'git-svnimport' [ -o <branch-for-HEAD> ] [ -h ] [ -v ]
- [ -C <GIT_repository> ] [ -i ] [ -u ]
+ [ -C <GIT_repository> ] [ -i ] [ -u ] [-l limit_nr_changes]
[ -b branch_subdir ] [ -t trunk_subdir ] [ -T tag_subdir ]
[ -s start_chg ] [ -m ] [ -M regex ] [ <SVN_repository_URL> ]
regex. It can be used with -m to also see the default regexes.
You must escape forward slashes.
+-l <max_num_changes>::
+ Limit the number of SVN changesets we pull before quitting.
+ This option is necessary because the SVN library has serious memory
+ leaks; the recommended value for nontrivial imports is 100.
+ git-svnimport will still exit with a zero exit code. You can check
+ the size of the file ".git/svn2git" to determine whether to call
+ the importer again.
Verbosity: let 'svnimport' report what it is doing.
sub usage() {
print STDERR <<END;
Usage: ${\basename $0} # fetch/update GIT from CVS
- [-o branch-for-HEAD] [-h] [-v]
+ [-o branch-for-HEAD] [-h] [-v] [-l max_num_changes]
[-C GIT_repository] [-t tagname] [-T trunkname] [-b branchname]
[-i] [-u] [-s start_chg] [-m] [-M regex] [SVN_URL]
-getopts("b:C:hivmM:o:s:t:T:u") or usage();
+getopts("b:C:hil:mM:o:s:t:T:uv") or usage();
usage if $opt_h;
my $tag_name = $opt_t || "tags";
@ARGV <= 1 or usage();
$opt_o ||= "origin";
+$opt_l = 100 unless defined $opt_l;
my $git_tree = $opt_C;
$git_tree ||= ".";
while(++$current_rev < $svn->{'maxrev'}) {
+ if($opt_l and not --$opt_l) {
+ print STDERR "Exiting due to a memory leak. Repeat, please.\n";
+ last;
+ }
# Now switch back to the branch we were in before all of this happened
if($orig_branch) {
- print "DONE\n" if $opt_v;
+ print "DONE\n" if $opt_v and (not defined $opt_l or $opt_l > 0);
if $forward_master;
unless ($opt_i) {
} else {
$orig_branch = "master";
- print "DONE; creating $orig_branch branch\n" if $opt_v;
+ print "DONE; creating $orig_branch branch\n" if $opt_v and (not defined $opt_l or $opt_l > 0);
unless -f "$git_dir/refs/heads/master";