Also convert the module into a package for a cleaner structure.
At the moment, I'm still using tempfiles to pass the data into
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012 W. Trevor King <>
-# This file is part of pgp-mime.
-# pgp-mime is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
-# pgp-mime is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
-# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# pgp-mime. If not, see <>.
-"""Python module and for constructing and sending pgp/mime email.
-Mostly uses subprocess to call ``gpg`` and sends mail using either
-SMTP or a sendmail-compatible mailer. If you lack ``gpg``, either
-don't use the encryption functions, adjust the ``GPG_*`` constants, or
-adjust the ``*_bytes`` commands.
-import configparser as _configparser
-import io as _io
-import logging as _logging
-import os as _os
-import re as _re
-import smtplib as _smtplib
-import smtplib as _smtplib
-import subprocess as _subprocess
-import threading as _threading
-from email import message_from_bytes as _message_from_bytes
-from email.encoders import encode_7or8bit as _encode_7or8bit
-from email.header import decode_header as _decode_header
-from email.message import Message as _Message
-from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication as _MIMEApplication
-from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart as _MIMEMultipart
-from email.mime.text import MIMEText as _MIMEText
-from email.parser import Parser as _Parser
-from email.utils import formataddr as _formataddr
-from email.utils import getaddresses as _getaddresses
-__version__ = '0.2'
-LOG = _logging.getLogger('pgp-mime')
-ENCODING = 'utf-8'
-#ENCODING = 'iso-8859-1'
- '/usr/bin/gpg', '--no-verbose', '--quiet', '--batch', '--output', '-']
-GPG_SIGN_ARGS = ['--armor', '--textmode', '--detach-sign']
-GPG_ENCRYPT_ARGS = ['--armor', '--textmode', '--encrypt', '--always-trust']
- '--armor', '--textmode', '--sign', '--encrypt', '--always-trust']
- 'This key is not certified with a trusted signature',
- ]
-SENDMAIL = ['/usr/sbin/sendmail', '-t']
-def get_smtp_params(config):
- r"""Retrieve SMTP paramters from a config file.
- >>> from configparser import ConfigParser
- >>> config = ConfigParser()
- >>> config.read_string('\n'.join([
- ... '[smtp]',
- ... 'host:',
- ... 'port: 587',
- ... 'starttls: yes',
- ... 'username: rincewind',
- ... 'password: 7ugg@g3',
- ... ]))
- >>> get_smtp_params(config)
- ('', 587, True, 'rincewind', '7ugg@g3')
- >>> config = ConfigParser()
- >>> get_smtp_params(ConfigParser())
- (None, None, None, None, None)
- """
- try:
- host = config.get('smtp', 'host')
- except _configparser.NoSectionError:
- return (None, None, None, None, None)
- except _configparser.NoOptionError:
- host = None
- try:
- port = config.getint('smtp', 'port')
- except _configparser.NoOptionError:
- port = None
- try:
- starttls = config.getboolean('smtp', 'starttls')
- except _configparser.NoOptionError:
- starttls = None
- try:
- username = config.get('smtp', 'username')
- except _configparser.NoOptionError:
- username = None
- try:
- password = config.get('smtp', 'password')
- except _configparser.NoOptionError:
- password = None
- return (host, port, starttls, username, password)
-def get_smtp(host=None, port=None, starttls=None, username=None,
- password=None):
- """Connect to an SMTP host using the given parameters.
- >>> import smtplib
- >>> try: # doctest: +SKIP
- ... smtp = get_smtp(host='', port=587, starttls=True,
- ... username='', password='7ugg@g3')
- ... except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError as error:
- ... print('that was not a real account')
- that was not a real account
- >>> smtp = get_smtp() # doctest: +SKIP
- >>> smtp.quit() # doctest: +SKIP
- """
- if host is None:
- host = 'localhost'
- if port is None:
- port = _smtplib.SMTP_PORT
- if username and not starttls:
- raise ValueError(
- 'sending passwords in the clear is unsafe! Use STARTTLS.')
-'connect to SMTP server at {}:{}'.format(host, port))
- smtp = _smtplib.SMTP(host=host, port=port)
- smtp.ehlo()
- if starttls:
- smtp.starttls()
- if username:
- smtp.login(username, password)
- #smtp.set_debuglevel(1)
- return smtp
-def mail(message, smtp=None, sendmail=None):
- """Send an email ``Message`` instance on its merry way.
- We can shell out to the user specified sendmail in case
- the local host doesn't have an SMTP server set up
- for easy ``smtplib`` usage.
- >>> message = encodedMIMEText('howdy!')
- >>> message['From'] = 'John Doe <>'
- >>> message['To'] = 'Jack <>, Jill <>'
- >>> mail(message=message, sendmail=SENDMAIL) # doctest: +SKIP
- """
-'send message {} -> {}'.format(message['from'], message['to']))
- if smtp:
- smtp.send_message(msg=message)
- elif sendmail:
- execute(
- sendmail, stdin=message.as_string().encode('us-ascii'),
- close_fds=True)
- else:
- smtp = _smtplib.SMTP()
- smtp.connect()
- smtp.send_message(msg=message)
- smtp.close()
-def header_from_text(text):
- r"""Simple wrapper for instantiating a ``Message`` from text.
- >>> text = '\n'.join(
- ... ['From:','To:','Subject: testing'])
- >>> header = header_from_text(text=text)
- >>> print(header.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
- From:
- To:
- Subject: testing
- """
- text = text.strip()
- p = _Parser()
- return p.parsestr(text, headersonly=True)
-def guess_encoding(text):
- r"""
- >>> guess_encoding('hi there')
- 'us-ascii'
- >>> guess_encoding('✉')
- 'utf-8'
- """
- for encoding in ['us-ascii', ENCODING, 'utf-8']:
- try:
- text.encode(encoding)
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- pass
- else:
- return encoding
- raise ValueError(text)
-def encodedMIMEText(body, encoding=None):
- """Wrap ``MIMEText`` with ``guess_encoding`` detection.
- >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hello')
- >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Hello
- >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Джон Доу')
- >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
- Content-Disposition: inline
- 0JTQttC+0L0g0JTQvtGD
- """
- if encoding == None:
- encoding = guess_encoding(body)
- if encoding == 'us-ascii':
- message = _MIMEText(body)
- else:
- # Create the message ('plain' stands for Content-Type: text/plain)
- message = _MIMEText(body, 'plain', encoding)
- message.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'inline')
- return message
-def strip_bcc(message):
- """Remove the Bcc field from a ``Message`` in preparation for mailing
- >>> message = encodedMIMEText('howdy!')
- >>> message['To'] = 'John Doe <>'
- >>> message['Bcc'] = 'Jack <>, Jill <>'
- >>> message = strip_bcc(message)
- >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- To: John Doe <>
- howdy!
- """
- del message['bcc']
- del message['resent-bcc']
- return message
-def append_text(text_part, new_text):
- r"""Append text to the body of a ``plain/text`` part.
- Updates encoding as necessary.
- >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hello')
- >>> append_text(message, ' John Doe')
- >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Hello John Doe
- >>> append_text(message, ', Джон Доу')
- >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
- SGVsbG8gSm9obiBEb2UsINCU0LbQvtC9INCU0L7Rgw==
- >>> append_text(message, ', and Jane Sixpack.')
- >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
- SGVsbG8gSm9obiBEb2UsINCU0LbQvtC9INCU0L7RgywgYW5kIEphbmUgU2l4cGFjay4=
- """
- original_encoding = text_part.get_charset().input_charset
- original_payload = str(
- text_part.get_payload(decode=True), original_encoding)
- new_payload = '{}{}'.format(original_payload, new_text)
- new_encoding = guess_encoding(new_payload)
- if text_part.get('content-transfer-encoding', None):
- # clear CTE so set_payload will set it properly for the new encoding
- del text_part['content-transfer-encoding']
- text_part.set_payload(new_payload, new_encoding)
-def attach_root(header, root_part):
- r"""Copy headers from ``header`` onto ``root_part``.
- >>> header = header_from_text('From:\n')
- >>> body = encodedMIMEText('Hello')
- >>> message = attach_root(header, body)
- >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- From:
- Hello
- """
- for k,v in header.items():
- root_part[k] = v
- return root_part
-def execute(args, stdin=None, expect=(0,), env=_os.environ, **kwargs):
- """Execute a command (allows us to drive gpg).
