b[:,1] = power
+class OldCruft (object):
+ def do_forcebase(self,args):
+ '''
+ (generalvclamp.py)
+ Measures the difference in force (in pN) between a point and a baseline
+ took as the average between two points.
+ The baseline is fixed once for a given curve and different force measurements,
+ unless the user wants it to be recalculated
+ ------------
+ Syntax: forcebase [rebase]
+ rebase: Forces forcebase to ask again the baseline
+ max: Instead of asking for a point to measure, asks for two points and use
+ the maximum peak in between
+ '''
+ rebase=False #if true=we select rebase
+ maxpoint=False #if true=we measure the maximum peak
+ plot=self._get_displayed_plot()
+ whatset=1 #fixme: for all sets
+ if 'rebase' in args or (self.basecurrent != self.current.path):
+ rebase=True
+ if 'max' in args:
+ maxpoint=True
+ if rebase:
+ print 'Select baseline'
+ self.basepoints=self._measure_N_points(N=2, whatset=whatset)
+ self.basecurrent=self.current.path
+ if maxpoint:
+ print 'Select two points'
+ points=self._measure_N_points(N=2, whatset=whatset)
+ boundpoints=[points[0].index, points[1].index]
+ boundpoints.sort()
+ try:
+ y=min(plot.vectors[whatset][1][boundpoints[0]:boundpoints[1]])
+ except ValueError:
+ print 'Chosen interval not valid. Try picking it again. Did you pick the same point as begin and end of interval?'
+ else:
+ print 'Select point to measure'
+ points=self._measure_N_points(N=1, whatset=whatset)
+ #whatplot=points[0].dest
+ y=points[0].graph_coords[1]
+ #fixme: code duplication
+ boundaries=[self.basepoints[0].index, self.basepoints[1].index]
+ boundaries.sort()
+ to_average=plot.vectors[whatset][1][boundaries[0]:boundaries[1]] #y points to average
+ avg=np.mean(to_average)
+ forcebase=abs(y-avg)
+ print str(forcebase*(10**12))+' pN'
+ to_dump='forcebase '+self.current.path+' '+str(forcebase*(10**12))+' pN'
+ self.outlet.push(to_dump)
+ #---SLOPE---
+ def do_slope(self,args):
+ '''
+ (generalvclamp.py)
+ Measures the slope of a delimited chunk on the return trace.
+ The chunk can be delimited either by two manual clicks, or have
+ a fixed width, given as an argument.
+ ---------------
+ Syntax: slope [width]
+ The facultative [width] parameter specifies how many
+ points will be considered for the fit. If [width] is
+ specified, only one click will be required.
+ (c) Marco Brucale, Massimo Sandal 2008
+ '''
+ # Reads the facultative width argument
+ try:
+ fitspan=int(args)
+ except:
+ fitspan=0
+ # Decides between the two forms of user input, as per (args)
+ if fitspan == 0:
+ # Gets the Xs of two clicked points as indexes on the current curve vector
+ print 'Click twice to delimit chunk'
+ points=self._measure_N_points(N=2,whatset=1)
+ else:
+ print 'Click once on the leftmost point of the chunk (i.e.usually the peak)'
+ points=self._measure_N_points(N=1,whatset=1)
+ slope=self._slope(points,fitspan)
+ # Outputs the relevant slope parameter
+ print 'Slope:'
+ print str(slope)
+ to_dump='slope '+self.current.path+' '+str(slope)
+ self.outlet.push(to_dump)
+ def _slope(self,points,fitspan):
+ # Calls the function linefit_between
+ parameters=[0,0,[],[]]
+ try:
+ clickedpoints=[points[0].index,points[1].index]
+ clickedpoints.sort()
+ except:
+ clickedpoints=[points[0].index-fitspan,points[0].index]
+ try:
+ parameters=self.linefit_between(clickedpoints[0],clickedpoints[1])
+ except:
+ print 'Cannot fit. Did you click twice the same point?'
+ return
+ # Outputs the relevant slope parameter
+ print 'Slope:'
+ print str(parameters[0])
+ to_dump='slope '+self.curve.path+' '+str(parameters[0])
+ self.outlet.push(to_dump)
+ # Makes a vector with the fitted parameters and sends it to the GUI
+ xtoplot=parameters[2]
+ ytoplot=[]
+ x=0
+ for x in xtoplot:
+ ytoplot.append((x*parameters[0])+parameters[1])
+ clickvector_x, clickvector_y=[], []
+ for item in points:
+ clickvector_x.append(item.graph_coords[0])
+ clickvector_y.append(item.graph_coords[1])
+ lineplot=self._get_displayed_plot(0) #get topmost displayed plot
+ lineplot.add_set(xtoplot,ytoplot)
+ lineplot.add_set(clickvector_x, clickvector_y)
+ if lineplot.styles==[]:
+ lineplot.styles=[None,None,None,'scatter']
+ else:
+ lineplot.styles+=[None,'scatter']
+ if lineplot.colors==[]:
+ lineplot.colors=[None,None,'black',None]
+ else:
+ lineplot.colors+=['black',None]
+ self._send_plot([lineplot])
+ return parameters[0]
+ def linefit_between(self,index1,index2,whatset=1):
+ '''
+ Creates two vectors (xtofit,ytofit) slicing out from the
+ current return trace a portion delimited by the two indexes
+ given as arguments.
