--- /dev/null
+# Dotfiles management script. For details, run
+# $ dotfiles.sh --help
+# External utilities
+DIFF=$(which diff)
+GIT=$(which git)
+LN=$(which ln)
+MV=$(which mv)
+PATCH=$(which patch)
+SED=$(which sed)
+RM=$(which rm)
+RSYNC=$(which rsync)
+TAR=$(which tar)
+TOUCH=$(which touch)
+WGET=$(which wget)
+# Utility functions
+# usage: nonempty_option LOC NAME VALUE
+function nonempty_option()
+ LOC="${1}"
+ NAME="${2}"
+ VALUE="${3}"
+ if [ -z "${VALUE}" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: empty value for ${NAME} in ${LOC}" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo "${VALUE}"
+# usage: maxargs LOC MAX "${@}"
+# Print and error and return 1 if there are more than MAX arguments.
+function maxargs()
+ LOC="${1}"
+ MAX="${2}"
+ shift 2
+ if [ "${#}" -gt "${MAX}" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: too many arguments (${#} > ${MAX}) in ${LOC}" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+# usage: get_selection CHOICE OPTION ...
+# Check that CHOICE is one of the valid options listed in OPTION. If
+# it is, echo the choice and return 0, otherwise print an error to
+# stderr and return 1.
+function get_selection()
+ CHOICE="${1}"
+ shift
+ for OPT in "${@}"; do
+ if [ "${OPT}" = "${CHOICE}" ]; then
+ echo "${OPT}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "ERROR: invalid selection (${CHOICE})" >&2
+ echo "valid choices: ${@}" >&2
+ return 1
+function run_on_all_repos()
+ COMMAND="${1}"
+ if [ -z "${REPO}" ]; then # run on all repositories
+ for REPO in *; do
+ if [ "${REPO}" = '*' ]; then
+ break # no known repositories
+ fi
+ "${COMMAND}" "${REPO}" || return 1
+ done
+ return
+ fi
+function list_files()
+ DIR=$(nonempty_option 'list_files' 'DIR' "${1}") || return 1
+ while read FILE; do
+ if [ "${FILE}" = '.' ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ FILE="${FILE:2}" # strip the leading './'
+ echo "${FILE}"
+ done < <(cd "${DIR}" && find .)
+# Global variable to allow passing associative arrats between functions
+function set_repo_source()
+ REPO=$(nonempty_option 'set_repo_source' 'REPO' "${1}") || return 1
+ > "${REPO}/source_cache" || return 1
+ for KEY in "${!REPO_SOURCE_DATA[@]}"; do
+ echo "${KEY}=${REPO_SOURCE_DATA[${KEY}]}" >> "${REPO}/source_cache" || return 1
+ done
+# usage: get_repo_source REPO
+function get_repo_source()
+ REPO=$(nonempty_option 'get_repo_source' 'REPO' "${1}") || return 1
+ if [ -f "${REPO}/source_cache" ]; then
+ while read LINE; do
+ KEY="${LINE%%=*}"
+ VALUE="${LINE#*=}"
+ done < "${REPO}/source_cache"
+ else
+ # autodetect verson control system
+ REPO_SOURCE_DATA['repo']="${REPO}"
+ if [ -d "${REPO}/.git" ]; then
+ REPO_SOURCE_DATA['transfer']='git'
+ else
+ echo "ERROR: no source location found for ${REPO}" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # no need to get further fields for these transfer mechanisms
+ fi
+function wget_fetch()
+ REPO=$(nonempty_option 'wget_fetch' 'REPO' "${1}") || return 1
+ # get_repo_source() was just called on this repo in fetch()
+ TRANSFER=$(nonempty_option 'wget_fetch' 'TRANSFER' "${REPO_SOURCE_DATA['transfer']}") || return 1
+ URL=$(nonempty_option 'wget_fetch' 'URL' "${REPO_SOURCE_DATA['url']}") || return 1
+ ETAG="${REPO_SOURCE_DATA['etag']}"
+ BUNDLE="${REPO}.tgz"
+ HEAD=$("${WGET}" --server-response --spider "${URL}" 2>&1) || return 1
+ SERVER_ETAG=$(echo "${HEAD}" | "${SED}" -n 's/^ *etag: *"\(.*\)"/\1/ip') || return 1
+ if [ "${CHECK_WGET_TYPE_AND_ENCODING}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ TYPE=$(echo "${HEAD}" | "${SED}" -n 's/^ *content-type: *//ip') || return 1
+ ENCODING=$(echo "${HEAD}" | "${SED}" -n 's/^ *content-encoding: *//ip') || return 1
+ if [ "${TYPE}" != 'application/x-gzip' ] || [ "${ENCODING}" != 'x-gzip' ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: invalid content type (${TYPE}) or encoding (${ENCODING})." >&2
+ echo "while fetching ${URL}" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${ETAG}" ] || [ "${SERVER_ETAG}" != "${ETAG}" ]; then
+ # Previous ETag not known, or ETag changed. Download new copy.
+ "${WGET}" --output-document "${BUNDLE}" "${URL}" || return 1
+ if [ -n "${SERVER_ETAG}" ]; then # store new ETag
+ set_repo_source "${REPO}" || return 1
+ else
+ if [ -n "${ETAG}" ]; then # clear old ETag
+ unset "${REPO_SOURCE_DATA['etag']}"
+ set_repo_source "${REPO}" || return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "extracting ${BUNDLE} to ${REPO}"
+ "${TAR}" -xf "${BUNDLE}" -C "${REPO}" --strip-components 1 --overwrite || return 1
+ "${RM}" -f "${BUNDLE}" || return 1
+ else
+ echo "already downloaded the ETag=${ETAG} version of ${URL}"
+ fi
+# usage: link_file REPO FILE
+# Create the symbolic link to the version of FILE in the REPO
+# repository, overriding the target if it exists.
+function link_file()
+ REPO=$(nonempty_option 'link_file' 'REPO' "${1}") || return 1
+ FILE=$(nonempty_option 'link_file' 'FILE' "${2}") || return 1
+ if [ "${BACKUP}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ if [ -e "${TARGET}/${FILE}" ] || [ -h "${TARGET}/${FILE}" ]; then
+ if [ "${DRY_RUN}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ echo "move ${TARGET}/${FILE} to ${TARGET}/${FILE}.bak"
+ else
+ echo -n 'move '
+ mv -v "${TARGET}/${FILE}" "${TARGET}/${FILE}.bak" || return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ "${DRY_RUN}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ echo "rm ${TARGET}/${FILE}"
+ else
+ "${RM}" -fv "${TARGET}/${FILE}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "${DRY_RUN}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ echo "link ${TARGET}/${FILE} to ${DOTFILES_DIR}/${REPO}/patched-src/${FILE}"
+ else
+ echo -n 'link '
+ "${LN}" -sv "${DOTFILES_DIR}/${REPO}/patched-src/${FILE}" "${TARGET}/${FILE}" || return 1
+ fi
+# Top-level commands
+# An array of available commands
+# clone command
+CLONE_TRANSFERS=('git' 'wget')
+function clone_help()
+ echo 'Create a new dotfiles repository.'
+ if [ "${1}" = '--one-line' ]; then return; fi
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Where 'REPO' is the name the dotfiles repository to create,
+ 'TRANSFER' is the transfer mechanism, and 'URL' is the URL for the
+ remote repository. Valid TRANSFERs are:
+ Examples:
+ $0 clone public wget http://example.com/public-dotfiles.tar.gz
+ $0 clone private git ssh://example.com/~/private-dotfiles.git
+function clone()
+ REPO=$(nonempty_option 'clone' 'REPO' "${1}") || return 1
+ TRANSFER=$(nonempty_option 'clone' 'TRANSFER' "${2}") || return 1
+ URL=$(nonempty_option 'clone' 'URL' "${3}") || return 1
+ maxargs 'clone' 3 "${@}" || return 1
+ TRANSFER=$(get_selection "${TRANSFER}" "${CLONE_TRANSFERS[@]}") || return 1
+ if [ -e "${REPO}" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: destination path (${REPO}) already exists." >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "${REPO}"
+ FETCH='yes'
+ case "${TRANSFER}" in
+ 'git')
+ FETCH='no'
+ "${GIT}" clone "${URL}" "${REPO}" || return 1
+ ;;
+ 'wget')
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "PROGRAMMING ERROR: add ${TRANSFER} support to clone command" >&2
+ return 1
+ esac
+ if [ "${CACHE_SOURCE}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ REPO_SOURCE_DATA=(['transfer']="${TRANSFER}" ['url']="${URL}")
+ set_repo_source "${REPO}" || return 1
+ fi
+ if [ "${FETCH}" = 'yes' ]; then
+ fetch "${REPO}" || return 1
+ fi
+# fetch command
+function fetch_help()
+ echo 'Get the current dotfiles from the server.'
+ if [ "${1}" = '--one-line' ]; then return; fi
+ cat <<-EOF
+ usage: $0 ${COMMAND} [REPO]
+ Where 'REPO' is the name the dotfiles repository to fetch. If it
+ is not given, all repositories will be fetched.
+function fetch()
+ # multi-repo case handled in main() by run_on_all_repos()
+ REPO=$(nonempty_option 'fetch' 'REPO' "${1}") || return 1
+ maxargs 'fetch' 1 "${@}" || return 1
+ get_repo_source "${REPO}" || return 1
+ TRANSFER=$(nonempty_option 'fetch' 'TRANSFER' "${REPO_SOURCE_DATA['transfer']}") || return 1
+ if [ "${TRANSFER}" = 'git' ]; then
+ "${GIT}" --git-dir "${REPO}/.git" pull || return 1
+ elif [ "${TRANSFER}" = 'wget' ]; then
+ wget_fetch "${REPO}" || return 1
+ else
+ echo "PROGRAMMING ERROR: add ${TRANSFER} support to fetch command" >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+# fetch command
+function diff_help()
+ echo 'Show differences between targets and dotfiles repositories.'
+ if [ "${1}" = '--one-line' ]; then return; fi
+ cat <<-EOF
+ usage: $0 ${COMMAND} [--removed|--local-patch] [REPO]
+ Where 'REPO' is the name the dotfiles repository to query. If it
+ is not given, all repositories will be queried.
+ By default, ${COMMAND} will list differences between files that
+ exist in both the target location and the dotfiles repository (as
+ a patch that could be applied to the dotfiles source).
+ With the '--removed' option, ${COMMAND} will list files that
+ should be removed from the dotfiles source in order to match the
+ target.
+ With the '--local-patch' option, ${COMMAND} will create files in
+ list files that should be removed from the dotfiles source in
+ order to match the target.
+function diff()
+ MODE='standard'
+ while [ "${1::2}" = '--' ]; do
+ case "${1}" in
+ '--removed')
+ MODE='removed'
+ ;;
+ '--local-patch')
+ MODE='local-patch'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "ERROR: invalid option to diff (${1})" >&2
+ return 1
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ # multi-repo case handled in main() by run_on_all_repos()
+ REPO=$(nonempty_option 'diff' 'REPO' "${1}") || return 1
+ maxargs 'diff' 1 "${@}" || return 1
+ if [ "${MODE}" = 'local-patch' ]; then
+ mkdir -p "${REPO}/local-patch" || return 1
+ exec 3<&1 # save stdout to file descriptor 3
+ echo "save local patches to ${REPO}/local-patch/000-local.patch"
+ exec 1>"${REPO}/local-patch/000-local.patch" # redirect stdout
+ diff "${REPO}"
+ exec 1<&3 # restore old stdout
+ exec 3<&- # close temporary fd 3
+ exec 3<&1 # save stdout to file descriptor 3
+ echo "save local removed to ${REPO}/local-patch/000-local.remove"
+ exec 1>"${REPO}/local-patch/000-local.remove" # redirect stdout
+ diff "${REPO}" --removed
+ exec 1<&3 # restore old stdout
+ exec 3<&- # close temporary fd 3
+ return
+ fi
+ while read FILE; do
+ if [ "${MODE}" = 'removed' ]; then
+ if [ ! -e "${TARGET}/${FILE}" ]; then
+ echo "${FILE}"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ -f "${TARGET}/${FILE}" ]; then
+ (cd "${REPO}/src" && "${DIFF}" -u "${FILE}" "${TARGET}/${FILE}")
+ fi
+ fi
+ done <<-EOF
+ $(list_files "${REPO}/src")
+# patch command
+function patch_help()
+ echo 'Patch a fresh checkout with local adjustments.'
+ if [ "${1}" = '--one-line' ]; then return; fi
+ cat <<-EOF
+ usage: $0 ${COMMAND} [REPO]
+ Where 'REPO' is the name the dotfiles repository to patch. If it
+ is not given, all repositories will be patched.
+function patch()
+ # multi-repo case handled in main() by run_on_all_repos()
+ REPO=$(nonempty_option 'patch' 'REPO' "${1}") || return 1
+ maxargs 'patch' 1 "${@}" || return 1
+ echo "copy clean checkout into ${REPO}/patched-src"
+ "${RSYNC}" -avz --delete "${REPO}/src/" "${REPO}/patched-src/" || return 1
+ # apply all the patches in local-patch/
+ for FILE in "${REPO}/local-patch"/*.patch; do
+ if [ -f "${FILE}" ]; then
+ echo "apply ${FILE}"
+ pushd "${REPO}/patched-src/" > /dev/null || return 1
+ "${PATCH}" -p0 < "../../${FILE}" || return 1
+ popd > /dev/null || return 1
+ fi
+ done
+ # remove any files marked for removal in local-patch
+ for REMOVE in "${REPO}/local-patch"/*.remove; do
+ if [ -f "${REMOVE}" ]; then
+ while read LINE; do
+ if [ -z "${LINE}" ] || [ "${LINE:0:1}" = '#' ]; then
+ continue # ignore blank lines and comments
+ fi
+ if [ -e "${REPO}/patched-src/${LINE}" ]; then
+ echo "remove ${LINE}"
+ "${RM}" -rf "${REPO}/patched-src/${LINE}"
+ fi
+ done < "${REMOVE}"
+ fi
+ done
+# link command
+function link_help()
+ echo 'Link a fresh checkout with local adjustments.'
