+ | polynomial_element
+ {
+ if(add_polynomial(parse_arg) < 0) YYERROR;
+ priv(parse_arg)->num_coefficients = 0;
+ }
| polynomial_element ',' polynomial
- polynomial_element: T_COEFFICIENTS T_ASSIGN '[' coefficient_array ']' {priv(parse_arg)->num_coefficients = 0;}
+ polynomial_element: T_COEFFICIENTS T_ASSIGN '[' coefficient_array ']'
| T_EXPANSION_ORIGIN T_ASSIGN expansion_origin
coefficient: T_FLOAT
- if(priv(parse_arg)->num_coefficients >= COMEDI_MAX_NUM_POLYNOMIAL_COEFFICIENTS)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "too many coefficients for polynomial on line %i ,\n", @1.first_line );
- fprintf(stderr, "max is %i .\n", COMEDI_MAX_NUM_POLYNOMIAL_COEFFICIENTS);
- }
- priv(parse_arg)->polynomial.order = priv(parse_arg)->num_coefficients;
- priv(parse_arg)->polynomial.coefficients[priv(parse_arg)->num_coefficients++] = $1;
+ if(add_polynomial_coefficient(parse_arg, $1) < 0) YYERROR;
+ }
+ {
+ if(add_polynomial_coefficient(parse_arg, $1) < 0) YYERROR;
expansion_origin: T_FLOAT
+ {
+ priv(parse_arg)->polynomial.expansion_origin = $1;
+ }
priv(parse_arg)->polynomial.expansion_origin = $1;