- """
- LOG.debug('$ {}'.format(args))
- try:
- p = _subprocess.Popen(
- args, stdin=_subprocess.PIPE, stdout=_subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=_subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, env=env, **kwargs)
- except OSError as e:
- raise Exception('{}\nwhile executing {}'.format(e.args[1], args))
- output,error = p.communicate(input=stdin)
- status = p.wait()
- LOG.debug('(status: {})\n{}{}'.format(status, output, error))
- if status not in expect:
- raise Exception('unexpected status while executing {}\n{}\n{}'.format(
- args, error, status))
- return (status, output, error)
-def getaddresses(addresses):
- """A decoding version of ``email.utils.getaddresses``.
- >>> text = ('To: =?utf-8?b?0JTQttC+0L0g0JTQvtGD?= <>, '
- ... 'Jack <>')
- >>> header = header_from_text(text=text)
- >>> list(getaddresses(header.get_all('to', [])))
- [('Джон Доу', ''), ('Jack', '')]
- """
- for (name,address) in _getaddresses(addresses):
- n = []
- for b,encoding in _decode_header(name):
- if encoding is None:
- n.append(b)
- else:
- n.append(str(b, encoding))
- yield (' '.join(n), address)
-def email_sources(message):
- """Extract author address from an email ``Message``
- Search the header of an email Message instance to find the
- senders' email addresses (or sender's address).
- >>> text = ('From: =?utf-8?b?0JTQttC+0L0g0JTQvtGD?= <>, '
- ... 'Jack <>')
- >>> header = header_from_text(text=text)
- >>> list(email_sources(header))
- [('Джон Доу', ''), ('Jack', '')]
- """
- froms = message.get_all('from', [])
- return getaddresses(froms) # [(name, address), ...]
-def email_targets(message):
- """Extract recipient addresses from an email ``Message``
- Search the header of an email Message instance to find a
- list of recipient's email addresses.
- >>> text = ('To: =?utf-8?b?0JTQttC+0L0g0JTQvtGD?= <>, '
- ... 'Jack <>')
- >>> header = header_from_text(text=text)
- >>> list(email_targets(header))
- [('Джон Доу', ''), ('Jack', '')]
- """
- tos = message.get_all('to', [])
- ccs = message.get_all('cc', [])
- bccs = message.get_all('bcc', [])
- resent_tos = message.get_all('resent-to', [])
- resent_ccs = message.get_all('resent-cc', [])
- resent_bccs = message.get_all('resent-bcc', [])
- return getaddresses(
- tos + ccs + bccs + resent_tos + resent_ccs + resent_bccs)
-def _thread_pipe(fd, data):
- """Write ``data`` to ``fd`` and close ``fd``.
- A helper function for ``thread_pipe``.
- >>>
- """
- LOG.debug('starting pipe-write thread')
- try:
- remaining = len(data)
- while remaining:
- remaining -= _os.write(fd, data[-remaining:])
- finally:
- LOG.debug('closing pipe-write file descriptor')
- _os.close(fd)
- LOG.debug('closed pipe-write file descriptor')
-def thread_pipe(data):
- """Write data to a pipe.
- Return the associated read file descriptor and running ``Thread``
- that's doing the writing.
- >>> import os
- >>> read,thread = thread_pipe(b'Hello world!')
- >>> try:
- ... print(, 100))
- ... finally:
- ... thread.join()
- b'Hello world!'
- """
- read,write = _os.pipe()
- LOG.debug('opened a pipe {} -> {}'.format(write, read))
- try:
- thread = _threading.Thread(
- name='pipe writer', target=_thread_pipe, args=(write, data))
- thread.start()
- except:
- _os.close(read)
- _os.close(write)
- return (read, thread)
-def sign_bytes(bytes, sign_as=None):
- r"""Sign ``bytes`` as ``sign_as``.
- >>> print(sign_bytes(bytes(b'Hello'), ''))
- ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- b'-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n...-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n'
- """
- if sign_as:
- args.extend(['--local-user', sign_as])
- status,output,error = execute(args, stdin=bytes, close_fds=True)
- return output
-def encrypt_bytes(bytes, recipients):
- r"""Encrypt ``bytes`` to ``recipients``.
- >>> encrypt_bytes(bytes(b'Hello'), [''])
- ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- b'-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n...-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n'
- """
- if not recipients:
- raise ValueError('no recipients specified for encryption')
- for recipient in recipients:
- args.extend(['--recipient', recipient])
- status,output,error = execute(args, stdin=bytes, close_fds=True)
- return output
-def sign_and_encrypt_bytes(bytes, sign_as=None, recipients=None):
- r"""Sign ``bytes`` as ``sign_as`` and encrypt to ``recipients``.
- >>> sign_and_encrypt_bytes(
- ... bytes(b'Hello'), '', [''])
- ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- b'-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n...-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n'
- """
- if sign_as:
- args.extend(['--local-user', sign_as])
- if not recipients:
- raise ValueError('no recipients specified for encryption')
- for recipient in recipients:
- args.extend(['--recipient', recipient])
- status,output,error = execute(args, stdin=bytes, close_fds=True)
- return output
-def decrypt_bytes(bytes):
- r"""Decrypt ``bytes``.
- >>> b = '\n'.join([
- ... '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----',
- ... 'Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)',
- ... '',
- ... 'hQEMA1Ea7aZDMrbjAQf/TAqLjksZSJxSqkBxYT5gtLQoXY6isvRZg2apjs7CW0y2',
- ... 'tFK/ptnVYAq2OtWQFhbiJXj8hmwJyyFfb3lghpeu4ihO52JgkkwOpmJb6dxjOi83',
- ... 'qDwaGOogEPH38BNLuwdrMCW0jmNROwvS796PtqSGUaJTuIiKUB8lETwPwIHrDc11',
- ... 'N3RWStE5uShNkXXQXplUoeCKf3N4XguXym+GQCqJQzlEMrkkDdr4l7mzvt3Nf8EA',
- ... 'SgSak086tUoo9x8IN5PJCuOJkcXcjQzFcpqOsA7dyZKO8NeQUZv2JvlZuorckNvN',
- ... 'xx3PwW0a8VeJgTQrh64ZK/d3F3gNHUTzXkq/UIn25tJFAcmSUwxtsBal7p8zAeCV',
- ... '8zefsHRQ5Y03IBeYBcVJBhDS9XfvwLQTJiGGstPCxzKTwSUT1MzV5t5twG/STDCc',
- ... 'uxW3wSdo',
- ... '=bZI+',
- ... '-----END PGP MESSAGE-----',
- ... ''
- ... ]).encode('us-ascii')
- >>> decrypt_bytes(b)
- b'Success!\n'
- """
- status,output,error = execute(args, stdin=bytes, close_fds=True)
- return output
-def verify_bytes(bytes, signature=None):
- r"""Verify a signature on ``bytes``, possibly decrypting first.
- These tests assume you didn't trust the distributed test key.
