sys-fs/eudev: add rule-generator suport for eudev-3
authorIan Stakenvicius <>
Thu, 24 Sep 2015 18:01:15 +0000 (14:01 -0400)
committerIan Stakenvicius <>
Thu, 24 Sep 2015 18:05:49 +0000 (14:05 -0400)
This commit restores rule-generator support with a patch developed
upstream but not yet part of a release.  If testing succeeds,
the ebuild with this patch will be stabilized.  A new
release for ~arch will follow soon with this patch integrated.

Package-Manager: portage-

sys-fs/eudev/eudev-3.1.2-r1.ebuild [new file with mode: 0644]
sys-fs/eudev/files/eudev-3-rule-generator.patch [new file with mode: 0644]
sys-fs/eudev/files/eudev-3.1.2-pre-rule-generator.patch [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/sys-fs/eudev/eudev-3.1.2-r1.ebuild b/sys-fs/eudev/eudev-3.1.2-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f999da1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit autotools eutils linux-info multilib multilib-minimal user
+if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then
+       EGIT_REPO_URI="git://"
+       inherit git-2
+       SRC_URI="${PN}/${P}.tar.gz"
+       KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+DESCRIPTION="Linux dynamic and persistent device naming support (aka userspace devfs)"
+IUSE="doc gudev +hwdb +kmod introspection rule-generator selinux static-libs test"
+       gudev? ( >=dev-libs/glib-2.34.3:2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+       introspection? ( >=dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.38 )
+       kmod? ( >=sys-apps/kmod-16 )
+       selinux? ( >=sys-libs/libselinux-2.1.9 )
+       !<sys-libs/glibc-2.11
+       !sys-apps/gentoo-systemd-integration
+       !sys-apps/systemd
+       abi_x86_32? (
+               !<=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20130224-r7
+               !app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs[-abi_x86_32(-)]
+       )"
+       dev-util/gperf
+       virtual/os-headers
+       virtual/pkgconfig
+       >=sys-devel/make-3.82-r4
+       >=sys-kernel/linux-headers-${KV_min}
+       doc? ( >=dev-util/gtk-doc-1.18
+               app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.2
+               app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.5
+               app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
+               dev-libs/libxslt
+       )
+       >=dev-util/intltool-0.50
+       test? ( app-text/tree dev-lang/perl )"
+       !<sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.103
+       !<sec-policy/selinux-base-2.20120725-r10
+       !sys-fs/udev
+       !sys-apps/systemd
+       gudev? ( !dev-libs/libgudev )"
+       hwdb? ( >=sys-apps/hwids-20140304[udev] )"
+# The multilib-build.eclass doesn't handle situation where the installed headers
+# are different in ABIs. In this case, we install libgudev headers in native
+# ABI but not for non-native ABI.
+multilib_check_headers() { :; }
+pkg_pretend() {
+       ewarn
+       ewarn "As of 2013-01-29, ${P} provides the new interface renaming functionality,"
+       ewarn "as described in the URL below:"
+       ewarn ""
+       ewarn
+       ewarn "This functionality is enabled BY DEFAULT because eudev has no means of synchronizing"
+       ewarn "between the default or user-modified choice of sys-fs/udev.  If you wish to disable"
+       ewarn "this new iface naming, please be sure that /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules"
+       ewarn "exists: touch /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules"
+       ewarn
+pkg_setup() {
+       linux-info_pkg_setup
+       get_running_version
+       # These are required kernel options, but we don't error out on them
+       # because you can build under one kernel and run under another.
+       if kernel_is lt ${KV_min//./ }; then
+               ewarn
+               ewarn "Your current running kernel version ${KV_FULL} is too old to run ${P}."
+               ewarn "Make sure to run udev under kernel version ${KV_min} or above."
