Driver: acl7225b.o
Description: Adlink NuDAQ ACL-7225b & compatibles
-Author: José Luis Sánchez (
+Author: José Luis Sánchez (
Status: testing
Devices: [Adlink] ACL-7225b (acl7225b), [ICP] P16R16DIO (p16r16dio)
Driver: amplc_dio200.o
Description: Amplicon PC272E, PCI272
Author: Ian Abbott <>
-Devices: [Amplicon] PC272E (pc272e), PCI272 (pci272)
-Updated: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 13:13:13 +0000
+Devices: [Amplicon] PC212E (pc212e), PC214E (pc214e), PC215E (pc215e),
+ PCI215 (pci215), PC218E (pc218e), PC272E (pc272e), PCI272 (pci272)
+Updated: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 16:59:59 +0100
Status: works
-Configuration options - PC272E:
+Configuration options - PC212E, PC214E, PC215E, PC218E, PC272E:
[0] - I/O port base address
[1] - IRQ (optional, but commands won't work without it)
-Configuration options - PCI272:
+Configuration options - PCI215, PCI272:
[0] - PCI bus of device (optional)
[1] - PCI slot of device (optional)
If bus/slot is not specified, the first available PCI device will
- PC272E/PCI272
- -------------
- Subdevices 4
- 0 PPI-X
- 1 PPI-Y
- 2 PPI-Z
+ PC218E PC212E PC215E/PCI215
+ ------------- ------------- -------------
+ Subdevices 7 6 5
+ 2 CTR-Y1 CTR-Y2 CTR-Z1
+ 3 CTR-Y2 CTR-Z1 CTR-Z2
+ PC214E PC272E/PCI272
+ ------------- -------------
+ Subdevices 4 4
+ 2 CTR-Z1* PPI-Z
Each PPI is a 8255 chip providing 24 DIO channels. The DIO channels
Only mode 0 of the 8255 chips is supported.
-The 'INTERRUPT' subdevice pretends to be a digital input subdevice.
-The digital inputs come from the interrupt status register. The number
-of channels matches the number of interrupt sources.
+Each CTR is a 8254 chip providing 3 16-bit counter channels. Each
+channel is configured individually with INSN_CONFIG instructions. The
+specific type of configuration instruction is specified in data[0].
+Some configuration instructions expect an additional parameter in
+data[1]; others return a value in data[1]. The following configuration
+instructions are supported:
+ INSN_CONFIG_8254_SET_MODE. Sets the counter channel's mode and
+ BCD/binary setting specified in data[1].
+ INSN_CONFIG_8254_READ_STATUS. Reads the status register value for the
+ counter channel into data[1].
+ INSN_CONFIG_SET_CLOCK_SRC. Sets the counter channel's clock source as
+ specified in data[1] (this is a hardware-specific value). Not
+ supported on PC214E. For the other boards, valid clock sources are
+ 0 to 7 as follows:
+ 0. CLK n, the counter channel's dedicated CLK input from the SK1
+ connector. (N.B. for other values, the counter channel's CLKn
+ pin on the SK1 connector is an output!)
+ 1. Internal 10 MHz clock.
+ 2. Internal 1 MHz clock.
+ 3. Internal 100 kHz clock.
+ 4. Internal 10 kHz clock.
+ 5. Internal 1 kHz clock.
+ 6. OUT n-1, the output of counter channel n-1 (see note 1 below).
+ 7. Ext Clock, the counter chip's dedicated Ext Clock input from
+ the SK1 connector. This pin is shared by all three counter
+ channels on the chip.
+ INSN_CONFIG_GET_CLOCK_SRC. Returns the counter channel's current
+ clock source in data[1].
+ INSN_CONFIG_SET_GATE_SRC. Sets the counter channel's gate source as
+ specified in data[1] (this is a hardware-specific value). Not
+ supported on PC214E. For the other boards, valid gate sources are 0
+ to 7 as follows:
+ 0. VCC (internal +5V d.c.), i.e. gate permanently enabled.
+ 1. GND (internal 0V d.c.), i.e. gate permanently disabled.
+ 2. GAT n, the counter channel's dedicated GAT input from the SK1
+ connector. (N.B. for other values, the counter channel's GATn
+ pin on the SK1 connector is an output!)