+ Then does a least squares linear fit on that slice.
+ Finally returns [0]=the slope, [1]=the intercept of the
+ fitted 1st grade polynomial, and [2,3]=the actual (x,y) vectors
+ used for the fit.
+ (c) Marco Brucale, Massimo Sandal 2008
+ '''
+ # Translates the indexes into two vectors containing the x,y data to fit
+ xtofit=self.plots[0].vectors[whatset][0][index1:index2]
+ ytofit=self.plots[0].vectors[whatset][1][index1:index2]
+ # Does the actual linear fitting (simple least squares with numpy.polyfit)
+ linefit=[]
+ linefit=np.polyfit(xtofit,ytofit,1)
+ return (linefit[0],linefit[1],xtofit,ytofit)
class generalvclampCommands(object):
- def do_forcebase(self,args):
- '''
- (generalvclamp.py)
- Measures the difference in force (in pN) between a point and a baseline
- took as the average between two points.
- The baseline is fixed once for a given curve and different force measurements,
- unless the user wants it to be recalculated
- ------------
- Syntax: forcebase [rebase]
- rebase: Forces forcebase to ask again the baseline
- max: Instead of asking for a point to measure, asks for two points and use
- the maximum peak in between
- '''
- rebase=False #if true=we select rebase
- maxpoint=False #if true=we measure the maximum peak
- plot=self._get_displayed_plot()
- whatset=1 #fixme: for all sets
- if 'rebase' in args or (self.basecurrent != self.current.path):
- rebase=True
- if 'max' in args:
- maxpoint=True
- if rebase:
- print 'Select baseline'
- self.basepoints=self._measure_N_points(N=2, whatset=whatset)
- self.basecurrent=self.current.path
- if maxpoint:
- print 'Select two points'
- points=self._measure_N_points(N=2, whatset=whatset)
- boundpoints=[points[0].index, points[1].index]
- boundpoints.sort()
- try:
- y=min(plot.vectors[whatset][1][boundpoints[0]:boundpoints[1]])
- except ValueError:
- print 'Chosen interval not valid. Try picking it again. Did you pick the same point as begin and end of interval?'
- else:
- print 'Select point to measure'
- points=self._measure_N_points(N=1, whatset=whatset)
- #whatplot=points[0].dest
- y=points[0].graph_coords[1]
- #fixme: code duplication
- boundaries=[self.basepoints[0].index, self.basepoints[1].index]
- boundaries.sort()
- to_average=plot.vectors[whatset][1][boundaries[0]:boundaries[1]] #y points to average
- avg=np.mean(to_average)
- forcebase=abs(y-avg)
- print str(forcebase*(10**12))+' pN'
- to_dump='forcebase '+self.current.path+' '+str(forcebase*(10**12))+' pN'
- self.outlet.push(to_dump)
def plotmanip_multiplier(self, plot, current):
Multiplies all the Y values of an SMFS curve by a value stored in the 'force_multiplier'
return plot
- #---SLOPE---
- def do_slope(self,args):
- '''
- (generalvclamp.py)
- Measures the slope of a delimited chunk on the return trace.
- The chunk can be delimited either by two manual clicks, or have
- a fixed width, given as an argument.
- ---------------
- Syntax: slope [width]
- The facultative [width] parameter specifies how many
- points will be considered for the fit. If [width] is
- specified, only one click will be required.
- (c) Marco Brucale, Massimo Sandal 2008
- '''
- # Reads the facultative width argument
- try:
- fitspan=int(args)
- except:
- fitspan=0
- # Decides between the two forms of user input, as per (args)
- if fitspan == 0:
- # Gets the Xs of two clicked points as indexes on the current curve vector
- print 'Click twice to delimit chunk'
- points=self._measure_N_points(N=2,whatset=1)
- else:
- print 'Click once on the leftmost point of the chunk (i.e.usually the peak)'
- points=self._measure_N_points(N=1,whatset=1)
- slope=self._slope(points,fitspan)
- # Outputs the relevant slope parameter
- print 'Slope:'
- print str(slope)
- to_dump='slope '+self.current.path+' '+str(slope)
- self.outlet.push(to_dump)
- def _slope(self,points,fitspan):
- # Calls the function linefit_between
- parameters=[0,0,[],[]]
- try:
- clickedpoints=[points[0].index,points[1].index]
- clickedpoints.sort()
- except:
- clickedpoints=[points[0].index-fitspan,points[0].index]
- try:
- parameters=self.linefit_between(clickedpoints[0],clickedpoints[1])
- except:
- print 'Cannot fit. Did you click twice the same point?'