+               ewarn
+       fi
+src_prepare() {
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-pre-rule-generator.patch
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3-rule-generator.patch
+       # change rules back to group uucp instead of dialout for now
+       sed -e 's/GROUP="dialout"/GROUP="uucp"/' -i rules/*.rules \
+       || die "failed to change group dialout to uucp"
+       epatch_user
+       if use doc; then
+               gtkdocize --docdir docs || die "gtkdocize failed"
+       else
+               echo 'EXTRA_DIST =' > docs/gtk-doc.make
+       fi
+       eautoreconf
+multilib_src_configure() {
+       tc-export CC #463846
+       export cc_cv_CFLAGS__flto=no #502950
+       # Keep sorted by ./configure --help and only pass --disable flags
+       # when *required* to avoid external deps or unnecessary compile
+       local econf_args
+       econf_args=(
+               ac_cv_search_cap_init=
+               ac_cv_header_sys_capability_h=yes
+               DBUS_CFLAGS=' '
+               DBUS_LIBS=' '
+               --with-rootprefix=
+               --with-rootrundir=/run
+               --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF}
+               --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)
+               --with-rootlibexecdir=/lib/udev
+               --with-html-dir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
+               --enable-split-usr
+               --enable-manpages
+               --disable-hwdb
+               --exec-prefix=/
+               $(use_enable gudev)
+       )
+       # Only build libudev for non-native_abi, and only install it to libdir,
+       # that means all options only apply to native_abi
+       if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+               econf_args+=(
+                       --with-rootlibdir=/$(get_libdir)
+                       $(use_enable doc gtk-doc)
+                       $(use_enable introspection)
+                       $(use_enable kmod)
+                       $(use_enable static-libs static)
+                       $(use_enable selinux)
+                       $(use_enable rule-generator)
+               )
+       else
+               econf_args+=(
+                       --disable-static
+                       --disable-gtk-doc
+                       --disable-introspection
+                       --disable-kmod
+                       --disable-selinux
+                       --disable-rule-generator
+               )
+       fi
+       ECONF_SOURCE="${S}" econf "${econf_args[@]}"
+multilib_src_compile() {
+       if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+               emake
+       else
+               emake -C src/shared
+               emake -C src/libudev
+               use gudev && emake -C src/gudev
+       fi
+multilib_src_install() {
+       if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+               emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
+       else
+               emake -C src/libudev DESTDIR="${D}" install
+               use gudev && emake -C src/gudev DESTDIR="${D}" install
+       fi
+multilib_src_test() {
+       # make sandbox get out of the way
+       # these are safe because there is a fake root filesystem put in place,
+       # but sandbox seems to evaluate the paths of the test i/o instead of the
+       # paths of the actual i/o that results.
+       # also only test for native abi
+       if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+               addread /sys
+               addwrite /dev
+               addwrite /run
+               default_src_test
+       fi
+multilib_src_install_all() {
+       prune_libtool_files --all
+       rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/LICENSE.*
+       insinto /lib/udev/rules.d
+       doins "${FILESDIR}"/40-gentoo.rules
+       use rule-generator && doinitd "${FILESDIR}"/udev-postmount
+       if ! [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then
+               insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/gudev
+               doins "${S}"/docs/gudev/html/*
+               insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/libudev
+               doins "${S}"/docs/libudev/html/*
+       fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+       local htmldir
+       for htmldir in gudev libudev; do
+               if [[ -d ${EROOT}usr/share/gtk-doc/html/${htmldir} ]]; then
+                       rm -rf "${EROOT}"usr/share/gtk-doc/html/${htmldir}
+               fi
+               if [[ -d ${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/${htmldir} ]]; then
+                       dosym ../../doc/${PF}/html/${htmldir} \
+                               /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/${htmldir}
+               fi
+       done
+pkg_postinst() {
+       mkdir -p "${EROOT}"run
+       # "losetup -f" is confused if there is an empty /dev/loop/, Bug #338766
+       # So try to remove it here (will only work if empty).
+       rmdir "${EROOT}"dev/loop 2>/dev/null
+       if [[ -d ${EROOT}dev/loop ]]; then
+               ewarn "Please make sure your remove /dev/loop,"
+               ewarn "else losetup may be confused when looking for unused devices."
+       fi
+       if use hwdb && has_version 'sys-apps/hwids[udev]'; then
+               udevadm hwdb --update --root="${ROOT%/}"
+               #
+               # reload database after it has be rebuilt, but only if we are not upgrading
+               # also pass if we are -9999 since who knows what hwdb related changes there might be
+               if [[ ${REPLACING_VERSIONS%-r*} == ${PV} || -z ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]] && \
+               [[ ${ROOT%/} == "" ]] && [[ ${PV} != "9999" ]]; then
+                       udevadm control --reload
+               fi
+       fi
+       ewarn
+       ewarn "You need to restart eudev as soon as possible to make the"
+       ewarn "upgrade go into effect:"
+       ewarn "\t/etc/init.d/udev --nodeps restart"
+       if use rule-generator && \
+       [[ -x $(type -P rc-update) ]] && rc-update show | grep udev-postmount | grep -qsv 'boot\|default\|sysinit'; then
+               ewarn
+               ewarn "Please add the udev-postmount init script to your default runlevel"
+               ewarn "to ensure the legacy rule-generator functionality works as reliably"
+               ewarn "as possible."
