If you're installing by hand or packaging Mutt-LDAP for another
distribution, you'll need the following dependencies:
-============ ================ =========== ======================
-Package Purpose Debian_ Gentoo_
-============ ================ =========== ======================
-python-ldap_ LDAP connections python-ldap dev-python/python-ldap
-============ ================ =========== ======================
+============ ==================== =========== ======================
+Package Purpose Debian_ Gentoo_
+============ ==================== =========== ======================
+python-ldap_ LDAP connections python-ldap dev-python/python-ldap
+PyXDG_ Optional XDG support python-xdg dev-python/pyxdg
+============ ==================== =========== ======================
Installing by hand
Search for addresses (from Mutt_) with ``^t``, optionally after typing
part of the name. Configure your connection by creating
-``~/.mutt-ldap.rc`` containing something like::
+``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mutt-ldap.cfg`` containing something like::
server = myserver.example.net
basedn = ou=people,dc=example,dc=net
+The query cache (enabled by default) will be created at
+``$XDG_DATA_HOME/mutt-ldap.json``, unless overriden by an explicit
+``cache.path`` setting.
See the ``CONFIG`` options in ``mutt_ldap.py`` for other available
+settings. See the `XDG Base Directory Specification`_ for more
+details on configuration and cache file locations. If the ``xdg``
+module supplied by PyXDG_ is not available, the default configuration
+path falls back on ``~/.config/mutt-ldap.cfg`` and the default cache
+path falls back on ``~/.cache/mutt-ldap.json``.
.. _layman: http://layman.sourceforge.net/
.. _wtk overlay: http://blog.tremily.us/posts/Gentoo_overlay/
.. _Debian: http://www.debian.org/
+.. _PyXDG: http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pyxdg
.. _Git: http://git-scm.com/
+.. _XDG Base Directory Specification:
+ http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
.. _GNU General Public License Version 3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
.. _GitHub: https://github.com/wking/mutt-ldap
.. _GitHub issue tracker: https://github.com/wking/mutt-ldap/issues
import ldap as _ldap
import ldap.sasl as _ldap_sasl
+_xdg_import_error = None
+ import xdg.BaseDirectory as _xdg_basedirectory
+except ImportError as _xdg_import_error:
+ _xdg_basedirectory = None
__version__ = '0.1'
class Config (_configparser.SafeConfigParser):
def load(self):
- read_configfiles = self.read(_os_path.expanduser('~/.mutt-ldap.rc'))
+ config_paths = self._get_config_paths()
+ LOG.info(u'load configuration from {0}'.format(config_paths))
+ read_config_paths = self.read(config_paths)
- LOG.info(u'loaded configuration from {0}'.format(read_configfiles))
+ LOG.info(u'loaded configuration from {0}'.format(read_config_paths))
def get_connection_class(self):
if self.getboolean('cache', 'enable'):
_sys.argv = [unicode(arg, argv_encoding) for arg in _sys.argv]
def _setup_cache_defaults(self):
+ if not self.get('cache', 'path'):
+ self.set('cache', 'path', self._get_cache_path())
if not self.get('cache', 'fields'):
# setup a reasonable default
fields = ['mail', 'cn', 'displayName'] # used by format_entry()
self.set('cache', 'fields', ' '.join(fields))
+ def _get_config_paths(self):
+ "Get configuration file paths"
+ if _xdg_basedirectory:
+ paths = list(reversed(list(
+ _xdg_basedirectory.load_config_paths(''))))
+ if not paths: # setup something for a useful log message
+ paths.append(_xdg_basedirectory.save_config_path(''))
+ else:
+ self._log_xdg_import_error()
+ paths = [_os_path.expanduser(_os_path.join('~', '.config'))]
+ return [_os_path.join(path, 'mutt-ldap.cfg') for path in paths]
+ def _get_cache_path(self):
+ "Get the cache file path"
+ if _xdg_basedirectory:
+ path = _xdg_basedirectory.save_cache_path('')
+ else:
+ self._log_xdg_import_error()
+ path = _os_path.expanduser(_os_path.join('~', '.cache'))
+ return _os_path.join(path, 'mutt-ldap.json')
+ def _log_xdg_import_error(self):
+ global _xdg_import_error
+ if _xdg_import_error:
+ LOG.error(u'could not import xdg.BaseDirectory')
+ LOG.error(_xdg_import_error)
+ _xdg_import_error = None
CONFIG = Config()
CONFIG.set('results', 'optional-column', '') # mutt can display one optional column
CONFIG.set('cache', 'enable', 'yes') # enable caching by default
-CONFIG.set('cache', 'path', '~/.mutt-ldap.cache') # cache results here
+CONFIG.set('cache', 'path', '') # cache results here, defaults to XDG
CONFIG.set('cache', 'fields', '') # fields to cache (if empty, setup in the main block)
CONFIG.set('cache', 'longevity-days', '14') # TODO: cache results for 14 days by default