x = Atom("*/" + x, allow_wildcard=True)
+class _depgraph_sets(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # contains all sets added to the graph
+ self.sets = {}
+ # contains non-set atoms given as arguments
+ self.sets['__non_set_args__'] = InternalPackageSet()
+ # contains all atoms from all sets added to the graph, including
+ # atoms given as arguments
+ self.atoms = InternalPackageSet()
+ self.atom_arg_map = {}
class _dynamic_depgraph_config(object):
#contains the args created by select_files
self._initial_arg_list = []
self.digraph = portage.digraph()
- # contains all sets added to the graph
- self._sets = {}
- # contains atoms given as arguments
- self._sets["args"] = InternalPackageSet()
- # contains all atoms from all sets added to the graph, including
- # atoms given as arguments
- self._set_atoms = InternalPackageSet()
- self._atom_arg_map = {}
- # contains all nodes pulled in by self._set_atoms
+ # manages sets added to the graph
+ self.sets = {}
+ # contains all nodes pulled in by self.sets
self._set_nodes = set()
# Contains only Blocker -> Uninstall edges
self._blocker_uninstalls = digraph()
self._need_restart = False
for myroot in depgraph._frozen_config.trees:
+ self.sets[myroot] = _depgraph_sets()
self._slot_pkg_map[myroot] = {}
vardb = depgraph._frozen_config.trees[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi
# This dbapi instance will model the state that the vdb will
root_config = arg.root_config
+ depgraph_sets = self._dynamic_config.sets[root_config.root]
arg_stack = [arg]
while arg_stack:
arg = arg_stack.pop()
if not token.startswith(SETPREFIX):
s = token[len(SETPREFIX):]
- nested_set = root_config.sets.get(s)
+ nested_set = depgraph_sets.sets.get(s)
+ if nested_set is None:
+ nested_set = root_config.sets.get(s)
if nested_set is not None:
nested_arg = SetArg(arg=token, pset=nested_set,
if add_to_digraph:
self._dynamic_config.digraph.add(nested_arg, arg,
+ depgraph_sets.sets[nested_arg.name] = nested_arg.pset
def _add_dep(self, dep, allow_unsatisfied=False):
debug = "--debug" in self._frozen_config.myopts
return ret
def _iter_atoms_for_pkg(self, pkg):
- # TODO: add multiple $ROOT support
- if pkg.root != self._frozen_config.target_root:
- return
- atom_arg_map = self._dynamic_config._atom_arg_map
+ depgraph_sets = self._dynamic_config.sets[pkg.root]
+ atom_arg_map = depgraph_sets.atom_arg_map
root_config = self._frozen_config.roots[pkg.root]
- for atom in self._dynamic_config._set_atoms.iterAtomsForPackage(pkg):
+ for atom in depgraph_sets.atoms.iterAtomsForPackage(pkg):
if atom.cp != pkg.cp and \
self._have_new_virt(pkg.root, atom.cp):
debug = "--debug" in self._frozen_config.myopts
root_config = self._frozen_config.roots[self._frozen_config.target_root]
sets = root_config.sets
+ depgraph_sets = self._dynamic_config.sets[root_config.root]
myroot = self._frozen_config.target_root
dbs = self._dynamic_config._filtered_trees[myroot]["dbs"]
s = x[len(SETPREFIX):]
if s not in sets:
raise portage.exception.PackageSetNotFound(s)
- if s in self._dynamic_config._sets:
+ if s in depgraph_sets.sets:
pset = sets[s]
- self._dynamic_config._sets[s] = pset
+ depgraph_sets.sets[s] = pset
args.append(SetArg(arg=x, pset=pset,
def _set_args(self, args):
- Create the "args" package set from atoms and packages given as
+ Create the "__non_set_args__" package set from atoms and packages given as
arguments. This method can be called multiple times if necessary.
The package selection cache is automatically invalidated, since
arguments influence package selections.