+               ewarn "\trc-update add udev-postmount default"
+       fi
+       elog
+       elog "For more information on eudev on Gentoo, writing udev rules, and"
+       elog "fixing known issues visit:"
+       elog ""
+       elog
+       #
+       #
+       #
+       enewgroup input
+       # Update hwdb database in case the format is changed by udev version.
+       if has_version 'sys-apps/hwids[udev]'; then
+               udevadm hwdb --update --root="${ROOT%/}"
+               # Only reload when we are not upgrading to avoid potential race w/ incompatible hwdb.bin and the running udevd
+               if [[ -z ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]]; then
+                       #
+                       if [[ ${ROOT} != "" ]] && [[ ${ROOT} != "/" ]]; then
+                               return 0
+                       fi
+                       udevadm control --reload
+               fi
+       fi
diff --git a/sys-fs/eudev/files/eudev-3-rule-generator.patch b/sys-fs/eudev/files/eudev-3-rule-generator.patch
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b913066
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+commit c3e2fc597a6ba92ab9fcfd4cd7db10bc6fb5b34b
+Author: Ian Stakenvicius <>
+Date:   Tue Sep 22 13:53:41 2015 -0400
+    Forward-ported network rule-generator code from eudev-1.10
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 2932690..0c6429d 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -15,3 +15,7 @@ SUBDIRS += \
+       hwdb
+ endif
++SUBDIRS += \
++      rule_generator
+diff --git a/ b/
+index ccb1012..56d37fa 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -269,10 +269,25 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([hwdb], AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-hwdb],[install hwdb.d files]),[],
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_HWDB, [test "x$enable_hwdb" = "xyes"])
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++# rule-generator - persistent network and optical device rule generator
++# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++        AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-rule-generator], [enable legacy persistent network, cdrom support]),
++        [], [enable_rule_generator=no])
++if test "x${enable_rule_generator}" != xno; then
++        AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_RULE_GENERATOR], [1], [Define if we are enabling rule generator])
++AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_RULE_GENERATOR], [test "x$enable_rule_generator" = xyes])
++# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                  hwdb/Makefile
+                  man/Makefile
++                 rule_generator/Makefile
++                 rule_generator/write_net_rules
+                  rules/Makefile
+                  src/Makefile
+                  src/ata_id/Makefile
+diff --git a/rule_generator/75-persistent-net-generator.rules b/rule_generator/75-persistent-net-generator.rules
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ce59e5d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rule_generator/75-persistent-net-generator.rules
+@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
++# do not edit this file, it will be overwritten on update
++# these rules generate rules for persistent network device naming
++# variables used to communicate:
++#   MATCHADDR             MAC address used for the match
++#   MATCHID               bus_id used for the match
++#   MATCHDRV              driver name used for the match
++#   MATCHIFTYPE           interface type match
++#   COMMENT               comment to add to the generated rule
++#   INTERFACE_NAME        requested name supplied by external tool
++#   INTERFACE_NEW         new interface name returned by rule writer
++ACTION!="add", GOTO="persistent_net_generator_end"
++SUBSYSTEM!="net", GOTO="persistent_net_generator_end"
++# ignore the interface if a name has already been set
++NAME=="?*", GOTO="persistent_net_generator_end"
++# device name whitelist
++KERNEL!="eth*|ath*|wlan*[0-9]|msh*|ra*|sta*|ctc*|lcs*|hsi*", GOTO="persistent_net_generator_end"
++# ignore Xen virtual interfaces
++SUBSYSTEMS=="xen", GOTO="persistent_net_generator_end"
++# read MAC address
++# match interface type
++# ignore KVM virtual interfaces
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="52:54:00:*", GOTO="persistent_net_generator_end"
++# ignore VMWare virtual interfaces
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="00:0c:29:*|00:50:56:*", GOTO="persistent_net_generator_end"
++# ignore Hyper-V virtual interfaces
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="00:15:5d:*", GOTO="persistent_net_generator_end"
++# These vendors are known to violate the local MAC address assignment scheme
++# Interlan, DEC (UNIBUS or QBUS), Apollo, Cisco, Racal-Datacom