+ if [ "${1}" = '--one-line' ]; then return; fi
+ cat <<-EOF
+ usage: $0 ${COMMAND} [--force|--force-file] [--dry-run] [--no-backup] [REPO]
+ Where 'REPO' is the name the dotfiles repository to link. If it
+ is not given, all repositories will be linked.
+ By default, link.sh only replaces missing files and simlinks. You
+ can optionally overwrite any local files by passing the --force
+ option.
+function link()
+ FORCE='no' # If 'file', overwrite existing files.
+ # If 'yes', overwrite existing files and dirs.
+ DRY_RUN='no' # If 'yes', disable any actions that change the filesystem
+ BACKUP='yes'
+ while [ "${1::2}" = '--' ]; do
+ case "${1}" in
+ '--force')
+ FORCE='yes'
+ ;;
+ '--force-file')
+ FORCE='file'
+ ;;
+ '--dry-run')
+ DRY_RUN='yes'
+ ;;
+ '--no-backup')
+ BACKUP='no'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "ERROR: invalid option to link (${1})" >&2
+ return 1
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ # multi-repo case handled in main() by run_on_all_repos()
+ REPO=$(nonempty_option 'link' 'REPO' "${1}") || return 1
+ maxargs 'link' 1 "${@}" || return 1
+ DOTFILES_SRC="${DOTFILES_DIR}/${REPO}/patched-src"
+ while read FILE; do
+ if [ "${DOTFILES_SRC}/${FILE}" -ef "${TARGET}/${FILE}" ]; then
+ continue # already simlinked
+ fi
+ if [ -d "${DOTFILES_SRC}/${FILE}" ] && [ -d "${TARGET}/${FILE}" ] && \
+ [ "${FORCE}" != 'yes' ]; then
+ echo "use --force to override the existing directory: ${TARGET}/${FILE}"
+ continue # allow unlinked directories
+ fi
+ if [ -e "$TARGET/${FILE}" ] && [ "${FORCE}" = 'no' ]; then
+ echo "use --force to override the existing target: ${TARGET}/${FILE}"
+ continue # target already exists
+ fi
+ link_file "${REPO}" "${FILE}" || return 1
+ done <<-EOF
+ $(list_files "${DOTFILES_SRC}")
+# disconnect command
+function disconnect_help()
+ echo 'Freeze dotfiles at their current state.'
+ if [ "${1}" = '--one-line' ]; then return; fi
+ cat <<-EOF
+ usage: $0 ${COMMAND} [REPO]
+ Where 'REPO' is the name the dotfiles repository to disconnect.
+ If it is not given, all repositories will be disconnected.
+ You're about to give your sysadmin account to some newbie, and
+ they'd just be confused by all this efficiency. This script
+ freezes your dotfiles in their current state and makes everthing
+ look normal. Note that this will delete your dotfiles repository
+ and strip the dotfiles portion from your ~/.bashrc file.
+function disconnect()
+ # multi-repo case handled in main() by run_on_all_repos()
+ REPO=$(nonempty_option 'link' 'REPO' "${1}") || return 1
+ maxargs 'disconnect' 1 "${@}" || return 1
+ DOTFILES_SRC="${DOTFILES_DIR}/${REPO}/patched-src"
+ # See if we've constructed any patched source files that might be
+ # possible link targets
+ if [ ! -d "${DOTFILES_SRC}" ]; then
+ echo 'no installed dotfiles to disconnect'
+ return
+ fi
+ # See if the bashrc file is involved with dotfiles at all
+ BASHRC='no'
+ while read FILE; do
+ if [ "${FILE}" = '.bashrc' ] && [ "$TARGET" -ef "${HOME}" ]; then
+ BASHRC='yes'
+ fi
+ if [ "${DOTFILES_SRC}/${FILE}" -ef "${TARGET}/${FILE}" ] && [ -h "${TARGET}/${FILE}" ]; then
+ # break simlink
+ echo "de-symlink ${TARGET}/${FILE}"
+ "${RM}" -f "${TARGET}/${FILE}"
+ "${MV}" "${DOTFILES_SRC}/${FILE}" "${TARGET}/${FILE}"
+ fi
+ done <<-EOF
+ $(list_files "${REPO}/patched-src")
+ if [ "${BASHRC}" == 'yes' ]; then
+ echo 'strip dotfiles section from ~/.bashrc'
+ "${SED}" '/DOTFILES_DIR/d' ~/.bashrc > bashrc_stripped
+ # see if the stripped file is any different
+ DIFF_OUTPUT=$("${DIFF}" ~/.bashrc bashrc_stripped)
+ DIFF_RC="${?}"
+ if [ "${DIFF_RC}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "no dotfiles section found in ~/.bashrc"
+ "${RM}" -f bashrc_stripped
+ elif [ "${DIFF_RC}" -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "replace ~/.bashrc with stripped version"
+ "${RM}" -f ~/.bashrc
+ "${MV}" bashrc_stripped ~/.bashrc
+ else
+ return 1 # diff failed, bail
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -d "${DOTFILES_DIR}/${REPO}" ]; then
+ echo "remove the ${REPO} repository"
+ "${RM}" -rf "${DOTFILES_DIR}/${REPO}"
+ fi
+# update command
+function update_help()
+ echo 'Utility command that runs fetch, patch, and link.'
+ if [ "${1}" = '--one-line' ]; then return; fi
+ cat <<-EOF
+ usage: $0 ${COMMAND} [REPO]
+ Where 'REPO' is the name the dotfiles repository to update.
+ If it is not given, all repositories will be updateed.
+ Run 'fetch', 'patch', and 'link' sequentially on each repository
+ to bring them in sync with the central repositories. Keeps track
+ of the last update time to avoid multiple fetches in the same
+ week.
+function update()
+ # multi-repo case handled in main() by run_on_all_repos()
+ REPO=$(nonempty_option 'link' 'REPO' "${1}") || return 1
+ maxargs 'disconnect' 1 "${@}" || return 1
+ # Update once a week from our remote repository. Mark updates by
+ # touching this file.
+ UPDATE_FILE="${REPO}/updated.$(date +%U)"
+ if [ ! -e "${UPDATE_FILE}" ]; then
+ echo "update ${REPO} dotfiles"
+ "${RM}" -f "${REPO}"/updated.* || return 1
+ "${TOUCH}" "${UPDATE_FILE}" || return 1
+ fetch "${REPO}" || return 1
+ patch "${REPO}" || return 1
+ link "${REPO}" || return 1
+ echo "${REPO} dotfiles updated"
+ fi
+# Main entry-point
+function main_help()
+ echo 'Dotfiles management script.'
+ if [ "${1}" = '--one-line' ]; then return; fi
+ cat <<-EOF
+ usage: $0 [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]
+ Options:
+ --help Print this help message and exit.
+ --version Print the $0 version and exit.
+ --dotfiles-dir DIR Directory containing the dotfiles reposotories. Defaults to '.'.
+ --target DIR Directory to install dotfiles into. Defaults to '~'.
+ Commands:
+ for COMMAND in "${COMMANDS[@]}"; do
+ echo -en "${COMMAND}\t"
+ "${COMMAND}_help" --one-line
+ done
+ cat <<-EOF
+ To get help on any command, pass the '--help' as the first option
+ to the command. For example:
+ ${0} ${COMMANDS[0]} --help
+function main()
+ while [ "${1::2}" = '--' ]; do
+ case "${1}" in
+ '--help')
+ main_help || return 1
+ return
+ ;;
+ '--version')
+ echo "${VERSION}"
+ return
+ ;;
+ '--dotfiles-dir')
+ shift
+ ;;
+ '--target')
+ TARGET="${2}"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "ERROR: invalid option to ${0} (${1})" >&2
+ return 1
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ COMMAND=$(get_selection "${1}" "${COMMANDS[@]}") || return 1
+ shift
+ cd "${DOTFILES_DIR}" || return 1
+ if [ "${1}" = '--help' ]; then
+ "${COMMAND}_help" || return 1
+ elif [ "${COMMAND}" = 'clone' ]; then
+ "${COMMAND}" "${@}" || return 1
+ else
+ while [ "${1::2}" = '--' ]; do
+ OPTIONS+=("${1}")
+ shift
+ done
+ if [ "${#}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ run_on_all_repos "${COMMAND}" "$OPTIONS[@]" || return 1
+ else
+ maxargs "${0}" 1 "${@}" || return 1
+ "${COMMAND}" "${OPTIONS[@]}" "${1}" || return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+main "${@}" || exit 1
+++ /dev/null
-;;; gnugo.el
-;;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003,
-;;; 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Thien-Thi Nguyen
-;;; This file is part of ttn's personal elisp library, released under GNU
-;;; GPL with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the file COPYING for details.
-;;; Description: Run GNU Go in a buffer.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Playing
-;; -------
-;; This file provides the command `gnugo' which allows you to play the game of
-;; go against the external program "gnugo" (http://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo)
-;; in a dedicated Emacs buffer, or to resume a game in progress. NOTE: In
-;; this file, to avoid confusion w/ elisp vars and funcs, we use the term "GNU
-;; Go" to refer to the process object created by running the external program.
-;; At the start of a new game, you can pass additional command-line arguments
-;; to GNU Go to specify level, board size, color, komi, handicap, etc. By
-;; default GNU Go plays at level 10, board size 19, color white, and zero for
-;; both komi and handicap.
-;; To play a stone, move the cursor to the desired vertice and type `SPC' or
-;; `RET'; to pass, `P' (note: uppercase); to quit, `q'; to undo one of your
-;; moves (as well as a possibly intervening move by GNU Go), `u'. To undo
-;; back through an arbitrary stone that you played, place the cursor on a
-;; stone and type `U' (note: uppercase). Other keybindings are described in
-;; the `gnugo-board-mode' documentation, which you may view with the command
-;; `describe-mode' (normally `C-h m') in that buffer. The buffer name shows
-;; the last move and who is currently to play. Capture counts and other info
-;; are shown on the mode line immediately following the major mode name.
-;; While GNU Go is pondering its next move, certain commands that rely on its
-;; assistence will result in a "still waiting" error. Do not be alarmed; that
-;; is normal. When it is your turn again you may retry the command. In the
-;; meantime, you can use Emacs for other tasks, or start an entirely new game
-;; with `C-u M-x gnugo'. (NOTE: A new game will slow down all games. :-)
-;; If GNU Go should crash during a game the mode line will show "no process".
-;; Please report the event to the GNU Go maintainers so that they can improve
-;; the program.
-;; This code was tested with:
-;; - GNU Emacs: 21.3 / 22.0.50 (from CVS)
-;; - GNU Go: 3.3.15 / 3.4 / 3.6
-;; Meta-Playing (aka Customizing)
-;; ------------------------------
-;; Customization is presently limited to
-;; vars: `gnugo-program'
-;; `gnugo-animation-string'
-;; `gnugo-mode-line'
-;; `gnugo-X-face' `gnugo-O-face' `gnugo-grid-face'
-;; `gnugo-xpms'
-;; normal hooks: `gnugo-board-mode-hook'
-;; `gnugo-post-move-hook'
-;; and the keymap: `gnugo-board-mode-map'
-;; The variable `gnugo-xpms' is a special case. To set it you need to load
-;; gnugo-xpms.el (http://www.emacswiki.org) or some other library w/ congruent
-;; interface.
-;; Meta-Meta-Playing (aka Hacking)
-;; -------------------------------
-;; You may wish to first fix the bugs:
-;; - `gnugo-toggle-dead-group' only half-complete; see docstring for details
-;; - probably sgf handling is not 100% to spec
-;; - subprocess should provide scoring details, gnugo.el not yet blissful
-;; Otherwise (we can live w/ some bugs), here are some ideas:
-;; - talk GTP over the network
-;; - "assist minor mode" (see gnugo-extra.el for work in progress)
-;; - using assist minor mode, gnugo-v-gnugo (ibid)
-;; - extract GNUGO Board mode and sgf stuff into sgf.el; make gnugo.el use it
-;; - make gnugo (the external program) support query (read-only) thread
-;; so as to be able to lift "still waiting" restriction
-;; - alternatively, extend GNUGO Board mode to manage another subprocess
-;; dedicated to analysis (no genmove)
-;; - command `C' to add a comment to the sgf tree
-;; - command `C-u =' to label a position
-;; - sgf tree display, traversal (belongs in sgf.el); review game history
-;; in another buffer; branch subgame tree at arbitrary point
-;; - subgame branch matriculation (maturity: child leaves the family)
-;; - dribble the sgf tree
-;; - "undo undo undoing"; integrate Emacs undo, GTP undo, subgame branching
-;; - make buffer name format configurable (but enforce uniqueness)
-;; - more tilde escapes for `gnugo-mode-line'
-;; - make veneration configurable
-;; - make animation more configurable; lift same-color-stones-only
-;; restriction; allow sequencing rather than lock-step; include sound
-;; - [your hacking ideas here]
-;; Some gnugo.el hackers update http://www.emacswiki.org -- check it out!
-;; History
-;; -------
-;; Originally gnugo.el was written to interact w/ "gnugo --mode text" and then
-;; "gnugo --mode emacs" as the subprocess. Those versions were released as
-;; 1.x, w/ x < 14. In Novemeber 2002, gnugo.el was changed to interact w/
-;; "gnugo --mode gtp", but was released as 1.14 through 1.26, even though the
-;; proper versions should be 2.0.x for "--mode gtp", and 2.1.x for XPM image
-;; support. (Sorry about the confusion.)
