--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""Publish a terminal session recorded with script to HTML
+Since 3.0BSD, the ``script`` utility has made it easy to record a
+typescript of everything printed on your terminal. While this is
+useful for the technically savvy, it is hard to share the raw script
+output with programming newbies. This script makes it easy to render
+the typescript as HTML, which you can then serve with any webserver.
+Both single shot and continuous (polled) publishing are possible,
+which makes for a cheap way to share a log of the terminal you're
+using to teach a class. Students can easily scroll back and see what
+happened earlier, as well as archive the class log in a format that
+they may be more comfortable with.
+If you aren't expecting much load, you can use Python's built in HTTP
+server to serve the typescript live::
+ shell-a $ script -f /tmp/script.raw
+ shell-a $ …hack hack hack…
+ shell-b $ script-publish.py -s /tmp/script.raw --serve 8080 -vv
+ serving on host.example.net:8080
+ address: host.example.net ('', 8080)
+ shell-c $ echo "The typescript is at" | write
+import copy as _copy
+import curses as _curses
+import logging as _logging
+import os as _os
+import re as _re
+import select as _select
+import socket as _socket
+import sys as _sys
+import time as _time
+import wsgiref.simple_server as _wsgiref_simple_server
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as _etree
+__version__ = '0.1'
+_LOG = _logging.getLogger('script-publish')
+ 'foreground': 'black',
+ 'background': 'white',
+ }
+class ControlCodeMatch (object):
+ """An instance of a control code in a byte stream
+ """
+ def __init__(self, control_code, match):
+ self.control_code = control_code
+ self.match = match
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.match and self.match.groups():
+ return '<{} {} {}>'.format(
+ type(self).__name__, self.control_code.name,
+ self.match.groups())
+ else:
+ return '<{} {}>'.format(
+ type(self).__name__, self.control_code.name)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.match and self.match.groups():
+ return '<{} {} {} 0x{:x}>'.format(
+ type(self).__name__, self.control_code.name,
+ self.match.groups(), id(self))
+ else:
+ return '<{} {} 0x{:x}>'.format(
+ type(self).__name__, self.control_code.name, id(self))
+class ControlCode (object):
+ """Base class for defining control code handlers
+ Notes
+ -----
+ One common format for representing control characters is with
+ caret notation. ASCII control codes are represented by::
+ >>> def caret_notation(code):
+ ... return '^{}'.format(chr(code + 64))
+ >>> caret_notation(0)
+ '^@'
+ >>> caret_notation(8)
+ '^H'
+ >>> def caret_escape(representation):
+ ... return ord(representation[-1]) - 64
+ >>> caret_escape('^H')
+ 8
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name=None, capname=None, code=None, regexp=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.capname = capname # terminfo capability name (cf. terminfo(5))
+ if code is None:
+ code = self._get_code()
+ self.code = code
+ if regexp is None:
+ regexp = self._get_regexp()
+ if regexp:
+ regexp = _re.compile(regexp)
+ self.regexp = regexp
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '<{} {}>'.format(type(self).__name__, self.name)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<{} {} 0x{:x}>'.format(
+ type(self).__name__, self.name, id(self))
+ def _get_code(self):
+ if self.capname is None:
+ return None
+ try:
+ code = _curses.tigetstr(self.capname)
+ except _curses.error:
+ term = _os.environ.get('term', 'xterm')
+ with open('/dev/null', 'w') as f:
+ # setupterm() is required for curses.tiget*()
+ _curses.setupterm(term, f.fileno())
+ code = _curses.tigetstr(self.capname)
+ # code may be None if your terminal doesn't support the capability
+ return code
+ def _get_regexp(self, code=None):
+ r"""Return a Python regular expression matching a terminfo code
+ >>> cc = ControlCode()
+ >>> cc._get_regexp(b'\b')
+ b'\x08'
+ >>> cc._get_regexp(b'\x1b[K')
+ b'\x1b\\[K'
+ >>> cc._get_regexp(b'%9.4d')
+ b'([0-9.]+)'
+ >>> cc._get_regexp(b'%9.4x')
+ b'([0-9a-f.]+)'
+ >>> sgr = (b'%?%p9%t\x1b(0%e\x1b(B%;\x1b[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p2'
+ ... b'%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p7%t;8%;m')
+ >>> cc._get_regexp(sgr) # good luck getting this working ;)
+ """
+ # see 'Parameterized Strings' in terminfo(5) for the parameter
+ # string syntax (for formatting the codes). It can get pretty
+ # funky, so we only parse a subset here.