+ 3. /OUT n-2, the inverted output of counter channel n-2 (see note
+ 2 below).
+ 4. Reserved.
+ 5. Reserved.
+ 6. Reserved.
+ 7. Reserved.
+ INSN_CONFIG_GET_GATE_SRC. Returns the counter channel's current gate
+ source in data[1].
+Clock and gate interconnection notes:
+ 1. Clock source OUT n-1 is the output of the preceding channel on the
+ same counter subdevice if n > 0, or the output of channel 2 on the
+ preceding counter subdevice (see note 3) if n = 0.
+ 2. Gate source /OUT n-2 is the inverted output of channel 0 on the
+ same counter subdevice if n = 2, or the inverted output of channel n+1
+ on the preceding counter subdevice (see note 3) if n < 2.
+ 3. The counter subdevices are connected in a ring, so the highest
+ counter subdevice precedes the lowest.
+The 'INTERRUPT' subdevice pretends to be a digital input subdevice. The
+digital inputs come from the interrupt status register. The number of
+channels matches the number of interrupt sources. The PC214E does not
+have an interrupt status register; see notes on 'INTERRUPT SOURCES'
- PC272E/PCI272
- -------------
- Sources 6
- 0 PPI-X-C0
- 1 PPI-X-C3
- 2 PPI-Y-C0
- 3 PPI-Y-C3
- 4 PPI-Z-C0
- 5 PPI-Z-C3
+ PC218E PC212E PC215E/PCI215
+ ------------- ------------- -------------
+ Sources 6 6 6
+ PC214E PC272E/PCI272
+ ------------- -------------
+ Sources 1 6
+ 1 PPI-X-C3
+ 2 PPI-Y-C0
+ 3 PPI-Y-C3
+ 4 PPI-Z-C0
+ 5 PPI-Z-C3
When an interrupt source is enabled in the interrupt source enable
register, a rising edge on the source signal latches the corresponding
in the interrupt source enable register (there is no separate interrupt
clear register).
+The PC214E does not have an interrupt source enable register or an
+interrupt status register; its 'INTERRUPT' subdevice has a single
+channel and its interrupt source is selected by the position of jumper
order they appear in the channel list.
-Support for PC212E, PC215E, PCI215 and possibly PC218E should be added.
-Apart from the PC218E, these consist of a mixture of 8255 DIO chips and
-8254 counter chips with software configuration of the clock and gate
-sources for the 8254 chips. (The PC218E has 6 8254 counter chips but
-no 8255 DIO chips.)
Driver: amplc_pc236.o
Description: Amplicon PC36AT, PCI236
+Driver: c6xdigio.o
+Description: Mechatronic Systems Inc. C6x_DIGIO DSP daughter card
+Author: Dan Block
+Status: unknown
+Devices: [Mechatronic Systems Inc.] C6x_DIGIO DSP daughter card (c6xdigio)
+Updated: Sun Nov 20 20:18:34 EST 2005
+This driver will not work with a 2.4 kernel.
Driver: cb_das16_cs.o
Description: Computer Boards PC-CARD DAS16/16
Devices: [ComputerBoards] PC-CARD DAS16/16 (cb_das16_cs), PC-CARD DAS16/16-AO
-Driver: cb_pcidas.o
-Description: MeasurementComputing PCI-DAS series with the AMCC S5933 PCI controller
-Author: Ivan Martinez <>,
- Frank Mori Hess <>
-Updated: 2003-3-11
-Devices: [Measurement Computing] PCI-DAS1602/16 (cb_pcidas),
- PCI-DAS1602/16jr, PCI-DAS1602/12, PCI-DAS1200, PCI-DAS1200jr,
- PCI-DAS1000, PCI-DAS1001, PCI_DAS1002
- There are many reports of the driver being used with most of the
- supported cards. Despite no detailed log is maintained, it can
- be said that the driver is quite tested and stable.
- The boards may be autocalibrated using the comedi_calibrate
- utility.
-Configuration options:
- [0] - PCI bus of device (optional)
- [1] - PCI slot of device (optional)
- If bus/slot is not specified, the first supported
- PCI device found will be used.