-;; Thus we arrive at at the current version. The first gnugo.el to be
-;; released w/ a `gnugo-version' variable is "2.2.0". The versioning scheme
-;; is strictly monotonically increasing numbers and dots, no letters or other
-;; suffixes (and none of this even/odd crap). Here we list, aside from the
-;; bugfixes, some of the notable changes introduced in each released version:
-;; 2.2.x -- uncluttered, letters and numbers hidden, board centered
-;; buffer name shows last move and current player
-;; mode-line customization (var `gnugo-mode-line')
-;; new commands: `=', `h', `s', `F', `R', `l', `U', `C-c C-p'
-;; program option customization (var `gnugo-program')
-;; new hooks (vars `gnugo-post-move-hook', `gnugo-board-mode-hook')
-;; multiple independent buffers/games
-;; XPM set can be changed on the fly (global and/or local)
-;; font-locking for "X", "O", "[xo]"
-;; undo by N moves, by "move pair", or by board position
-;; grid (letters and numbers) visibility can be toggled
-;; History Predicted
-;; -----------------
-;; If you are an elisp programmer, this section might not apply to you;
-;; the GPL allows you to define the future of the code you receive under
-;; its terms, as long as you do not deny that freedom to subsequent users.
-;; For users who are not elisp programmers, you can look forward to gradual
-;; refinement in 2.x, splitting into gnugo.el and sgf.el in 3.x, and then
-;; eventual merging into GNU Emacs for 4.x (if RMS gives it the thumbs-up).
-;; If it is not accepted into Emacs at that time, a new maintainer will be
-;; sought. In any case, it will no longer be bundled w/ ttn-pers-elisp.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'cl) ; use the source luke!
-(ignore-errors (require 'time-date)) ; for `time-subtract'
-;;; Political arts
-(defconst gnugo-version "2.2.13"
- "Version of gnugo.el currently loaded.
-Note that more than two dots in the value indicates \"pre-release\",
-or \"alpha\" or \"hackers-invited-all-else-beware\"; use at your own risk!
-The more dots the more courage/foolishness you must find to continue.
-See source code for a history of what means what version-wise.")
-;;; Variables for the uninquisitive programmer
-(defvar gnugo-program "gnugo"
- "*Command to start an external program that speaks GTP, such as \"gnugo\".
-The value may also be in the form \"PROGRAM OPTIONS...\" in which case the
-the command `gnugo' will prefix OPTIONS in its default offering when it
-queries you for additional options. It is an error for \"--mode\" to appear
-For more information on GTP and GNU Go, feel free to visit:
-(defvar gnugo-board-mode-map nil
- "Keymap for GNUGO Board mode.")
-(defvar gnugo-board-mode-hook nil
- "*Hook run when entering GNUGO Board mode.")
-(defvar gnugo-post-move-hook nil
- "*Normal hook run after a move and before the board is refreshed.
-Hook functions can prevent the call to `gnugo-refresh' by evaluating:
- (setq inhibit-gnugo-refresh t)
-Initially, when `run-hooks' is called, the current buffer is the GNUGO
-Board buffer of the game. Hook functions that switch buffers must take
-care not to call (directly or indirectly through some other function)
-`gnugo-put' or `gnugo-get' after the switch.")
-(defvar gnugo-animation-string
- (let ((jam "*#") (blink " #") (spin "-\\|/") (yada "*-*!"))
- (concat jam jam jam jam jam
- blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink
- ;; Playing go is like fighting ignorance: when you think you have
- ;; surrounded something by knowing it very well it often turns
- ;; out that in the time you spent deepening this understanding,
- ;; other areas of ignorance have surrounded you.
- spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin
- ;; Playing go is not like fighting ignorance: what one person
- ;; knows many people may come to know; knowledge does not build
- ;; solely move by move. Wisdom, on the other hand...
- yada yada yada))
- "*String whose individual characters are used for animation.
-Specifically, the commands `gnugo-worm-stones' and `gnugo-dragon-stones'
-render the stones in their respective result groups as the first character
-in the string, then the next, and so on.")
-(defvar gnugo-mode-line "~b ~w :~m :~u"
- "*A `mode-line-format'-compliant value for GNUGO Board mode.
-If a single string, the following special escape sequences are
-replaced with their associated information:
- ~b,~w black,white captures (a number)
- ~p current player (black or white)
- ~m move number
- ~t time waiting for the current move
- ~u time taken for the Ultimate (most recent) move
-The times are in seconds, or \"-\" if that information is not available.
-For ~t, the value is a snapshot, use `gnugo-refresh' to update it.")
-(defvar gnugo-X-face 'font-lock-string-face
- "*Name of face to use for X (black) stones.")
-(defvar gnugo-O-face 'font-lock-builtin-face
- "*Name of face to use for O (white) stones.")
-(defvar gnugo-grid-face 'default
- "*Name of face to use for the grid (A B C ... 1 2 3 ...).")
-;;; Variables for the inquisitive programmer
-(defconst gnugo-font-lock-keywords
- '(("X" . gnugo-X-face)
- ("O" . gnugo-O-face))
- "Font lock keywords for `gnugo-board-mode'.")
-(defvar gnugo-option-history nil)
-(defvar gnugo-state nil) ; hint: C-c C-p
- (defvar gnugo-xpms nil))
-;;; In case Emacs is lacking
-(unless (fboundp 'delete-dups)
- (defun delete-dups (list) ; from repo 2004-10-29
- "Destructively remove `equal' duplicates from LIST.
-Store the result in LIST and return it. LIST must be a proper list.
-Of several `equal' occurrences of an element in LIST, the first
-one is kept."
- (let ((tail list))
- (while tail
- (setcdr tail (delete (car tail) (cdr tail)))
- (setq tail (cdr tail))))
- list))
-(unless (fboundp 'time-subtract)
- (defun time-subtract (t1 t2) ; from repo 2004-10-29
- "Subtract two time values.
-Return the difference in the format of a time value."
- (let ((borrow (< (cadr t1) (cadr t2))))
- (list (- (car t1) (car t2) (if borrow 1 0))
- (- (+ (if borrow 65536 0) (cadr t1)) (cadr t2))))))
-(unless (fboundp 'window-edges)
- (defun window-edges (&optional window)
- (let ((cw (/ (frame-pixel-width) (frame-width)))
- (ch (/ (frame-pixel-height) (frame-height)))
- (pix-edges (window-pixel-edges window)))
- (list (/ (nth 0 pix-edges) cw)
- (/ (nth 1 pix-edges) ch)
- (/ (nth 2 pix-edges) cw)
- (/ (nth 3 pix-edges) ch)))))
-;;; Support functions
-(put 'gnugo-put 'lisp-indent-function 1)
-(defun gnugo-put (key value) (puthash key value gnugo-state))
-(defun gnugo-get (key) (gethash key gnugo-state))
-(let ((docs "Put or get move/game/board-specific properties.
-\(This docstring is shared by `gnugo-put' and `gnugo-get'.\)
-There are many properties, each named by a keyword, that record and control
-how gnugo.el manages each game. Each GNUGO Board buffer has its own set
-of properties, stored in the hash table `gnugo-state'. Here we document
-some of the more stable properties. You may wish to use them as part of
-a `gnugo-post-move-hook' function, for example. Be careful to preserve
-the current buffer as `gnugo-state' is made into a buffer-local variable.
-NOTE: In the following, \"see foo\" actually means \"see foo source or
-you may never really understand to any degree of personal satisfaction\".
- :proc -- subprocess named \"gnugo\", \"gnugo<1>\" and so forth
- :diamond -- the part of the subprocess name after \"gnugo\", may be \"\"
- :game-over -- nil until game over at which time its value is set to
- the alist `((live GROUP ...) (dead GROUP ...))'
- :sgf-collection -- after a `loadsgf' command, entire parse tree of file,
- a simple list of one or more gametrees, updated in
- conjunction w/ :sgf-gametree and :monkey
- :sgf-gametree -- one of the gametrees in :sgf-collection
- :monkey -- vector of three elements: LOC, a pointer to a node on the
- :sgf-gametree representing the most recently-played move
- (the next move modifies the cdr of LOC); MEM, the simple
- reverse-chronological list of previous LOC pointers; and
- COUNT, the number of moves from the beginning of the game
- :gnugo-color -- either \"black\" or \"white\"
- :user-color
- :last-mover
- :last-waiting -- seconds and time value, respectively; see `gnugo-push-move'
- :waiting-start
- :black-captures -- these are strings since gnugo.el doesn't do anything
- :white-captures w/ the information besides display it in the mode line;
- gory details in functions `gnugo-propertize-board-buffer'
- and `gnugo-merge-showboard-results' (almost more effort
- than they are worth!)
- :display-using-images -- XPMs, to be precise; see functions `gnugo-yy',
- `gnugo-toggle-image-display' and `gnugo-refresh',
- as well as gnugo-xpms.el (available elsewhere)
- :all-yy -- list of 46 keywords used as the `category' text property
- (so that their plists, typically w/ property `display' or
- `do-not-display') are consulted by the Emacs display engine;
- 46 = 9 places * (4 moku + 1 empty) + 1 hoshi; see functions
- `gnugo-toggle-image-display', `gnugo-yy' and `gnugo-yang'
- :lparen-ov -- overlays shuffled about to indicate the last move; only
- :rparen-ov one is used when displaying using images
- :last-user-bpos -- board position; keep the hapless human happy
-As things stabilize probably more info will be added to this docstring."))
- (put 'gnugo-put 'function-documentation docs)
- (put 'gnugo-get 'function-documentation docs))
-(defun gnugo-describe-internal-properties ()
- "Pretty-print `gnugo-state' properties in another buffer.
-Handle the big, slow-to-render, and/or uninteresting ones specially."
- (interactive)
- (let ((buf (current-buffer))
- (d (gnugo-get :diamond))
- acc)
- (maphash (lambda (&rest args)
- (case (car args)
- ((:xpms :local-xpms)
- (setcdr args (format "hash: %X (%d images)"
- (sxhash (cadr args))
- (length (cadr args)))))
- (:sgf-collection
- (setcdr args (length (cadr args))))
- (:monkey
- (let* ((value (cadr args))
- (loc (aref value 0)))
- (setcdr args (list
- (length (aref value 1))
- (length (cdr loc))
- (car loc))))))
- (setq acc (cons args acc)))
- gnugo-state)
- (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create
- (format "%s*GNUGO Board Properties*"
- (gnugo-get :diamond))))
- (erase-buffer)
- (emacs-lisp-mode)
- (setq truncate-lines t)
- (save-excursion
- (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
- (pp (reverse acc)))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let ((rx (format "overlay from \\([0-9]+\\).+\n%s\\s-+"
- (if (string= "" d)
- ".+\n"
- ""))))
- (while (re-search-forward rx (point-max) t)
- (let ((pos (get-text-property (string-to-number (match-string 1))
- 'gnugo-position buf)))
- (delete-region (+ 2 (match-beginning 0)) (point))
- (insert (format " %S" pos))))))
- (message "%d properties" (length acc))))
-(defun gnugo-board-buffer-p (&optional buffer)
- "Return non-nil if BUFFER is a GNUGO Board buffer."
- (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)) gnugo-state))
-(defun gnugo-board-user-play-ok-p (&optional buffer)
- "Return non-nil if BUFFER is a GNUGO Board buffer ready for a user move."
- (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
- (and gnugo-state (not (gnugo-get :waitingp)))))
-(defun gnugo-other (color)
- (if (string= "black" color) "white" "black"))
-(defun gnugo-gate (&optional in-progress-p)
- (unless (gnugo-board-buffer-p)
- (error "Wrong buffer -- try M-x gnugo"))
- (unless (gnugo-get :proc)
- (error "No \"gnugo\" process!"))
- (when (gnugo-get :waitingp)
- (error "Not your turn yet -- please wait for \"\(%s to play\)\""
- (gnugo-get :user-color)))
- (when (and (gnugo-get :game-over) in-progress-p)
- (error "Sorry, game over")))
-(defun gnugo-sentinel (proc string)
- (let ((status (process-status proc)))
- (when (or (eq status 'exit)
- (eq status 'signal))
- (let ((buf (process-buffer proc)))
- (when (buffer-live-p buf)
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (setq mode-line-process '( " [%s]"))
- (when (eq proc (gnugo-get :proc))
- (gnugo-put :proc nil))))))))
-(defun gnugo-send-line (line)
- (let ((proc (gnugo-get :proc)))
- (process-send-string proc line)
- (process-send-string proc "\n")))
-(defun gnugo-synchronous-send/return (message)
- "Return (TIME . STRING) where TIME is that returned by `current-time' and
-STRING omits the two trailing newlines. See also `gnugo-query'."
- (when (gnugo-get :waitingp)
- (error "Sorry, still waiting for %s to play" (gnugo-get :gnugo-color)))
- (gnugo-put :sync-return "")
- (let ((proc (gnugo-get :proc)))
- (set-process-filter
- proc (lambda (proc string)
- (let* ((so-far (gnugo-get :sync-return))
- (start (max 0 (- (length so-far) 2))) ; backtrack a little
- (full (gnugo-put :sync-return (concat so-far string))))
- (when (string-match "\n\n" full start)
- (gnugo-put :sync-return
- (cons (current-time) (substring full 0 -2)))))))
- (gnugo-send-line message)
- (let (rv)
- ;; type change => break
- (while (stringp (setq rv (gnugo-get :sync-return)))
- (accept-process-output proc))
- (gnugo-put :sync-return "")
- rv)))
-(defun gnugo-query (message-format &rest args)
- "Return cleaned-up value of a call to `gnugo-synchronous-send/return'.
-The TIME portion is omitted as well as the first two characters of the STRING
-portion (corresponding to the status indicator in the Go Text Protocol). Use
-this function when you are sure the command cannot fail. The first arg is
-a format string applied to the rest of the args."
