{ "pci-6110", STATUS_DONE, cal_ni_pci_611x, ni_setup_observables_611x, 0x1d4, 0x1d5 },
{ "pci-6111", STATUS_DONE, cal_ni_pci_611x, ni_setup_observables_611x, 0x1d4, 0x1d5 },
{ "DAQCard-6062E", STATUS_DONE, cal_ni_daqcard_6062e, ni_setup_observables, 0x1a9, 0x1aa },
- { "DAQCard-6024E", STATUS_UNKNOWN, cal_ni_daqcard_6024e, ni_setup_observables, -1, -1 },
+ { "DAQCard-6024E", STATUS_SOME, cal_ni_daqcard_6024e, ni_setup_observables, -1, -1 },
{ "at-mio-16de-10", STATUS_UNKNOWN, NULL, ni_setup_observables, 0x1a7, 0x1a8 },
{ "at-mio-16xe-10", STATUS_UNKNOWN, NULL, ni_setup_observables, 0x1b7, 0x1b8 },
{ "at-ai-16xe-10", STATUS_UNKNOWN, NULL, ni_setup_observables, 0x1b7, 0x1b8 },
ni_caldac_layout_t layout;
+ if( comedi_get_version_code( setup->dev ) <= COMEDI_VERSION_CODE( 0, 7, 66 ) )
+ {
+ DPRINT(0, "WARNING: you need comedi driver version 0.7.67 or later\n"
+ "for this calibration to work properly\n" );
+ }
init_ni_caldac_layout( &layout );
-#if 1
- /* this is as good as can be done with driver set to mb88341 caldac */
layout.adc_pregain_offset = 0;
- layout.adc_postgain_offset = 1;
- layout.adc_gain = 3;
- layout.dac_offset[ 0 ] = 5;
- /* layout.dac_gain[ 0 ] = ; */
- layout.dac_linearity[ 0 ] = 4;
- layout.dac_offset[ 1 ] = 8;
- /* layout.dac_gain[ 1 ] = ; */
- layout.dac_linearity[ 1 ] = 7;
- /* converted working caldacs to ad8804 addressing */
- layout.adc_pregain_offset = 0; /* guess due to similarity to 6035 */
- layout.adc_pregain_offset_fine = 8; /* corresponds to pregain_offset for mb88341 style above*/
+ layout.adc_pregain_offset_fine = 8;
layout.adc_postgain_offset = 4;
layout.adc_gain = 2;
layout.dac_offset[ 0 ] = 6;
- layout.dac_gain[ 0 ] = 11; /* guess due to similarity to 6035 */
+ layout.dac_gain[ 0 ] = 11;
layout.dac_linearity[ 0 ] = 10;
layout.dac_offset[ 1 ] = 9;
- layout.dac_gain[ 1 ] = 5; /* guess due to similarity to 6035 */
+ layout.dac_gain[ 1 ] = 5;
layout.dac_linearity[ 1 ] = 1;
return cal_ni_generic( setup, &layout );
static int cal_ni_pxi_6071e(calibration_setup_t *setup)
- // 6071e (old)
ni_caldac_layout_t layout;
+ if( comedi_get_version_code( setup->dev ) <= COMEDI_VERSION_CODE( 0, 7, 66 ) )
+ {
+ DPRINT(0, "WARNING: you need comedi driver version 0.7.67 or later\n"
+ "for this calibration to work properly\n" );
+ }
init_ni_caldac_layout( &layout );
layout.adc_pregain_offset = 0;
- layout.adc_postgain_offset = 1;
- layout.adc_gain = 3;
+ layout.adc_pregain_offset_fine = 8;
+ layout.adc_postgain_offset = 4;
+ layout.adc_gain = 2;
+ layout.dac_offset[ 0 ] = 6;
+ layout.dac_gain[ 0 ] = 11;
+ layout.dac_linearity[ 0 ] = 10;
+ layout.dac_offset[ 1 ] = 9;
+ layout.dac_gain[ 1 ] = 5;
+ layout.dac_linearity[ 1 ] = 1;
return cal_ni_generic( setup, &layout );
ni_caldac_layout_t layout;
+ if( comedi_get_version_code( setup->dev ) <= COMEDI_VERSION_CODE( 0, 7, 66 ) )
+ {
+ DPRINT(0, "WARNING: you need comedi driver version 0.7.67 or later\n"
+ "for this calibration to work properly\n" );
+ }
init_ni_caldac_layout( &layout );
layout.adc_pregain_offset = 8;
layout.adc_postgain_offset = 4;