- return
- # Outputs the relevant slope parameter
- print 'Slope:'
- print str(parameters[0])
- to_dump='slope '+self.curve.path+' '+str(parameters[0])
- self.outlet.push(to_dump)
- # Makes a vector with the fitted parameters and sends it to the GUI
- xtoplot=parameters[2]
- ytoplot=[]
- x=0
- for x in xtoplot:
- ytoplot.append((x*parameters[0])+parameters[1])
- clickvector_x, clickvector_y=[], []
- for item in points:
- clickvector_x.append(item.graph_coords[0])
- clickvector_y.append(item.graph_coords[1])
- lineplot=self._get_displayed_plot(0) #get topmost displayed plot
- lineplot.add_set(xtoplot,ytoplot)
- lineplot.add_set(clickvector_x, clickvector_y)
- if lineplot.styles==[]:
- lineplot.styles=[None,None,None,'scatter']
- else:
- lineplot.styles+=[None,'scatter']
- if lineplot.colors==[]:
- lineplot.colors=[None,None,'black',None]
- else:
- lineplot.colors+=['black',None]
- self._send_plot([lineplot])
- return parameters[0]
- def linefit_between(self,index1,index2,whatset=1):
- '''
- Creates two vectors (xtofit,ytofit) slicing out from the
- current return trace a portion delimited by the two indexes
- given as arguments.
- Then does a least squares linear fit on that slice.
- Finally returns [0]=the slope, [1]=the intercept of the
- fitted 1st grade polynomial, and [2,3]=the actual (x,y) vectors
- used for the fit.
- (c) Marco Brucale, Massimo Sandal 2008
- '''
- # Translates the indexes into two vectors containing the x,y data to fit
- xtofit=self.plots[0].vectors[whatset][0][index1:index2]
- ytofit=self.plots[0].vectors[whatset][1][index1:index2]
- # Does the actual linear fitting (simple least squares with numpy.polyfit)
- linefit=[]
- linefit=np.polyfit(xtofit,ytofit,1)
- return (linefit[0],linefit[1],xtofit,ytofit)
- def fit_interval_nm(self,start_index,plot,nm,backwards):
- '''
- Calculates the number of points to fit, given a fit interval in nm
- start_index: index of point
- plot: plot to use
- backwards: if true, finds a point backwards.
- '''
- whatset=1 #FIXME: should be decidable
- x_vect=plot.vectors[1][0]
- c=0
- i=start_index
- start=x_vect[start_index]
- maxlen=len(x_vect)
- while abs(x_vect[i]-x_vect[start_index])*(10**9) < nm:
- if i==0 or i==maxlen-1: #we reached boundaries of vector!
- return c
- if backwards:
- i-=1
- else:
- i+=1
- c+=1
- return c
- def find_current_peaks(self,noflatten, a=True, maxpeak=True):
- #Find peaks.
- if a==True:
- a=self.convfilt_config['mindeviation']
- try:
- abs_devs=float(a)
- except:
- print "Bad input, using default."
- abs_devs=self.convfilt_config['mindeviation']
- defplot=self.current.curve.default_plots()[0]
- if not noflatten:
- flatten=self._find_plotmanip('flatten') #Extract flatten plotmanip
- defplot=flatten(defplot, self.current, customvalue=1) #Flatten curve before feeding it to has_peaks
- pk_location,peak_size=self.has_peaks(defplot, abs_devs, maxpeak)
- return pk_location, peak_size
- def pickup_contact_point(self,N=1,whatset=1):
- '''macro to pick up the contact point by clicking'''
- contact_point=self._measure_N_points(N=1, whatset=1)[0]
- contact_point_index=contact_point.index
- self.wlccontact_point=contact_point
- self.wlccontact_index=contact_point.index
- self.wlccurrent=self.current.path
- return contact_point, contact_point_index
- def baseline_points(self,peak_location, displayed_plot):
- clicks=self.config['baseline_clicks']
- if clicks==0:
- self.basepoints=[]
- base_index_0=peak_location[-1]+self.fit_interval_nm(peak_location[-1], displayed_plot, self.config['auto_right_baseline'],False)
- self.basepoints.append(self._clickize(displayed_plot.vectors[1][0],displayed_plot.vectors[1][1],base_index_0))
- base_index_1=self.basepoints[0].index+self.fit_interval_nm(self.basepoints[0].index, displayed_plot, self.config['auto_left_baseline'],False)
- self.basepoints.append(self._clickize(displayed_plot.vectors[1][0],displayed_plot.vectors[1][1],base_index_1))
- elif clicks>0:
- print 'Select baseline'
- if clicks==1:
- self.basepoints=self._measure_N_points(N=1, whatset=1)
- base_index_1=self.basepoints[0].index+self.fit_interval_nm(self.basepoints[0].index, displayed_plot, self.config['auto_left_baseline'], False)
- self.basepoints.append(self._clickize(displayed_plot.vectors[1][0],displayed_plot.vectors[1][1],base_index_1))
- else:
- self.basepoints=self._measure_N_points(N=2, whatset=1)
- self.basecurrent=self.current.path
- return self.basepoints