-For commands, the scanned channels must be consecutive
-(i.e. 4-5-6-7, 2-3-4,...), and must all have the same
-range and aref.
Driver: cb_pcidas64.o
Description: MeasurementComputing PCI-DAS64xx, 60XX, and 4020 series with the PLX 9080 PCI controller
Author: Frank Mori Hess <>
+Driver: cb_pcidas.o
+Description: MeasurementComputing PCI-DAS series with the AMCC S5933 PCI controller
+Author: Ivan Martinez <>,
+ Frank Mori Hess <>
+Updated: 2003-3-11
+Devices: [Measurement Computing] PCI-DAS1602/16 (cb_pcidas),
+ PCI-DAS1602/16jr, PCI-DAS1602/12, PCI-DAS1200, PCI-DAS1200jr,
+ PCI-DAS1000, PCI-DAS1001, PCI_DAS1002
+ There are many reports of the driver being used with most of the
+ supported cards. Despite no detailed log is maintained, it can
+ be said that the driver is quite tested and stable.
+ The boards may be autocalibrated using the comedi_calibrate
+ utility.
+Configuration options:
+ [0] - PCI bus of device (optional)
+ [1] - PCI slot of device (optional)
+ If bus/slot is not specified, the first supported
+ PCI device found will be used.
+For commands, the scanned channels must be consecutive
+(i.e. 4-5-6-7, 2-3-4,...), and must all have the same
+range and aref.
Driver: cb_pcidda.o
Description: MeasurementComputing PCI-DDA series
Author: Ivan Martinez <>, Frank Mori Hess <>
+Driver: comedi_bond.o
+Description: A driver to 'bond' (merge) multiple subdevices from multiple devices together as one.
+Author: ds
+Updated: Mon, 10 Oct 00:18:25 -0500
+Status: works
+This driver allows you to 'bond' (merge) multiple comedi subdevices
+(coming from possibly difference boards and/or drivers) together. For
+example, if you had a board with 2 different DIO subdevices, and
+another with 1 DIO subdevice, you could 'bond' them with this driver
+so that they look like one big fat DIO subdevice. This makes writing
+applications slightly easier as you don't have to worry about managing
+different subdevices in the application -- you just worry about
+indexing one linear array of channel id's.
+Right now only DIO subdevices are supported as that's the personal itch
+I am scratching with this driver. If you want to add support for AI and AO
+subdevs, go right on ahead and do so!
+Commands aren't supported -- although it would be cool if they were.
+Configuration Options:
+ List of comedi-minors to bond. All subdevices of the same type
+ within each minor will be concatenated together in the order given here.
Driver: comedi_parport.o
Description: Standard PC parallel port
Author: ds
+Driver: dmm32at.o
+Description: Diamond Systems mm32at driver.
+Author: Perry J. Piplani <>
+Updated: Fri Jun 4 09:13:24 CDT 2004
+Status: experimental
+This driver is for the Diamond Systems MM-32-AT board
+ It is being used
+on serveral projects inside NASA, without problems so far. For analog
+input commands, TRIG_EXT is not yet supported at all..
+Configuration Options:
+ comedi_config /dev/comedi0 dmm32at baseaddr,irq
Driver: dt2801.o
Description: Data Translation DT2801 series and DT01-EZ
Author: ds
+Driver: dt9812.o
+Description: Data Translation DT9812 USB module
+Author: (Anders Blomdell)
+Status: in development
+Devices: [Data Translation] DT9812 (dt9812)
+Updated: Sun Nov 20 20:18:34 EST 2005
+This driver works, but bulk transfers not implemented. Might be a starting point
+for someone else. I found out too late that USB has too high latencies (>1 ms)
+for my needs.
Driver: fl512.o
Description: unknown
Author: Anders Gnistrup <>
+Driver: ni_atmio16d.o
+Description: National Instruments AT-MIO-16D
+Author: Chris R. Baugher <>
+Status: unknown
+Devices: [National Instruments] AT-MIO-16 (atmio16), AT-MIO-16D (atmio16d)
Driver: ni_atmio.o
Description: National Instruments AT-MIO-E series
Author: ds
Status: works
Updated: Thu May 1 20:03:02 CDT 2003
-The driver now has (2.4) kernel isapnp support, and
+The driver has 2.6 kernel isapnp support, and
will automatically probe for a supported board if the
I/O base is left unspecified with comedi_config.
