+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; http://www.gentoo.org
-# Released under the GNU General Public License version 2
-#TODO: add snapshotting of portage trees, which will not be handled by spec files.
-#Then, add spec file support and env var export support, then mount/umount support...
-#then we should be getting close to completion and usability.
-import sys,os,string,stat
-subarches=["amd64", "hppa", "hppa1.1", "hppa2.0", "x86", "i386", "i486", "i586", "i686",
-"athlon", "athlon-xp", "athlon-mp", "pentium-mmx", "pentium3", "pentium4", "ppc", "g3",
-"g4", "sparc", "sparc64", "mips", "alpha", "ev4", "ev5", "ev56", "pca56", "ev6", "ev67" ]
-#this target stuff is not completed, but I've added it as a general template.
-setting name default/example defined how?
-storedir* /var/tmp/catalyst default (where to store all the stuff, ie snapshots, etc.)
-sharedir* /usr/share/catalyst default (where the dir that holds targets is)
-global external paths:
-distdir /usr/portage/distfiles default (/usr/portage/distfiles)
-portdir* /usr/portage default (not set inside chroot)
-locals from spec:
-version_stamp 20031016 user (from spec)
-target stage3 user (from spec)
-subarch pentium4 user (from spec)
-rel_type default user (from spec) (was BUILDTYPE)
-rel_version 1.4 user (from spec) (was MAINVERSION)
-snapshot 20031016 user (from spec)
-source_subpath default-x86-1.4/stage2-pentium4-20031016 user (from spec)
-target_subpath default-x86-1.4/stage3-pentium4-20031016
- rel_type+"-"+mainarch+"-"+rel_version+"/"+target+"-"+subarch+"-"+version_stamp
-snapshot_path /var/tmp/catalyst/snapshots/portage-20031016.tar.bz2
- storedir+"/snapshots/portage"+snapshot+".tar.bz2"
-target_path /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default-x86-1.4/stage3-pentium4-20031016.tar.bz2
- storedir+"/builds/"+target_subpath+".tar.bz2"
-source_path /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default-x86-1.4/stage2-pentium4-20031016.tar.bz2
- storedir+"/builds/"+source+".tar.bz2"
-chroot_path /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default-x86-1.4/stage3-pentium4-20031016
- storedir+"/tmp/"+target_subpath
-pkgcache_path /var/tmp/catalyst/packages/default-x86-1.4/stage3-pentium4-20031016
- storedir+"/packages/"+target_subpath
-locals, auto-generated:
-mainarch x86 auto
-cflags -O2 auto, or user
-cxxflags -O2 auto, or user
-hostuse mmx sse auto, or user
-chost i686-pc-linux-gnu auto, or user
-makeopts -j2 auto (but overridable from catalyst.conf)
-chroot chroot auto (linux32 chroot or chroot)
-Config file sources:
- 1. defaults can come from /etc/catalyst.conf (since it's run as root, might as well put it in /etc
- (these defaults can be things like pkgdir, distdir, but not rel_version or rel_type
- which we specifically want in the spec file so that we have a complete description there.)
- This file can also tell catalyst whether to use ccache or not.
- 2. spec file
- spec can override any of the "auto" variables. we need to remember cxxflags too.
-class generic_target:
- def __init__(self,myset):
- self.settings=myset
- self.envmap={"CFLAGS":"cflags" }
- def path(self):
- #temp file paths:
- #/var/tmp/catalyst/default-x86-1.4/stage1-pentium4-20030911/work
- #/var/tmp/catalyst/default-x86-1.4/stage1-pentium4-20030911/packages (if there is a package cache)
- #final paths:
- #snapshots/portage-20030911.tar.bz2
- #builds/default-x86-1.4/stage1-pentium4-20030911.tar.bz2
- #builds/default-x86-1.4/stage2-pentium4-20030911.tar.bz2
- #builds/default-x86-1.4/stage3-pentium4-20030911.tar.bz2
- #builds/default-x86-1.4/grp-pentium4-20030911/cd1/packages/All
- #builds/default-x86-1.4/grp-pentium4-20030911/cd2/packages/All
- #builds/default-x86-1.4/livecd-20030911.tar.bz2
- #builds/buildtype-mainarch-mainversion/buildtype-subarch-version_stamp
- #now where to put the work files.