- >>> b = '\n'.join([
- ... '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----',
- ... 'Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)',
- ... '',
- ... 'hQEMA1Ea7aZDMrbjAQf/YM1SeFzNGz0DnUynaEyhfGCvcqmjtbN1PtZMpT7VaQLN',
- ... 'a+c0faskr79Atz0+2IBR7CDOlcETrRtH2EnrWukbRIDtmffNFGuhMRTNfnQ15OIN',
- ... 'qrmt2P5gXznsgnm2XjzTK7S/Cc3Aq+zjaDrDt7bIedEdz+EyNgaKuL/lB9cAB8xL',
- ... 'YYp/yn55Myjair2idgzsa7w/QXdE3RhpyRLqR2Jgz4P1I1xOgUYnylbpIZL9FOKN',
- ... 'NR3RQhkGdANBku8otfthb5ZUGsNMV45ct4V8PE+xChjFb9gcwpaf1hhoIF/sYHD5',
- ... 'Bkf+v/J8F40KGYY16b0DjQIUlnra9y7q9jj0h2bvc9LAtgHtVUso133LLcVYl7RP',
- ... 'Vjyz9Ps366BtIdPlAL4CoF5hEcMKS5J3h1vRlyAKN4uHENl5vKvoxn7ID3JhhWQc',
- ... '6QrPGis64zi3OnYor34HPh/KNJvkgOQkekmtYuTxnkiONA4lhMDJgeaVZ9WZq+GV',
- ... 'MaCvCFGNYU2TV4V8wMlnUbF8d5bDQ83g8MxIVKdDcnBzzYLZha+qmz4Spry9iB53',
- ... 'Sg/sM5H8gWWSl7Oj1lxVg7o7IscpQfVt6zL6jD2VjL3L3Hu7WEXIrcGZtvrP4d+C',
- ... 'TGYWiGlh5B2UCFk2bVctfw8W/QfaVvJYD4Rfqta2V2p14KIJLFRSGa1g26W4ixrH',
- ... 'XKxgaA3AIfJ+6c5RoisRLuYCxvQi91wkE9hAXR+inXK4Hq4SmiHoeITZFhHP3hh3',
- ... 'rbpp8mopiMNxWqCbuqgILP6pShn4oPclu9aR8uJ1ziDxISTGYC71mvLUERUjFn2L',
- ... 'fu6C0+TCC9RmeyL+eNdM6cjs1G7YR6yX',
- ... '=phHd',
- ... '-----END PGP MESSAGE-----',
- ... '',
- ... ]).encode('us-ascii')
- >>> output,verified,message = verify_bytes(b)
- >>> output
- b'Success!\n'
- >>> verified
- False
- >>> print(message)
- gpg: Signature made Wed 21 Mar 2012 03:13:57 PM EDT using RSA key ID 4332B6E3
- gpg: Good signature from "pgp-mime-test ( <>"
- gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
- gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
- Primary key fingerprint: B2ED BE0E 771A 4B87 08DD 16A7 511A EDA6 4332 B6E3
- >>> b = b'Success!\n'
- >>> signature = '\n'.join([
- ... '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----',
- ... 'Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)',
- ... '',
- ... 'W9ZhjpUL5i6rRqYGUvQ4kTEDuPMxkMrCyFCDHEhSDHufMek6Nso5/HeJn3aqxlgs',
- ... 'hmNlvAq4FI6JQyFL7eCp/XG9cPx1p42dTI7JAih8FuK21sS4m/H5XP3R/6KXC99D',
- ... '39rrXCvvR+yNgKe2dxuJwmKuLteVlcWxiIQwVrYK70GtJHC5BO79G8yGccWoEy9C',
- ... '9JkJiyNptqZyFjGBNmMmrCSFZ7ZFA02RB+laRmwuIiozw4TJYEksxPrgZMbbcFzx',
- ... 'zs3JHyV23+Fz1ftalvwskHE7tJkX9Ub8iBMNZ/KxJXXdPdpuMdEYVjoUehkQBQE=',
- ... '=rRBP',
- ... '-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----',
- ... '',
- ... ]).encode('us-ascii')
- >>> output,verified,message = verify_bytes(b, signature=signature)
- >>> output
- b'Success!\n'
- >>> verified
- False
- >>> print(message)
- gpg: Signature made Wed 21 Mar 2012 03:30:07 PM EDT using RSA key ID 4332B6E3
- gpg: Good signature from "pgp-mime-test ( <>"
- gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
- gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
- Primary key fingerprint: B2ED BE0E 771A 4B87 08DD 16A7 511A EDA6 4332 B6E3
- """
- kwargs = {}
- sig_read = sig_thread = None
- if signature:
- sig_read,sig_thread = thread_pipe(signature)
- args.extend(
- ['--enable-special-filenames', '--verify',
- '--', '-&{}'.format(sig_read), '-'])
- kwargs['close_fds'] = False
- else:
- kwargs['close_fds'] = True
- try:
- status,output,error = execute(args, stdin=bytes, **kwargs)
- finally:
- if sig_read:
- _os.close(sig_read)
- if sig_thread:
- sig_thread.join()
- if signature:
- assert output == b'', output
- output = bytes
- error = str(error, 'us-ascii')
- verified = True
- for string in GPG_VERIFY_FAILED:
- if string in error:
- verified = False
- break
- return (output, verified, error)
-def sign(message, sign_as=None):
- r"""Sign a ``Message``, returning the signed version.
- multipart/signed
- +-> text/plain (body)
- +-> application/pgp-signature (signature)
- >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hi\nBye')
- >>> signed = sign(message, sign_as='')
- >>> signed.set_boundary('boundsep')
- >>> print(signed.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: multipart/signed; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Disposition: inline
- --boundsep
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Hi
- Bye
- --boundsep
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
- Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
- Version: GnuPG...
- --boundsep--
- >>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
- >>> message = MIMEMultipart()
- >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part A'))
- >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part B'))
- >>> signed = sign(message, sign_as='')
- >>> signed.set_boundary('boundsep')
- >>> print(signed.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: multipart/signed; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Disposition: inline
- --boundsep
- Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============...=="
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- --===============...==
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Part A
- --===============...==
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Part B
- --===============...==--
- --boundsep
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
- Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
- Version: GnuPG...
- --boundsep--
- """
- body = message.as_string().encode('us-ascii')
- signature = str(sign_bytes(body, sign_as), 'us-ascii')
- sig = _MIMEApplication(
- _data=signature,
- _subtype='pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"',
- _encoder=_encode_7or8bit)
- sig['Content-Description'] = 'OpenPGP digital signature'
- sig.set_charset('us-ascii')
- msg = _MIMEMultipart(
- 'signed', micalg='pgp-sha1', protocol='application/pgp-signature')
- msg.attach(message)
- msg.attach(sig)
- msg['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline'
- return msg
-def encrypt(message, recipients=None):
- r"""Encrypt a ``Message``, returning the encrypted version.
- multipart/encrypted
- +-> application/pgp-encrypted (control information)
- +-> application/octet-stream (body)
- >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hi\nBye')
- >>> message['To'] = 'pgp-mime-test <>'
- >>> encrypted = encrypt(message)
- >>> encrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
- >>> print(encrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Disposition: inline
- --boundsep
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted; charset="us-ascii"
- Version: 1
- --boundsep
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Description: OpenPGP encrypted message
- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
- Version: GnuPG...
- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
- --boundsep--
- >>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
- >>> message = MIMEMultipart()
- >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part A'))
- >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part B'))
- >>> encrypted = encrypt(message, recipients=[''])
- >>> encrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
- >>> print(encrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Disposition: inline
- --boundsep
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted; charset="us-ascii"
- Version: 1
- --boundsep
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Description: OpenPGP encrypted message
- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
- Version: GnuPG...
- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
- --boundsep--
- """
- body = message.as_string().encode('us-ascii')
- if recipients is None:
- recipients = [email for name,email in email_targets(message)]
- LOG.debug('extracted encryption recipients: {}'.format(recipients))
- encrypted = str(encrypt_bytes(body, recipients), 'us-ascii')
- enc = _MIMEApplication(
- _data=encrypted,
- _subtype='octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"',
- _encoder=_encode_7or8bit)
- enc['Content-Description'] = 'OpenPGP encrypted message'
- enc.set_charset('us-ascii')
- control = _MIMEApplication(
- _data='Version: 1\n',
- _subtype='pgp-encrypted',
- _encoder=_encode_7or8bit)
- control.set_charset('us-ascii')
- msg = _MIMEMultipart(
- 'encrypted',
- micalg='pgp-sha1',
- protocol='application/pgp-encrypted')
- msg.attach(control)
- msg.attach(enc)
- msg['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline'
- return msg
-def sign_and_encrypt(message, sign_as=None, recipients=None):
- r"""Sign and encrypt a ``Message``, returning the encrypted version.
- multipart/encrypted
- +-> application/pgp-encrypted (control information)
- +-> application/octet-stream (body)
- >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hi\nBye')
- >>> message['To'] = 'pgp-mime-test <>'
- >>> encrypted = sign_and_encrypt(message, sign_as='')
- >>> encrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
- >>> print(encrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Disposition: inline
- --boundsep
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted; charset="us-ascii"
- Version: 1
- --boundsep
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Description: OpenPGP encrypted message
- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
- Version: GnuPG...
- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
- --boundsep--
- >>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
- >>> message = MIMEMultipart()
- >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part A'))
- >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part B'))
- >>> encrypted = sign_and_encrypt(
- ... message, sign_as='', recipients=[''])
- >>> encrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
- >>> print(encrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Disposition: inline
- --boundsep
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted; charset="us-ascii"
- Version: 1
- --boundsep
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Description: OpenPGP encrypted message
- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
- Version: GnuPG...
- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
- --boundsep--
- """
- strip_bcc(message=message)
- body = message.as_string().encode('us-ascii')
- if recipients is None:
- recipients = [email for name,email in email_targets(message)]
- LOG.debug('extracted encryption recipients: {}'.format(recipients))
- encrypted = str(sign_and_encrypt_bytes(
- body, sign_as=sign_as, recipients=recipients), 'us-ascii')
- enc = _MIMEApplication(
- _data=encrypted,
- _subtype='octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"',
- _encoder=_encode_7or8bit)
- enc['Content-Description'] = 'OpenPGP encrypted message'
- enc.set_charset('us-ascii')
- control = _MIMEApplication(
- _data='Version: 1\n',
- _subtype='pgp-encrypted',
- _encoder=_encode_7or8bit)
- control.set_charset('us-ascii')
- msg = _MIMEMultipart(
- 'encrypted',
- micalg='pgp-sha1',
- protocol='application/pgp-encrypted')
- msg.attach(control)
- msg.attach(enc)
- msg['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline'
- return msg
-def _get_encrypted_parts(message):
- ct = message.get_content_type()
- assert ct == 'multipart/encrypted', ct
- params = dict(message.get_params())
- assert params.get('protocol', None) == 'application/pgp-encrypted', params
- assert message.is_multipart(), message
- control = body = None
- for part in message.get_payload():
- if part == message:
- continue
- assert part.is_multipart() == False, part
- ct = part.get_content_type()
- if ct == 'application/pgp-encrypted':
- if control:
- raise ValueError('multiple application/pgp-encrypted parts')
- control = part
- elif ct == 'application/octet-stream':
- if body:
- raise ValueError('multiple application/octet-stream parts')
- body = part
- else:
- raise ValueError('unnecessary {} part'.format(ct))
- if not control:
- raise ValueError('missing application/pgp-encrypted part')
- if not body:
- raise ValueError('missing application/octet-stream part')
- return (control, body)
-def _get_signed_parts(message):
- ct = message.get_content_type()
- assert ct == 'multipart/signed', ct
- params = dict(message.get_params())
- assert params.get('protocol', None) == 'application/pgp-signature', params
- assert message.is_multipart(), message
- body = signature = None
- for part in message.get_payload():
- if part == message:
- continue
- ct = part.get_content_type()
- if ct == 'application/pgp-signature':
- if signature:
- raise ValueError('multiple application/pgp-signature parts')
- signature = part
- else:
- if body:
- raise ValueError('multiple non-signature parts')
- body = part
- if not body:
- raise ValueError('missing body part')
- if not signature:
- raise ValueError('missing application/pgp-signature part')
- return (body, signature)
-def decrypt(message):
- r"""Decrypt a multipart/encrypted message.
- >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hi\nBye')
- >>> encrypted = encrypt(message, recipients=['<>'])
- >>> decrypted = decrypt(encrypted)
- >>> print(decrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Hi
- Bye
- >>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
- >>> message = MIMEMultipart()
- >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part A'))
- >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part B'))
- >>> encrypted = encrypt(message, recipients=[''])
- >>> decrypted = decrypt(encrypted)
- >>> decrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
- >>> print(decrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="boundsep"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- --boundsep
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Part A
- --boundsep
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Part B
- --boundsep--
- """
- control,body = _get_encrypted_parts(message)
- encrypted = body.get_payload(decode=True)
- if not isinstance(encrypted, bytes):
- encrypted = encrypted.encode('us-ascii')
- decrypted = decrypt_bytes(encrypted)
- return _message_from_bytes(decrypted)
-def verify(message):
- r"""Verify a signature on ``message``, possibly decrypting first.
- >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hi\nBye')
- >>> message['To'] = 'pgp-mime-test <>'
- >>> encrypted = sign_and_encrypt(message, sign_as='')
- >>> decrypted,verified,message = verify(encrypted)
- >>> print(decrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- To: pgp-mime-test <>
- Hi
- Bye
- >>> verified
- False
- >>> print(message) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- gpg: Signature made ... using RSA key ID 4332B6E3
- gpg: Good signature from "pgp-mime-test ( <>"
- gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
- gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
- Primary key fingerprint: B2ED BE0E 771A 4B87 08DD 16A7 511A EDA6 4332 B6E3
- >>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
- >>> message = MIMEMultipart()
- >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part A'))
- >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part B'))
- >>> signed = sign(message, sign_as='')
- >>> decrypted,verified,message = verify(signed)
- >>> decrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
- >>> print(decrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="boundsep"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- --boundsep
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Part A
- --boundsep
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: inline
- Part B
- --boundsep--
- >>> verified
- False
- >>> print(message) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
- gpg: Signature made ... using RSA key ID 4332B6E3
- gpg: Good signature from "pgp-mime-test ( <>"
- gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
- gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
- Primary key fingerprint: B2ED BE0E 771A 4B87 08DD 16A7 511A EDA6 4332 B6E3
- """
- ct = message.get_content_type()
- if ct == 'multipart/encrypted':
- control,body = _get_encrypted_parts(message)
- encrypted = body.get_payload(decode=True)
- if not isinstance(encrypted, bytes):
- encrypted = encrypted.encode('us-ascii')
- decrypted,verified,message = verify_bytes(encrypted)
- return (_message_from_bytes(decrypted), verified, message)
- body,signature = _get_signed_parts(message)
- sig_data = signature.get_payload(decode=True)
- if not isinstance(sig_data, bytes):
- sig_data = sig_data.encode('us-ascii')
- decrypted,verified,message = verify_bytes(
- body.as_string().encode('us-ascii'), signature=sig_data)
- return (body, verified, message)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 W. Trevor King <>
+# This file is part of pgp-mime.
+# pgp-mime is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# pgp-mime is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# pgp-mime. If not, see <>.
+"""Python module and tools for constructing and sending pgp/mime email.
+Uses ``pyassuan`` to connect to ``gpgme-tool`` for the cryptography.
+import logging as _logging
+__version__ = '0.3'
+LOG = _logging.getLogger('pgp-mime')
+from .pgp import sign, encrypt, sign_and_encrypt, decrypt, verify
+from .email import (
+ header_from_text, guess_encoding, encodedMIMEText, strip_bcc, append_text,
+ attach_root, getaddresses, email_sources, email_targets)
+from .smtp import get_smtp_params, get_smtp, mail
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright
+import codecs as _codecs
+import logging as _logging
+import os as _os
+import os.path as _os_path
+import socket as _socket
+import subprocess as _subprocess
+from pyassuan import client as _client
+from pyassuan import common as _common
+#class GPGMEClient(_client.AssuanClient):
+# pass
+#CLIENT = _client.AssuanClient(name='pgp-mime', close_on_disconnect=True)
+#CLIENT.filename = ...
+def connect(client, filename):
+ filename = _os_path.expanduser(filename)
+ if False:
+ socket = _socket.socket(_socket.AF_UNIX, _socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ socket.connect(filename)
+ client.input = socket.makefile('rb')
+ client.output = socket.makefile('wb')
+ else:
+ p = _subprocess.Popen(
+ filename, stdin=_subprocess.PIPE, stdout=_subprocess.PIPE,
+ close_fds=True)
+ client.input = p.stdout
+ client.output = p.stdin
+ socket = p
+ client.connect()
+ return socket
+def get_client():
+ client = _client.AssuanClient(name='pgp-mime', close_on_disconnect=True)
+ client.logger.setLevel(_logging.DEBUG)
+ socket = connect(client, '~/src/gpgme/build/src/gpgme-tool')
+ return (client, socket)
+def disconnect(client, socket):
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('BYE'))
+ client.disconnect()
+ if False:
+ socket.shutdown(_socket.SHUT_RDWR)
+ socket.close()
+ else:
+ status = socket.wait()
+ assert status == 0, status
+def hello(client):
+ responses,data = client.get_responses() # get initial 'OK' from server
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('ARMOR', 'true'))
+def sign_and_encrypt_bytes(data, signers=None, recipients=None,
+ always_trust=False, mode='detach'):
+ r"""Sign ``data`` with ``signers`` and encrypt to ``recipients``.