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="02:07:01:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# 3Com
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="02:60:60:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# 3Com IBM PC; Imagen; Valid; Cisco; Apple
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="02:60:8c:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# Intel
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="02:a0:c9:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# Olivetti
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="02:aa:3c:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# CMC Masscomp; Silicon Graphics; Prime EXL
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="02:cf:1f:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# Prominet Corporation Gigabit Ethernet Switch
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="02:e0:3b:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# BTI (Bus-Tech, Inc.) IBM Mainframes
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="02:e6:d3:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# Realtek
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="52:54:00:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# Novell 2000
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="52:54:4c:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# Realtec
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="52:54:ab:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# Kingston Technologies
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="e2:0c:0f:*", GOTO="globally_administered_whitelist"
++# match interface dev_id
++ATTR{dev_id}=="?*", ENV{MATCHDEVID}="$attr{dev_id}"
++# do not use "locally administered" MAC address
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="?[2367abef]:*", ENV{MATCHADDR}=""
++# do not use empty address
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="00:00:00:00:00:00", ENV{MATCHADDR}=""
++# build comment line for generated rule:
++SUBSYSTEMS=="pci", ENV{COMMENT}="PCI device $attr{vendor}:$attr{device} ($driver)"
++SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="?*", ENV{COMMENT}="USB device 0x$attr{idVendor}:0x$attr{idProduct} ($driver)"
++SUBSYSTEMS=="pcmcia", ENV{COMMENT}="PCMCIA device $attr{card_id}:$attr{manf_id} ($driver)"
++SUBSYSTEMS=="ieee1394", ENV{COMMENT}="Firewire device $attr{host_id})"
++# ibmveth likes to use "locally administered" MAC addresses
++DRIVERS=="ibmveth", ENV{MATCHADDR}="$attr{address}", ENV{COMMENT}="ibmveth ($id)"
++# S/390 uses id matches only, do not use MAC address match
++SUBSYSTEMS=="ccwgroup", ENV{COMMENT}="S/390 $driver device at $id", ENV{MATCHID}="$id", ENV{MATCHDRV}="$driver", ENV{MATCHADDR}=""
++# see if we got enough data to create a rule
++ENV{MATCHADDR}=="", ENV{MATCHID}=="", ENV{INTERFACE_NAME}=="", GOTO="persistent_net_generator_end"
++# default comment
++ENV{COMMENT}=="", ENV{COMMENT}="net device ($attr{driver})"
++# write rule
++DRIVERS=="?*", IMPORT{program}="write_net_rules"
++# rename interface if needed
+diff --git a/rule_generator/ b/rule_generator/
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8ed69f7
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rule_generator/
+@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
++# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++# rule_generator - persistent network rule generator
++# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++dist_udevlibexec_SCRIPTS = \
++        write_net_rules
++udevhomedir = $(udevlibexecdir)
++dist_udevhome_DATA = rule_generator.functions
++dist_udevrules_DATA = \
++        75-persistent-net-generator.rules
+diff --git a/rule_generator/rule_generator.functions b/rule_generator/rule_generator.functions
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ea02acc
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rule_generator/rule_generator.functions
+@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
++# functions used by the udev rule generator
++# Copyright (C) 2006 Marco d'Itri <md@Linux.IT>
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
++# Read a single line from file $1 in the $DEVPATH directory.
++# The function must not return an error even if the file does not exist.
++sysread() {
++      local file="$1"
++      [ -e "/sys$DEVPATH/$file" ] || return 0
++      local value
++      read value < "/sys$DEVPATH/$file" || return 0
++      echo "$value"
++sysreadlink() {
++      local file="$1"
++      [ -e "/sys$DEVPATH/$file" ] || return 0
++      readlink -f /sys$DEVPATH/$file 2> /dev/null || true
++# Return true if a directory is writeable.
++writeable() {
++      if ln -s test-link $1/.is-writeable 2> /dev/null; then
++              rm -f $1/.is-writeable
++              return 0
++      else
++              return 1
++      fi
++# Create a lock file for the current rules file.