- return "stages/stage1-"+self.settings["subarch"]+"-"+self.settings["buildno"]+".tar.bz2"
- def read_spec_file(self,myfile):
- #settings from this file:
- #pkgdir, distdir, subarch, mainversion, version_stamp, snapshot, source tarball
- #default default user user user user user
- #read in a spec file, grab settings we need.
- pass
- def execute_script(self,myscript,myargs):
- #export env vars here
- return os.system(myscript+" "+string.join(myargs," "))
- pass
- def export_variables(self):
- #export environment variables
- #export:
- # auto auto auto auto spec spec auto default auto default
- pass
- def build(self):
- #do the actual stage1 building
- return execute_script("targets/stage1/build.sh")
- def unpack(self):
- #unpack stages
- pass
- def mount_all(self):
- #mount mount points; let's handle this from python
- pass
- def umount_all(self):
- #umount mount points; let's handle this from python
- pass
- def mount_safety_check(self,mypath):
- #check and verify that none of our paths in mypath are mounted. We don't want to clean up with things still
- #mounted, and this allows us to check. returns 1 on ok, 0 on "something is still mounted" case.
- paths=["usr/portage/packages","/usr/portage/distfiles", "/var/tmp/distfiles", "/proc", "/root/.ccache", "/dev"]
- if not os.path.exists(mypath):
- return 1
- mypstat=os.stat(mypath)[ST_DEV]
- for x in paths:
- if not os.path.exists(x):
- continue
- teststat=os.stat(x)[ST_DEV]
- if teststat!=mypstat:
- #something is still mounted
- return 0
- return 1
- def prep(self):
- #prepare stage for packing up
- pass
- def clean(self):
- #clean up temporary build directory
- pass
- def pack(self):
- #tar up anything like a stage and put in right place
- pass
- def run(self):
- self.mount_safety_check()
- self.unpack()
- self.setup()
- self.mount_all()
- retval=self.build() #check for failure
- self.umount_all()
- self.mount_safety_check()
- self.prep()
- self.pack()
- self.clean()
-class stage2(generic_target):
- #subclass of generic_target
- def path(self):
- return "stages/stage2-"+self.settings["subarch"]+"-"+self.settings["buildno"]+".tar.bz2"
-class stage3(generic_target):
- def path(self):
- return "stages/stage3-"+self.settings["subarch"]+"-"+self.settings["buildno"]+".tar.bz2"
-class grp(generic_target):
- def path(self):
- return "stages/stage3-"+self.settings["subarch"]+"-"+self.settings["buildno"]+".tar.bz2"
-class livecd(generic_target):
- def path(self):
- return "stages/stage3-"+self.settings["subarch"]+"-"+self.settings["buildno"]+".tar.bz2"
-def verify_os(myset):
- if sys.platform=="linux2":
- myset["os_userland"]="GNU"
- else:
- raise OSError, "Platform "+sys.platform+" not recognized."
-def job_defaults(mainarch):
- return "to be completed"
-def verify_subarch(myset,subarch):
- global subarches
- if subarch not in subarches:
- raise ValueError, "Sub-architecture "+mysubarch+" not recognized."
- myset["subarch"]=subarch
- if subarch == "athlon-mp":
- subarch="athlon-xp"
- results=None
- if subarch == "ia64":
- results=["ia64","-O2","ia64-unknown-linux-gnu",[]]
- elif subarch == "amd64":
- results=["amd64","-O2 -fPIC","x86_64-pc-linux-gnu",[]]
- elif subarch in ["hppa","hppa1.1","hppa2.0"]:
- results=["hppa","-O2","hppa-unknown-linux-gnu",[]]
- if subarch == "hppa2.0":
- results[1] += " -march=2.0"
- else:
- results[1] += " -march=1.1"
- elif subarch in ["x86","i386","i486","i586","i686","athlon","athlon-xp","athlon-mp","pentium-mmx","pentium3","pentium4"]:
- #With recent gcc compilers (gcc-3.1+,) gcc produces generally slower code with -O3 as compared to -O2
- #So we are tweaking things here.