+ Just sign:
+ >>> print(sign_and_encrypt_bytes(
+ ... bytes(b'Hello'), signers=['']))
+ ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ b'-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n...-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n'
+ Just encrypt:
+ >>> sign_and_encrypt_bytes(
+ ... bytes(b'Hello'), recipients=[''],
+ ... always_trust=True)
+ ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ b'-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n...-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n'
+ Sign and encrypt:
+ >>> sign_and_encrypt_bytes(
+ ... bytes(b'Hello'), signers=[''],
+ ... recipients=[''], always_trust=True)
+ ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ b'-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n...-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n'
+ """
+ client,socket = get_client()
+ try:
+ hello(client)
+ if signers:
+ for signer in signers:
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('SIGNER', signer))
+ if recipients:
+ for recipient in recipients:
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('RECIPIENT', recipient))
+ with open('/tmp/input', 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('INPUT', 'FILE=/tmp/input'))
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('OUTPUT', 'FILE=/tmp/output'))
+ parameters = []
+ if signers and recipients:
+ command = 'SIGN_ENCRYPT'
+ elif signers:
+ command = 'SIGN'
+ parameters.append('--{}'.format(mode))
+ elif recipients:
+ command = 'ENCRYPT'
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('must specify at least one signer or recipient')
+ if always_trust:
+ parameters.append('--always-trust')
+ client.make_request(
+ _common.Request(command, ' '.join(parameters)))
+ with open('/tmp/output', 'rb') as f:
+ d =
+ finally:
+ disconnect(client, socket)
+ try:
+ _os.remove('/tmp/input')
+ _os.remove('/tmp/output')
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ return d
+def decrypt_bytes(data):
+ r"""Decrypt ``data``.
+ >>> b = '\n'.join([
+ ... '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----',
+ ... 'Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)',
+ ... '',
+ ... 'hQEMA1Ea7aZDMrbjAQf/TAqLjksZSJxSqkBxYT5gtLQoXY6isvRZg2apjs7CW0y2',
+ ... 'tFK/ptnVYAq2OtWQFhbiJXj8hmwJyyFfb3lghpeu4ihO52JgkkwOpmJb6dxjOi83',
+ ... 'qDwaGOogEPH38BNLuwdrMCW0jmNROwvS796PtqSGUaJTuIiKUB8lETwPwIHrDc11',
+ ... 'N3RWStE5uShNkXXQXplUoeCKf3N4XguXym+GQCqJQzlEMrkkDdr4l7mzvt3Nf8EA',
+ ... 'SgSak086tUoo9x8IN5PJCuOJkcXcjQzFcpqOsA7dyZKO8NeQUZv2JvlZuorckNvN',
+ ... 'xx3PwW0a8VeJgTQrh64ZK/d3F3gNHUTzXkq/UIn25tJFAcmSUwxtsBal7p8zAeCV',
+ ... '8zefsHRQ5Y03IBeYBcVJBhDS9XfvwLQTJiGGstPCxzKTwSUT1MzV5t5twG/STDCc',
+ ... 'uxW3wSdo',
+ ... '=bZI+',
+ ... '-----END PGP MESSAGE-----',
+ ... ''
+ ... ]).encode('us-ascii')
+ >>> decrypt_bytes(b)
+ b'Success!\n'
+ """
+ client,socket = get_client()
+ try:
+ hello(client)
+ with open('/tmp/input', 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('INPUT', 'FILE=/tmp/input'))
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('OUTPUT', 'FILE=/tmp/output'))
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('DECRYPT'))
+ with open('/tmp/output', 'rb') as f:
+ d =
+ finally:
+ disconnect(client, socket)
+ try:
+ _os.remove('/tmp/input')
+ _os.remove('/tmp/output')
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ return d
+def verify_bytes(data, signature=None, always_trust=False):
+ r"""Verify a signature on ``data``, possibly decrypting first.
+ These tests assume you didn't trust the distributed test key.
+ >>> b = '\n'.join([
+ ... '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----',
+ ... 'Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)',
+ ... '',
+ ... 'hQEMA1Ea7aZDMrbjAQf/YM1SeFzNGz0DnUynaEyhfGCvcqmjtbN1PtZMpT7VaQLN',
+ ... 'a+c0faskr79Atz0+2IBR7CDOlcETrRtH2EnrWukbRIDtmffNFGuhMRTNfnQ15OIN',
+ ... 'qrmt2P5gXznsgnm2XjzTK7S/Cc3Aq+zjaDrDt7bIedEdz+EyNgaKuL/lB9cAB8xL',
+ ... 'YYp/yn55Myjair2idgzsa7w/QXdE3RhpyRLqR2Jgz4P1I1xOgUYnylbpIZL9FOKN',
+ ... 'NR3RQhkGdANBku8otfthb5ZUGsNMV45ct4V8PE+xChjFb9gcwpaf1hhoIF/sYHD5',
+ ... 'Bkf+v/J8F40KGYY16b0DjQIUlnra9y7q9jj0h2bvc9LAtgHtVUso133LLcVYl7RP',
+ ... 'Vjyz9Ps366BtIdPlAL4CoF5hEcMKS5J3h1vRlyAKN4uHENl5vKvoxn7ID3JhhWQc',
+ ... '6QrPGis64zi3OnYor34HPh/KNJvkgOQkekmtYuTxnkiONA4lhMDJgeaVZ9WZq+GV',
+ ... 'MaCvCFGNYU2TV4V8wMlnUbF8d5bDQ83g8MxIVKdDcnBzzYLZha+qmz4Spry9iB53',
+ ... 'Sg/sM5H8gWWSl7Oj1lxVg7o7IscpQfVt6zL6jD2VjL3L3Hu7WEXIrcGZtvrP4d+C',
+ ... 'TGYWiGlh5B2UCFk2bVctfw8W/QfaVvJYD4Rfqta2V2p14KIJLFRSGa1g26W4ixrH',
+ ... 'XKxgaA3AIfJ+6c5RoisRLuYCxvQi91wkE9hAXR+inXK4Hq4SmiHoeITZFhHP3hh3',
+ ... 'rbpp8mopiMNxWqCbuqgILP6pShn4oPclu9aR8uJ1ziDxISTGYC71mvLUERUjFn2L',
+ ... 'fu6C0+TCC9RmeyL+eNdM6cjs1G7YR6yX',
+ ... '=phHd',
+ ... '-----END PGP MESSAGE-----',
+ ... '',
+ ... ]).encode('us-ascii')
+ >>> output,verified,result = verify_bytes(b)
+ >>> output
+ b'Success!\n'
+ >>> verified
+ False
+ >>> print(str(result, 'utf-8').replace('\x00', ''))
+ ... # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+ <gpgme>
+ <verify-result>
+ <signatures>
+ <signature>
+ <summary value="0x0" />
+ <fpr>B2EDBE0E771A4B8708DD16A7511AEDA64332B6E3</fpr>
+ <status value="0x0">Success <Unspecified source></status>
+ <timestamp unix="1332357237i" />
+ <exp-timestamp unix="0i" />
+ <wrong-key-usage value="0x0" />
+ <pka-trust value="0x0" />
+ <chain-model value="0x0" />
+ <validity value="0x0" />
+ <validity-reason value="0x0">Success <Unspecified source></validity-reason>
+ <pubkey-algo value="0x1">RSA</pubkey-algo>
+ <hash-algo value="0x8">SHA256</hash-algo>
+ </signature>
+ </signatures>
+ </verify-result>
+ </gpgme>
+ >>> b = b'Success!\n'
+ >>> signature = '\n'.join([
+ ... '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----',
+ ... 'Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)',
+ ... '',
+ ... 'W9ZhjpUL5i6rRqYGUvQ4kTEDuPMxkMrCyFCDHEhSDHufMek6Nso5/HeJn3aqxlgs',
+ ... 'hmNlvAq4FI6JQyFL7eCp/XG9cPx1p42dTI7JAih8FuK21sS4m/H5XP3R/6KXC99D',
+ ... '39rrXCvvR+yNgKe2dxuJwmKuLteVlcWxiIQwVrYK70GtJHC5BO79G8yGccWoEy9C',
+ ... '9JkJiyNptqZyFjGBNmMmrCSFZ7ZFA02RB+laRmwuIiozw4TJYEksxPrgZMbbcFzx',
+ ... 'zs3JHyV23+Fz1ftalvwskHE7tJkX9Ub8iBMNZ/KxJXXdPdpuMdEYVjoUehkQBQE=',
+ ... '=rRBP',
+ ... '-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----',
+ ... '',
+ ... ]).encode('us-ascii')
+ >>> output,verified,result = verify_bytes(b, signature=signature)
+ >>> output
+ b'Success!\n'
+ >>> verified
+ False
+ >>> print(str(result, 'utf-8').replace('\x00', ''))
+ ... # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+ <gpgme>
+ <verify-result>
+ <signatures>
+ <signature>
+ <summary value="0x0" />
+ <fpr>B2EDBE0E771A4B8708DD16A7511AEDA64332B6E3</fpr>
+ <status value="0x0">Success <Unspecified source></status>
+ <timestamp unix="1332358207i" />
+ <exp-timestamp unix="0i" />
+ <wrong-key-usage value="0x0" />
+ <pka-trust value="0x0" />
+ <chain-model value="0x0" />
+ <validity value="0x0" />
+ <validity-reason value="0x0">Success <Unspecified source></validity-reason>
+ <pubkey-algo value="0x1">RSA</pubkey-algo>
+ <hash-algo value="0x2">SHA1</hash-algo>
+ </signature>
+ </signatures>
+ </verify-result>
+ </gpgme>
+ """
+ client,socket = get_client()
+ verified = result = None
+ try:
+ hello(client)
+ if signature:
+ input_ = signature
+ message = data
+ else:
+ input_ = data
+ message = None
+ with open('/tmp/input', 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(input_)
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('INPUT', 'FILE=/tmp/input'))
+ if message:
+ with open('/tmp/message', 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(message)
+ client.make_request(
+ _common.Request('MESSAGE', 'FILE=/tmp/message'))
+ if not signature:
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('OUTPUT', 'FILE=/tmp/output'))
+ client.make_request(_common.Request('VERIFY'))
+ rs,result = client.make_request(_common.Request('RESULT'))
+ verified = True
+ for line in result.splitlines():
+ if b'<status ' in line and b'Success' not in line:
+ verified = False
+ elif b'<pka-trust' in line and b'0x2' not in line:
+ verified = False
+ if signature:
+ plain = data
+ else:
+ with open('/tmp/output', 'rb') as f:
+ plain =
+ finally:
+ disconnect(client, socket)
+ try:
+ pass
+ _os.remove('/tmp/input')
+ _os.remove('/tmp/output')
+ _os.remove('/tmp/message')
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ return (plain, verified, result)
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2012 W. Trevor King <>
+# This file is part of pgp-mime.