++lock_rules_file() {
++      RUNDIR="/run/udev/"
++      RULES_LOCK="$RUNDIR/.lock-${RULES_FILE##*/}"
++      retry=30
++      while ! mkdir $RULES_LOCK 2> /dev/null; do
++              if [ $retry -eq 0 ]; then
++                       echo "Cannot lock $RULES_FILE!" >&2
++                       exit 2
++              fi
++              sleep 1
++              retry=$(($retry - 1))
++      done
++unlock_rules_file() {
++      [ "$RULES_LOCK" ] || return 0
++      rmdir $RULES_LOCK || true
++# Choose the real rules file if it is writeable or a temporary file if not.
++# Both files should be checked later when looking for existing rules.
++choose_rules_file() {
++      RUNDIR="/run/udev/"
++      local tmp_rules_file="$RUNDIR/tmp-rules--${RULES_FILE##*/}"
++      [ -e "$RULES_FILE" -o -e "$tmp_rules_file" ] || PRINT_HEADER=1
++      [ -d "${RULES_FILE%/*}" ] || if writeable ${RULES_FILE%/rules.d/*}; then
++              mkdir -p "${RULES_FILE%/*}"
++      fi
++      if writeable ${RULES_FILE%/*}; then
++              RO_RULES_FILE='/dev/null'
++      else
++              RO_RULES_FILE=$RULES_FILE
++              RULES_FILE=$tmp_rules_file
++      fi
++# Return the name of the first free device.
++raw_find_next_available() {
++      local links="$1"
++      local basename=${links%%[ 0-9]*}
++      local max=-1
++      for name in $links; do
++              local num=${name#$basename}
++              [ "$num" ] || num=0
++              [ $num -gt $max ] && max=$num
++      done
++      local max=$(($max + 1))
++      # "name0" actually is just "name"
++      [ $max -eq 0 ] && return
++      echo "$max"
++# Find all rules matching a key (with action) and a pattern.
++find_all_rules() {
++      local key="$1"
++      local linkre="$2"
++      local match="$3"
++      local search='.*[[:space:],]'"$key"'"('"$linkre"')".*'
++      echo $(sed -n -r -e 's/^#.*//' -e "${match}s/${search}/\1/p" \
++              $RO_RULES_FILE \
++              $([ -e $RULES_FILE ] && echo $RULES_FILE) \
++              2>/dev/null)
+diff --git a/rule_generator/ b/rule_generator/
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..324e978
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rule_generator/
+@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
++#!/bin/sh -e
++# This script is run to create persistent network device naming rules
++# based on properties of the device.
++# If the interface needs to be renamed, INTERFACE_NEW=<name> will be printed
++# on stdout to allow udev to IMPORT it.
++# variables used to communicate:
++#   MATCHADDR             MAC address used for the match
++#   MATCHID               bus_id used for the match
++#   MATCHDEVID            dev_id used for the match
++#   MATCHDRV              driver name used for the match
++#   MATCHIFTYPE           interface type match
++#   COMMENT               comment to add to the generated rule
++#   INTERFACE_NAME        requested name supplied by external tool
++#   INTERFACE_NEW         new interface name returned by rule writer
++# Copyright (C) 2006 Marco d'Itri <md@Linux.IT>
++# Copyright (C) 2007 Kay Sievers <>
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
++# debug, if UDEV_LOG=<debug>
++if [ -n "$UDEV_LOG" ]; then
++      if [ "$UDEV_LOG" -ge 7 ]; then
++              set -x
++      fi
++. @udevlibexecdir@/rule_generator.functions
++interface_name_taken() {
++      local value="$(find_all_rules 'NAME=' $INTERFACE)"
++      if [ "$value" ]; then
++              return 0
++      else
++              return 1
++      fi
++find_next_available() {
++      raw_find_next_available "$(find_all_rules 'NAME=' "$1")"
++write_rule() {
++      local match="$1"
++      local name="$2"
++      local comment="$3"
++      {
++      if [ "$PRINT_HEADER" ]; then
++              PRINT_HEADER=
++              echo "# This file was automatically generated by the $0"
++              echo "# program, run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules file."
++              echo "#"
++              echo "# You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single"
++              echo "# line, and change only the value of the NAME= key."
++      fi
++      echo ""
++      [ "$comment" ] && echo "# $comment"
++      echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\"$match, NAME=\"$name\""
++      } >> $RULES_FILE
++if [ -z "$INTERFACE" ]; then
++      echo "missing \$INTERFACE" >&2
++      exit 1
++# Prevent concurrent processes from modifying the file at the same time.
++# Check if the rules file is writeable.
