--- /dev/null
+subarch: ppc
+version_stamp: 20040112
+target: grp
+rel_type: default
+rel_version: 1.4
+snapshot: 20040112
+source_subpath: default-ppc-1.4/stage3-ppc-20040112
+grp: cd1 cd2 src
+ gtk2
+ gnome
+ kde
+ qt
+ bonobo
+ cdr
+ directfb
+ esd
+ gtkhtml
+ mozilla
+ mysql
+ perl
+ postgres
+ ruby
+ tcltk
+ acl
+ cups
+ ldap
+ ssl
+ tcpd
+grp/cd1/type: pkgset
+ iptables
+ gpm
+ rp-pppoe
+ ppp
+# wvdial (not building correctly)
+ pciutils
+ hdparm
+ hotplug
+ pmud
+ pbbuttonsd
+ powerprefs
+ aumix
+ xfree
+ iputils
+ vcron
+ sysklogd
+ metalog
+ syslog-ng
+ raidtools
+ mac-fdisk
+ #xfsprogs
+ reiserfsprogs
+ lvm-user
+ dosfstools
+ yaboot
+ quik
+ ppc-sources
+ ppc-sources-benh
+ ppc-sources-dev
+ ppc-development-sources
+ superadduser
+ gentoolkit
+#USE effects for these?:
+ dante
+ tsocks
+ chkrootkit
+ minicom
+ lynx
+ rpm2targz
+ parted
+ rdate
+ whois
+ tcpdump
+ cvs
+ unzip
+ zip
+ netcat
+ partimage
+ lukemftp
+ lcrzoex
+# genkernel
+#We have to switch to xautoconf
+ xeasyconf
+ genflags
+ screen
+ joe
+ vile
+ nfs-utils
+ mirrorselect
+ ufed
+ dev-lang/tcl
+ dev-lang/tk
+grp/cd2/type: pkgset
+ DirectFB
+ apache
+ app-cdr/cdrtools
+ gnome
+ gtkpbbuttons
+ powerprefs
+ evolution
+ cups
+ dev-db/mysql
+ dev-db/postgresql
+ dev-lang/ruby
+ emacs
+#enlightenment has a build problem if USER!=root
+# enlightenment
+ fluxbox
+ kde
+ libsdl
+ links
+ mozilla
+#will be unmasked asap
+ #xfce4
+ openbox
+# gentoo-ppc prefers the ximian flavour, to be unmasked asap
+ openoffice-ximian
+ sylpheed
+ vim
+ xemacs
+ xmms
+#use interactions?
+ mozilla-firebird
+ abiword
+ gaim
+ tetex
+ xcdroast
+#endian issue
+# kdrive
+ samba
+ nmap
+ gradm
+ gradm2
+ ettercap
+ xchat
+grp/src/type: srcset
+#isdn4k-utils was a binary pkg in 1.4, so we will need to get docs updated
+#since it's kernel-dependent? maybe?
+ iproute
+ wireless-tools
+ pcmcia-cs
+#not yet on stable
+ #evms
+ linux-wlan-ng
+ mol