+# pgp-mime is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# pgp-mime is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# pgp-mime. If not, see <>.
+from email.header import decode_header as _decode_header
+from email.message import Message as _Message
+from email.mime.text import MIMEText as _MIMEText
+from email.parser import Parser as _Parser
+from email.utils import formataddr as _formataddr
+from email.utils import getaddresses as _getaddresses
+ENCODING = 'utf-8'
+#ENCODING = 'iso-8859-1'
+def header_from_text(text):
+ r"""Simple wrapper for instantiating a ``Message`` from text.
+ >>> text = '\n'.join(
+ ... ['From:','To:','Subject: testing'])
+ >>> header = header_from_text(text=text)
+ >>> print(header.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ From:
+ To:
+ Subject: testing
+ """
+ text = text.strip()
+ p = _Parser()
+ return p.parsestr(text, headersonly=True)
+def guess_encoding(text):
+ r"""
+ >>> guess_encoding('hi there')
+ 'us-ascii'
+ >>> guess_encoding('✉')
+ 'utf-8'
+ """
+ for encoding in ['us-ascii', ENCODING, 'utf-8']:
+ try:
+ text.encode(encoding)
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return encoding
+ raise ValueError(text)
+def encodedMIMEText(body, encoding=None):
+ """Wrap ``MIMEText`` with ``guess_encoding`` detection.
+ >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hello')
+ >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Hello
+ >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Джон Доу')
+ >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ 0JTQttC+0L0g0JTQvtGD
+ """
+ if encoding == None:
+ encoding = guess_encoding(body)
+ if encoding == 'us-ascii':
+ message = _MIMEText(body)
+ else:
+ # Create the message ('plain' stands for Content-Type: text/plain)
+ message = _MIMEText(body, 'plain', encoding)
+ message.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'inline')
+ return message
+def strip_bcc(message):
+ """Remove the Bcc field from a ``Message`` in preparation for mailing
+ >>> message = encodedMIMEText('howdy!')
+ >>> message['To'] = 'John Doe <>'
+ >>> message['Bcc'] = 'Jack <>, Jill <>'
+ >>> message = strip_bcc(message)
+ >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ To: John Doe <>
+ howdy!
+ """
+ del message['bcc']
+ del message['resent-bcc']
+ return message
+def append_text(text_part, new_text):
+ r"""Append text to the body of a ``plain/text`` part.
+ Updates encoding as necessary.
+ >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hello')
+ >>> append_text(message, ' John Doe')
+ >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Hello John Doe
+ >>> append_text(message, ', Джон Доу')
+ >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ SGVsbG8gSm9obiBEb2UsINCU0LbQvtC9INCU0L7Rgw==
+ >>> append_text(message, ', and Jane Sixpack.')
+ >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ SGVsbG8gSm9obiBEb2UsINCU0LbQvtC9INCU0L7RgywgYW5kIEphbmUgU2l4cGFjay4=
+ """
+ original_encoding = text_part.get_charset().input_charset
+ original_payload = str(
+ text_part.get_payload(decode=True), original_encoding)
+ new_payload = '{}{}'.format(original_payload, new_text)
+ new_encoding = guess_encoding(new_payload)
+ if text_part.get('content-transfer-encoding', None):
+ # clear CTE so set_payload will set it properly for the new encoding
+ del text_part['content-transfer-encoding']
+ text_part.set_payload(new_payload, new_encoding)
+def attach_root(header, root_part):
+ r"""Copy headers from ``header`` onto ``root_part``.
+ >>> header = header_from_text('From:\n')
+ >>> body = encodedMIMEText('Hello')
+ >>> message = attach_root(header, body)
+ >>> print(message.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ From:
+ Hello
+ """
+ for k,v in header.items():
+ root_part[k] = v
+ return root_part
+def getaddresses(addresses):
+ """A decoding version of ``email.utils.getaddresses``.
+ >>> text = ('To: =?utf-8?b?0JTQttC+0L0g0JTQvtGD?= <>, '
+ ... 'Jack <>')
+ >>> header = header_from_text(text=text)
+ >>> list(getaddresses(header.get_all('to', [])))
+ [('Джон Доу', ''), ('Jack', '')]
+ """
+ for (name,address) in _getaddresses(addresses):
+ n = []
+ for b,encoding in _decode_header(name):
+ if encoding is None:
+ n.append(b)
+ else:
+ n.append(str(b, encoding))
+ yield (' '.join(n), address)
+def email_sources(message):
+ """Extract author address from an email ``Message``
+ Search the header of an email Message instance to find the
+ senders' email addresses (or sender's address).
+ >>> text = ('From: =?utf-8?b?0JTQttC+0L0g0JTQvtGD?= <>, '
+ ... 'Jack <>')
+ >>> header = header_from_text(text=text)
+ >>> list(email_sources(header))
+ [('Джон Доу', ''), ('Jack', '')]
+ """
+ froms = message.get_all('from', [])
+ return getaddresses(froms) # [(name, address), ...]
+def email_targets(message):
+ """Extract recipient addresses from an email ``Message``
+ Search the header of an email Message instance to find a
+ list of recipient's email addresses.
+ >>> text = ('To: =?utf-8?b?0JTQttC+0L0g0JTQvtGD?= <>, '
+ ... 'Jack <>')
+ >>> header = header_from_text(text=text)
+ >>> list(email_targets(header))
+ [('Джон Доу', ''), ('Jack', '')]
+ """
+ tos = message.get_all('to', [])
+ ccs = message.get_all('cc', [])
+ bccs = message.get_all('bcc', [])
+ resent_tos = message.get_all('resent-to', [])
+ resent_ccs = message.get_all('resent-cc', [])
+ resent_bccs = message.get_all('resent-bcc', [])
+ return getaddresses(
+ tos + ccs + bccs + resent_tos + resent_ccs + resent_bccs)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright
+from email import message_from_bytes as _message_from_bytes
+from email.encoders import encode_7or8bit as _encode_7or8bit
+from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication as _MIMEApplication
+from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart as _MIMEMultipart
+from . import LOG as _LOG
+from .crypt import sign_and_encrypt_bytes as _sign_and_encrypt_bytes
+from .crypt import verify_bytes as _verify_bytes
+from .email import email_targets as _email_targets
+from .email import strip_bcc as _strip_bcc
+def sign(message, signers=None):
+ r"""Sign a ``Message``, returning the signed version.