- args_set = self._dynamic_config._sets["args"]
- args_set.clear()
- for arg in args:
- if not isinstance(arg, (AtomArg, PackageArg)):
- continue
- atom = arg.atom
- if atom in args_set:
- continue
- args_set.add(atom)
- self._dynamic_config._set_atoms.clear()
- atom_arg_map = self._dynamic_config._atom_arg_map
- atom_arg_map.clear()
+ set_atoms = {}
+ non_set_atoms = {}
+ for root in self._dynamic_config.sets:
+ depgraph_sets = self._dynamic_config.sets[root]
+ depgraph_sets.sets.setdefault('__non_set_args__',
+ InternalPackageSet()).clear()
+ depgraph_sets.atoms.clear()
+ depgraph_sets.atom_arg_map.clear()
+ set_atoms[root] = []
+ non_set_atoms[root] = []
# We don't add set args to the digraph here since that
# happens at a later stage and we don't want to make
# any state changes here that aren't reversed by a
# another call to this method.
- set_atoms = []
for arg in self._expand_set_args(args, add_to_digraph=False):
+ atom_arg_map = self._dynamic_config.sets[
+ arg.root_config.root].atom_arg_map
+ if isinstance(arg, (AtomArg, PackageArg)):
+ atom_group = non_set_atoms[arg.root_config.root]
+ else:
+ atom_group = set_atoms[arg.root_config.root]
for atom in arg.pset.getAtoms():
- if arg.root_config.root == self._frozen_config.target_root:
- set_atoms.append(atom)
+ atom_group.append(atom)
atom_key = (atom, arg.root_config.root)
refs = atom_arg_map.get(atom_key)
if refs is None:
if arg not in refs:
- self._dynamic_config._set_atoms.update(set_atoms)
+ for root in self._dynamic_config.sets:
+ depgraph_sets = self._dynamic_config.sets[root]
+ depgraph_sets.atoms.update(chain(set_atoms.get(root, []),
+ non_set_atoms.get(root, [])))
+ depgraph_sets.sets['__non_set_args__'].update(
+ non_set_atoms.get(root, []))
# Invalidate the package selection cache, since
# arguments influence package selections.
for trees in self._dynamic_config._filtered_trees.values():
+ args = []
for root in self._frozen_config.roots:
if root != self._frozen_config.target_root and \
"remove" in self._dynamic_config.myparams:
# Only pull in deps for the relevant root.
+ depgraph_sets = self._dynamic_config.sets[root]
if required_sets is None or root not in required_sets:
required_set_names = self._frozen_config._required_set_names.copy()
+ # Removal actions may override sets with temporary
+ # replacements that have had atoms removed in order
+ # to implement --deselect behavior.
required_set_names = set(required_sets[root])
- if root == self._frozen_config.target_root and \
+ depgraph_sets.sets.clear()
+ depgraph_sets.sets.update(required_sets[root])
+ if "remove" not in self._dynamic_config.myparams and \
+ root == self._frozen_config.target_root and \
(already_deep or "empty" in self._dynamic_config.myparams):
- required_set_names.difference_update(self._dynamic_config._sets)
+ required_set_names.difference_update(depgraph_sets.sets)
if not required_set_names and \
not self._dynamic_config._ignored_deps and \
not self._dynamic_config._dep_stack:
root_config = self._frozen_config.roots[root]
- setconfig = root_config.setconfig
- args = []
- # Reuse existing SetArg instances when available.
- for arg in self._dynamic_config.digraph.root_nodes():
- if not isinstance(arg, SetArg):
- continue
- if arg.root_config != root_config:
- continue
- if arg.name in required_set_names:
- args.append(arg)
- required_set_names.remove(arg.name)
- # Create new SetArg instances only when necessary.
for s in required_set_names:
- if required_sets is None or root not in required_sets:
+ pset = depgraph_sets.sets.get(s)
+ if pset is None:
pset = root_config.sets[s]
- else:
- pset = required_sets[root][s]
atom = SETPREFIX + s
args.append(SetArg(arg=atom, pset=pset,
- if root == self._frozen_config.target_root:
- self._dynamic_config._sets[s] = pset
- vardb = root_config.trees["vartree"].dbapi
- while args:
- arg = args.pop()
- for atom in arg.pset.getAtoms():
- self._dynamic_config._dep_stack.append(
- Dependency(atom=atom, root=root, parent=arg))
- # Removal actions may override sets with temporary
- # replacements that have had atoms removed in order
- # to implement --deselect behavior.