- uf=[]
- if subarch == "x86":
- cf="-O2 -mcpu=i686 -fomit-frame-pointer"
- elif subarch == "athlon-xp":
- #we've intentionally lowered optimizations here to address compile bugs. It is very likely safe to
- #go up to -O3 without any additional -f goodies (like unroll-loops and prefetch-loop-arrays) tacked
- #on. Note that we don't add any extra -f goodies if we are athlon* below.
- cf="-O2 -march=athlon-xp -fomit-frame-pointer"
- else:
- cf="-O2 -march="+subarch+" -fomit-frame-pointer"
- if subarch[0:6] == "athlon":
- uf.append("3dnow")
- if subarch in [ "athlon","athlon-xp","athlon-mp","pentium-mmx","pentium3","pentium4" ]:
- uf.append("mmx")
- if subarch in [ "pentium3", "pentium4" ]:
- uf.append("sse")
- if subarch in ["pentium3", "pentium4", "athlon", "athlon-xp", "athlon-mp", "i686"]:
- cf += " -finline-functions -finline-limit=800"
- if subarch in ["i386","i486","i586"]:
- results=["x86",cf,subarch+"-pc-linux-gnu",[]]
- elif subarch == "x86":
- results=["x86",cf,"i486-pc-linux-gnu",[]]
- elif subarch == "pentium-mmx":
- results=["x86",cf,"i586-pc-linux-gnu",uf]
- else:
- results=["x86",cf,"i686-pc-linux-gnu",uf]
- elif subarch in ["ppc","g3","g4"]:
- if subarch == "ppc":
- results=["ppc","-O2 -fsigned-char",[]]
- elif subarch == "g3":
- results=["ppc","-O2 -mcpu=750 -mpowerpc-gfxopt -fsigned-char"]
- elif subarch == "g4":
- results=["ppc","-O2 -mcpu=7400 -maltivec -mabi=altivec -mpowerpc-gfxopt -fsigned-char"]
- results.extend(["powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu",[]])
- elif subarch in ["sparc","sparc64"]:
- if subarch == "sparc":
- results=["sparc","-O2"]
- else:
- results=["sparc64","-O3 -mcpu=ultrasparc -mtune=ultrasparc"]
- results.extend(["sparc-unknown-linux-gnu",[]])
- elif subarch == "mips":
- results=["mips","-O2","mips-unknown-linux-gnu",[]]
- elif subarch in ["alpha","ev4","ev5","ev56","pca56","ev6","ev67"]:
- if subarch == "alpha":
- results=["alpha","-O3 -mcpu=ev5","alpha-unknown-linux-gnu",[]]
- else:
- results=["alpha","-O3 -mcpu="+subarch,"alpha"+subarch+"-linux-gnu",[]]
- if results==None:
- raise ValueError, "Invalid subarch value passed to compile_defaults (you should not see this)"
- #the main architecture we're building for: (string)
- myset["mainarch"]=results[0]
- #the CFLAGS we should use on this specific architecture (ie pentium4): (string)
- myset["cflags"]=results[1]
- #the CHOST setting (ie i686-pc-linux-gnu): (string)
- myset["chost"]=results[2]
- #any USE variables that should be enabled on this platform (mmx, sse, 3dnow) (list)
- myset["hostuse"]=results[3]
-def die(msg=None):
- if msg:
- print "catalyst: "+msg
- sys.exit(1)
-def warn(msg):
- print "catalyst: "+msg
-modesdesc={ "snap":"Create a snapshot of the Portage tree for building",
- "enter":"Enter the specified build chroot (interactive)",
- "umount":"Unmount the specified build chroot mount points",
- "livecd":"Build the specified LiveCD runtime image",
- "stage":"Build the specified stage tarball or package set",
-def do_snapshot(portdir,snap_temp_dir,snapdir,snapversion):
- print "Creating Portage tree snapshot "+snapversion+" from "+portdir+"..."