+ if code is None:
+ code = self.code
+ if code is None:
+ return
+ regexp = code
+ for r,replacement in [
+ (_re.compile(b'\\\\'), b'\\\\'),
+ (_re.compile(b'\\['), b'\\['),
+ (_re.compile(b'\\]'), b'\\]'),
+ # %? (if you can figure it out) should go here (before '?')
+ (_re.compile(b'\\?'), b'\\?'),
+ (_re.compile(b'%(:?[-+# ]+)?([0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?)?([doxXs])'),
+ self._get_regexp_integer),
+ (_re.compile(b'%p[1-9]'), b''
+ ), # we don't care what parameter you're pushing
+ (_re.compile(b'%i'), b''
+ ), # we don't care if you added one to your parameter
+ ]:
+ regexp = r.sub(replacement, regexp)
+ pp = _re.compile(b'%%')
+ doubles = len(pp.findall(regexp))
+ singles = len(_re.findall(b'%', regexp))
+ if doubles != 2*singles:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ 'untranslated formatting codes for {} ({!r}): {!r}'.format(
+ self.capname, self.code, regexp))
+ pp.sub(b'%', regexp)
+ return regexp
+ def _get_regexp_integer(self, match):
+ flags,width,precision,fmt = match.groups()
+ if flags:
+ raise NotImplementedError(flags)
+ if fmt == b'd':
+ return b'([0-9.]+)'
+ elif fmt == b'x':
+ return b'([0-9a-f.]+)'
+ elif fmt == b'X':
+ return b'([0-9A-F.]+)'
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(fmt)
+ def search(self, text):
+ match = self.regexp.search(text)
+ if match:
+ return ControlCodeMatch(self, match)
+class SelectGraphicRendition (ControlCode):
+ # see 'Color Handling' in terminfo(5)
+ colors = [
+ 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white']
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(SelectGraphicRendition, self).__init__(
+ 'select graphic rendition', 'sgr',
+ regexp=_re.compile(b'\x1b[[]([0-9]+)?;?([0-9]+)?m'))
+ def style(self, match, style=None):
+ if not style:
+ style = {}
+ n1,n2 = match.groups()
+ ns = [n1]
+ if n2:
+ ns.append(n2)
+ for n in ns:
+ if n is not None:
+ n = int(n)
+ style = self._style(n, style)
+ return style
+ def _style(self, code=None, style=None):
+ if style is None:
+ style = {}
+ if code in [None, 0]:
+ style = None # reset
+ elif code == 1:
+ style['weight'] = 'bold'
+ elif code == 7: # inverse (reverse video)
+ f = style.get('background', DEFAULT_STYLE['background'])
+ style['background'] = style.get(
+ 'foreground', DEFAULT_STYLE['foreground'])
+ style['foreground'] = f
+ elif code == 27:
+ _LOG.debug('skipping {}'.format(self))
+ elif code >= 30 and code <= 37:
+ style['foreground'] = self.colors[code - 30]
+ elif code == 39: # default text color
+ style.pop('foreground', None)
+ elif code >= 40 and code <= 46:
+ style['background'] = self.colors[code - 40]
+ elif code == 49: # default background color
+ style.pop('background', None)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError('{} code {}'.format(self.name, code))
+ if not style:
+ return None
+ return style
+CONTROL_CODES = [ # see terminfo(5)
+ # Safe to ignore
+ ControlCode('bell', 'bel'),
+ ControlCode('meta on', 'smm'), # eight bit mode
+ # Clearing the screen
+ ControlCode('backspace key', 'kbs'),
+ ControlCode('delete one character', 'dch1'),
+ ControlCode('delete characters', 'dch'),
+ ControlCode('clear screen', 'clear'),
+ ControlCode('clear to beginning of line', 'el1'),
+ ControlCode('clear to end of line', 'el'),
+ ControlCode('clear to end of screen', 'ed'),
+ # Cursor motion
+ ControlCode('carriage return', 'cr'),
+ ControlCode('scroll forward', 'ind'),
+ ControlCode('cursor to upper left', 'home'),
+ ControlCode('enter ca mode', 'smcup'), # start program using 'cup'
+ ControlCode('exit ca mode', 'rmcup'), # end program using 'cup'
+ ControlCode('cursor address', 'cup'),
+ ControlCode('cursor up', 'cuu1'),
+ ControlCode('cursor down', 'cud1'),
+ ControlCode('cursor left', 'cub1'),
+ ControlCode('cursor right', 'cuf1'),
+ ControlCode('cursor row address', 'vpa'),
+ # Cursor visibility
+ ControlCode('cursor visible', 'cvvis'),