+ multipart/signed
+ +-> text/plain (body)
+ +-> application/pgp-signature (signature)
+ >>> from import encodedMIMEText
+ >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hi\nBye')
+ >>> signed = sign(message, signers=[''])
+ >>> signed.set_boundary('boundsep')
+ >>> print(signed.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: multipart/signed; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ --boundsep
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Hi
+ Bye
+ --boundsep
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
+ Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
+ Version: GnuPG...
+ --boundsep--
+ >>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
+ >>> message = MIMEMultipart()
+ >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part A'))
+ >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part B'))
+ >>> signed = sign(message, signers=[''])
+ >>> signed.set_boundary('boundsep')
+ >>> print(signed.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: multipart/signed; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ --boundsep
+ Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============...=="
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ --===============...==
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Part A
+ --===============...==
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Part B
+ --===============...==--
+ --boundsep
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature
+ Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
+ Version: GnuPG...
+ --boundsep--
+ """
+ body = message.as_string().encode('us-ascii')
+ signature = str(_sign_and_encrypt_bytes(
+ data=body, signers=signers), 'us-ascii')
+ sig = _MIMEApplication(
+ _data=signature,
+ _subtype='pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"',
+ _encoder=_encode_7or8bit)
+ sig['Content-Description'] = 'OpenPGP digital signature'
+ sig.set_charset('us-ascii')
+ msg = _MIMEMultipart(
+ 'signed', micalg='pgp-sha1', protocol='application/pgp-signature')
+ msg.attach(message)
+ msg.attach(sig)
+ msg['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline'
+ return msg
+def encrypt(message, recipients=None, always_trust=True):
+ r"""Encrypt a ``Message``, returning the encrypted version.
+ multipart/encrypted
+ +-> application/pgp-encrypted (control information)
+ +-> application/octet-stream (body)
+ >>> from import encodedMIMEText
+ >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hi\nBye')
+ >>> message['To'] = 'pgp-mime-test <>'
+ >>> encrypted = encrypt(message)
+ >>> encrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
+ >>> print(encrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ --boundsep
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted; charset="us-ascii"
+ Version: 1
+ --boundsep
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Description: OpenPGP encrypted message
+ Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
+ Version: GnuPG...
+ -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
+ --boundsep--
+ >>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
+ >>> message = MIMEMultipart()
+ >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part A'))
+ >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part B'))
+ >>> encrypted = encrypt(
+ ... message, recipients=[''], always_trust=True)
+ >>> encrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
+ >>> print(encrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ --boundsep
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted; charset="us-ascii"
+ Version: 1
+ --boundsep
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Description: OpenPGP encrypted message
+ Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
+ Version: GnuPG...
+ -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
+ --boundsep--
+ """
+ body = message.as_string().encode('us-ascii')
+ if recipients is None:
+ recipients = [email for name,email in _email_targets(message)]
+ _LOG.debug('extracted encryption recipients: {}'.format(recipients))
+ encrypted = str(_sign_and_encrypt_bytes(
+ data=body, recipients=recipients,
+ always_trust=always_trust), 'us-ascii')
+ enc = _MIMEApplication(
+ _data=encrypted,
+ _subtype='octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"',
+ _encoder=_encode_7or8bit)
+ enc['Content-Description'] = 'OpenPGP encrypted message'
+ enc.set_charset('us-ascii')
+ control = _MIMEApplication(
+ _data='Version: 1\n',
+ _subtype='pgp-encrypted',
+ _encoder=_encode_7or8bit)
+ control.set_charset('us-ascii')
+ msg = _MIMEMultipart(
+ 'encrypted',
+ micalg='pgp-sha1',
+ protocol='application/pgp-encrypted')
+ msg.attach(control)
+ msg.attach(enc)
+ msg['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline'
+ return msg
+def sign_and_encrypt(message, signers=None, recipients=None,
+ always_trust=False):
+ r"""Sign and encrypt a ``Message``, returning the encrypted version.
+ multipart/encrypted
+ +-> application/pgp-encrypted (control information)
+ +-> application/octet-stream (body)
+ >>> from import encodedMIMEText
+ >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hi\nBye')
+ >>> message['To'] = 'pgp-mime-test <>'
+ >>> encrypted = sign_and_encrypt(
+ ... message, signers=[''], always_trust=True)
+ >>> encrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
+ >>> print(encrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ --boundsep
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted; charset="us-ascii"
+ Version: 1
+ --boundsep
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Description: OpenPGP encrypted message
+ Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
+ Version: GnuPG...
+ -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
+ --boundsep--
+ >>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
+ >>> message = MIMEMultipart()
+ >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part A'))
+ >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part B'))
+ >>> encrypted = sign_and_encrypt(
+ ... message, signers=[''],
+ ... recipients=[''], always_trust=True)
+ >>> encrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
+ >>> print(encrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ --boundsep
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted; charset="us-ascii"
+ Version: 1
+ --boundsep
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Description: OpenPGP encrypted message
+ Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"; charset="us-ascii"
+ Version: GnuPG...
+ -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
+ --boundsep--
+ """
+ _strip_bcc(message=message)
+ body = message.as_string().encode('us-ascii')
+ if recipients is None:
+ recipients = [email for name,email in _email_targets(message)]
+ _LOG.debug('extracted encryption recipients: {}'.format(recipients))
+ encrypted = str(_sign_and_encrypt_bytes(
+ data=body, signers=signers, recipients=recipients,
+ always_trust=always_trust), 'us-ascii')
+ enc = _MIMEApplication(
+ _data=encrypted,
+ _subtype='octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"',
+ _encoder=_encode_7or8bit)
+ enc['Content-Description'] = 'OpenPGP encrypted message'
+ enc.set_charset('us-ascii')
+ control = _MIMEApplication(
+ _data='Version: 1\n',
+ _subtype='pgp-encrypted',
+ _encoder=_encode_7or8bit)
+ control.set_charset('us-ascii')
+ msg = _MIMEMultipart(
+ 'encrypted',
+ micalg='pgp-sha1',
+ protocol='application/pgp-encrypted')
+ msg.attach(control)
+ msg.attach(enc)
+ msg['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline'
+ return msg
+def _get_encrypted_parts(message):
+ ct = message.get_content_type()
+ assert ct == 'multipart/encrypted', ct
+ params = dict(message.get_params())
+ assert params.get('protocol', None) == 'application/pgp-encrypted', params
+ assert message.is_multipart(), message
+ control = body = None
+ for part in message.get_payload():
+ if part == message:
+ continue
+ assert part.is_multipart() == False, part
+ ct = part.get_content_type()
+ if ct == 'application/pgp-encrypted':
+ if control:
+ raise ValueError('multiple application/pgp-encrypted parts')
+ control = part
+ elif ct == 'application/octet-stream':
+ if body:
+ raise ValueError('multiple application/octet-stream parts')
+ body = part
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('unnecessary {} part'.format(ct))
+ if not control:
+ raise ValueError('missing application/pgp-encrypted part')
+ if not body:
+ raise ValueError('missing application/octet-stream part')
+ return (control, body)
+def _get_signed_parts(message):
+ ct = message.get_content_type()
+ assert ct == 'multipart/signed', ct
+ params = dict(message.get_params())
+ assert params.get('protocol', None) == 'application/pgp-signature', params
+ assert message.is_multipart(), message
+ body = signature = None
+ for part in message.get_payload():
+ if part == message:
+ continue
+ ct = part.get_content_type()
+ if ct == 'application/pgp-signature':
+ if signature:
+ raise ValueError('multiple application/pgp-signature parts')
+ signature = part
+ else:
+ if body:
+ raise ValueError('multiple non-signature parts')
+ body = part
+ if not body:
+ raise ValueError('missing body part')
+ if not signature:
+ raise ValueError('missing application/pgp-signature part')
+ return (body, signature)
+def decrypt(message):
+ r"""Decrypt a multipart/encrypted message.