- (substring (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return
- (apply 'format message-format args)))
- 2))
-(defun gnugo-lsquery (message-format &rest args)
- (split-string (apply 'gnugo-query message-format args)))
-(defsubst gnugo-treeroot (prop)
- (cdr (assq prop (car (gnugo-get :sgf-gametree)))))
-(defun gnugo-goto-pos (pos)
- "Move point to board position POS, a letter-number string."
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (forward-line (- (1+ (gnugo-treeroot :SZ))
- (string-to-number (substring pos 1))))
- (forward-char 1)
- (forward-char (+ (if (= 32 (following-char)) 1 2)
- (* 2 (- (let ((letter (aref pos 0)))
- (if (> ?I letter)
- letter
- (1- letter)))
- ?A)))))
-(defun gnugo-f (frag)
- (intern (format ":gnugo-%s%s-props" (gnugo-get :diamond) frag)))
-(defun gnugo-yang (c)
- (cdr (assq c '((?+ . hoshi)
- (?. . empty)
- (?X . (bmoku . bpmoku))
- (?O . (wmoku . wpmoku))))))
-(defun gnugo-yy (yin yang &optional momentaryp)
- (gnugo-f (format "%d-%s"
- yin (cond ((and (consp yang) momentaryp) (cdr yang))
- ((consp yang) (car yang))
- (t yang)))))
-(defun gnugo-toggle-image-display ()
- (unless (and (fboundp 'display-images-p) (display-images-p))
- (error "Display does not support images, sorry"))
- (require 'gnugo-xpms)
- (unless (and (boundp 'gnugo-xpms) gnugo-xpms)
- (error "Could not load `gnugo-xpms', sorry"))
- (let ((fresh (or (gnugo-get :local-xpms) gnugo-xpms)))
- (unless (eq fresh (gnugo-get :xpms))
- (gnugo-put :xpms fresh)
- (gnugo-put :all-yy nil)))
- (let* ((new (not (gnugo-get :display-using-images)))
- (act (if new 'display 'do-not-display)))
- (mapc (lambda (yy)
- (setcar (symbol-plist yy) act))
- (or (gnugo-get :all-yy)
- (gnugo-put :all-yy
- (prog1 (mapcar (lambda (ent)
- (let* ((k (car ent))
- (yy (gnugo-yy (cdr k) (car k))))
- (setplist yy `(not-yet ,(cdr ent)))
- yy))
- (gnugo-get :xpms))
- (let ((imul (image-size (get (gnugo-yy 5 (gnugo-yang ?+))
- 'not-yet))))
- (gnugo-put :w-imul (car imul))
- (gnugo-put :h-imul (cdr imul)))))))
- (setplist (gnugo-f 'ispc) (and new
- ;; `(display (space :width 0))'
- ;; works as well, for newer emacs
- '(invisible t)))
- (gnugo-put :highlight-last-move-spec
- (if new
- '((lambda (p)
- (get (gnugo-yy (get-text-property p 'gnugo-yin)
- (get-text-property p 'gnugo-yang)
- t)
- 'display))
- 0 delete-overlay)
- (gnugo-get :default-highlight-last-move-spec)))
- ;; a kludge to be reworked another time perhaps by another gnugo.el lover
- (dolist (group (cdr (assq 'dead (gnugo-get :game-over))))
- (mapc 'delete-overlay (cdar group))
- (setcdr (car group) nil))
- (gnugo-put :wmul (if new (gnugo-get :w-imul) 1))
- (gnugo-put :hmul (if new (gnugo-get :h-imul) 1))
- (gnugo-put :display-using-images new)))
-(defun gnugo-toggle-grid ()
- "Turn the grid around the board on or off."
- (interactive)
- (funcall (if (memq :nogrid buffer-invisibility-spec)
- 'remove-from-invisibility-spec
- 'add-to-invisibility-spec)
- :nogrid)
- (save-excursion (gnugo-refresh)))
-(defun gnugo-propertize-board-buffer ()
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert (substring (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return "showboard")) 3))
- (let* ((grid-props (list 'invisible :nogrid
- 'font-lock-face gnugo-grid-face))
- (%gpad (gnugo-f 'gpad))
- (%gspc (gnugo-f 'gspc))
- (%lpad (gnugo-f 'lpad))
- (%rpad (gnugo-f 'rpad))
- (ispc-props (list 'category (gnugo-f 'ispc) 'rear-nonsticky t))
- (size (gnugo-treeroot :SZ))
- (size-string (number-to-string size)))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (put-text-property (point) (1+ (point)) 'category (gnugo-f 'tpad))
- (skip-chars-forward " ")
- (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'category %gpad)
- (put-text-property (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point)) 'category %gspc)
- (forward-char 1)
- (add-text-properties (1+ (point-min)) (1- (point)) grid-props)
- (while (looking-at "\\s-*\\([0-9]+\\)[ ]")
- (let* ((row (match-string-no-properties 1))
- (edge (match-end 0))
- (other-edge (+ edge (* 2 size) -1))
- (right-empty (+ other-edge (length row) 1))
- (top-p (string= size-string row))
- (bot-p (string= "1" row)))
- (let* ((nL (- edge 1 (length size-string)))
- (nR (- edge 1))
- (ov (make-overlay nL nR (current-buffer) t)))
- (add-text-properties nL nR grid-props)
- ;; We redundantly set `invisible' in the overlay to workaround
- ;; a display bug whereby text *following* the overlaid text is
- ;; displayed with the face of the overlaid text, but only when
- ;; that text is invisible (i.e., `:nogrid' in invisibility spec).
- ;; This has something to do w/ the bletcherous `before-string'.
- (overlay-put ov 'invisible :nogrid)
- (overlay-put ov 'category %lpad))
- (do ((p edge (+ 2 p)) (ival 'even (if (eq 'even ival) 'odd 'even)))
- ((< other-edge p))
- (let* ((position (format "%c%s" (aref "ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRST"
- (truncate (- p edge) 2))
- row))
- (yin (let ((A-p (= edge p))
- (Z-p (= (1- other-edge) p)))
- (cond ((and top-p A-p) 1)
- ((and top-p Z-p) 3)
- ((and bot-p A-p) 7)
- ((and bot-p Z-p) 9)
- (top-p 2)
- (bot-p 8)
- (A-p 4)
- (Z-p 6)
- (t 5))))
- (yang (gnugo-yang (char-after p))))
- (add-text-properties p (1+ p)
- `(gnugo-position
- ,position
- gnugo-yin
- ,yin
- gnugo-yang
- ,yang
- category
- ,(gnugo-yy yin yang)
- front-sticky
- (gnugo-position gnugo-yin))))
- (unless (= (1- other-edge) p)
- (add-text-properties (1+ p) (+ 2 p) ispc-props)
- (put-text-property p (+ 2 p) 'intangible ival)))
- (add-text-properties (1+ other-edge) right-empty grid-props)
- (goto-char right-empty)
- (when (looking-at "\\s-+\\(WH\\|BL\\).*capt.* \\([0-9]+\\).*$")
- (let ((prop (if (string= "WH" (match-string 1))
- :white-captures
- :black-captures))
- (beg (match-beginning 2))
- (end (match-end 2)))
- (put-text-property beg end :gnugo-cf (cons (- end beg) prop))
- (gnugo-put prop (match-string-no-properties 2))))
- (end-of-line)
- (put-text-property right-empty (point) 'category %rpad)
- (forward-char 1)))
- (add-text-properties (1- (point)) (point-max) grid-props)
- (skip-chars-forward " ")
- (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'category %gpad)
- (put-text-property (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point))
- 'category %gspc)))
-(defun gnugo-merge-showboard-results ()
- (let ((aft (substring (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return "showboard")) 3))
- (adj 1) ; string to buffer position adjustment
- (sync "[0-9]+ stones$")
- (bef (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
- (bef-start 0) (bef-idx 0)
- (aft-start 0) (aft-idx 0)
- aft-sync-backtrack mis inc cut new very-strange)
- (while (numberp (setq mis (compare-strings bef bef-start nil
- aft aft-start nil)))
- (setq aft-sync-backtrack nil
- inc (if (> 0 mis)
- (- (+ 1 mis))
- (- mis 1))
- bef-idx (+ bef-start inc)
- aft-idx (+ aft-start inc)
- bef-start (if (eq bef-idx (string-match sync bef bef-idx))
- (match-end 0)
- (1+ bef-idx))
- aft-start (if (and (eq aft-idx (string-match sync aft aft-idx))
- (let ((peek (1- aft-idx)))
- (while (not (= 32 (aref aft peek)))
- (setq peek (1- peek)))
- (setq aft-sync-backtrack (1+ peek))))
- (match-end 0)
- (1+ aft-idx))
- cut (+ bef-idx adj
- (if aft-sync-backtrack
- (- aft-sync-backtrack aft-idx)
- 0)))
- (goto-char cut)
- (if aft-sync-backtrack
- (let* ((asb aft-sync-backtrack)
- (l-p (get-text-property cut :gnugo-cf))
- (old-len (car l-p))
- (capprop (cdr l-p))
- (keep (text-properties-at cut)))
- (setq new (substring aft asb (string-match " " aft asb)))
- (plist-put keep :gnugo-cf (cons (length new) capprop))
- (gnugo-put capprop new)
- (delete-char old-len)
- (insert (apply 'propertize new keep))
- (setq adj (+ adj (- (length new) old-len))))
- (setq new (aref aft aft-idx))
- (insert-and-inherit (char-to-string new))
- (let ((yin (get-text-property cut 'gnugo-yin))
- (yang (gnugo-yang new)))
- (add-text-properties cut (1+ cut)
- `(gnugo-yang
- ,yang
- category
- ,(gnugo-yy yin yang))))
- (delete-char 1)
- ;; do this last to avoid complications w/ font lock
- ;; (this also means we cannot include `intangible' in `front-sticky')
- (when (setq very-strange (get-text-property (1+ cut) 'intangible))
- (put-text-property cut (1+ cut) 'intangible very-strange))))))
-(defun gnugo-move-history (&optional rsel)
- "Determine and return the game's move history.
-Optional arg RSEL controls side effects and return value.
-If nil, display the history in the echo area as \"(N moves)\"
-followed by the space-separated list of moves. When called
-interactively with a prefix arg (i.e., RSEL is `(4)'), display
-similarly, but suffix with the mover (either \":B\" or \":W\").
-If RSEL is the symbol `car' return the most-recent move; if
-`cadr', the next-to-most-recent move; if `count' the number of
-moves thus far.
-For all other values of RSEL, do nothing and return nil."
- (interactive "P")
- (let ((size (gnugo-treeroot :SZ))
- col
- (mem (aref (gnugo-get :monkey) 1))
- acc node mprop move)
- (flet ((as-pos (cc) (if (string= "tt" cc)
- "PASS"
- (setq col (aref cc 0))
- (format "%c%d"
- (+ ?A (- (if (> ?i col) col (1+ col)) ?a))
- (- size (- (aref cc 1) ?a)))))
- (next (byp) (when (setq node (caar mem)
- mprop (or (assq :B node)
- (assq :W node)))
- (setq move (as-pos (cdr mprop))
- mem (cdr mem))
- (push (if byp
- (format "%s%s" move (car mprop))
- move)
- acc)))
- (tell () (message "(%d moves) %s"
- (length acc)
- (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse acc) " "))))
- (cond
- ((not rsel) (while (next nil)) (tell))
- ((equal '(4) rsel) (while (next t)) (tell))
- ((eq 'car rsel) (car (next nil)))
- ((eq 'cadr rsel) (next nil) (car (next nil)))
- ((eq 'count rsel) (aref (gnugo-get :monkey) 2))))))
-(defun gnugo-note (property value &optional movep mogrifyp)
- (when mogrifyp
- (let ((sz (gnugo-treeroot :SZ)))
- (flet ((mog (pos) (if (string= "PASS" pos)
- "tt"
- (let* ((col (aref pos 0))
- (one (+ ?a (- col (if (< ?H col) 1 0) ?A)))
- (two (+ ?a (- sz (string-to-number
- (substring pos 1))))))
- (format "%c%c" one two)))))
- (setq value (if (consp value)
- (mapcar 'mog value)
- (mog value))))))
- (let* ((fruit (list (cons property value)))
- (monkey (gnugo-get :monkey))
- (loc (aref monkey 0)))
- (if movep
- (let ((mem (aref monkey 1)))
- ;; todo: do variation check/merge/branch here.