+ ControlCode('cursor invisible', 'civis'),
+ ControlCode('cursor normal visibility', 'cnorm'),
+ # Funky stuff
+ ControlCode('horizontal tab', 'ht'),
+ ControlCode('insert line', 'il1'),
+ ControlCode('insert line', 'il'),
+ ControlCode('erase characters', 'ech'),
+ ControlCode('operating system command', regexp=_re.compile(b'\x1b]')), # [1]
+ ControlCode('application keypad mode', regexp=_re.compile(b'\x1b=')), # [1]
+ ControlCode('numeric keypad mode', regexp=_re.compile(b'\x1b>')), # [1]
+ ControlCode('set application cursor keys', regexp=_re.compile(b'\x1b[[][?]1h')), # [1]
+ ControlCode('reset application cursor keys', regexp=_re.compile(b'\x1b[[][?]1l')), # [1]
+ ControlCode('set scrolling region', regexp=_re.compile(b'\x1b[[]([0-9]+);([0-9]+)r')), # [1]
+ ControlCode('send secondary device attributes', regexp=_re.compile(b'\x1b[[]>0c')), # [1], i.e. "what kind of device are you?" [2]
+ SelectGraphicRendition(),
+ ]
+# [1]: http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/html_node/Control-Sequences.html
+# [2]: http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/chapter4.html#S4.17.1.2
+class StyledText (object):
+ def __init__(self, text, style=None):
+ self.text = text
+ self.style = style
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.style is None:
+ style = self.style
+ else: # sorted dict for easy doctests
+ style = ''.join([
+ '{',
+ ', '.join(
+ ['{!r}: {!r}'.format(k, v)
+ for k,v in sorted(self.style.items())]),
+ '}'])
+ return '<{} {!r}>'.format(style, self.text)
+def CLASS(*args): # class is a reserved word in Python
+ return {'class': ' '.join(args)}
+class ControlParser (object):
+ r"""Control code parser
+ >>> cp = ControlParser()
+ C0 codes:
+ >>> cp._replace_control_codes(b'\a') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ [<ControlCodeMatch bell 0x...>]
+ C1 codes are also supported. For example, here is a prompt
+ generated with
+ ``PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w \$\[\033[00m\] '``:
+ >>> cp._replace_control_codes(b'\x1b]') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ [<ControlCodeMatch operating system command 0x...>]
+ >>> text = (
+ ... b'\x1b]0;user@host:~\a\x1b[?1034h'
+ ... b'\x1b[01;32muser@host\x1b[01;34m ~ $'
+ ... b'\x1b[00m echo hello\r')
+ >>> for chunk in cp._replace_control_codes(text):
+ ... if isinstance(chunk, bytes):
+ ... print(repr(chunk))
+ ... else:
+ ... print(chunk)
+ ... # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ <ControlCodeMatch operating system command>
+ b'0;user@host:~'
+ <ControlCodeMatch bell>
+ <ControlCodeMatch meta on>
+ <ControlCodeMatch select graphic rendition (b'01', b'32')>
+ b'user@host'
+ <ControlCodeMatch select graphic rendition (b'01', b'34')>
+ b' ~ $'
+ <ControlCodeMatch select graphic rendition (b'00', None)>
+ b' echo hello'
+ <ControlCodeMatch carriage return>
+ >>> for chunk in cp._style_chunks(
+ ... cp._decode_text(cp._replace_control_codes(text))):
+ ... print(chunk)
+ ... # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ <ControlCodeMatch operating system command>
+ <None '0;user@host:~'>
+ <ControlCodeMatch bell>
+ <ControlCodeMatch meta on>
+ <{'foreground': 'green', 'weight': 'bold'} 'user@host'>
+ <{'foreground': 'blue', 'weight': 'bold'} ' ~ $'>
+ <None ' echo hello'>
+ <ControlCodeMatch carriage return>
+ >>> e = _etree.Element('pre')
+ >>> e = cp.parse(e, text)
+ >>> print(str(_etree.tostring(e), 'ascii'))
+ <pre><span style="font-weight: bold; color: green">user@host</span><span style="font-weight: bold; color: blue"> ~ $</span> echo hello</pre>
+ Select graphic rendition codes (a subset of C1):
+ >>> cp._replace_control_codes(b'\x1b[01;32m') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ [<ControlCodeMatch select graphic rendition (b'01', b'32') 0x...>]
+ >>> cp._replace_control_codes(b'\x1b[01m') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ [<ControlCodeMatch select graphic rendition (b'01', None) 0x...>]
