stack (stores data for profile package.keywords). This isn't
feasible for package.use (among other package.* files such
as package.use.mask) since it is stacked in layers with
make.defaults USE, and the layer indices need to align.
os.path.join(x, "package.keywords"), recursive=1) \
for x in self.profiles]
for pkeyworddict in rawpkeywords:
+ if not pkeyworddict:
+ # Omit non-existent files from the stack. This isn't
+ # feasible for package.use (among other package.*
+ # files such as package.use.mask) since it is stacked
+ # in layers with make.defaults USE, and the layer
+ # indices need to align.
+ continue
cpdict = {}
for k, v in pkeyworddict.items():
cpdict.setdefault(k.cp, {})[k] = v