- (setcdr loc (list fruit))
- (aset monkey 0 (setq loc (cdr loc)))
- (aset monkey 1 (cons loc mem))
- (aset monkey 2 (1+ (aref monkey 2))))
- (setcdr (last (car loc)) fruit))))
-(defun gnugo-close-game (end-time resign)
- (gnugo-put :game-end-time end-time)
- (let ((now (or end-time (current-time))))
- (gnugo-put :scoring-seed (logior (ash (logand (car now) 255) 16)
- (cadr now))))
- (gnugo-put :game-over
- (if (or (eq t resign)
- (and (stringp resign)
- (string-match "[BW][+][Rr]esign" resign)))
- (flet ((ls (color) (mapcar
- (lambda (x)
- (cons (list color)
- (split-string x)))
- (split-string
- (gnugo-query "worm_stones %s" color)
- "\n"))))
- (let ((live (append (ls "black") (ls "white"))))
- `((live ,@live)
- (dead))))
- (let ((dd (gnugo-query "dragon_data"))
- (start 0) mem color ent live dead)
- (while (string-match "\\(.+\\):\n[^ ]+[ ]+\\(black\\|white\\)\n"
- dd start)
- (setq mem (match-string 1 dd)
- color (match-string 2 dd)
- start (match-end 0)
- ent (cons (list color)
- (sort (gnugo-lsquery "dragon_stones %s" mem)
- 'string<)))
- (string-match "\nstatus[ ]+\\(\\(ALIVE\\)\\|[A-Z]+\\)\n"
- dd start)
- (if (match-string 2 dd)
- (push ent live)
- (push ent dead))
- (setq start (match-end 0)))
- `((live ,@live)
- (dead ,@dead))))))
-(defun gnugo-push-move (userp move)
- (let* ((color (gnugo-get (if userp :user-color :gnugo-color)))
- (start (gnugo-get :waiting-start))
- (now (current-time))
- (resignp (string= "resign" move))
- (passp (string= "PASS" move))
- (head (gnugo-move-history 'car))
- (onep (and head (string= "PASS" head)))
- (donep (or resignp (and onep passp))))
- (unless passp
- (gnugo-merge-showboard-results))
- (gnugo-put :last-mover color)
- (when userp
- (gnugo-put :last-user-bpos (and (not passp) (not resignp) move)))
- (gnugo-note (if (string= "black" color) :B :W) move t (not resignp))
- (when resignp
- (gnugo-note :EV "resignation"))
- (when start
- (gnugo-put :last-waiting (cadr (time-subtract now start))))
- (when donep
- (gnugo-close-game now resignp))
- (gnugo-put :waiting-start (and (not donep) now))
- donep))
-(defun gnugo-venerate (yin yang)
- (let* ((fg-yy (gnugo-yy yin yang))
- (fg-disp (or (get fg-yy 'display)
- (get fg-yy 'do-not-display)))
- (fg-data (plist-get (cdr fg-disp) :data))
- (bg-yy (gnugo-yy yin (gnugo-yang ?.)))
- (bg-disp (or (get bg-yy 'display)
- (get bg-yy 'do-not-display)))
- (bg-data (plist-get (cdr bg-disp) :data))
- (bop (lambda (s)
- (let* ((start 0)
- (ncolors
- (when (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)\\s-+[0-9]+\"," s)
- (setq start (match-end 0))
- (string-to-number (match-string 1 s)))))
- (while (and (<= 0 ncolors) (string-match ",\n" s start))
- (setq start (match-end 0)
- ncolors (1- ncolors)))
- (string-match "\"" s start)
- (match-end 0))))
- (new (copy-sequence fg-data))
- (lx (length fg-data))
- (lb (length bg-data))
- (sx (funcall bop fg-data))
- (sb (funcall bop bg-data))
- (color-key (aref new sx))) ; blech, heuristic
- (while (< sx lx)
- (when (and (not (= color-key (aref new sx)))
- (< 0 (random 4)))
- (aset new sx (aref bg-data sb)))
- (incf sx)
- (incf sb))
- (create-image new 'xpm t :ascent 'center)))
-(defun gnugo-refresh (&optional nocache)
- "Update GNUGO Board buffer display.
-While a game is in progress, parenthesize the last-played stone (no parens
-for pass). If the buffer is currently displayed in the selected window,
-recenter the board (presuming there is extra space in the window). Update
-the mode line. Lastly, move point to the last position played by the user,
-if that move was not a pass.
-Prefix arg NOCACHE requests complete reconstruction of the display, which may
-be slow. (This should normally be unnecessary; specify it only if the display
-seems corrupted.) NOCACHE is silently ignored when GNU Go is thinking about
-its move."
- (interactive "P")
- (when (and nocache (not (gnugo-get :waitingp)))
- (gnugo-propertize-board-buffer))
- (let* ((last-mover (gnugo-get :last-mover))
- (other (gnugo-other last-mover))
- (move (gnugo-move-history 'car))
- (game-over (gnugo-get :game-over))
- window last)
- ;; last move
- (when move
- (let ((l-ov (gnugo-get :lparen-ov))
- (r-ov (gnugo-get :rparen-ov)))
- (if (member move '("PASS" "resign"))
- (mapc 'delete-overlay (list l-ov r-ov))
- (gnugo-goto-pos move)
- (let* ((p (point))
- (hspec (gnugo-get :highlight-last-move-spec))
- (display-value (nth 0 hspec))
- (l-offset (nth 1 hspec))
- (l-new-pos (+ p l-offset))
- (r-action (nth 2 hspec)))
- (overlay-put l-ov 'display
- (if (functionp display-value)
- (funcall display-value p)
- display-value))
- (move-overlay l-ov l-new-pos (1+ l-new-pos))
- (if r-action
- (funcall r-action r-ov)
- (move-overlay r-ov (+ l-new-pos 2) (+ l-new-pos 3)))))))
- ;; buffer name
- (rename-buffer (concat (gnugo-get :diamond)
- (if game-over
- (format "%s(game over)"
- (if (string= move "resign")
- (concat move "ation ")
- ""))
- (format "%s(%s to play)"
- (if move (concat move " ") "")
- other))))
- ;; pall of death
- (when game-over
- (let ((live (cdr (assq 'live game-over)))
- (dead (cdr (assq 'dead game-over)))
- p pall)
- (unless (eq game-over (get-text-property 1 'game-over))
- (dolist (group (append live dead))
- (dolist (pos (cdr group))
- (gnugo-goto-pos pos)
- (setq p (point))
- (put-text-property p (1+ p) 'group group)))
- (put-text-property 1 2 'game-over game-over))
- (dolist (group live)
- (when (setq pall (cdar group))
- (mapc 'delete-overlay pall)
- (setcdr (car group) nil)))
- (dolist (group dead)
- (unless (cdar group)
- (let (ov pall c (color (caar group)))
- (setq c (if (string= "black" color) "x" "o"))
- (dolist (pos (cdr group))
- (gnugo-goto-pos pos)
- (setq p (point) ov (make-overlay p (1+ p)))
- (overlay-put
- ov 'display
- (if (gnugo-get :display-using-images)
- ;; respect the dead individually; it takes more time
- ;; but that's not a problem (for them)
- (gnugo-venerate (get-text-property p 'gnugo-yin)
- (gnugo-yang (aref (upcase c) 0)))
- (propertize c 'face 'font-lock-warning-face)))
- (push ov pall))
- (setcdr (car group) pall))))))
- ;; window update
- (when (setq window (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
- (let* ((gridp (not (memq :nogrid buffer-invisibility-spec)))
- (size (gnugo-treeroot :SZ))
- (under10p (< size 10))
- (h (- (truncate (- (window-height window)
- (* size (gnugo-get :hmul))
- (if gridp 2 0))
- 2)
- (if gridp 0 1)))
- (edges (window-edges window))
- (right-w-edge (nth 2 edges))
- (avail-width (- right-w-edge (nth 0 edges)))
- (wmul (gnugo-get :wmul))
- (imagesp (symbol-plist (gnugo-f 'ispc)))
- (w (/ (- avail-width
- (* size wmul)
- (if imagesp
- 0
- (1- size))
- 2 ; between board and grid
- (if gridp
- (if under10p 2 4)
- 0))
- 2.0)))
- (dolist (pair `((tpad . ,(if (and h (< 0 h))
- `(display ,(make-string h 10))
- '(invisible :nogrid)))
- (gpad . (display
- (space :align-to
- ,(+ w
- 2.0
- (cond (imagesp (+ (* 0.5 wmul)
- (if under10p
- -0.5
- 0.5)))
- (under10p 0)
- (t 1))))))
- (gspc . ,(when imagesp
- `(display (space-width ,(- wmul 1.0)))))
- (lpad . ,(let ((d `(display (space :align-to ,w))))
- ;; We distinguish between these cases to
- ;; workaround a display bug whereby the
- ;; `before-string' is omitted entirely (not
- ;; rendered) when interacting w/ the text
- ;; mode last-move left-paren for moves in
- ;; column A.
- (if gridp
- `(before-string
- ,(apply 'propertize " " d))
- d)))
- (rpad . (display
- (space :align-to ,(1- avail-width))))))
- (setplist (gnugo-f (car pair)) (cdr pair)))))
- ;; mode line update
- (let ((cur (gnugo-get :mode-line)))
- (unless (equal cur gnugo-mode-line)
- (setq cur gnugo-mode-line)
- (gnugo-put :mode-line cur)
- (gnugo-put :mode-line-form
- (cond ((stringp cur)
- (setq cur (copy-sequence cur))
- (let (acc cut c)
- (while (setq cut (string-match "~[bwpmtu]" cur))
- (aset cur cut ?%)
- (setq cut (1+ cut) c (aref cur cut))
- (aset cur cut ?s)
- (push
- `(,(intern (format "squig-%c" c))
- ,(case c
- (?b '(or (gnugo-get :black-captures) 0))
- (?w '(or (gnugo-get :white-captures) 0))
- (?p '(gnugo-other (gnugo-get :last-mover)))
- (?t '(let ((ws (gnugo-get :waiting-start)))
- (if ws
- (cadr (time-since ws))
- "-")))
- (?u '(or (gnugo-get :last-waiting) "-"))
- (?m '(gnugo-move-history 'count))))
- acc))
- `(let ,(delete-dups (copy-sequence acc))
- (format ,cur ,@(reverse (mapcar 'car acc))))))
- (t cur))))
- (let ((form (gnugo-get :mode-line-form)))
- (setq mode-line-process
- (and form
- ;; this dynamicism is nice but excessive in its wantonness
- ;;- `(" [" (:eval ,form) "]")
- ;; this dynamicism is ok because the user triggers it
- (list (format " [%s]" (eval form))))))
- (force-mode-line-update))
- ;; last user move
- (when (setq last (gnugo-get :last-user-bpos))
- (gnugo-goto-pos last))))
-;;; Game play actions
-(defun gnugo-get-move-insertion-filter (proc string)
- (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
- (let* ((so-far (gnugo-get :get-move-string))
- (full (gnugo-put :get-move-string (concat so-far string))))
- (when (string-match "^= \\(.+\\)\n\n" full)
- (let ((pos-or-pass (match-string 1 full)))
- (gnugo-put :get-move-string nil)
- (gnugo-put :waitingp nil)
- (gnugo-push-move nil pos-or-pass)
- (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
- (let (inhibit-gnugo-refresh)
- (run-hooks 'gnugo-post-move-hook)
- (unless inhibit-gnugo-refresh
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (gnugo-refresh))))))))))
-(defun gnugo-get-move (color)
- (gnugo-put :waitingp t)
- (set-process-filter (gnugo-get :proc) 'gnugo-get-move-insertion-filter)
- (gnugo-send-line (concat "genmove " color))
- (accept-process-output))
-(defun gnugo-cleanup ()
- (when (gnugo-board-buffer-p)
- (unless (= 0 (buffer-size))
- (message "Thank you for playing GNU Go."))
- (mapc (lambda (sym)
- (setplist sym nil) ; "...is next to fordliness." --Huxley
- (unintern sym))
- (append (gnugo-get :all-yy)
- (mapcar 'gnugo-f
- '(anim
- tpad
- gpad
- gspc
- lpad
- rpad
- ispc))))
- (setq gnugo-state nil)))
-(defun gnugo-position ()
- (or (get-text-property (point) 'gnugo-position)
- (error "Not a proper position point")))
-(defun gnugo-move ()
- "Make a move on the GNUGO Board buffer.
-The position is computed from current point.
-Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over.
-To start a game try M-x gnugo."
- (interactive)
- (gnugo-gate t)
- (let* ((buf (current-buffer))
- (pos (gnugo-position))
- (move (format "play %s %s" (gnugo-get :user-color) pos))
- (accept (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return move))))
- (unless (= ?= (aref accept 0))
- (error "%s" accept))
- (gnugo-push-move t pos) ; value always nil for non-pass move
- (let (inhibit-gnugo-refresh)
- (run-hooks 'gnugo-post-move-hook)
- (unless inhibit-gnugo-refresh
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (gnugo-refresh))))
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (gnugo-get-move (gnugo-get :gnugo-color)))))
-(defun gnugo-mouse-move (e)
- "Do `gnugo-move' at mouse location."
- (interactive "@e")
- (mouse-set-point e)
- (when (looking-at "[.+]")
- (gnugo-move)))
-(defun gnugo-pass ()
- "Make a pass on the GNUGO Board buffer.
-Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over.
-To start a game try M-x gnugo."
- (interactive)
- (gnugo-gate t)
- (let ((accept (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return
- (format "play %s PASS" (gnugo-get :user-color))))))
- (unless (= ?= (aref accept 0))
- (error "%s" accept)))
- (let ((donep (gnugo-push-move t "PASS"))
- (buf (current-buffer)))
- (let (inhibit-gnugo-refresh)
- (run-hooks 'gnugo-post-move-hook)
- (unless inhibit-gnugo-refresh
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (gnugo-refresh))))
- (unless donep
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (gnugo-get-move (gnugo-get :gnugo-color))))))
-(defun gnugo-mouse-pass (e)
- "Do `gnugo-pass' at mouse location."
- (interactive "@e")
- (mouse-set-point e)
- (gnugo-pass))
-(defun gnugo-resign ()
- (interactive)
- (gnugo-gate t)
- (if (not (y-or-n-p "Resign? "))
- (message "(not resigning)")
- (gnugo-push-move t "resign")
- (gnugo-refresh)))
-(defun gnugo-animate-group (command)
- (message "Computing %s ..." command)
- (let* ((pos (gnugo-position))
- (stones (if (memq (char-after) '(?X ?O))
- (gnugo-lsquery "%s %s" command pos)
- (error "No stone at %s" pos))))
- (message "Computing %s ... %s in group." command (length stones))
- (setplist (gnugo-f 'anim) nil)
- (let* ((spec (let ((spec
- ;; `(split-string gnugo-animation-string "" t)'
- ;; works as well, for newer emacs versions
- (delete "" (split-string gnugo-animation-string ""))))
- (cond ((gnugo-get :display-using-images)
- (let* ((yin (get-text-property (point) 'gnugo-yin))
- (yang (gnugo-yang (char-after)))
- (up (get (gnugo-yy yin yang t) 'display))
- (dn (get (gnugo-yy yin yang) 'display))
- flip-flop)
- (mapcar (lambda (c)
- (if (setq flip-flop (not flip-flop))
- dn up))
- (mapcar 'string-to-char spec))))
- (t spec))))
- (cell (list spec))
- (ovs (save-excursion
- (mapcar (lambda (pos)
- (gnugo-goto-pos pos)
- (let* ((p (point))
- (ov (make-overlay p (1+ p))))
- (overlay-put ov 'category (gnugo-f 'anim))
- (overlay-put ov 'priority most-positive-fixnum)
- ov))
- stones))))
- (setplist (gnugo-f 'anim) (cons 'display cell))
- (while (and (cdr spec) ; let last linger lest levity lost
- (sit-for 0.08675309)) ; jenny jenny i got your number...
