+++ /dev/null
-# calibcant - tools for thermally calibrating AFM cantilevers
-# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
-# This file is part of calibcant.
-# calibcant is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
-# calibcant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
-# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-# calibcant. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-"""Define some variables to configure the package for a particular lab
-and workflow."""
-import sys as _sys
-from FFT_tools import window_hann as _window_hann
-import h5config.config as _config
-import h5config.tools as _h5config_tools
-class PackageConfig (_h5config_tools.PackageConfig):
- "Configure `calibcant` module operation"
- settings = _h5config_tools.PackageConfig.settings + [
- _config.BooleanSetting(
- name='matplotlib',
- help='Plot piezo motion using `matplotlib`.',
- default=False),
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='temperature',
- help=('Default temperature for thermal calibration in degrees '
- 'Celsius.'),
- default=22),
- ]
-class _TemperatureUnit (object):
- pass
-class Celsius (_TemperatureUnit):
- pass
-class Kelvin (_TemperatureUnit):
- pass
-class TemperatureConfig (_config.Config):
- "Configure `calibcant` temperature operation"
- settings = [
- _config.ChoiceSetting(
- name='units',
- help='Units of raw temperature measurements.',
- default=Celsius,
- choices=[
- ('Celsius', Celsius),
- ('Kelvin', Kelvin),
- ]),
- _config.BooleanSetting(
- name='default',
- help=('The temperature values are defaults (vs. real '
- 'measurements).'),
- default=True),
- ]
-class _BumpModel (object):
- pass
-class Linear (_BumpModel):
- pass
-class Quadratic (_BumpModel):
- pass
-class BumpConfig (_config.Config):
- "Configure `calibcant` bump operation"
- settings = [
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='initial-position',
- help=('Position relative to surface for start of bump in meters. '
- 'Should be less than zero to ensure non-contact region '
- 'before you hit the surface.'),
- default=-50e-9),
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='setpoint',
- help=('Maximum deflection in volts in case of stepper positioning '
- 'to achieve the initial position.'),
- default=2.0),
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='min-slope-ratio',
- help=('Set the minimum ratio between the deflection/displacement '
- 'of the contact and the non-contact regions for bumps '
- 'seeking the surface. Bumps without sufficient difference '
- 'assume they need to move closer to find the surface.'),
- default=10.0),
- _config.IntegerSetting(
- name='far-steps',
- help=('Number of stepper steps to move "far" away from the '
- 'surface. For possible stepper adjustments while initially '
- 'locating the surface.'),
- default=200),
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='push-depth',
- help='Distance to approach in meters.',
- default=200e-9),
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='push-speed',
- help='Approach/retract speed in meters/second.',
- default=1e-6),
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='samples',
- help='Number of samples during approach and during retreat.',
- default=1024),
- _config.ChoiceSetting(
- name='model',
- help='Bump deflection model.',
- default=Quadratic,
- choices=[
- ('linear', Linear),
- ('quadratic', Quadratic),
- ]),
- ]
-class _VibrationModel (object):
- pass
-class Variance (_VibrationModel):
- pass
-class BreitWigner (_VibrationModel):
- pass
-class OffsetBreitWigner (_VibrationModel):
- pass
-class VibrationConfig (_config.Config):
- "Configure `calibcant` vibration operation"
- settings = [
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='frequency',
- help='Sampling frequency in Hz.',
- default=50e3),
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='sample-time',
- help=('Aquisition time in seconds. This is rounded up as required '
- 'so the number of samples will be an integer power of two.'),
- default=1),
- _config.ChoiceSetting(
- name='model',
- help='Vibration model.',
- default=BreitWigner,
- choices=[
- ('variance', Variance),
- ('Breit-Wigner', BreitWigner),
- ('offset Breit-Wigner', OffsetBreitWigner),
- ]),
- _config.IntegerSetting(
- name='chunk-size',
- help='FFT chunk size (for PSD fits).',
- default=2048),
- _config.BooleanSetting(
- name='overlap',
- help='Overlap FFT chunks (for PSD fits).'),
- _config.ChoiceSetting(
- name='window',
- help='FFT chunk window (for PSD fits).',
- default=_window_hann,
- choices=[
- ('Hann', _window_hann),
- ]),
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='minimum-fit-frequency',
- help='Lower bound of Lorentzian fitting region.',
- default=500.),
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='maximum-fit-frequency',
- help='Upper bound of Lorentzian fitting region.',
- default=25e3),
- ]
-class CalibrationConfig (_config.Config):
- "Configure a full `calibcant` calibration run"
- settings = [
- _config.ConfigSetting(
- name='bump',
- help='Configure the surface bumps',
- config_class=BumpConfig),
- _config.IntegerSetting(
- name='num-bumps',
- help='Number of surface bumps.',
- default=10),
- _config.ConfigSetting(
- name='temperature',
- help='Configure the temperature measurements',
- config_class=TemperatureConfig),
- _config.IntegerSetting(
- name='num-temperatures',
- help='Number of temperature measurements.',
- default=10),
- _config.ConfigSetting(
- name='vibration',
- help='Configure the temperature measurements',
- config_class=VibrationConfig),
- _config.IntegerSetting(
- name='num-vibrations',
- help='Number of thermal vibration measurements.',
- default=20),
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='temperature-sleep',
- help=('Time between temperature measurements (in seconds) to get '
- 'independent measurements when reading from slow sensors.'),
- default=1),
- _config.FloatSetting(
- name='vibration-spacing',
- help=('Approximate distance from the surface in meters for the '
- 'vibration measurements. This should be large enough that '
- 'surface effects are negligable.'),
- default=50e-6),
- ]