The current working directory is set to / when git-gui is invoked
using the Git bundle on Mac OS X. This means that if it is
launched from a directory which contains a repository then git-gui
won't automatically find it unless the repository happens to be
located in /.
The PWD environment variable is however preserved if the bundle is
invoked using open(1). If git-gui would check for PWD then a user
could for example type open -a 'Git Gui' on a command line in order to
launch the program and it would automatically find the repository.
Teach git-gui to use the PWD environment variable on Mac OS X.
Signed-off-by: Marcus Karlsson <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Signed-off-by: Pat Thoyts <>
} else {
set argv0 [file join $gitexecdir [file tail [lindex $argv 0]]]
set AppMain_source [file join $gitguilib git-gui.tcl]
- if {[pwd] eq {/}} {
+ if {[info exists env(PWD)]} {
+ cd $env(PWD)
+ } elseif {[pwd] eq {/}} {
cd $env(HOME)