- (setcar cell (setq spec (cdr spec)))
- (set-buffer-modified-p t))
- (sit-for 5)
- (mapc 'delete-overlay ovs)
- t)))
-(defun gnugo-display-group-data (command buffer-name)
- (message "Computing %s ..." command)
- (let ((data (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return
- (format "%s %s" command (gnugo-position))))))
- (switch-to-buffer buffer-name)
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert data))
- (message "Computing %s ... done." command))
-(defun gnugo-worm-stones ()
- "In the GNUGO Board buffer, animate \"worm\" at current position.
-Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over.
-See variable `gnugo-animation-string' for customization."
- (interactive)
- (gnugo-gate)
- (gnugo-animate-group "worm_stones"))
-(defun gnugo-worm-data ()
- "Display in another buffer data from \"worm\" at current position.
-Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over."
- (interactive)
- (gnugo-gate)
- (gnugo-display-group-data "worm_data" "*gnugo worm data*"))
-(defun gnugo-dragon-stones ()
- "In the GNUGO Board buffer, animate \"dragon\" at current position.
-Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over.
-See variable `gnugo-animation-string' for customization."
- (interactive)
- (gnugo-gate)
- (gnugo-animate-group "dragon_stones"))
-(defun gnugo-dragon-data ()
- "Display in another buffer data from \"dragon\" at current position.
-Signal error if done out-of-turn or if game-over."
- (interactive)
- (gnugo-gate)
- (gnugo-display-group-data "dragon_data" "*gnugo dragon data*"))
-(defun gnugo-toggle-dead-group ()
- "In a GNUGO Board buffer, during game-over, toggle a group as dead.
-The group is selected from current position (point). Signal error if
-not in game-over or if there is no group at that position.
-In the context of GNU Go, a group is called a \"dragon\" and may be
-composed of more than one \"worm\" (set of directly-connected stones).
-It is unclear to the gnugo.el author whether or not GNU Go supports
- - considering worms as groups in their own right; and
- - toggling group aliveness via GTP.
-Due to these uncertainties, this command is only half complete; the
-changes you may see in Emacs are not propagated to the gnugo subprocess.
-Thus, GTP commands like `final_score' may give unexpected results.
-If you are able to expose via GTP `change_dragon_status' in utils.c,
-you may consider modifying the `gnugo-toggle-dead-group' source code
-to enable full functionality."
- (interactive)
- (let ((game-over (or (gnugo-get :game-over)
- (error "Sorry, game still in play")))
- (group (or (get-text-property (point) 'group)
- (error "No stone at that position")))
- (now (current-time)))
- (gnugo-put :scoring-seed (logior (ash (logand (car now) 255) 16)
- (cadr now)))
- (let ((live (assq 'live game-over))
- (dead (assq 'dead game-over))
- bef now)
- (if (memq group live)
- (setq bef live now dead)
- (setq bef dead now live))
- (setcdr bef (delq group (cdr bef)))
- (setcdr now (cons group (cdr now)))
- ;; disabled permanently -- too wrong
- (when nil
- (flet ((populate (group)
- (let ((color (caar group)))
- (dolist (stone (cdr group))
- (gnugo-query "play %s %s" color stone)))))
- (if (eq now live)
- (populate group)
- ;; drastic (and wrong -- clobbers capture info, etc)
- (gnugo-query "clear_board")
- (mapc 'populate (cdr live)))))
- ;; here is the desired interface (to be enabled Some Day)
- (when nil
- (gnugo-query "change_dragon_status %s %s"
- (cadr group) (if (eq now live)
- 'alive
- 'dead)))))
- (save-excursion
- (gnugo-refresh)))
-(defun gnugo-estimate-score ()
- "Display estimated score of a game of GNU Go.
-Output includes number of stones on the board and number of stones
-captured by each player, and the estimate of who has the advantage (and
-by how many stones)."
- (interactive)
- (message "Est.score ...")
- (let ((black (length (gnugo-lsquery "list_stones black")))
- (white (length (gnugo-lsquery "list_stones white")))
- (black-captures (gnugo-query "captures black"))
- (white-captures (gnugo-query "captures white"))
- (est (gnugo-query "estimate_score")))
- ;; might as well update this
- (gnugo-put :black-captures black-captures)
- (gnugo-put :white-captures white-captures)
- (message "Est.score ... B %s %s | W %s %s | %s"
- black black-captures white white-captures est)))
-(defun gnugo-write-sgf-file (filename)
- "Save the game history to FILENAME (even if unfinished).
-If FILENAME already exists, Emacs confirms that you wish to overwrite it."
- (interactive "FWrite game as SGF file: ")
- (when (and (file-exists-p filename)
- (not (y-or-n-p "File exists. Continue? ")))
- (error "Not writing %s" filename))
- (gnugo/sgf-write-file (gnugo-get :sgf-collection) filename))
-(defun gnugo-read-sgf-file (filename)
- "Load the first game tree from FILENAME, a file in SGF format."
- (interactive "fSGF file to load: ")
- (when (file-directory-p filename)
- (error "Cannot load a directory (try a filename with extension .sgf)"))
- (let (ans play wait samep coll)
- ;; problem: requiring GTP `loadsgf' complicates network subproc support;
- ;; todo: skip it altogether when confident about `gnugo/sgf-read-file'
- (unless (= ?= (aref (setq ans (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return
- (format "loadsgf %s"
- (expand-file-name filename)))))
- 0))
- (error "%s" ans))
- (setq play (substring ans 2)
- wait (gnugo-other play)
- samep (string= (gnugo-get :user-color) play))
- (gnugo-put :last-mover wait)
- (unless samep
- (gnugo-put :gnugo-color wait)
- (gnugo-put :user-color play))
- (gnugo-put :sgf-collection (setq coll (gnugo/sgf-read-file filename)))
- (gnugo-put :sgf-gametree
- (nth (let ((n (length coll)))
- ;; This is better:
- ;; (if (= 1 n)
- ;; 0
- ;; (let* ((q (format "Which game? (1-%d)" n))
- ;; (choice (1- (read-number q 1))))
- ;; (if (and (< -1 choice) (< choice n))
- ;; choice
- ;; (message "(Selecting the first game)")
- ;; 0)))
- ;; but this is what we use (for now) to accomodate
- ;; (aka faithfully mimic) GTP `loadsgf' limitations:
- (unless (= 1 n)
- (message "(Selecting the first game)"))
- 0)
- coll))
- (let* ((tree (gnugo-get :sgf-gametree))
- (loc tree)
- (count 0)
- mem node play game-over)
- (while (setq node (car loc))
- (when (setq play (or (assq :B node)
- (assq :W node)))
- ;; SGF[4] allows "" to mean PASS. For now,
- ;; we normalize here instead of at the lower layer.
- (when (string= "" (cdr play))
- (setcdr play "tt"))
- (incf count)
- (push loc mem))
- (setq loc (cdr loc)))
- (gnugo-put :game-over
- (setq game-over
- (or (cdr (assq :RE (car tree)))
- (and (cdr mem)
- (equal '("tt" "tt")
- (let ((order (if (string= "black" wait)
- '(:B :W)
- '(:W :B))))
- (mapcar (lambda (pk)
- (cdr (assq (funcall pk order)
- (car (funcall pk mem)))))
- '(car cadr))))
- 'two-passes))))
- (gnugo-put :monkey
- (vector (or (car mem) (gnugo-get :sgf-gametree))
- mem
- count))
- (when (and game-over
- ;; (maybe) todo: user var to inhibit (can be slow)
- t)
- (gnugo-close-game nil game-over)))
- (gnugo-refresh t)
- (message "GNU Go %splays as %s, you as %s (%s)"
- (if samep "" "now ")
- wait play (if samep
- "as before"
- "NOTE: this is a switch!"))))
-(defun gnugo-magic-undo (spec &optional noalt)
- "Undo moves on the GNUGO Board, based on SPEC, a string or number.
-If SPEC is a string in the form of a board position (e.g., \"T19\"),
-check that the position is occupied by a stone of the user's color,
-and if so, remove moves from the history until that position is clear.
-If SPEC is a positive number, remove exactly that many moves from the
-history, signaling an error if the history is exhausted before finishing.
-If SPEC is not recognized, signal \"bad spec\" error.
-Refresh the board for each move undone. If (in the case where SPEC is
-a number) after finishing, the color to play is not the user's color,
-schedule a move by GNU Go.
-After undoing the move(s), schedule a move by GNU Go if it is GNU Go's
-turn to play. Optional second arg NOALT non-nil inhibits this."
- (gnugo-gate)
- (let* ((n 0)
- (monkey (gnugo-get :monkey))
- (mem (aref monkey 1))
- (count (aref monkey 2))
- done ans)
- (cond ((and (numberp spec) (< 0 spec))
- (setq n spec done (lambda () (= 0 n))))
- ((string-match "^[a-z]" spec)
- (let ((pos (upcase spec)))
- (setq done `(lambda ()
- (gnugo-goto-pos ,pos)
- (memq (char-after) '(?. ?+))))
- (when (funcall done)
- (error "%s already clear" pos))
- (let ((u (gnugo-get :user-color)))
- (when (= (save-excursion
- (gnugo-goto-pos pos)
- (char-after))
- (if (string= "black" u)
- ?O
- ?X))
- (error "%s not occupied by %s" pos u)))))
- (t (error "Bad spec: %S" spec)))
- (when (gnugo-get :game-over)
- (gnugo-put :game-over nil))
- (while (not (funcall done))
- (setq ans (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return "undo")))
- (unless (= ?= (aref ans 0))
- (error "%s" ans))
- (aset monkey 2 (decf count))
- (aset monkey 1 (setq mem (cdr mem)))
- (aset monkey 0 (or (car mem) (gnugo-get :sgf-gametree)))
- (gnugo-put :last-mover (gnugo-other (gnugo-get :last-mover)))
- (gnugo-merge-showboard-results) ; all
- (gnugo-refresh) ; this
- (decf n) ; is
- (sit-for 0))) ; eye candy
- (let* ((ulastp (string= (gnugo-get :last-mover) (gnugo-get :user-color)))
- (ubpos (gnugo-move-history (if ulastp 'car 'cadr))))
- (gnugo-put :last-user-bpos (if (and ubpos (not (string= "PASS" ubpos)))
- ubpos
- (gnugo-get :center-position)))
- (gnugo-refresh t)
- ;; preserve restricted-functionality semantics (todo: remove restriction)
- (setcdr (aref (gnugo-get :monkey) 0) nil)
- (when (and ulastp (not noalt))
- (gnugo-get-move (gnugo-get :gnugo-color)))))
-(defun gnugo-undo-one-move ()
- "Undo exactly one move (perhaps GNU Go's, perhaps yours).
-Do not schedule a move by GNU Go even if it is GNU Go's turn to play.
-See also `gnugo-undo-two-moves'."
- (interactive)
- (gnugo-gate)
- (gnugo-magic-undo 1 t))
-(defun gnugo-undo-two-moves ()
- "Undo a pair of moves (GNU Go's and yours).
-However, if you are the last mover, undo only one move.
-Regardless, after undoing, it is your turn to play again."
- (interactive)
- (gnugo-gate)
- (gnugo-magic-undo (if (string= (gnugo-get :user-color)
- (gnugo-get :last-mover))
- 1
- 2)))
-(defun gnugo-display-final-score ()
- "Display final score and other info in another buffer (when game over).
-If the game is still ongoing, Emacs asks if you wish to stop play (by
-making sure two \"pass\" moves are played consecutively, if necessary).
-Also, add the `:RE' SGF property to the root node of the game tree."
- (interactive)
- (unless (or (gnugo-get :game-over)
- (and (not (gnugo-get :waitingp))
- (y-or-n-p "Game still in play. Stop play now? ")))
- (error "Sorry, game still in play"))
- (unless (gnugo-get :game-over)
- (flet ((pass (userp)
- (message "Playing PASS for %s ..."
- (gnugo-get (if userp :user-color :gnugo-color)))
- (sit-for 1)
- (gnugo-push-move userp "PASS")))
- (unless (pass t)
- (pass nil)))
- (gnugo-refresh)
- (sit-for 3))
- (let ((b= " Black = ")
- (w= " White = ")
- (res (let* ((node (car (aref (gnugo-get :monkey) 0)))
- (event (and node (cdr (assq :EV node)))))
- (and event (string= "resignation" event)
- (if (assq :B node) "black" "white"))))
- blurb result)
- (if res
- (setq blurb (list
- (format "%s wins.\n"
- (substring (if (= ?b (aref res 0)) w= b=)
- 3 8))
- "The game is over.\n"
- (format "Resignation by %s.\n" res))
- result (concat (upcase (substring (gnugo-other res) 0 1))
- "+Resign"))
- (message "Computing final score ...")