+ >>> cp._replace_control_codes(b'\x1b[m') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ [<ControlCodeMatch select graphic rendition (None, None) 0x...>]
+ >> e = _etree.Element('span', **CLASS('outside'))
+ >> text = b'\x1b[36m@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@\x1b[m \x1b[midea'
+ >> cp._style_chunks(text)
+ [({'foreground': 'cyan'}, b'@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@'), (None, ' idea')]
+ >> e = cp.parse(e, text)
+ >> print(str(_etree.tostring(e), 'ascii'))
+ <span class="outside"><span style="color: cyan">@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@</span> idea</span>
+ """
+ def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'):
+ self._encoding = encoding
+ def _replace_control_codes(self, text):
+ """Split ``text`` into a list of chunks
+ Some chunks will be unaltered bytes, and the rest will be
+ ``ControlCodeMatch`` instances.
+ """
+ stack = [text]
+ for cc in CONTROL_CODES:
+ if cc.regexp is None:
+ continue
+ stream = []
+ while stack:
+ chunk = stack.pop(0)
+ if not isinstance(chunk, bytes): # control code
+ stream.append(chunk)
+ continue
+ match = cc.search(chunk)
+ if not match: # no control code in this chunk
+ stream.append(chunk)
+ continue
+ before = chunk[:match.match.start()]
+ if before:
+ stream.append(before)
+ after = chunk[match.match.end():]
+ if after:
+ stack.insert(0, after)
+ stream.append(match)
+ stack = stream
+ return stream
+ def _decode_text(self, chunks):
+ for i,chunk in enumerate(chunks):
+ if isinstance(chunk, bytes):
+ chunks[i] = str(chunk, self._encoding)
+ return chunks
+ def _merge_adjacent_text(self, chunks):
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(chunks):
+ if isinstance(chunks[i], str) and isinstance(chunks[i-1], str):
+ chunks[i-1] = chunks[i-1] + chunks.pop(i)
+ else:
+ i += 1
+ return chunks
+ def _remove_operating_system_commands(self, chunks):
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(chunks):
+ if (isinstance(chunks[i], ControlCodeMatch) and
+ chunks[i].control_code.name == 'operating system command'):
+ # I haven't been able to dig up docs for this, but it
+ # involved with fancy PS1 prompts.
+ while i < len(chunks) and not isinstance(chunks[i], str):
+ chunks.pop(i) # strip to next text
+ if i < len(chunks) and isinstance(chunks[i], str):
+ chunks.pop(i) # strip next text
+ else:
+ i += 1
+ return chunks
+ def _process_backspaces(self, chunks):
+ # without cursor tracking, this is a bit ad hoc
+ last_bytes = None
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(chunks):
+ if isinstance(chunks[i], str):
+ last_bytes = i
+ elif (isinstance(chunks[i], ControlCodeMatch) and
+ chunks[i].control_code.name == 'backspace key' and
+ chunks[last_bytes]):
+ _LOG.debug('backspace {!r} -> {!r}'.format(
+ chunks[last_bytes], chunks[last_bytes][:-1]))
+ chunks[last_bytes] = chunks[last_bytes][:-1]
+ chunks.pop(i)
+ if (i < len(chunks) and
+ isinstance(chunks[i], ControlCodeMatch) and
+ chunks[i].control_code.name == 'clear to end of line'):
+ chunks.pop(i)
+ continue
+ i += 1
+ return [chunk for chunk in chunks if chunk != b'']
+ def _drop_no_op(self, chunks):
+ return [
+ chunk for chunk in chunks
+ if not (
+ isinstance(chunk, ControlCodeMatch) and
+ chunk.control_code.name in [
+ 'bell',
+ 'meta on',
+ 'enter ca mode',
+ 'exit ca mode',
+ 'application keypad mode',
+ 'numeric keypad mode',
+ ])]
+ def _drop_cursors(self, chunks):
+ return [chunk for chunk in chunks
+ if not (isinstance(chunk, ControlCodeMatch) and
+ chunk.control_code.name.startswith('cursor '))]
+ def _drop_carriage_return(self, chunks):
+ return [chunk for chunk in chunks
+ if not (isinstance(chunk, ControlCodeMatch) and
+ chunk.control_code.name == 'carriage return')]
+ def _drop_clear_line(self, chunks):
+ return [chunk for chunk in chunks
+ if not (isinstance(chunk, ControlCodeMatch) and
+ chunk.control_code.name.startswith('clear ') and