- mytmp=snap_temp_dir+"/snap-"+snapversion
- if os.path.exists(mytmp):
- retval=os.system("rm -rf "+mytmp)
- if retval != 0:
- die("Could not remove existing directory: "+mytmp)
- os.makedirs(mytmp)
- retval=os.system("rsync -a --exclude /packages/ --exclude /distfiles/ --exclude CVS/ "+portdir+"/ "+mytmp+"/portage/")
- if retval != 0:
- die("snapshot failure.")
- print "Compressing Portage snapshot tarball..."
- retval=os.system("( cd "+mytmp+"; tar cjf "+snapdir+"/portage-"+snapversion+".tar.bz2 portage )")
- if retval != 0:
- die("snapshot tarball creation failure.")
- print "Cleaning up temporary snapshot directory..."
- #Be a good citizen and clean up after ourselves
- retval=os.system("rm -rf "+mytmp)
- if retval != 0:
- die("Unable to clean up directory: "+mytmp)
-def usage():
- print "catalyst: Gentoo Linux stage/LiveCD/GRP building tool"
- print
- for x in modes:
- print x+":",modesdesc[x]
- die()
-def read_settings(myset,myfn):
- """Grab local settings from a specified file myfn, dump values we are interested in to settings dictionary myset"""
- if not os.path.exists(myfn):
- raise OSError, "Cannot find settings file "+myfn
- valdict={}
- #this next line might throw an exception; it runs the file myfn as python code
- #and dumps all variable definitions in the valdict dictionary.
- try:
- execfile(myfn,valdict,valdict)
- except:
- raise ValueError, "Error parsing settings file: "+myfn
- #now we look inside the valdict dictionary and grab the settings we're interested
- #in.
- for x in ["buildtype","portdir","distdir","ccache"]:
- if valdict.has_key(x):
- myset[x]=valdict[x]
-def global_settings_init(myset):
- #now, we read in global configuration settings from /etc/catalyst.conf
- if os.path.exists("/etc/catalyst.conf"):
- read_settings(myset,"/etc/catalyst.conf")
- #set reasonable defaults if none were provided in /etc/catalyst.conf
- mydefaults={"portdir":"/usr/portage","storedir":"/var/tmp/catalyst","sharedir":"/usr/share/catalyst","distdir":"/usr/share/distfiles"}
- for x in mydefaults.keys():
- if not myset.has_key(x):
- myset[x]=mydefaults[x]
- if not myset.has_key("snapdir"):
- myset["snapdir"]=myset["storedir"]+"/snapshots"
- if not myset.has_key("cat_tmpdir"):
- myset["cat_tmpdir"]=myset["storedir"]+"/tmp"
-def init_writable_dirs(myset):
- #create the initial main directories that we need to write to.
- for x in ["storedir","snapdir","cat_tmpdir"]:
- if not os.path.exists(myset[x]):
- os.makedirs(myset[x])
-def dump_settings(myset):
- for x in myset.keys():
- print x+":",myset[x]
- print "Done!"
-def mainloop():
- global subarches
- #argument processing
- if len(sys.argv)==1 or sys.argv[1] in ["-h","--help"]:
- usage()
- elif os.getuid()!=0:
- #non-root callers can still get -h and --help to work.
- die("This script requires root privileges to operate.")
- elif sys.argv[1] in modes:
- #set up internal configuration settings dictionary
- #myset=settings()
- myset={}
- verify_os(myset)
- global_settings_init(myset)
- init_writable_dirs(myset)
- #dump_settings(myset)
- if sys.argv[1]=="snap":
- if len(sys.argv)!=3:
- die("invalid number of arguments for snapshot.")
- do_snapshot(myset["portdir"],myset["cat_tmpdir"],myset["snapdir"],sys.argv[2])
- #do snapshot here
- sys.exit(0)
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- usage()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- mainloop()