++# the DRIVERS key is needed to not match bridges and VLAN sub-interfaces
++if [ "$MATCHADDR" ]; then
++      match="$match, DRIVERS==\"?*\", ATTR{address}==\"$MATCHADDR\""
++if [ "$MATCHDRV" ]; then
++      match="$match, DRIVERS==\"$MATCHDRV\""
++if [ "$MATCHDEVID" ]; then
++      match="$match, ATTR{dev_id}==\"$MATCHDEVID\""
++if [ "$MATCHID" ]; then
++      match="$match, KERNELS==\"$MATCHID\""
++if [ "$MATCHIFTYPE" ]; then
++      match="$match, ATTR{type}==\"$MATCHIFTYPE\""
++if [ -z "$match" ]; then
++      echo "missing valid match" >&2
++      unlock_rules_file
++      exit 1
++match="$match, KERNEL==\"$basename*\""
++if [ "$INTERFACE_NAME" ]; then
++      # external tools may request a custom name
++      COMMENT="$COMMENT (custom name provided by external tool)"
++      if [ "$INTERFACE_NAME" != "$INTERFACE" ]; then
++              echo "INTERFACE_NEW=$INTERFACE"
++      fi
++      # if a rule using the current name already exists, find a new name
++      if interface_name_taken; then
++              INTERFACE="$basename$(find_next_available "$basename[0-9]*")"
++              # prevent INTERFACE from being "eth" instead of "eth0"
++              [ "$INTERFACE" = "${INTERFACE%%[ \[\]0-9]*}" ] && INTERFACE=${INTERFACE}0
++              echo "INTERFACE_NEW=$INTERFACE"
++      fi
++write_rule "$match" "$INTERFACE" "$COMMENT"
++exit 0
+diff --git a/rules/ b/rules/
+index 2c8624f..24c099c 100644
+--- a/rules/
++++ b/rules/
+@@ -15,8 +15,12 @@ dist_udevrules_DATA = \
+       70-mouse.rules \
+       75-net-description.rules \
+       75-probe_mtd.rules \
+-      78-sound-card.rules \
++      78-sound-card.rules
++dist_udevrules_DATA += \
+       80-net-name-slot.rules
+ dist_udevrules_DATA += \
+diff --git a/src/udev/udev-event.c b/src/udev/udev-event.c
+index ed6f203..897f98b 100644
+--- a/src/udev/udev-event.c
++++ b/src/udev/udev-event.c
+@@ -771,17 +771,17 @@ out:
+         return err;
+ }
+-static int rename_netif(struct udev_event *event) {
+-        struct udev_device *dev = event->dev;
+-        char name[IFNAMSIZ];
+-        const char *oldname;
++/* function to return the count of rules that assign NAME= to a value matching arg#2 , defined in udev-rules.c */
++int udev_rules_assigning_name_to(struct udev_rules *rules,const char *match_name);
++static int rename_netif_dev_fromname_toname(struct udev_device *dev,const char *oldname,const char *name) {
+         int r;
+         int sk;
+         struct ifreq ifr;
+-        oldname = udev_device_get_sysname(dev);
+-        strscpy(name, IFNAMSIZ, event->name);
++      log_debug("changing net interface name from '%s' to '%s'\n",oldname,name);
+         sk = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+         if (sk < 0)
+@@ -791,13 +791,52 @@ static int rename_netif(struct udev_event *event) {
+         strscpy(ifr.ifr_name, IFNAMSIZ, oldname);
+         strscpy(ifr.ifr_newname, IFNAMSIZ, name);
+         r = ioctl(sk, SIOCSIFNAME, &ifr);
+-        if (r < 0)
+-                return log_error_errno(-errno, "Error changing net interface name '%s' to '%s': %m", oldname, name);
+-        log_debug("renamed network interface '%s' to '%s'", oldname, name);
++      int loop;
++      if (r == 0) {
++              log_info("renamed network interface %s to %s\n", ifr.ifr_name, ifr.ifr_newname);
++              goto out;
++      }
++      /* keep trying if the destination interface name already exists */
++      log_debug("collision on rename of network interface %s to %s , retrying until timeout\n",
++              ifr.ifr_name, ifr.ifr_newname);
++      r = -errno;
++      if (r != -EEXIST)
++              goto out;
++      /* wait a maximum of 90 seconds for our target to become available */
++      loop = 90 * 20;
++      while (loop--) {
++              const struct timespec duration = { 0, 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / 20 };
++              nanosleep(&duration, NULL);
++              r = ioctl(sk, SIOCSIFNAME, &ifr);
++              if (r == 0) {
++                      log_info("renamed network interface %s to %s\n", ifr.ifr_name, ifr.ifr_newname);
++                      break;
++              }
++              r = -errno;
++              if (r != -EEXIST)
++                      break;
++      }
++      if (r < 0)
++                log_error_errno(-errno, "Error changing net interface name %s to %s: %m\n", ifr.ifr_name, ifr.ifr_newname);
++      else
++              log_debug("renamed network interface '%s' to '%s'", oldname, name);
+         close(sk);
+-        return 0;
++        return r;
++static int rename_netif(struct udev_event *event) {
++      return rename_netif_dev_fromname_toname(event->dev,udev_device_get_sysname(event->dev),event->name);
+ }
+ void udev_event_execute_rules(struct udev_event *event,
+@@ -843,6 +882,79 @@ void udev_event_execute_rules(struct udev_event *event,