+ chunk.control_code.name != 'clear screen')]
+ def _collapse_adjacent_newlines(self, chunks):
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(chunks):
+ if (isinstance(chunks[i], ControlCodeMatch) and
+ chunks[i].control_code.name == 'scroll forward' and
+ isinstance(chunks[i-1], ControlCodeMatch) and
+ chunks[i-1].control_code.name == 'scroll forward'):
+ chunks.pop(i)
+ else:
+ i += 1
+ return chunks
+ def _style_chunks(self, chunks):
+ styled = []
+ style = None
+ for chunk in chunks:
+ if isinstance(chunk, str):
+ chunk = StyledText(text=chunk, style=_copy.copy(style))
+ elif (isinstance(chunk, ControlCodeMatch) and
+ chunk.control_code.name == 'select graphic rendition'):
+ style = chunk.control_code.style(chunk.match, style=style)
+ continue # no need to append this chunk
+ styled.append(chunk)
+ return styled
+ def parse(self, element, text):
+ chunks = self._replace_control_codes(text)
+ chunks = self._decode_text(chunks)
+ chunks = self._merge_adjacent_text(chunks)
+ chunks = self._remove_operating_system_commands(chunks)
+ chunks = self._merge_adjacent_text(chunks)
+ chunks = self._process_backspaces(chunks)
+ chunks = self._drop_no_op(chunks)
+ chunks = self._drop_cursors(chunks)
+ chunks = self._drop_carriage_return(chunks)
+ chunks = self._drop_clear_line(chunks)
+ chunks = self._collapse_adjacent_newlines(chunks)
+ chunks = self._merge_adjacent_text(chunks)
+ chunks = self._style_chunks(chunks)
+ previous = element
+ last_chunk = None
+ for chunk in chunks:
+ if isinstance(chunk, StyledText):
+ if chunk.style:
+ styles = []
+ for src,tgt in [
+ ('weight', 'font-weight'),
+ ('foreground', 'color'),
+ ('background', 'background-color'),
+ ]:
+ if src in chunk.style:
+ styles.append(
+ '{}: {}'.format(tgt, chunk.style[src]))
+ style = '; '.join(styles)
+ e = _etree.Element('span', style=style)
+ try:
+ e.text = chunk.text
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise ValueError(repr(chunk.text)) from e
+ element.append(e)
+ previous = e
+ elif previous == element:
+ try:
+ element.text = chunk.text
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise ValueError(repr(chunk.text)) from e
+ else:
+ try:
+ previous.tail = chunk.text
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise ValueError(repr(chunk.text)) from e
+ elif isinstance(chunk, ControlCodeMatch):
+ cc = chunk.control_code
+ if cc.name in ['scroll forward', 'clear screen']:
+ e = _etree.Element('br')
+ e.tail = '\n'
+ element.append(e)
+ previous = e
+ else:
+ _LOG.info('ignoring {}'.format(cc))
+ last_chunk = chunk
+ return element
+class ScriptParser (object):
+ def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8', css=None):
+ self._control_parser = ControlParser(encoding=encoding)
+ self._encoding = encoding
+ if css is None:
+ css = self._get_css()
+ self.css = css
+ def render(self, text):
+ html = _etree.Element('html')
+ head = _etree.Element('head')
+ html.append(head)
+ style = _etree.Element('style', type='text/css')
+ head.append(style)
+ style.text = self.css
+ body = _etree.Element('body')
+ html.append(body)
+ pre = self._control_parser.parse(_etree.Element('pre'), text)
+ body.append(pre)
+ tree = _etree.ElementTree(element=html)
+ html.text = html.tail = head.text = head.tail = '\n'
+ body.text = body.tail = '\n'
+ return tree
+ def process(self, source, target=None):
+ typescript = self._read_file(filename=source) # byte stream
+ rendered = self.render(typescript)
+ self._write_etree(tree=rendered, filename=target)
+ def _read_file(self, filename=None):
+ # byte stream
+ if filename:
+ _LOG.info('read {}'.format(filename))
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+ text = f.read()
+ else:
+ _LOG.info('read from stdin')
+ text = _sys.stdin.buffer.read()
+ return text
+ def _serialize(self, tree):
+ return _etree.tostring(tree.getroot(), 'unicode')
+ def _write_etree(self, tree, filename=None):
+ if filename:
