print " very verbose information about the dependency and build process."
print " "+green("--deep")+" ("+green("-D")+" short option)"
- print " When used in conjunction with --update, this flag forces emerge"
- print " to consider the entire dependency tree of packages, instead of"
- print " checking only the immediate dependencies of the packages. As an"
- print " example, this catches updates in libraries that are not directly"
- print " listed in the dependencies of a package."
+ print " This flag forces emerge to consider the entire dependency tree of"
+ print " packages, instead of checking only the immediate dependencies of"
+ print " the packages. As an example, this catches updates in libraries"
+ print " that are not directly listed in the dependencies of a package."
+ print " Also see --with-bdeps for behavior with respect to build time"
+ print " dependencies that are not strictly required."
print " "+green("--emptytree")+" ("+green("-e")+" short option)"
print " Virtually tweaks the tree of installed packages to contain"