However, many of
-Driver: ni_atmio16d.o
-Description: National Instruments AT-MIO-16D
-Author: Chris R. Baugher <>
-Status: unknown
-Devices: [National Instruments] AT-MIO-16 (atmio16), AT-MIO-16D (atmio16d)
Driver: ni_daq_dio24.o
Description: National Instruments PCMCIA DAQ-Card DIO-24
Author: Daniel Vecino Castel <>
Driver: ni_pcimio.o
Description: National Instruments PCI-MIO-E series (all boards)
Author: ds, John Hallen, Frank Mori Hess, Rolf Mueller, Herbert Peremans,
- Herman Bruyninckx
+ Herman Bruyninckx, Terry Barnaby
Status: works
Devices: [National Instruments] PCI-MIO-16XE-50 (ni_pcimio),
PCI-MIO-16XE-10, PXI-6030E, PCI-MIO-16E-1, PCI-MIO-16E-4, PCI-6014, PCI-6040E,
PXI-6040E, PCI-6031E, PCI-6032E, PCI-6033E, PCI-6071E, PCI-6023E,
PCI-6024E, PCI-6025E, PXI-6025E, PCI-6034E, PCI-6035E, PCI-6052E,
- PCI-6110, PCI-6111, PCI-6711, PXI-6711, PCI-6713, PXI-6713,
+ PCI-6110, PCI-6111, PCI-6220, PCI-6221, PCI-6224, PCI-6225, PCI-6229,
+ PCI-6250, PCI-6251, PCI-6254, PCI-6259,
+ PCI-6280, PCI-6281, PCI-6284, PCI-6289,
+ PCI-6711, PXI-6711, PCI-6713, PXI-6713,
PXI-6071E, PXI-6070E,
PXI-6052E, PCI-6036E, PCI-6731, PCI-6733, PXI-6733
-Updated: Mon Jan 19 11:00:27 EST 2004
+ PCI-6143
+Updated: Tue Mar 21 17:40:10 EST 2006
These boards are almost identical to the AT-MIO E series, except that
they use the PCI bus instead of ISA (i.e., AT). See the notes for
memory. When DMA is enabled, not all triggering features are
-PCI IDs are not known for PCI-6731 and PCI-6733. Digital I/O may not
-work on 673x.
+Digital I/O may not work on 673x.
+Note that the PCI-6143 is a simultaineous sampling device with 8 convertors.
+With this board all of the convertors perform one simultaineous sample during
+a scan interval. The period for a scan is used for the convert time in a
+Comedi cmd. The convert trigger source is normally set to TRIG_NOW by default.
+Basic support for the RTSI trigger bus is supported on these cards on
+subdevice 10. See the comedilib documentation for details.
Information (number of channels, bits, etc.) for some devices may be
incorrect. Please check this and submit a bug if there are problems
for your device.
+The support for the M-Series boards is still under development.
not work correctly.
Driver: pcl730.o
Description: Advantech PCL-730 (& compatibles)
-Author: José Luis Sánchez (
+Author: José Luis Sánchez (
Status: untested
Devices: [Advantech] PCL-730 (pcl730), [ICP] ISO-730 (iso730),
[Adlink] ACL-7130 (acl7130)
+Driver: pcm3724.o
+Description: Advantech PCM-3724
+Author: Drew Csillag <>
+Devices: [Advantech] PCM-3724 (pcm724)
+Status: tested
+This is driver for digital I/O boards PCM-3724 with 48 DIO.
+It needs 8255.o for operations and only immediate mode is supported.
+See the source for configuration details.
+Copy/pasted/hacked from pcm724.c
Driver: pcm3730.o
Description: PCM3730
Author: Blaine Lee
+Driver: pcmda12.o
+Description: A driver for the Winsystems PCM-D/A-12
+Devices: (Winsystems) PCM-D/A-12 [pcmda12]
+Author: Calin Culianu <>
+Updated: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:01:01 -0500
+Status: works
+A driver for the relatively straightforward-to-program PCM-D/A-12.