+ >>> from import encodedMIMEText
+ >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hi\nBye')
+ >>> encrypted = encrypt(message, recipients=['<>'])
+ >>> decrypted = decrypt(encrypted)
+ >>> print(decrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Hi
+ Bye
+ >>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
+ >>> message = MIMEMultipart()
+ >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part A'))
+ >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part B'))
+ >>> encrypted = encrypt(
+ ... message, recipients=[''], always_trust=True)
+ >>> decrypted = decrypt(encrypted)
+ >>> decrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
+ >>> print(decrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="boundsep"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ --boundsep
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Part A
+ --boundsep
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Part B
+ --boundsep--
+ """
+ control,body = _get_encrypted_parts(message)
+ encrypted = body.get_payload(decode=True)
+ if not isinstance(encrypted, bytes):
+ encrypted = encrypted.encode('us-ascii')
+ decrypted,verified,result = _verify_bytes(encrypted)
+ return _message_from_bytes(decrypted)
+def verify(message):
+ r"""Verify a signature on ``message``, possibly decrypting first.
+ >>> from import encodedMIMEText
+ >>> message = encodedMIMEText('Hi\nBye')
+ >>> message['To'] = 'pgp-mime-test <>'
+ >>> encrypted = sign_and_encrypt(message, signers=[''],
+ ... always_trust=True)
+ >>> decrypted,verified,result = verify(encrypted)
+ >>> print(decrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ To: pgp-mime-test <>
+ Hi
+ Bye
+ >>> verified
+ False
+ >>> print(str(result, 'utf-8').replace('\x00', ''))
+ ... # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF, +ELLIPSIS
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+ <gpgme>
+ <verify-result>
+ <signatures>
+ <signature>
+ <summary value="0x0" />
+ <fpr>B2EDBE0E771A4B8708DD16A7511AEDA64332B6E3</fpr>
+ <status value="0x0">Success <Unspecified source></status>
+ <timestamp unix="..." />
+ <exp-timestamp unix="0i" />
+ <wrong-key-usage value="0x0" />
+ <pka-trust value="0x0" />
+ <chain-model value="0x0" />
+ <validity value="0x0" />
+ <validity-reason value="0x0">Success <Unspecified source></validity-reason>
+ <pubkey-algo value="0x1">RSA</pubkey-algo>
+ <hash-algo value="0x8">SHA256</hash-algo>
+ </signature>
+ </signatures>
+ </verify-result>
+ </gpgme>
+ >>> from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
+ >>> message = MIMEMultipart()
+ >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part A'))
+ >>> message.attach(encodedMIMEText('Part B'))
+ >>> signed = sign(message, signers=[''])
+ >>> decrypted,verified,result = verify(signed)
+ >>> decrypted.set_boundary('boundsep')
+ >>> print(decrypted.as_string()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +REPORT_UDIFF
+ Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="boundsep"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ --boundsep
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Part A
+ --boundsep
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Part B
+ --boundsep--
+ >>> verified
+ False
+ >>> print(str(result, 'utf-8').replace('\x00', ''))
+ ... # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF, +ELLIPSIS
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+ <gpgme>
+ <verify-result>
+ <signatures>
+ <signature>
+ <summary value="0x0" />
+ <fpr>B2EDBE0E771A4B8708DD16A7511AEDA64332B6E3</fpr>
+ <status value="0x0">Success <Unspecified source></status>
+ <timestamp unix="..." />
+ <exp-timestamp unix="0i" />
+ <wrong-key-usage value="0x0" />
+ <pka-trust value="0x0" />
+ <chain-model value="0x0" />
+ <validity value="0x0" />
+ <validity-reason value="0x0">Success <Unspecified source></validity-reason>
+ <pubkey-algo value="0x1">RSA</pubkey-algo>
+ <hash-algo value="0x2">SHA1</hash-algo>
+ </signature>
+ </signatures>
+ </verify-result>
+ </gpgme>
+ """
+ ct = message.get_content_type()
+ if ct == 'multipart/encrypted':
+ control,body = _get_encrypted_parts(message)
+ encrypted = body.get_payload(decode=True)
+ if not isinstance(encrypted, bytes):
+ encrypted = encrypted.encode('us-ascii')
+ decrypted,verified,message = _verify_bytes(encrypted)
+ return (_message_from_bytes(decrypted), verified, message)
+ body,signature = _get_signed_parts(message)
+ sig_data = signature.get_payload(decode=True)
+ if not isinstance(sig_data, bytes):
+ sig_data = sig_data.encode('us-ascii')
+ decrypted,verified,result = _verify_bytes(
+ body.as_string().encode('us-ascii'), signature=sig_data)
+ return (body, verified, result)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright
+import configparser as _configparser
+import smtplib as _smtplib
+from . import LOG as _LOG
+SENDMAIL = ['/usr/sbin/sendmail', '-t']
+def get_smtp_params(config):
+ r"""Retrieve SMTP paramters from a config file.
+ >>> from configparser import ConfigParser
+ >>> config = ConfigParser()
+ >>> config.read_string('\n'.join([
+ ... '[smtp]',
+ ... 'host:',
+ ... 'port: 587',
+ ... 'starttls: yes',
+ ... 'username: rincewind',
+ ... 'password: 7ugg@g3',
+ ... ]))
+ >>> get_smtp_params(config)
+ ('', 587, True, 'rincewind', '7ugg@g3')
+ >>> config = ConfigParser()
+ >>> get_smtp_params(ConfigParser())
+ (None, None, None, None, None)
+ """
+ try:
+ host = config.get('smtp', 'host')
+ except _configparser.NoSectionError:
+ return (None, None, None, None, None)
+ except _configparser.NoOptionError:
+ host = None
+ try:
+ port = config.getint('smtp', 'port')
+ except _configparser.NoOptionError:
+ port = None
+ try:
+ starttls = config.getboolean('smtp', 'starttls')
+ except _configparser.NoOptionError:
+ starttls = None
+ try:
+ username = config.get('smtp', 'username')
+ except _configparser.NoOptionError:
+ username = None
+ try:
+ password = config.get('smtp', 'password')
+ except _configparser.NoOptionError:
+ password = None
+ return (host, port, starttls, username, password)
+def get_smtp(host=None, port=None, starttls=None, username=None,
+ password=None):
+ """Connect to an SMTP host using the given parameters.
+ >>> import smtplib
+ >>> try: # doctest: +SKIP
+ ... smtp = get_smtp(host='', port=587, starttls=True,
+ ... username='', password='7ugg@g3')
+ ... except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError as error:
+ ... print('that was not a real account')
+ that was not a real account
+ >>> smtp = get_smtp() # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> smtp.quit() # doctest: +SKIP
+ """
+ if host is None:
+ host = 'localhost'
+ if port is None:
+ port = _smtplib.SMTP_PORT
+ if username and not starttls:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'sending passwords in the clear is unsafe! Use STARTTLS.')
+'connect to SMTP server at {}:{}'.format(host, port))
+ smtp = _smtplib.SMTP(host=host, port=port)
+ smtp.ehlo()
+ if starttls:
+ smtp.starttls()
+ if username:
+ smtp.login(username, password)
+ #smtp.set_debuglevel(1)
+ return smtp
+def mail(message, smtp=None, sendmail=None):
+ """Send an email ``Message`` instance on its merry way.
+ We can shell out to the user specified sendmail in case
+ the local host doesn't have an SMTP server set up
+ for easy ``smtplib`` usage.
+ >>> from import encodedMIMEText
+ >>> message = encodedMIMEText('howdy!')
+ >>> message['From'] = 'John Doe <>'
+ >>> message['To'] = 'Jack <>, Jill <>'
+ >>> mail(message=message, sendmail=SENDMAIL) # doctest: +SKIP
+ """
+'send message {} -> {}'.format(message['from'], message['to']))
+ if smtp:
+ smtp.send_message(msg=message)
+ elif sendmail:
+ execute(
+ sendmail, stdin=message.as_string().encode('us-ascii'),
+ close_fds=True)
+ else:
+ smtp = _smtplib.SMTP()
+ smtp.connect()
+ smtp.send_message(msg=message)
+ smtp.close()
'Topic :: Software Development'
scripts = ['bin/'],
- py_modules = ['pgp_mime'],
+ packages = ['pgp_mime'],
provides = ['pgp_mime'],