we don't want to exit here.
svn path=/main/trunk/; revision=8808
repodir = os.path.dirname(repodir)
def caterror(mycat):
- err(mycat+" is not an official category. Skipping QA checks in this directory.\nPlease ensure that you add "+catdir+" to "+repodir+"/profiles/categories\nif it is a new category.")
+ warn(mycat + " is not an official category. " + \
+ "Skipping QA checks in this directory.\n" + \
+ "Please ensure that you add " + catdir + \
+ " to " + repodir + "/profiles/categories\nif it is a new category.")
def parse_use_local_desc(mylines, usedict=None):
"""returns a dict of the form {cpv:set(flags)}"""