+This board doesn't support commands, and the only way to set its
+analog output range is to jumper the board. As such,
+comedi_data_write() ignores the range value specified.
+The board uses 16 consecutive I/O addresses starting at the I/O port
+base address. Each address corresponds to the LSB then MSB of a
+particular channel from 0-7.
+Note that the board is not ISA-PNP capable and thus
+needs the I/O port comedi_config parameter.
+Note that passing a nonzero value as the second config option will
+enable "simultaneous xfer" mode for this board, in which AO writes
+will not take effect until a subsequent read of any AO channel. This
+is so that one can speed up programming by preloading all AO registers
+with values before simultaneously setting them to take effect with one
+read command.
+Configuration Options:
+ [0] - I/O port base address
+ [1] - Do Simultaneous Xfer (see description)
+Driver: pcmuio.o
+Description: A driver for the PCM-UIO48A and PCM-UIO96A boards from Winsystems.
+Devices: (Winsystems) PCM-UIO48A [pcmuio48], (Winsystems) PCM-UIO96A [pcmuio96]
+Author: Calin Culianu <>
+Updated: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:01:01 -0500
+Status: works
+A driver for the relatively straightforward-to-program PCM-UIO48A and
+PCM-UIO96A boards from Winsystems. These boards use either one or two
+(in the 96-DIO version) WS16C48 ASIC HighDensity I/O Chips (HDIO).
+This chip is interesting in that each I/O line is individually
+programmable for INPUT or OUTPUT (thus comedi_dio_config can be done
+on a per-channel basis). Also, each chip supports edge-triggered
+interrupts for the first 24 I/O lines. Of course, since the
+96-channel version of the board has two ASICs, it can detect polarity
+changes on up to 48 I/O lines. Since this is essentially an (non-PnP)
+ISA board, I/O Address and IRQ selection are done through jumpers on
+the board. You need to pass that information to this driver as the
+first and second comedi_config option, respectively. Note that the
+48-channel version uses 16 bytes of IO memory and the 96-channel
+version uses 32-bytes (in case you are worried about conflicts). The
+48-channel board is split into two 24-channel comedi subdevices.
+The 96-channel board is split into 4 24-channel DIO subdevices.
+Note that IRQ support has been added, but it is untested.
+To use edge-detection IRQ support, pass the IRQs of both ASICS
+(for the 96 channel version) or just 1 ASIC (for 48-channel version).
+Then, use use comedi_commands with TRIG_NOW.
+Your callback will be called each time an edge is triggered, and the data
+values will be two sample_t's, which should be concatenated to form one
+32-bit unsigned int. This value is the mask of channels that had
+edges detected from your channel list. Note that the bits positions
+in the mask correspond to positions in your chanlist when you specified
+the command and *not* channel id's!
+To set the polarity of the edge-detection interrupts pass a nonzero value for
+either CR_RANGE or CR_AREF for edge-up polarity, or a zero value for both
+CR_RANGE and CR_AREF if you want edge-down polarity.
+In the 48-channel version:
+On subdev 0, the first 24 channels channels are edge-detect channels.
+In the 96-channel board you have the collowing channels that can do edge detection:
+subdev 0, channels 0-24 (first 24 channels of 1st ASIC)
+subdev 2, channels 0-24 (first 24 channels of 2nd ASIC)
+Configuration Options:
+ [0] - I/O port base address
+ [1] - IRQ (for first ASIC, or first 24 channels)
+ [2] - IRQ for second ASIC (pcmuio96 only - IRQ for chans 48-72 .. can be the same as first irq!)
Driver: poc.o
Description: Generic driver for very simple devices
Author: ds
Description: University of Stirling USB DAQ & INCITE Technology Limited
Devices: [ITL] USB-DUX (usbdux.o)
Author: Bernd Porr <>
-Updated: 04 Jan 2005
+Updated: 23 May 2005
Status: Stable
Configuration options:
You have to upload firmware with the -i option. The
Description: ITL USB-DUXfast
Devices: [ITL] USB-DUX (usbduxfast.o)
Author: Bernd Porr <>
-Updated: 07 Feb 2005
+Updated: 12 Jun 2005
Status: testing