From RFC 4880 [1]:
ID Algorithm
-- ---------
0 - Plaintext or unencrypted data
2 - TripleDES (DES-EDE, [SCHNEIER] [HAC] -
168 bit key derived from 192)
3 - CAST5 (128 bit key, as per [RFC2144])
4 - Blowfish (128 bit key, 16 rounds) [BLOWFISH]
5 - Reserved
6 - Reserved
7 - AES with 128-bit key [AES]
8 - AES with 192-bit key
9 - AES with 256-bit key
10 - Twofish with 256-bit key [TWOFISH]
100 to 110 - Private/Experimental algorithm
110: 'private',
+ _symmetric_key_algorithms = {
+ 0: 'plaintext or unencrypted data',
+ 1: 'idea',
+ 2: 'tripledes',
+ 3: 'cast5',
+ 4: 'blowfish',
+ 5: 'reserved',
+ 6: 'reserved',
+ 7: 'aes with 128-bit key',
+ 8: 'aes with 192-bit key',
+ 9: 'aes with 256-bit key',
+ 10: 'twofish',
+ 100: 'private',
+ 101: 'private',
+ 102: 'private',
+ 103: 'private',
+ 104: 'private',
+ 105: 'private',
+ 106: 'private',
+ 107: 'private',
+ 108: 'private',
+ 109: 'private',
+ 110: 'private',
+ }
_clean_type_regex = _re.compile('\W+')
def _clean_type(self):