# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Bugs Everywhere. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# For urllib2 information, see
-# urllib2, from urllib2 - The Missing Manual
-# http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml
-# A dictionary of response codes is available in
-# httplib.responses
"""Define an HTTP-based :class:`~libbe.storage.base.VersionedStorage`
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import urllib
-import urllib2
import urlparse
import libbe
import libbe.version
+import libbe.util.http
+from libbe.util.http import HTTP_VALID, HTTP_USER_ERROR
from . import base
from libbe import TESTING
import libbe.command.serve
-HTTP_OK = 200
-"""Status returned to indicate exceptions on the server side.
-A BE-specific extension to the HTTP/1.1 protocol (See `RFC 2616`_).
-.. _RFC 2616: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec6.html#sec6.1.1
-class InvalidURL (Exception):
- def __init__(self, error=None, url=None, msg=None):
- Exception.__init__(self, msg)
- self.url = url
- self.error = error
- self.msg = msg
- def __str__(self):
- if self.msg == None:
- if self.error == None:
- return "Unknown URL error: %s" % self.url
- return self.error.__str__()
- return self.msg
-def get_post_url(url, get=True, data_dict=None, headers=[], agent=None):
- """Execute a GET or POST transaction.
- Parameters
- ----------
- url : str
- The base URL (query portion added internally, if necessary).
- get : bool
- Use GET if True, otherwise use POST.
- data_dict : dict
- Data to send, either by URL query (if GET) or by POST (if POST).
- headers : list
- Extra HTTP headers to add to the request.
- """
- if data_dict == None:
- data_dict = {}
- if agent is None:
- agent = USER_AGENT
- if get == True:
- if data_dict != {}:
- # encode get parameters in the url
- param_string = urllib.urlencode(data_dict)
- url = "%s?%s" % (url, param_string)
- data = None
- else:
- data = urllib.urlencode(data_dict)
- headers = dict(headers)
- headers['User-Agent'] = agent
- req = urllib2.Request(url, data=data, headers=headers)
- try:
- response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
- if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
- msg = ('We failed to connect to the server.\nURL: {}\n'
- 'Reason: {}').format(url, e.reason)
- elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
- msg = "The server couldn't fulfill the request.\nURL: %s\nError code: %s" \
- % (url, e.code)
- raise InvalidURL(error=e, url=url, msg=msg)
- page = response.read()
- final_url = response.geturl()
- info = response.info()
- response.close()
- return (page, final_url, info)
class HTTP (base.VersionedStorage):
""":class:`~libbe.storage.base.VersionedStorage` implementation over
Uses GET to retrieve information and POST to set information.
name = 'HTTP'
+ user_agent = 'BE-HTTP-Storage'
def __init__(self, repo, *args, **kwargs):
repo,self.uname,self.password = self.parse_repo(repo)
if self.uname != None and self.password != None:
headers.append(('Authorization','Basic %s' % \
('%s:%s' % (self.uname, self.password)).encode('base64')))
- return get_post_url(url, get, data_dict, headers)
+ return libbe.util.http.get_post_url(
+ url, get, data_dict, headers, agent=self.user_agent)
def storage_version(self, revision=None):
"""Return the storage format for this backend."""