- (let* ((live (cdr (assq 'live (gnugo-get :game-over))))
- (dead (cdr (assq 'dead (gnugo-get :game-over))))
- (seed (gnugo-get :scoring-seed))
- (terr-q (format "final_status_list %%s_territory %d" seed))
- (terr "territory")
- (capt "captures")
- (b-terr (length (gnugo-lsquery terr-q "black")))
- (w-terr (length (gnugo-lsquery terr-q "white")))
- (b-capt (string-to-number (gnugo-get :black-captures)))
- (w-capt (string-to-number (gnugo-get :white-captures)))
- (komi (gnugo-treeroot :KM)))
- (setq blurb (list "The game is over. Final score:\n")
- result (gnugo-query "final_score %d" seed))
- (cond ((string= "Chinese" (gnugo-treeroot :RU))
- (dolist (group live)
- (let ((count (length (cdr group))))
- (if (string= "black" (caar group))
- (setq b-terr (+ b-terr count))
- (setq w-terr (+ w-terr count)))))
- (dolist (group dead)
- (let* ((color (caar group))
- (count (length (cdr group))))
- (if (string= "black" color)
- (setq w-terr (+ count w-terr))
- (setq b-terr (+ count b-terr)))))
- (push (format "%s%d %s = %3.1f\n" b= b-terr terr b-terr) blurb)
- (push (format "%s%d %s + %3.1f %s = %3.1f\n" w=
- w-terr terr komi 'komi (+ w-terr komi))
- blurb))
- (t
- (dolist (group dead)
- (let* ((color (caar group))
- (adjust (* 2 (length (cdr group)))))
- (if (string= "black" color)
- (setq w-terr (+ adjust w-terr))
- (setq b-terr (+ adjust b-terr)))))
- (push (format "%s%d %s + %s %s = %3.1f\n" b=
- b-terr terr
- b-capt capt
- (+ b-terr b-capt))
- blurb)
- (push (format "%s%d %s + %s %s + %3.1f %s = %3.1f\n" w=
- w-terr terr
- w-capt capt
- komi 'komi
- (+ w-terr w-capt komi))
- blurb)))
- (push (if (string= "0" result)
- "The game is a draw.\n"
- (format "%s wins by %s.\n"
- (substring (if (= ?B (aref result 0)) b= w=) 3 8)
- (substring result 2)))
- blurb)
- (message "Computing final score ... done")))
- ;; extra info
- (when (gnugo-get :game-end-time)
- (push "\n" blurb)
- (dolist (spec '(("Game start" . :game-start-time)
- (" end" . :game-end-time)))
- (push (format-time-string
- (concat (car spec) ": %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z\n")
- (gnugo-get (cdr spec)))
- blurb)))
- (setq blurb (apply 'concat (nreverse blurb)))
- (let* ((root (car (gnugo-get :sgf-gametree)))
- (cur (assq :RE root)))
- (if cur
- (setcdr cur result)
- (setcdr (last root) (list (cons :RE result)))))
- (switch-to-buffer (format "%s*GNUGO Final Score*" (gnugo-get :diamond)))
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert blurb)))
-;;; Command properties and gnugo-command
-;; GTP commands entered by the user are never issued directly to GNU Go;
-;; instead, their behavior and output are controlled by the property
-;; `:gnugo-gtp-command-spec' hung off of each (interned/symbolic) command.
-;; The value of this property is a sub-plist, w/ sub-properties as follows:
-;; :full -- completely interpret the command string; the value is a
-;; func that takes the list of words derived from splitting the
-;; command string (minus the command) and handles everything.
-;; :output -- either a keyword specifying the preferred output method:
-;; :message -- show output in minibuffer
-;; :discard -- sometimes you just don't care;
-;; or a function that takes one arg, the output string, and
-;; handles it completely. default is to switch to buffer
-;; "*gnugo command output*" if the output has a newline,
-;; otherwise use `message'.
-;; :post-hook -- normal hook run after output processing (at the very end).
-(defun gnugo-command (command)
- "Send the Go Text Protocol COMMAND (a string) to GNU Go.
-Output and Emacs behavior depend on which command is given (some
-commands are handled completely by Emacs w/o using the subprocess;
-some commands have their output displayed in specially prepared
-buffers or in the echo area; some commands are instrumented to do
-gnugo.el-specific housekeeping).
-For example, for the command \"help\", Emacs visits the
-GTP command reference info page.
-NOTE: At this time, GTP command handling specification is still
- incomplete. Thus, some commands WILL confuse gnugo.el."
- (interactive "sCommand: ")
- (if (string= "" command)
- (message "(no command given)")
- (let* ((split (split-string command))
- (cmd (intern (car split)))
- (spec (get cmd :gnugo-gtp-command-spec))
- (full (plist-get spec :full))
- (last-message nil))
- (if full
- (funcall full (cdr split))
- (message "Doing %s ..." command)
- (let* ((ans (cdr (gnugo-synchronous-send/return command)))
- (where (plist-get spec :output)))
- (if (string-match "unknown.command" ans)
- (message ans)
- (cond ((functionp where) (funcall where ans))
- ((eq :discard where) (message ""))
- ((or (eq :message where)
- (not (string-match "\n" ans)))
- (message ans))
- (t (switch-to-buffer "*gnugo command output*")
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert ans)
- (message "Doing %s ... done." command)))
- (let ((hook
- ;; do not elide this binding; `run-hooks' needs it
- (plist-get spec :post-hook)))
- (run-hooks 'hook))))))))
-;;; Major mode for interacting with a GNUGO subprocess
-(put 'gnugo-board-mode 'mode-class 'special)
-(defun gnugo-board-mode ()
- "Major mode for playing GNU Go.
-Entering this mode runs the normal hook `gnugo-board-mode-hook'.
-In this mode, keys do not self insert. Default keybindings:
- ? View this help.
- RET or SPC Run `gnugo-move'.
- q or Q Quit (the latter without confirmation).
- R Resign.
- u Run `gnugo-undo-two-moves'.
- U Pass to `gnugo-magic-undo' either the board position
- at point (if no prefix arg), or the prefix arg converted
- to a number. E.g., to undo 16 moves: `C-u C-u U' (see
- `universal-argument'); to undo 42 moves: `M-4 M-2 U'.
- C-l Run `gnugo-refresh'.
- _ or M-_ Bury the Board buffer (when the boss is near).
- P Run `gnugo-pass'.
- i Toggle display using XPM images (if supported).
- w Run `gnugo-worm-stones'.
- d Run `gnugo-dragon-stones'.
- W Run `gnugo-worm-data'.
- D Run `gnugo-dragon-data'.
- t Run `gnugo-toggle-dead-group'.
- ! Run `gnugo-estimate-score'.
- : or ; Run `gnugo-command' (for GTP commands to GNU Go).
- = Display board position under point (if valid).
- h Run `gnugo-move-history'.
- F Run `gnugo-display-final-score'.
- s Run `gnugo-write-sgf-file'.
- or C-x C-w
- or C-x C-s
- l Run `gnugo-read-sgf-file'."
- (switch-to-buffer (generate-new-buffer "(Uninitialized GNUGO Board)"))
- (buffer-disable-undo) ; todo: undo undo undoing
- (kill-all-local-variables)
- (setq truncate-lines t)
- (use-local-map gnugo-board-mode-map)
- (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
- '(gnugo-font-lock-keywords t))
- (setq major-mode 'gnugo-board-mode)
- (setq mode-name "GNUGO Board")
- (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'gnugo-cleanup nil t)
- (set (make-local-variable 'gnugo-state)
- (make-hash-table :size (1- 42) :test 'eq))
- (add-to-invisibility-spec :nogrid)
- (mapc (lambda (prop)
- (gnugo-put prop nil)) ; todo: separate display/game aspects;
- '(:game-over ; move latter to func `gnugo'
- :waitingp
- :last-waiting
- :black-captures
- :white-captures
- :mode-line
- :mode-line-form
- :display-using-images
- :xpms
- :local-xpms
- :all-yy))
- (let ((name (if (string-match "[ ]" gnugo-program)
- (let ((p (substring gnugo-program 0 (match-beginning 0)))
- (o (substring gnugo-program (match-end 0)))
- (h (or (car gnugo-option-history) "")))
- (when (string-match "--mode" o)
- (error "Found \"--mode\" in `gnugo-program'"))
- (when (and o (< 0 (length o))
- h (< 0 (length o))
- (or (< (length h) (length o))
- (not (string= (substring h 0 (length o))
- o))))
- (push (concat o " " h) gnugo-option-history))
- p)
- gnugo-program))
- (args (read-string "GNU Go options: "
- (car gnugo-option-history)
- 'gnugo-option-history))
- (rules "Japanese")
- board-size user-color handicap komi minus-l infile)
- (mapc (lambda (x)
- (apply (lambda (var default opt &optional rx)
- (set var
- (or (when (string-match opt args)
- (let ((start (match-end 0)) s)
- (string-match (or rx "[0-9.]+") args start)
- (setq s (match-string 0 args))
- (if rx s (string-to-number s))))
- default)))
- x))
- '((board-size 19 "--boardsize")
- (user-color "black" "--color" "\\(black\\|white\\)")
- (handicap 0 "--handicap")
- (komi 0.0 "--komi")
- (minus-l nil "\\([^-]\\|^\\)-l[ ]*" "[^ ]+")
- (infile nil "--infile" "[ ]*[^ ]+")))
- (gnugo-put :user-color user-color)
- (when (string-match "--chinese-rules" args)
- (setq rules "Chinese"))
- (let ((proc-args (split-string args)))
- (gnugo-put :proc-args proc-args)
- (gnugo-put :proc (apply 'start-process "gnugo" nil name
- "--mode" "gtp" "--quiet"
- proc-args)))
- (when (or minus-l infile)
- (mapc (lambda (x)
- (apply (lambda (prop q)
- (set prop (string-to-number (gnugo-query q))))
- x))
- '((board-size "query_boardsize")
- (komi "get_komi")
- (handicap "get_handicap"))))
- (gnugo-put :diamond (substring (process-name (gnugo-get :proc)) 5))
- (gnugo-put :gnugo-color (gnugo-other (gnugo-get :user-color)))
- (gnugo-put :highlight-last-move-spec
- (gnugo-put :default-highlight-last-move-spec '("(" -1 nil)))
- (gnugo-put :lparen-ov (make-overlay 1 1))
- (gnugo-put :rparen-ov (let ((ov (make-overlay 1 1)))
- (overlay-put ov 'display ")")
- ov))
- (gnugo-put :sgf-gametree (list (list '(:FF . 4) '(:GM . 1))))
- (let ((tree (gnugo-get :sgf-gametree)))
- (gnugo-put :sgf-collection (list tree))
- (gnugo-put :monkey (vector tree nil 0)))
- (let ((g-blackp (string= "black" (gnugo-get :gnugo-color))))
- (mapc (lambda (x) (apply 'gnugo-note x))
- `((:SZ ,board-size)
- (:DT ,(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))
- (:RU ,rules)
- (:AP ("gnugo.el" . ,gnugo-version))
- (:KM ,komi)
- (,(if g-blackp :PW :PB) ,(user-full-name))
- (,(if g-blackp :PB :PW) ,(concat "GNU Go "
- (gnugo-query "version")))
- ,@(when (not (= 0 handicap))
- `((:HA ,handicap)
- (:AB ,(gnugo-lsquery "fixed_handicap %d" handicap)
- nil t)))))))
- (set-process-sentinel (gnugo-get :proc) 'gnugo-sentinel)
- (set-process-buffer (gnugo-get :proc) (current-buffer))
- (gnugo-put :waiting-start (current-time))
- (gnugo-put :hmul 1)
- (gnugo-put :wmul 1)
- (run-hooks 'gnugo-board-mode-hook)
- (gnugo-refresh t))
-;;; Entry point
-(defun gnugo (&optional new-game)
- "Run gnugo in a buffer, or resume a game in progress.
-Prefix arg means skip the game-in-progress check and start a new
-game straight away.
-You are queried for additional command-line options (Emacs supplies
-\"--mode gtp --quiet\" automatically). Here is a list of options
-that gnugo.el understands and handles specially:
- --boardsize num Set the board size to use (5--19)
- --color <color> Choose your color ('black' or 'white')
- --handicap <num> Set the number of handicap stones (0--9)
-If there is already a game in progress you may resume it instead of
-starting a new one. See `gnugo-board-mode' documentation for more info."