+                                           sigmask);
+                 /* rename a new network interface, if needed */
++                /* ENABLE_RULE_GENERATOR conditional:
++                 * if this is a net iface, and it is an add event,
++                 * and as long as all of the following are FALSE:
++                 *  - no NAME target and the current name is not being used
++                 *  - there is a NAME target and it is the same as the current name
++                 *  - the rules can successfully be searched for the current name (not really part of the conditional)
++                 * the run the rename.
++                 *
++                 * note - udev_rules_assigning_name_to is run when event->name is NULL to ensure renames happen,
++                 * but also on its own to check if a temp-rename is necessary when event->name exists.
++                 *
++                 * A temp-rename is necessary when:
++                 * - there is no rule renaming the current iface but the current name IS used in some other rule
++                 * - there is a rule renaming the current iface,
++                 *   the current name IS used AND the target name != the current name
++                 */
++              int r;
++                if (udev_device_get_ifindex(dev) > 0 && streq(udev_device_get_action(dev), "add") &&
++                    (event->name == NULL && (r=udev_rules_assigning_name_to(rules,udev_device_get_sysname(dev))) > 0 ||
++                    event->name != NULL && !streq(event->name, udev_device_get_sysname(dev)))) {
++                        char syspath[UTIL_PATH_SIZE];
++                        char *pos;
++                        char *finalifname = event->name;
++                        char newifname[IFNAMSIZ];
++                        /* r is the number of rules that assign a device with NAME= this sysname */
++                        if (r > 0 || (r=udev_rules_assigning_name_to(rules,udev_device_get_sysname(dev))) > 0) {
++                                /* have a conflict, rename to a temp name */
++                                char *newpos;
++                                int ifidnum;
++                                /* build the temporary iface name */
++                                strscpy(newifname, IFNAMSIZ, udev_device_get_sysname(dev));
++                                newpos=pos=&newifname[strcspn(newifname,"0123456789")];
++                                ifidnum=(int)strtol(pos,&newpos,10);
++                                *pos='\0';
++                                if (newpos > pos && *newpos == '\0') /* append new iface num to name */
++                                        /* use udev_device_get_ifindex(dev) as it is unique to every iface */
++                                        snprintf(pos,IFNAMSIZ+(newifname-pos), "%d", 128 - udev_device_get_ifindex(dev));
++                                /* note, r > 0, which will skip the post-rename stuff if no rename occurs */
++                                /* if sysname isn't already the tmpname (ie there is no numeric component), do the rename */
++                                if (!streq(newifname,udev_device_get_sysname(dev))) {
++                                        r = rename_netif_dev_fromname_toname(dev,udev_device_get_sysname(dev),newifname);
++                                        if (r == 0) {
++                                                finalifname = newifname;
++                                                log_debug("renamed netif to '%s' for collision avoidance\n", newifname);
++                                        } else {
++                                                log_error("could not rename netif to '%s' for collision avoidance\n",newifname);
++                                        }
++                                }
++                                /* rename it now to its final target if its not already there */
++                                if (event->name != NULL && !streq(event->name, newifname)) {
++                                        r = rename_netif_dev_fromname_toname(dev,newifname,event->name);
++                                        if (r == 0)
++                                                finalifname = event->name;
++                               }
++                        } else { /* no need to rename to a tempname first, do a regular direct rename to event->name */
++                                r = 1; /* skip the post-rename stuff if no rename occurs */
++                                if (!streq(event->name, udev_device_get_sysname(dev)))
++                                        r = rename_netif(event);
++                        }
++                        if (r == 0) {
++                                log_debug("renamed netif to '%s'\n", finalifname);