- if required_sets is None:
- set_overrides = {}
- else:
- set_overrides = required_sets.get(root, {})
- # Traverse nested sets and add them to the stack
- # if they're not already in the graph. Also, graph
- # edges between parent and nested sets.
- for token in arg.pset.getNonAtoms():
- if not token.startswith(SETPREFIX):
- continue
- s = token[len(SETPREFIX):]
- nested_set = set_overrides.get(s)
- if nested_set is None:
- nested_set = root_config.sets.get(s)
- if nested_set is not None:
- nested_arg = SetArg(arg=token, pset=nested_set,
- root_config=root_config)
- if nested_arg not in self._dynamic_config.digraph:
- args.append(nested_arg)
- self._dynamic_config.digraph.add(nested_arg, arg,
- priority=BlockerDepPriority.instance)
+ self._set_args(args)
+ for arg in self._expand_set_args(args, add_to_digraph=True):
+ for atom in arg.pset.getAtoms():
+ self._dynamic_config._dep_stack.append(
+ Dependency(atom=atom, root=arg.root_config.root,
+ parent=arg))
+ if True:
if self._dynamic_config._ignored_deps:
self._dynamic_config._ignored_deps = []
# that are initially satisfied.
while self._dynamic_config._unsatisfied_deps:
dep = self._dynamic_config._unsatisfied_deps.pop()
+ vardb = self._frozen_config.roots[
+ dep.root].trees["vartree"].dbapi
matches = vardb.match_pkgs(dep.atom)
if not matches:
if self._dynamic_config._missing_args:
world_problems = False
- if "world" in self._dynamic_config._sets:
+ if "world" in self._dynamic_config.sets[
+ self._frozen_config.target_root].sets:
# Filter out indirect members of world (from nested sets)
# since only direct members of world are desired here.
world_set = self._frozen_config.roots[self._frozen_config.target_root].sets["selected"]
if hasattr(world_set, "load"):
world_set.load() # maybe it's changed on disk
- args_set = self._dynamic_config._sets["args"]
+ args_set = self._dynamic_config.sets[
+ self._frozen_config.target_root].sets['__non_set_args__']
portdb = self._frozen_config.trees[self._frozen_config.target_root]["porttree"].dbapi
added_favorites = set()
for x in self._dynamic_config._set_nodes:
root, portage.VDB_PATH, pkg_key, "PROVIDE"), noiselevel=-1)
del e
all_added = []
- for k in self._dynamic_config._sets:
- if k in ("args", "selected", "world") or \
+ for arg in self._dynamic_config._initial_arg_list:
+ if not isinstance(arg, SetArg):
+ continue
+ k = arg.name
+ if k in ("selected", "world") or \
not root_config.sets[k].world_candidate:
self._dynamic_config.myparams["deep"] = True
favorites = resume_data.get("favorites")
- args_set = self._dynamic_config._sets["args"]
+ args_set = self._dynamic_config.sets[
+ self._frozen_config.target_root].sets['__non_set_args__']
if isinstance(favorites, list):
args = self._load_favorites(favorites)
root_config = self._frozen_config.roots[self._frozen_config.target_root]
sets = root_config.sets
+ depgraph_sets = self._dynamic_config.sets[root_config.root].sets
args = []
for x in favorites:
if not isinstance(x, basestring):
s = x[len(SETPREFIX):]
if s not in sets:
- if s in self._dynamic_config._sets:
+ if s in depgraph_sets.sets:
pset = sets[s]
- self._dynamic_config._sets[s] = pset
+ depgraph_sets.sets[s] = pset
args.append(SetArg(arg=x, pset=pset,