deb experimental gnutls
deb-src experimental gnutls
-And then adding the following to /etc/apt/preferences:
- Package: libgnutls26
- Pin: release o=The MonkeySphere Project
- Pin-Priority: 990
- Package: libgnutls26-dbg
- Pin: release o=The MonkeySphere Project
- Pin-Priority: 990
- Package: gnutls-bin
- Pin: release o=The MonkeySphere Project
- Pin-Priority: 990
- Package: gnutls-doc
- Pin: release o=The MonkeySphere Project
- Pin-Priority: 990
- Package: guile-gnutls
- Pin: release o=The MonkeySphere Project
- Pin-Priority: 990
- Package: gnutls-dev
- Pin: release o=The MonkeySphere Project
- Pin-Priority: 990
Next, run `aptitude update; aptitude install libgnuttls26`.
With the patched gnutls installed, you can feed your authentication sub
monkeysphere subkey-to-ssh-agent
-You may want to add this command to your ~/.xsession file so it is run
-automatically everytime you login.
FIXME: using the key with a single session?