This catches the tests up with:
Author: W. Trevor King <>
Date: Wed Aug 29 23:26:17 2012 -0400
Rewrite commands to use bugdirs instead of a single bugdir.
OUT=`be new 'yet more fun'`
BUGC=`echo "$OUT" | sed -n 's/Created bug with ID //p'`
be comment $BUGC "The ants go marching..."
-be show --xml $BUGC/ | be import-xml --add-only --comment-root $BUG -
+be show --xml $BUGC/ | be import-xml --add-only --root $BUG -
be remove $BUG # decide that you don't like that bug after all
be commit "You can even commit using BE"
be commit --allow-empty "And you can add empty commits if you like"