++                                r = udev_device_rename(dev, finalifname);
+                 if (udev_device_get_ifindex(dev) > 0 && streq(udev_device_get_action(dev), "add") &&
+                     event->name != NULL && !streq(event->name, udev_device_get_sysname(dev))) {
+                         int r;
+@@ -853,6 +965,7 @@ void udev_event_execute_rules(struct udev_event *event,
+                                                   udev_device_get_sysname(dev), event->name);
+                         else {
+                                 r = udev_device_rename(dev, event->name);
+                                 if (r < 0)
+                                         log_warning_errno(r, "renamed interface '%d' from '%s' to '%s', but could not update udev_device: %m",
+                                                           udev_device_get_ifindex(dev), udev_device_get_sysname(dev), event->name);
+diff --git a/src/udev/udev-rules.c b/src/udev/udev-rules.c
+index c5e85fa..e2bb99c 100644
+--- a/src/udev/udev-rules.c
++++ b/src/udev/udev-rules.c
+@@ -2755,3 +2755,69 @@ finish:
+         return r;
+ }
++/* function to return the count of rules that assign NAME= to a value matching arg#2 - returns 0,1 */
++int udev_rules_assigning_name_to(struct udev_rules *rules, const char *match_name)
++        struct token *cur;
++        struct token *rule;
++        enum escape_type esc = ESCAPE_UNSET;
++        bool name_final = false;
++        if (rules->tokens == NULL)
++                return 0;
++        /* loop through token list, match, run actions or forward to next rule */
++        cur = &rules->tokens[0];
++        rule = cur;
++        for (;;) {
++                dump_token(rules, cur);
++                switch (cur->type) {
++                case TK_RULE:
++                        /* current rule */
++                        rule = cur;
++                        if (!rule->rule.can_set_name)
++                                goto nomatch;
++                        break;
++                case TK_M_SUBSYSTEM:
++                        if (match_key(rules, cur, "net") != 0)
++                                goto nomatch;
++                        break;
++                case TK_M_ACTION:
++                        if (match_key(rules, cur, "add") != 0)
++                                goto nomatch;
++                        break;
++                case TK_A_NAME: {
++                        const char *name  = rules_str(rules, cur->key.value_off);
++                        char name_str[UTIL_PATH_SIZE];
++                        int count;
++                        strscpy(name_str,UTIL_PATH_SIZE,name);
++                        count = util_replace_chars(name_str, "/");
++                        if (count > 0)
++                                log_debug("%i character(s) replaced\n", count); 
++                        if (streq(name_str,match_name)) {
++                                log_debug("found a match! NAME assigns %s in: %s:%u\n",
++                                          name,
++                                          rules_str(rules, rule->rule.filename_off),
++                                          rule->rule.filename_line);
++                                return 1; /* no need to find more than one */
++                        }
++                        /* skip to next rule */
++                        goto nomatch;
++                }
++                case TK_END:
++                        return 0;
++                }
++                cur++;
++                continue;
++        nomatch:
++                /* fast-forward to next rule */
++                cur = rule + rule->rule.token_count;
++        }
diff --git a/sys-fs/eudev/files/eudev-3.1.2-pre-rule-generator.patch b/sys-fs/eudev/files/eudev-3.1.2-pre-rule-generator.patch
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d66d334
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Move some entries further down so that the eudev rule-generator patch applies
+--- a/     2015-06-19 12:32:53.000000000 -0400
++++ b/     2015-09-24 10:41:34.630153037 -0400
+@@ -287,11 +287,6 @@
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-                 docs/Makefile
+-                 docs/gudev/Makefile
+-                 docs/gudev/version.xml
+-                 docs/libudev/Makefile
+-                 docs/libudev/version.xml
+                  hwdb/Makefile
+                  man/Makefile
+                  rules/Makefile
+@@ -310,6 +305,11 @@
+                  src/libudev/libudev.pc
+                  src/udev/Makefile
+                  src/udev/udev.pc
++                 docs/Makefile
++                 docs/gudev/Makefile
++                 docs/gudev/version.xml
++                 docs/libudev/Makefile
++                 docs/libudev/version.xml
+                  test/Makefile])