page,final_url,info = self.get_post_url(
url, get=True,
- except InvalidURL, e:
+ except libbe.util.http.HTTPError, e:
if not (hasattr(e.error, 'code') and e.error.code in HTTP_VALID):
elif default == base.InvalidObject:
page,final_url,info = self.get_post_url(
url, get=False,
- except InvalidURL, e:
+ except libbe.util.http.HTTPError, e:
if not (hasattr(e.error, 'code') and e.error.code in HTTP_VALID):
if e.error.code == HTTP_USER_ERROR \
url, get=False,
data_dict={'summary':summary, 'body':body,
- except InvalidURL, e:
+ except libbe.util.http.HTTPError, e:
if not (hasattr(e.error, 'code') and e.error.code in HTTP_VALID):
if e.error.code == HTTP_USER_ERROR:
page,final_url,info = self.get_post_url(
url, get=True,
- except InvalidURL, e:
+ except libbe.util.http.HTTPError, e:
if not (hasattr(e.error, 'code') and e.error.code in HTTP_VALID):
if e.error.code == HTTP_USER_ERROR:
return page.rstrip('\n')
if TESTING == True:
- class GetPostUrlTestCase (unittest.TestCase):
- """Test cases for get_post_url()"""
- def test_get(self):
- url = 'http://bugseverywhere.org/'
- page,final_url,info = get_post_url(url=url)
- self.failUnless(final_url == url,
- 'Redirect?\n Expected: "%s"\n Got: "%s"'
- % (url, final_url))
- def test_get_redirect(self):
- url = 'http://physics.drexel.edu/~wking/code/be/redirect'
- expected = 'http://physics.drexel.edu/~wking/'
- page,final_url,info = get_post_url(url=url)
- self.failUnless(final_url == expected,
- 'Redirect?\n Expected: "%s"\n Got: "%s"'
- % (expected, final_url))
class TestingHTTP (HTTP):
name = 'TestingHTTP'
def __init__(self, repo, *args, **kwargs):
def __str__(self):
return self.string
error = __estr(self.status)
- raise InvalidURL(error=error, url=url, msg=output)
+ raise libbe.util.http.HTTPError(
+ error=error, url=url, msg=output)
info = dict(self.response_headers)
return (output, url, info)
def _init(self):
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright
+# For urllib2 information, see
+# urllib2, from urllib2 - The Missing Manual
+# http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml
+# A dictionary of response codes is available in
+# httplib.responses
+# but it is slow to load.
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+from libbe import TESTING
+ import unittest
+HTTP_OK = 200
+"""Status returned to indicate exceptions on the server side.
+A BE-specific extension to the HTTP/1.1 protocol (See `RFC 2616`_).
+.. _RFC 2616: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec6.html#sec6.1.1
+USER_AGENT = 'BE-agent'
+class HTTPError (Exception):
+ def __init__(self, error=None, url=None, msg=None):
+ Exception.__init__(self, msg)
+ self.url = url
+ self.error = error
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.msg is None:
+ if self.error is None:
+ return 'Unknown HTTP error: {}'.format(self.url)
+ return str(self.error)
+ return self.msg
+def get_post_url(url, get=True, data_dict=None, headers=[], agent=None):
+ """Execute a GET or POST transaction.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ url : str
+ The base URL (query portion added internally, if necessary).
+ get : bool
+ Use GET if True, otherwise use POST.
+ data_dict : dict
+ Data to send, either by URL query (if GET) or by POST (if POST).
+ headers : list
+ Extra HTTP headers to add to the request.
+ agent : str
+ User agent string overriding the BE default.
+ """
+ if data_dict is None:
+ data_dict = {}
+ if agent is None:
+ agent = USER_AGENT
+ if get is True:
+ if data_dict != {}:
+ # encode get parameters in the url
+ param_string = urllib.urlencode(data_dict)
+ url = '{}?{}'.format(url, param_string)
+ data = None
+ else:
+ data = urllib.urlencode(data_dict)
+ headers = dict(headers)
+ headers['User-Agent'] = agent
+ req = urllib2.Request(url, data=data, headers=headers)
+ try:
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+ if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
+ msg = ('We failed to connect to the server.\nURL: {}\n'
+ 'Reason: {}').format(url, e.reason)
+ elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
+ msg = ("The server couldn't fulfill the request.\nURL: {}\n"
+ 'Error code: {}').format(url, e.code)
+ raise HTTPError(error=e, url=url, msg=msg)
+ page = response.read()
+ final_url = response.geturl()
+ info = response.info()
+ response.close()
+ return (page, final_url, info)
+ class GetPostUrlTestCase (unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test cases for get_post_url()"""
+ def test_get(self):
+ url = 'http://bugseverywhere.org/'
+ page,final_url,info = get_post_url(url=url)
+ self.failUnless(final_url == url,
+ 'Redirect?\n Expected: "{}"\n Got: "{}"'.format(
+ url, final_url))
+ def test_get_redirect(self):
+ url = 'http://physics.drexel.edu/~wking/code/be/redirect'
+ expected = 'http://physics.drexel.edu/~wking/'
+ page,final_url,info = get_post_url(url=url)
+ self.failUnless(final_url == expected,
+ 'Redirect?\n Expected: "{}"\n Got: "{}"'.format(
+ expected, final_url))