+ _LOG.info('write {}'.format(filename))
+ tree.write(filename, encoding=self._encoding)
+ else:
+ _LOG.info('write to stdout')
+ result = self._serialize(tree)
+ _sys.stdout.buffer.write(result.encode(self._encoding))
+ def _get_css(self):
+ return '\n'.join([
+ 'body {',
+ ' color: {};'.format(DEFAULT_STYLE['foreground']),
+ ' background: {}'.format(DEFAULT_STYLE['background']),
+ '}',
+ ''
+ ])
+class ScriptServerApp (ScriptParser):
+ """WSGI client serving the HTML typescript
+ Subclasses ``ScriptParser`` to easily access the serialized
+ typescript.
+ For details on WGSI, see `PEP 333`_.
+ .. _PEP 333: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/
+ """
+ def __init__(self, source=None, target=None, delay=2, **kwargs):
+ super(ScriptServerApp, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ self._source = source
+ self._target = target
+ self._delay = delay
+ self._next_render = 0
+ self._content = None
+ def process(self):
+ if _time.time() > self._next_render:
+ super(ScriptServerApp, self).process(
+ source=self._source, target=self._target)
+ self._next_render += self._delay
+ def _write_etree(self, tree, **kwargs):
+ self._content = self._serialize(tree)
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ "WSGI entry point"
+ self.process()
+ status = '200 OK'
+ headers = [
+ ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset={}'.format(self._encoding)),
+ ]
+ start_response(status, headers)
+ return [self._content.encode(self._encoding)]
+ def run(self, host='', port=8000):
+ server = _wsgiref_simple_server.make_server(
+ host=host, port=port, app=self)
+ self._log_start(host=host, port=port)
+ try:
+ server.serve_forever()
+ except _select.error as e:
+ if len(e.args) == 2 and e.args[1] == 'Interrupted system call':
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise
+ def _log_start(self, host, port):
+ if not host:
+ host = _socket.getfqdn()
+ _LOG.info('serving on {}:{}'.format(host, port))
+ try:
+ addrs = _socket.getaddrinfo(host=host, port=port)
+ except _socket.gaierror as e:
+ _LOG.warning(e)
+ else:
+ seen = set()
+ for family,type_,proto,canonname,sockaddr in addrs:
+ c = canonname or host
+ if (c, sockaddr) not in seen:
+ _LOG.info('address: {} {}'.format(c, sockaddr))
+ seen.add((c, sockaddr))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse as _argparse
+ parser = _argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=__doc__.splitlines()[0],
+ epilog='\n'.join(__doc__.splitlines()[2:]),
+ formatter_class=_argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--version', action='version',
+ version='%(prog)s {}'.format(__version__))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count',
+ help='increment verbosity')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-s', '--source', metavar='SOURCE',
+ help='source script file (defaults to stdin)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-t', '--target', metavar='TARGET',
+ help='target HTML file (defaults to stdout)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-e', '--encoding', metavar='ENCODING', default='utf-8',
+ help='file content encoding (defaults to utf-8)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-p', '--poll', metavar='SECONDS', type=float,
+ help='poll frequency in seconds')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--serve', metavar='PORT', type=int,
+ help='serve the HTTP typescript on PORT')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.verbose:
+ _LOG.setLevel(max(_logging.DEBUG, _LOG.level - 10*args.verbose))
+ sp = ScriptParser(encoding=args.encoding)
+ if args.serve:
+ server = ScriptServerApp(
+ source=args.source, target=args.target, delay=args.poll or 2)
+ server.run(port=args.serve)
+ elif args.poll:
+ while True:
+ sp.process(source=args.source, target=args.target)
+ _time.sleep(args.poll)
+ else: # single shot
+ sp.process(source=args.source, target=args.target)