- (interactive "P")
- (let* ((all (let (acc)
- (dolist (buf (buffer-list))
- (when (gnugo-board-buffer-p buf)
- (push (cons (buffer-name buf) buf) acc)))
- acc))
- (n (length all)))
- (if (and (not new-game)
- (< 0 n)
- (y-or-n-p (format "GNU Go game%s in progress, resume play? "
- (if (= 1 n) "" "s"))))
- ;; resume
- (switch-to-buffer
- (cdr (if (= 1 n)
- (car all)
- (let ((sel (completing-read "Which one? " all nil t)))
- (if (string= "" sel)
- (car all)
- (assoc sel all))))))
- ;; set up a new board
- (gnugo-board-mode)
- (let ((half (truncate (1+ (gnugo-treeroot :SZ)) 2)))
- (gnugo-goto-pos (format "A%d" half))
- (forward-char (* 2 (1- half)))
- (gnugo-put :last-user-bpos
- (gnugo-put :center-position
- (get-text-property (point) 'gnugo-position))))
- ;; first move
- (gnugo-put :game-start-time (current-time))
- (let ((g (gnugo-get :gnugo-color))
- (n (or (gnugo-treeroot :HA) 0))
- (u (gnugo-get :user-color)))
- (gnugo-put :last-mover g)
- (when (or (and (string= "black" u) (< 1 n))
- (and (string= "black" g) (< n 2)))
- (gnugo-put :last-mover u)
- (gnugo-refresh t)
- (gnugo-get-move g))))))
-;;; Load-time actions
-(unless gnugo-board-mode-map
- (setq gnugo-board-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
- (suppress-keymap gnugo-board-mode-map)
- (mapc (lambda (pair)
- (define-key gnugo-board-mode-map (car pair) (cdr pair)))
- '(("?" . describe-mode)
- ("\C-m" . gnugo-move)
- (" " . gnugo-move)
- ("P" . gnugo-pass)
- ("R" . gnugo-resign)
- ("q" . (lambda () (interactive)
- (if (or (gnugo-get :game-over)
- (y-or-n-p "Quit? "))
- (kill-buffer nil)
- (message "(not quitting)"))))
- ("Q" . (lambda () (interactive)
- (kill-buffer nil)))
- ("U" . (lambda (x) (interactive "P")
- (gnugo-magic-undo
- (cond ((numberp x) x)
- ((consp x) (car x))
- (t (gnugo-position))))))
- ("u" . gnugo-undo-two-moves)
- ("\C-l" . gnugo-refresh)
- ("\M-_" . bury-buffer)
- ("_" . bury-buffer)
- ("h" . gnugo-move-history)
- ("i" . (lambda () (interactive)
- (gnugo-toggle-image-display)
- (save-excursion (gnugo-refresh))))
- ("w" . gnugo-worm-stones)
- ("W" . gnugo-worm-data)
- ("d" . gnugo-dragon-stones)
- ("D" . gnugo-dragon-data)
- ("t" . gnugo-toggle-dead-group)
- ("g" . gnugo-toggle-grid)
- ("!" . gnugo-estimate-score)
- (":" . gnugo-command)
- (";" . gnugo-command)
- ("=" . (lambda () (interactive)
- (message (gnugo-position))))
- ("s" . gnugo-write-sgf-file)
- ("\C-x\C-s" . gnugo-write-sgf-file)
- ("\C-x\C-w" . gnugo-write-sgf-file)
- ("l" . gnugo-read-sgf-file)
- ("F" . gnugo-display-final-score)
- ;; mouse
- ([(down-mouse-1)] . gnugo-mouse-move)
- ([(down-mouse-2)] . gnugo-mouse-move) ; mitigate accidents
- ([(down-mouse-3)] . gnugo-mouse-pass)
- ;; delving into the curiosities
- ("\C-c\C-p" . gnugo-describe-internal-properties))))
-(unless (get 'help :gnugo-gtp-command-spec)
- (flet ((sget (x) (get x :gnugo-gtp-command-spec))
- (jam (cmd prop val) (put cmd :gnugo-gtp-command-spec
- (plist-put (sget cmd) prop val)))
- (add (cmd prop val) (jam cmd prop (let ((cur (plist-get
- (sget cmd)
- prop)))
- (append (delete val cur)
- (list val)))))
- (defgtp (x &rest props) (dolist (cmd (if (symbolp x) (list x) x))
- (let ((ls props))
- (while ls
- (funcall (if (eq :post-hook (car ls))
- 'add
- 'jam)
- cmd (car ls) (cadr ls))
- (setq ls (cddr ls)))))))
- (defgtp 'help :full
- (lambda (sel)
- (info "(gnugo)GTP command reference")
- (when sel (setq sel (intern (car sel))))
- (let (buffer-read-only pad cur spec output found)
- (flet ((note (s) (insert pad "[NOTE: gnugo.el " s ".]\n")))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (save-excursion
- (while (re-search-forward "^ *[*] \\([a-zA-Z_]+\\)\\(:.*\\)*\n"
- (point-max) t)
- (unless pad
- (setq pad (make-string (- (match-beginning 1)
- (match-beginning 0))
- 32)))
- (when (plist-get
- (setq spec
- (get (setq cur (intern (match-string 1)))
- :gnugo-gtp-command-spec))
- :full)
- (note "handles this command completely"))
- (when (setq output (plist-get spec :output))
- (cond ((functionp output)
- (note "handles the output specially"))
- ((eq :discard output)
- (note "discards the output"))
- ((eq :message output)
- (note "displays the output in the echo area"))))
- (when (eq sel cur)
- (setq found (match-beginning 0))))))
- (cond (found (goto-char found))
- ((not sel))
- (t (message "(no such command: %s)" sel))))))
- (defgtp 'final_score :full
- (lambda (sel) (gnugo-display-final-score)))
- (defgtp '(boardsize
- clear_board
- fixed_handicap)
- :output :discard
- :post-hook (lambda ()
- (gnugo-put :game-over nil)
- (gnugo-put :last-mover nil)
- (gnugo-refresh t)))
- (defgtp 'loadsgf :full
- (lambda (sel) (gnugo-read-sgf-file (car sel))))
- (defgtp '(undo gg-undo) :full
- (lambda (sel) (gnugo-magic-undo
- (let (n)
- (cond ((not sel) 1)
- ((< 0 (setq n (string-to-number (car sel)))) n)
- (t (car sel)))))))))
-(provide 'gnugo)
-;;; The remainder of this file defines a simplified SGF-handling library.
-;;; When/if it should start to attain generality, it should be split off into
-;;; a separate file (probably named sgf.el) w/ funcs and vars renamed sans the
-;;; "gnugo/" prefix.
-(defconst gnugo/sgf-*r4-properties*
- '((AB "Add Black" setup list stone)
- (AE "Add Empty" game list point)
- (AN "Annotation" game simpletext)
- (AP "Application" root (simpletext . simpletext))
- (AR "Arrow" - list (point . point))
- (AS "Who adds stones" - simpletext) ; (LOA)
- (AW "Add White" setup list stone)
- (B "Black" move move)
- (BL "Black time left" move real)
- (BM "Bad move" move double)
- (BR "Black rank" game simpletext)
- (BT "Black team" game simpletext)
- (C "Comment" - text)
- (CA "Charset" root simpletext)
- (CP "Copyright" game simpletext)
- (CR "Circle" - list point)
- (DD "Dim points" - elist point) ; (inherit)
- (DM "Even position" - double)
- (DO "Doubtful" move none)
- (DT "Date" game simpletext)
- (EV "Event" game simpletext)
- (FF "Fileformat" root [number (1 . 4)])
- (FG "Figure" - (or none (number . simpletext)))
- (GB "Good for Black" - double)
- (GC "Game comment" game text)
- (GM "Game" root [number (1 . 20)])
- (GN "Game name" game simpletext)
- (GW "Good for White" - double)
- (HA "Handicap" game number) ; (Go)
- (HO "Hotspot" - double)
- (IP "Initial pos." game simpletext) ; (LOA)
- (IT "Interesting" move none)
- (IY "Invert Y-axis" game simpletext) ; (LOA)
- (KM "Komi" game real) ; (Go)
- (KO "Ko" move none)
- (LB "Label" - list (point . simpletext))
- (LN "Line" - list (point . point))
- (MA "Mark" - list point)
- (MN "set move number" move number)
- (N "Nodename" - simpletext)
- (OB "OtStones Black" move number)
- (ON "Opening" game text)
- (OT "Overtime" game simpletext)
- (OW "OtStones White" move number)
- (PB "Player Black" game simpletext)
- (PC "Place" game simpletext)
- (PL "Player to play" setup color)
- (PM "Print move mode" - number) ; (inherit)
- (PW "Player White" game simpletext)
- (RE "Result" game simpletext)
- (RO "Round" game simpletext)
- (RU "Rules" game simpletext)
- (SE "Markup" - point) ; (LOA)
- (SL "Selected" - list point)
- (SO "Source" game simpletext)
- (SQ "Square" - list point)
- (ST "Style" root [number (0 . 3)])
- (SU "Setup type" game simpletext) ; (LOA)
- (SZ "Size" root (or number (number . number)))
- (TB "Territory Black" - elist point) ; (Go)
- (TE "Tesuji" move double)
- (TM "Timelimit" game real)
- (TR "Triangle" - list point)
- (TW "Territory White" - elist point) ; (Go)
- (UC "Unclear pos" - double)
- (US "User" game simpletext)
- (V "Value" - real)
- (VW "View" - elist point) ; (inherit)
- (W "White" move move)
- (WL "White time left" move real)
- (WR "White rank" game simpletext)
- (WT "White team" game simpletext)
- (LT "Lose on time" setup simpletext))
- ;; r4-specific notes
- ;; - changed: DT FG LB RE RU SZ
- "List of SGF[4] properties, each of the form (PROP NAME CONTEXT SPEC...).")
-(defun gnugo/sgf-read-file (filename)
- "Return the collection (list) of gametrees in SGF[4] file FILENAME."
- (let ((keywords (or (get 'gnugo/sgf-*r4-properties* :keywords)
- (put 'gnugo/sgf-*r4-properties* :keywords
- (mapcar (lambda (full)
- (cons (car full)
- (intern (format ":%s" (car full)))))
- gnugo/sgf-*r4-properties*))))
- (specs (or (get 'gnugo/sgf-*r4-properties* :specs)
- (put 'gnugo/sgf-*r4-properties* :specs
- (mapcar (lambda (full)
- (cons (car full) (cdddr full)))
- gnugo/sgf-*r4-properties*)))))
- (flet ((sw () (skip-chars-forward " \t\n"))
- (x (end) (let ((beg (point))
- (endp (case end
- (:end (lambda (char) (= ?\] char)))
- (:mid (lambda (char) (= ?\: char)))
- (t (lambda (char) (or (= ?\: char)
- (= ?\] char))))))
- c)
- (while (not (funcall endp (setq c (char-after))))
- (cond ((= ?\\ c)
- (delete-char 1)
- (if (eolp)
- (kill-line 1)
- (forward-char 1)))
- ((looking-at "\\s-+")
- (delete-region (point) (match-end 0))
- (insert " "))
- (t (forward-char 1))))
- (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point))))
- (one (type end) (unless (eq 'none type)
- (forward-char 1)
- (let ((s (x end)))
- (case type
- ((stone point move simpletext color) s)
- ((number real double) (string-to-number s))
- ((text) s)
- (t (error "Unhandled type: %S" type))))))
- (val (spec) (cond ((symbolp spec)
- (one spec :end))
- ((vectorp spec)
- ;; todo: check range here.
- (one (aref spec 0) :end))
- ((eq 'or (car spec))
- (let ((v (one (cadr spec) t)))
- (if (= ?\] (char-after))
- v
- (forward-char 1)
- ;; todo: this assumes `spec' has the form
- ;; (or foo (foo . bar))
- ;; i.e., foo is not rescanned. e.g., `SZ'.
- ;; probably this assumption is consistent
- ;; w/ the SGF authors' desire to make the
- ;; parsing easy, but you never know...
- (cons v (one (cdaddr spec) :end)))))
- (t (cons (one (car spec) :mid)
- (one (cdr spec) :end)))))
- (short (who) (when (eobp)
- (error "Unexpected EOF while reading %s" who)))
- (atvalp () (= ?\[ (char-after)))
- (PROP () (let (name spec ltype)
- (sw) (short 'property)
- (when (looking-at "[A-Z]")
- (setq name (read (current-buffer))
- spec (cdr (assq name specs)))
- (sw)
- (cons
- (cdr (assq name keywords))
- (prog1 (if (= 1 (length spec))
- (val (car spec))
- (unless (memq (setq ltype (car spec))
- '(elist list))
- (error "Bad spec: %S" spec))
- (if (and (eq 'elist ltype) (sw)
- (not (atvalp)))
- nil
- (let ((type (cadr spec))
- mo ls)
- (while (and (sw) (atvalp)
- (setq mo (val type)))
- (push mo ls)
- (forward-char 1))
- (forward-char -1)
- (nreverse ls))))
- (forward-char 1))))))
- (NODE () (let (prop props)
- (sw) (short 'node)
- (when (= ?\; (char-after))
- (forward-char 1)
- (while (setq prop (PROP))
- (push prop props))
- (nreverse props))))
- (TREE () (let (nodes)
- (while (and (sw) (not (eobp)))
- (case (char-after)
- (?\; (push (NODE) nodes))
- (?\( (forward-char 1)
- (push (TREE) nodes))
- (?\) (forward-char 1))))
- (nreverse nodes))))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert-file-contents filename)
- (let (trees)
- (while (and (sw) (not (eobp)) (= 40 (char-after))) ; left paren
- (forward-char 1)
- (push (TREE) trees))
- (nreverse trees))))))
-(defun gnugo/sgf-write-file (collection filename)
- ;; take responsibility for our actions
- (dolist (tree collection)
- (let* ((root (car tree))
- (who (assq :AP root))
- (fruit (cons "gnugo.el" gnugo-version)))
- (if who
- (setcdr who fruit)
- (setcdr (last root) (list (cons :AP fruit))))))
- ;; write it out
- (let ((aft-newline-appreciated '(:AP :GN :PB :PW :HA :KM :RU :RE))
- (specs (mapcar (lambda (full)
- (cons (intern (format ":%s" (car full)))
- (cdddr full)))
- gnugo/sgf-*r4-properties*))
- p name v spec)
- ;; todo: escape special chars for `text' and `simpletext'.
- (flet ((>>one (v) (insert (format "[%s]" v)))
- (>>two (v) (insert (format "[%s:%s]" (car v) (cdr v))))
- (>>nl () (cond ((memq name aft-newline-appreciated)
- (insert "\n"))
- ((< 60 (current-column))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char p)
- (insert "\n"))))))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (dolist (tree collection)
- (insert "(")
- (dolist (node tree)
- (insert ";")
- (dolist (prop node)
- (setq p (point)
- name (car prop)
- v (cdr prop))
- (insert (substring (symbol-name name) 1))
- (cond ((not v))
- ((and (consp v)
- (memq (car (setq spec (cdr (assq name specs))))
- '(list elist)))
- (>>nl)
- (let ((>> (if (consp (cadr spec))
- '>>two
- '>>one)))
- (dolist (little-v v)
- (setq p (point)) (funcall >> little-v) (>>nl))))
- ((consp v)
- (>>two v) (>>nl))
- (t
- (>>one v) (>>nl)))))
- (insert ")\n"))
- (write-file filename)))))
-;;; gnugo.el ends here